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Posts posted by DanA

  1. 1 hour ago, sixte said:

     I am the one who expressed this opinion, and please keep calm and do not shout.

    I have given all arguments already. You insist, and you spread other pure propaganda stuff I do not quote because I do not think this Thread shoud accept them.

    I shall only answer about homosex in France. It is totally tabooed if schoolboys (or girls) are concerned. You may not know about, not living in. I even should not mention this topic, it is against the law (I mean in France). Have a look at


    So, I stated that HaiLuoyin series could not have been produced in France. I shall add this for your well understanding (if you are not just her to spread some propaganda) : even if produced, nobody would take the risk to shoot it. And even if filmed, nobody would dare to show it. It is forbidden and anybody who dares incurs prison and fines sentenced.

    Of course you can object the age of the actors. And indeed, even in HaiLuoyin series, the actors are much more than the supposed age in the film. Nevermind, in France you would be scrutinized to know what the supposed and "played" age is. In here, I would say 15 years if I look at the level in mathematics and English.

    In the novel it is said 15-6, if I remember well, but anyway the novel is so far away i graphic scene, it is another story.

    Beside all that, I already stated how uninhibited the series was concerning homosex. This is completely new to any one in any country. And the fact that this could have been produced and aired in China and by China is a great improvement fir the image that China project to the ROW (the Rest Of the World). No matter the ban. The ban is an episode and it helped a lot to have it shown and known all over the world with such beautiful cast and such a fit with the "real". So, yes, China is winning in the game of image ! Against propaganda.


    "Beside all that, I already stated how uninhibited the series was concerning homosex. This is completely new to any one in any country. And the fact that this could have been produced and aired in China and by China is a great improvement fir the image that China project to the ROW (the Rest Of the World). No matter the ban. The ban is an episode and it helped a lot to have it shown and known all over the world with such beautiful cast and such a fit with the "real". So, yes, China is winning in the game of image ! Against propaganda."

    You lost me there. You bragging about something being produced, but you "intentionally" disregard to the fact that it was banned by SAFRT. I get with the underage, but the regulation was clear ... Chinese media against showing "homosexuality". How are you winning then? Come again"

    Second, your statement "I have given all arguments already. You insist, and you spread other pure propaganda stuff I do not quote because I do not think this Thread shoud accept them." So is SAFRT going to ban this Soompi thread? Oh my!!  It is not propaganda my dear, it is called "freedom to express oneself", you might be new to such concept. Was it something new to you?

    Third, your comment " So, yes, China is winning in the game of image ! Against propaganda." what propaganda? what game of image are you talking about?

    Finally, "China is a great improvement fir the image that China project to the ROW (the Rest Of the World)"  again, what image? I am sure it is not the economic prospect, government should focus on fixing their economic policies because the "ROW" is being dragged along with them. At least, in this aspect, the people of China will receive benefits and appreciate their government, than the for it to spend its resources on making "ban" just to show force. :)

    • Like 3
  2. Given that they cannot share the same stage together, it is more difficult to pursue with S2.. My hope is still high, given such time, they could improve their acting, pursue what they want, etc....

    And there is some post about China was victorious because their regulation is the same with France. I mean what?? hahaha! France is already accepting homosexuality in real life not just on screen, gay couples there could even adopt kids, not to mention transsexuality (that would be another subject, they could not handle it)

    Another thing, why of all why would you compare the China "victory" to a State who first brought democracy and liberty, they were the model which the United States of America followed. Among all states, France?. Compare China to another communist country like North Korea.

    China did left a "great" impression.... that we do have a better political system than them, I just appreciated our democracy even more.

    I am saddened of the turn of events, but not hopeless or broken. My hunches are correct and given the track of things, SAFRT will be in for a surprise. On this matter, I will not reveal. :phew:

    By the way, no one can even "try" to control human emotions, brainwashed, yeah??, but not with feelings. it is impossible like setting fire to the rain. LOL!

    • Like 11
  3. "They (SAFRT) may prohibit or ban, but they cannot control human emotions" I feel vindicated hahaha!!

    I care about Addicted S2, but goodness gracious, this more than I wished for - more real-life drama!! Sorry romeo + juliet, YuZhou is just *speechless*

    Though there is the "ban", at least we KNOW and REALIZE the extent of it, and how the boys are feeling about it. 

    *pessimism mode* I am waiting for new SAFRT rules after they learned the Bangkok FM, be safe YuZhou, nonetheless... SAFRT always ends up the loser

    • Like 11
  4. Quote

    The question now is who can influence the SARFT? If we follow the typical Chinese way, then it would require them to tow the line by remaining low profile. They should not be interacting with one another or fans and no production houses should hire them. In other words, they should vanish for a while. Otherwise, you are challenging the authorities. We need to give SARFT "face".

    Then maybe, just maybe, they can be like Tang Wei, who is able to star in films again... many years later.

    Can fandom change that? Maybe a phone call from Obama, Tsai Ying Wen and Putin sharing how they loved the show would help. If they have concrete evidence that the show actually improves China's image in the world that will gain their attention. Otherwise, I really don't see why the authorities would care. To them, they are two pesky flies that needs to be swatted to ensure an harmonious society...


    But my dear,  you do not need to change or influence the "SARFT" to get the objective done.. there are legal ways to do it,.. you can express it just avoiding the prying eyes of the public... again what am pertaining to our two private individuals interaction.. honestly, no matter how much the government wanted to portray to the world a harmonious society like *ehem* good economy *ehem*, they cannot intrude into a person's thoughts and hearts... though they could punish or prohibit, no law or policy can change one's feelings and emotions.. 

    • Like 5
  5. Finally! I have come to realized my "addiction" on this webseries..

    Don't you see guys, the series is becoming REAL!! The actors are becoming the character themselves (with added twists) and the plot just widens

    It will be HJY-ZZ's pairing versus the government censorhip (SARFT) (Gu Hai's father) and despite the ban, they prove to people that they can follow it BUT still continuing to admire/love each other and COURAGEOUSLY EXPRESS them, that is why every contact, communication, touch, furtive glances is very meaningful. It is like use the opportunity when you have it.


    But don't you worry guys, we have many, many supporters who are willing to protect them and their love for each other , we might encounter many detractors (e.g. issue makers), but have  also "unexpected" allies on our side.. now with the entrance of FS's issues to make things more complicated, the situation gets more enthralling!


    No need to separate the thread, because the webseries has just shifted to REAL-LIFE INTENSE DRAMA :w00t::w00t::wub::wub:  ....(we might have the influence to assure a good ending)


    • Like 12
  6. 1 hour ago, swong2330 said:

    OMG, I agree 100%. I just mentioned something like this in another thread. "But, the problem with culture is it doesnt matter if it's right or wrong, it's what most people will follow or feel there. It doesn't matter whether we accept it or not, it will still exist. And we, especially as international fans, cannot do much, we cannot change another countries' laws or cannot hire the boys, or anything. We can only support them and pray for them, while they are the ones out their fighting their own fights. That's why I am worried especially because our hands are tied up so much."


    I don't know waht your situation is, but seriously dude! What if our boys gets arrested on some false charges tonight, what are you gonna do? Will you seriously follow through your advice? Who will accompany you? How many? North Korea! Was mentioning them even necessary. Their programs are going to get censorerd. Isnt that enough? We can say a lot of stuff, and make a lot of claims, but the fact remains that 99% of us don't even have the grit to truly support our ship. We just want to satisfy our selfish desires. !!


    Seriously dude Chill! You got your premises wrong. I am not advising to protest on the streets..... yet. What I am saying is that "if anything bad happens to JY or ZZ caused by the government then all hell break loose." I am not advising, I am expressing my opinions out (if you know what I mean).

    To tell you the truth, what the government band or reaction of ZZ/YY is just insecure way to show that they have power.. China has been a lot of issues lately if you notice, downed economy, detaining a Hong Kong-based bookwriter, circulating letter for the president to resign, and rounging up all the relatives of the 'dissidents'.. They started with a ban, it backfired instead, ZZ and JY gained popularity and who boosted their stardom??? international fans?? A significant number of people of China themselves! and it sends a message to the government.... "we are not following you anymore." This is the worst opponent the Communist government has to deal with, its own constituents.. Chinese government is treading on dangerous ground, one false move and it would cause misinterpretation and backlash.


    And about your statement: "We can say a lot of stuff, and make a lot of claims, but the fact remains that 99% of us don't even have the grit to truly support our ship. We just want to satisfy our selfish desires. !!"

    Who are you to claim for me? for us? We support our ship :angry: through thick or thin. And if there are those who wanted to satisfy their selfish desires it is the Chinese Government and their ban and those 'persons'  who support it


    And North Korea?? - you do not take it seriously though. hahaha! I mean their leader gave a lot of threats, but just threats.. Why are you bothered? scared? don't be.

    • Like 17
  7. Johnny liking a video of BLY and GH is more of an appreciation of the storyline or the story's character, rather a confirmation of YuZhou relationship, if indeed.... I hope Johnny is prepared just in case Timmy does not reciprocate it the way Johnny wants it to be that is me trying to control my delulu who am I kidding? YuZhou all the way!!! ...... Just a sign from Timmy would make the YuZhou ship into a spaceship 

    • Like 7
  8. 2 hours ago, skeletonworks said:


    Hidden Content


    @2:37 OMG did Johnny really asked Zhouzhou if he's going out on White Day??!!!! #YuZhouConspiracy :w00t::w00t: And I just love how their hands are touching so much in this!! And that sitting pose Johnny ugh so freaking sexy!!!! #ZhouYu


    Uh-oh someone was not informed/oriented?  Hahaha Let us not spoil the "date" and JY's moves

    • Like 1
  9. I don't know if I can cure my "addiction," but it is less likely and it is not because of JY, ZZ, CJD or the government ban, but you forumers!! Hahaha! You guys are gonna give me a heart attack! Just calm your richard simmons and hope for the best

    If JY indeed deleted ZZ-related pics, whatever his reason is, let us respect it. Social media was never meant to prove a fact. It can be subjected to different interpretations. Let us not conclude hastily :)

    I doubt he does not want to be associated with ZZ. I mean he is his close friend (or lover?). But, lately, rumors bullying are now in the medium of social media. I will just wait for JY's comment.

    For ZZ's album, I doubt the government will meddle on that matter because of homophobic policy. If indeed, then ZZ's career should down slope from the start. Anything related to JY or ZZ should have been stopped, the moment its popularity hit the international scene. Instead, it goes better. Let us savor the moment, you cannot make two people "rush" into love :wub:

    • Like 10
  10. 3 hours ago, savekaya said:

    Saw this weibo post and found it interesting.

    "粉丝私信让我说说@Johnny黄景瑜 :他目前没有签约任何一家公司,网上的爆料均为谣言。但有天娱、于正、锋芒、山影、华谊等公司同时都向他抛出橄榄枝,但都没接受;景瑜前景很好,戏路很宽,虽不是科班出身,但演技确实不错,不论现代还是古装都能hold住。现实中的鲸鱼是个不折不扣的直男,以前有圈内男星追求过,但没答应。"

    trans: Fans requested for me to talk a bit about Johnny: He's currently not under any company(hasn't sign on any contract) and related news before were all rumors. Many companies have approached him however he rejected them. He has a bright future ahead and can act in various kind of shows. Although he didn't graduate from an arts school, he's acting is pretty good regardless it being modern days drama or the historical type. In reality, he's of no doubt a straight man, and some male celebrity wooed him once, but was rejected.

    What caught my eye was the last line.

    @savekaya johnny is not gay, because his eyes are set only for zhouzhou HAHAHAHA

    3 hours ago, savekaya said:

    Saw this weibo post and found it interesting.

    "粉丝私信让我说说@Johnny黄景瑜 :他目前没有签约任何一家公司,网上的爆料均为谣言。但有天娱、于正、锋芒、山影、华谊等公司同时都向他抛出橄榄枝,但都没接受;景瑜前景很好,戏路很宽,虽不是科班出身,但演技确实不错,不论现代还是古装都能hold住。现实中的鲸鱼是个不折不扣的直男,以前有圈内男星追求过,但没答应。"

    trans: Fans requested for me to talk a bit about Johnny: He's currently not under any company(hasn't sign on any contract) and related news before were all rumors. Many companies have approached him however he rejected them. He has a bright future ahead and can act in various kind of shows. Although he didn't graduate from an arts school, he's acting is pretty good regardless it being modern days drama or the historical type. In reality, he's of no doubt a straight man, and some male celebrity wooed him once, but was rejected.

    What caught my eye was the last line.

    @savekaya johnny is not gay, because his eyes are set only for zhouzhou HAHAHAHA

    • Like 1
  11. What an explosion!!! Thank you mchansk07!!

    33 minutes ago, mchansk07 said:

    @mym999 i will try to summarize that part if you want to know. hope my memory doesn't fail me here, been quite a while since the last time i read.

    WARNING!!! book 2 spoiler ahead, restricted to +18 only!


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    sorry for supeeerrrr long summary, hope it doesn't make you bored. i'll stop here for now. 

    ps: my chinese is poor, so please forgive me if i made mistake above. i'm looking forward for better translations though :)







    In celebration of 100+ pages :) more spoilers please

    • Like 8
  12. "Preparing for season 2" - the production still continues :) it just that the media wont allow it to be broadcasted in the mainland, it is absurd to produce it on your country but unable to sell the product to the same market considering it is most accessible., i do not expect less from a communist gov't, media restriction is there to prevent foreign idea interest,.... i just dont get how homosexuality would threaten their national ideal or integrity.. but then again, if there is increase in revenue brought by the series to the govt, it would be a game-changer.. Fellow Filipinos please speak in english or couple it with translation, so as not to make anyone left out :)

    *feel left out

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