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Posts posted by 2young123

  1. [TRANS] 150304 Wooyoung ranking box Interview

    Wooyoung: While Being Conscious of the Two Who Debuted Solo Ahead of Him and Without Being Shaken from His Direction, He Let Out His Own Color

    From K-POP group 2PM, who have conquered the world not only in Japan, comes vocalist Wooyoung's solo debut following Junho and Jun. K. Within the group they each play a constant important role and the true ability of their singing is authentic. Having his own unique style from those two, we took down what message he wants to convey right now, and that he wants fans to feel that he is giving them a bouquet of "R.O.S.E" (roses). Directly before his showcase lives which started in the first few days of February, we asked him about his feelings on "R.O.S.E."

    Solo debut? Although I was nervous at first, I was also full of excitement and anticipation

    ---First of all, what was your mental state like when it was decided that you would release a Japanese solo single?
    Wooyoung: I truly felt the love from so many fans while promoting as 2PM. When I heard from the staff that I would be releasing a solo single in Japan amidst that, I wondered what I should do for this project and it gave me a heavy sense of responsibility. At the forefront of my worries, I frankly wondered if I would be able to pull it off by myself. However, that isn't to say that my uneasiness always followed me around. Co-existing with it was excitement and anticipation and I thought, "What kind of preparations should I make?"

    ---When exactly did your project start progressing?
    Wooyoung: I started talking about it last year. Since the staff and I exchanged ideas for awhile I can't say exactly when it started, however after the release was decided I began making the overall concept for the showcase, CD jacket, and contents of the single. When I first relayed the image that came from my ideas, the staff gave me feedback such as, "Will it be possible to make this into reality?" and "Can you pull off something as good as this?" Regardless whether it was day or night, many discussions and revisions piled up and things got confirmed one by one.

    ---With a method of having to progress through discussions, did you worry about Junho and Jun. K who made their solo debut ahead of you?
    Wooyoung: It wouldn't be wise to not be conscious [of their solos]. It isn't possible to perfectly predict what concept the members would end up doing or what they would plan to do next time, but I know what kind of music they like to a certain extent. However, in the midst of that I went about it so as not to shake the direction of what I wanted to do. The songs that were recorded for the "R.O.S.E" single were new creations made specifically for this album while keeping all of the fans in mind.

    There is something strangely charming about the thorns on a rose with which it protects itself

    ---What is the reason behind naming the title song "R.O.S.E"?
    Wooyoung: I hoped the title track would be a "funky and lively song." I made the lyrics into something simple and pure. What suited these two things was "R.O.S.E." The reason the young girl's voice is in the song is because I wanted a pure voice full of energy with no anxiety whatsoever. Rather than with the nuance of a vocalist, I wanted vibrant excitement. However, I had so many worries, that this song was the very last to be fully completed. The reason why is because, after all, the title track would end up containing my greed. Despite working on it smoothly, various ideas would come to mind and there were many trials and errors since I kept wanting to make the music even better. It could be called a difficult task.

    ---Was there a motif for the lyrics?
    Wooyoung: I suppose there is a lot of "I'll protect you" in the song, right? However, when I looked at roses they gave off a feeling that they have thorns so that they can protect themselves. I thought of it as a mysterious charm.

    ---How did you complete the music video?
    Wooyoung: If I summed it up in one phrase, it became something humorous (laugh). I wasn't thinking about trying to look cool. On the contrary I acted cute and playful. After all, "R.O.S.E" is a song about a super confident man.... There is a rose-like woman in it and there's a pleasant part about being intoxicated with such a woman and understanding her more than anyone else. Therefore, I thought putting on a cool attitude wouldn't suit the MV. I wanted to make it a video that would enliven the heart when watching it.

    Not just the facial expressions, outfit, and flower arrangement, but the rose illustration... I want you to imagine various things from the CD jacket

    ---On that topic, the CD jacket is refreshing as well.
    Wooyoung: But you must think "What is this?" (laugh).

    ---I didn't think "What is it?" (laugh), however since the coupling track is a ballad, I guess I thought I could feel the gap?
    Wooyoung: I think that more than making music, lyrics are the most important. Even if the words are mundane, if you take in the method of expression with it, you will be able to feel the deep emotions. It's just that, since I also perform it, I think about the way to show it at the same time. Although I think it's fine to perform it just with the emotions that are entwined in the lyrics, if it's too deep and heavy then it could be that you end up not being able to communicate with the listener. Even so that doesn't mean I made it easy to understand this time for that reason; I want you to think about the bright image. "Why is he wearing these kinds of clothes, why is he making this kind of expression, what is the meaning behind his smile?" I wanted to arouse your curiosity and make you wonder those kinds of things. I thought it would be great if that curiosity led to the beginning of communication and discussions.

    ---Did you draw the illustration of the rose, Wooyoung?
    Wooyoung: I can't draw that well (laugh). I might have been able to draw it myself but I wanted to have a collaboration with the creator. Therefore, while it might not be eye-catching, it's actually my favorite illustration in the CD jacket and it's not a graphic but a watercolor painting. With it not being a bouquet of flowers, it became the sole rose in the world. I wasn't able to meet the illustrator in person, but since we communicated many times and worked on it together, I want to express my gratitude here instead.

    ---You said that you thought of having the premium showcase tour when you started working (on your album), but were your preparations already complete? (*This interview was taken within the first 10 days of February)
    Wooyoung: Yes. I think it will become a performance in which the people who come to see me will really sense my easy and carefree self. There will be a side to me that is different from when I'm with the group, and from the performances to the MCs I have to bear all of it alone.

    JPN-ENG: dawnjelly
    Source: http://rankingbox.jp/article/11571
    May be taken out with proper credit.

  2. class="H" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;"@yantz3 I liked it when you screamed Wooyoung so laoud.. and then tac was like did you guys hear that.... OH you are so lucky, I wish that I was there and scream his name loud like you did ..

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