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Posts posted by TIPTIPPITPIT

  1. @Yeekrfan2 : Thanks for the info , I will still watch this drama with curiosity :P

    @mdolphins : I do agree with You , hope K-Version will be like that altough none of K-Drama that I watched before have happy ending for all the characters.
    ** I hope My comment not categorized as spoiler , if it does sorry for not using spoiler tag because I don't know yet how to :P
    @frankreich : Can U give Me the link for video version of the gif CJH and JYJ on INR ?

  2. @tiaraisnap: Welcome back!!! :) There were some pics of CJH dancing Rainism in the earlier pages. I think there was a video as well - but I can't really remember now. (Pardon my old and wonky memory.) But you need to go back quite a few pages to find it. @booha would know better.

  3. @booha : Glad to hear that ^^ , I just finished downloading six episodes . I want to finish it tomorrow because from the screen cap and the comment on the site where I downloaded the file seem that this drama have to be watched :D
    And of course because of Our HOT HyukHyuk ^^
    Aah , is there any video about CJH dance rainism ?

  4. AAAAAAAAKKKK . .I missed so many things about Our HyukHyuk :'(
    I even don't know that Fated To Love You has been airing :'( , I will in hurry to finish read all the update and download the drama . .
    When I see HyukHyuk picture as Daniel what can I say just "OH MY GOD . . OH MY GOD" , I DO LOVE THIS MAN !! :*

  5. @celes80 : The one that I really endure when watched that drama is KSS , haha . I like the scene when IY got drunk on the day BSH gave His resignment letter , BSH and IY were cute there . .

    Thanks for the translation article , I do love the part when He was being asked about wife , marriage and family . He is indeed best 'Husband wanna be' candidate :))

    @PolarisCat : Send My thanks to everyone that contributed to make EC Concert in EngSub , I just got chance to download it and the video will kill the time when I go back home after working ^^
    Thanks to share it here . .

  6. @abcchin : The Heirs is like a treasure for Me now , because I do like both of Them (LMH and CJH) . So Happy to see Them sat together on SBS Drama Award >o<
    Yeah , for Me His hair makes Him older but that no matter He still as AWESOME as usual . I love it too when He speaks Russian , He must be try hard to speak that line clearly :D
    I laugh a lot with His expression to the tiger pants that His fiancee showed , I imagine how He looks with just that pants on . Maybe that will be good picture for Men's Health cover ? LOL .
    But even without shirtless , His hand abs just too sexy to ignore . In LOVE with His serious eyes gaze >o<

    Open ending is just much better I think , Jazz Bar ? Aah when BSH gave IY the ring and ticket plane to SG ? Yeah , BSH words on that scene was sad for Me . The words showed how much He loves IY , aah stupid IY let go of this Man . .

    INDEED , such a perfect package He is . No one will reject Him as a son in law I think :D . .

  7. @booha : I also doubt that one is Him , but that one sat with the others 3 of main lead so I thought that maybe that one is really Him :D

    Aah have anyone read CJH's interview with Grazia ? I read that from the link on fychoijinhyuk.tumblr.com . .
    To Me here are His answer that I like the most and make Me love Him even more :*

    You think you’re “manly”?
    I think a man must be manly.

    Is it different when you’re in a relationship?

    It’s a 180 degree turn. When I’m in a relationship, I use a lot of aegyo. I use a nickname instead of using her name. The tone of my voice is a little bit higher.

    Do you ever feel greedy about this world?
    I have no greed for money or fame. The only reason I want to earn money is because I want to give it to my parents. I have no interest in having a nice car or a nice house.

    Men usually want fame.
    When I was young, I wanted to be a powerful man. At some point, it didn’t matter to me anymore. I just want to be a good son to my parents.

  8. @celes80 : Thanks for the translation , enjoy reading it very much ^^
    U should give it a try to watch INR , altough the end was disappointing Me but CJH's character is outstanding and He is really good looking in there :P
    I still can't get over EC effect too , haha . I even rewatched a scene that good for Me , but I am starting to watch Panda and MDTF (without engsub and just get a clue from the recap -_-")

    @yeekfran2 & @mdolphins : I just realize about that weakness , actually the fact that BSH can't drink on INR not really makes Me think that as a weakness . But I felt that weakness on Panda when I watched a video with His Panda scene , ckck even the storyline try to decrease how outstanding He is :P

    @alex1999 : The most important thing is the situation back to normal , right ? This decision to cancel the FM must be for the sake of everybody not only CJH but also all the people who will attend the event ^^

    @abcchin : We are on same boat ^^ , last night I watched Heirs cut , EC and also just finsihed watching FGIU . Aaaah altough His character a little bit rude but He is still COOL and HOT , I hope He will appear again in that drama . Have U watched it ?
    For the Men's Health pictures , I want to say thanks :D . I am already at office and I almost scream when see those pictures LOL . .
    I am agree with @ihjj , why there are no shirtless pictures ? Actually I am preparing My self to see His sexy sixpack when I know He did photoshoot for that magazine :))

    @yhiyori1221 : I have not finished watching Panda so I don't know there is that line , hehe . I like it when He said SZ tagline , I almost forget that one :D

    @polariscat : Your post is the second one that makes Me almost screaming :)) , I am really waiting for that . Directly share that video , I hope with HD quality because the one I have is on standard quality . .

    Aah I almost forget , I just want to ask that question like @sunshine4ever asked too . Is that Him the one with red outer beside WJW ? There should be the close up one of Him :(

  9. @mdolphins : The end is the most bad ending I've ever seen -_-" and what was that with the way IY and SS came back together ? Is that just like that ? I am kinda , WHAT ? Are U joking ?
    Indeed Me too , I just will rewatch CJH's part . Hope there is a video with all the CJH's scene so I don't need to see other scene when looking for CJH's scene , the one on My external hdd don't include all His scene . .

    YEP , His first appearance stole My heart . And I know , He had that AWESOME physical since long time ago :D
    I really like when He brought IY to run to heal Her hurt after reading SS's rumors on magazine (not expected He did that on purpose, I thought They should run over something :P) and how BSH try hard to hide the magazine so IY could not see it was just sweet :")There was many scene that showed CJH cuteness ^^ in this drama even when He felt annoyed by IY , one of My favorite is when He said He is ok after holding His head and act as He had headache (that scene is when They go on dinner) :D
    The one that really touched Me was when BSH holds IY hands from behind while IY pour water to BSH glass :* :") , that time BSH was with His bussiness friend . This scene right before They broke up . .For Me that scene has deep and many meaning , without a word and just by holding hands They were like transfering what was felt by each other . I was like "OMG , THAT IS A MAN !!" I even directly sit down from lying down while watching before :))
    That's good then if U think like that :D , I am just afraid this topic will be like a spam to who read it :P
    Your eyes are really sharp then to can catch this HOT Guy :D , I even just can see the "GREAT" of Him when watch EC *Sorry Choi Jin Hyuk ssi for being late aware how AWESOME U are ;)*

  10. @abcchin : Aaah I really LOVE CJH serious face like in that photo :D , make Him hotter :D
    Yep , indeed . Actually INR is My first experience going through 2nd lead male fever , maybe because I watch it after being CJH fans ? But when I think about it carefully indeed in this drama the main lead male not really show the great thing about Him except He has been dating IY for 10 years and accept IY just the way She is , haha but of course He will because He is no one when He started dating IY . If He already became Director I think He will not even date IY :)) , He even cheated IY after been dating for 10 years right ?
    About the second male lead is more good looking I am sure this is not because I watch it after being CJH fans because I also asked My friend as a netral side and She is with Me . She also think that CJH is more good looking than the other guy , He even said CJH is the main lead male when I showed the scene and asked which one the main lead male. Thruthfully the good looking gap between both of them is really far :D , CJH as BSH just really too stunning >o<
    *Sorry maybe actually to talk about INR is out of date and topic , but U know I am really upset with the end of this drama . Just think about it makes Me angry , LOL*

  11. @mdolphins : Me too , looking on His gesture when He said "Hi Krystal, what's up !" makes Me laugh . That is really annoyed JH though . .
    ALL : The main lead female on INR should end up with BSH , He is just perfect !! >o< Even if IY don't want to change Her identity , BSH will find a way to make Them end up together without losing anything. And no offense , how can second lead male is more good looking than the main lead male :P
    July will be the brightest month for Us , We will both watch Him on Movie and Drama . Aah really can't wait for it , He really don't leave Us empty handed . Many things We enjoy about Him this year before He will go to army :')

  12. @celes80 : Haha , on the newest photo that U posted He has seven kinds of beverages and even there is 3 coffees with two bottles from same brand . Daebakkkk . .
    @booha : Can't imagine how full His stomatch with all of that , I think He will directly go to bathroom after the end of fans signing . :P
    @yeekrfan2 : That makes sense , but what a pity the fans who attended the fans signing can't see one of the best thing from Him : His eyes when He smile ^^ because He covered His eyes with that sunglasses . .

  13. @twisti : Thanks for sharing that to Us , I am smiling when I read about what Choi Jin Hyuk did to U and that makes My Love to Him growing more and more . Btw, what Your reason come to that FM ? As Jin Hyuk Fans or RM Fans ? ^^
    @celes80 : How can U always found great videos and photos of Him ? The things U share make My monday shining brightly , haha . .He is really awesome on that outfit in His Fans Signing , LOVE it :*
    Btw , I just realize that there are 4 different kinds of beverage on His table :)) . Did He drink all of that ? He must be really thristy , LOL . .

  14. celes80 said:

    @tiaraisnap - You asked how one could have gotten the opportunity to shake hands with CJH and SJH at the meet-and-greet @ Square2.  To do that, you must have tickets for the EC Fan Meet, before you can join the queue.  When I went for the meet-and-greet, I hadn't bought the EC FM ticket yet, so nope, I didn't get to shake hands with them either.  Even though it was crazy busy at the venue and I couldn't really see nor hear anything, as I would have emphasized many times in my recap :) , I still had a lot of fun being a crazy fan girl.  When I was growing up, I was never mad enough to do such things for any celebrity and could never understand why people do such things (haha), so this was a whole new experience for me even though I'm much older now and way past the fan-girling stage.  I felt like I was re-living my teenage years, so it was real good fun.  Don't feel regretful that you didn't manage to see him this round.  There will be other opportunities and if both of you are fated to meet, you will one day, no matter how long it takes. :)

  15. tiaraisnap

     said:Haii @sunshine4ever , I really enjoy this thread . I can fill up My desire to know about Him from here ^^

    Now , I really regret of My self . I already know that there will be Meet and Greet of CJH n SJH in Singapore but I don't think that will be as free as that happen in a mall like that . I should come to SG then , the flight from Indonesia just take 2 hours . Aah if I do that I can see Him in person like @celes80 , such a lucky girl U are . .Aah @celes80 , can U tell Me what condition to can handshake with them in that Meet and Greet ?

    About His Asia Tour Fanmeet in Bangkok is there any possibility He will do that too at Malaysia or Singapore or Indonesia or anywhere else in Asia ? Because the title is Asia Tour so a little bit impossible if the event just in Bangkok . .

  16. sunshine4ever said: @tiaraisnap, haha, don't worry! you have a load of us who are in the same camp as you for not being able to meet Jin Hyuk. :)

    Some captures of Jin Hyuk before I'm heading off for the night.

    Please feel free to tag or pm me if my pictures are causing problems for you. I'd be more than happy to make them become URLs any time. <3

    Have a wonderful night/day/afternoon (wherever your timezone is).

  17. booha said: @tiaraisnap said: Haii @sunshine4ever , I really enjoy this thread . I can fill up My desire to know about Him from here ^^
    Now , I really regret of My self . I already know that there will be Meet and Greet of CJH n SJH in Singapore but I don't think that will be as free as that happen in a mall like that . I should come to SG then , the flight from Indonesia just take 2 hours . Aah if I do that I can see Him in person like @celes80 , such a lucky girl U are . .Aah @celes80 , can U tell Me what condition to can handshake with them in that Meet and Greet ?
    About His Asia Tour Fanmeet in Bangkok is there any possibility He will do that too at Malaysia or Singapore or Indonesia or anywhere else in Asia ? Because the title is Asia Tour so a little bit impossible if the event just in Bangkok . .

  18. Haii @sunshine4ever , I really enjoy this thread . I can fill up My desire to know about Him from here ^^
    Now , I really regret of My self . I already know that there will be Meet and Greet of CJH n SJH in Singapore but I don't think that will be as free as that happen in a mall like that . I should come to SG then , the flight from Indonesia just take 2 hours . Aah if I do that I can see Him in person like @celes80 , such a lucky girl U are . .Aah @celes80 , can U tell Me what condition to can handshake with them in that Meet and Greet ?
    About His Asia Tour Fanmeet in Bangkok is there any possibility He will do that too at Malaysia or Singapore or Indonesia or anywhere else in Asia ? Because the title is Asia Tour so a little bit impossible if the event just in Bangkok . .

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