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Posts posted by evagirlrules
















































































































































    the slimming cream works if you use it frequently, but the changes are small and comes really slowly, you cant expect to be immediately skinny using this if you still continue to eat a lot and not exercise... its meant to help the slimming process and not to actually complete the process;
































































































































































    ^ lol actually, lotsa ppl know hmongs x.x i see them all over the internet and stuff... =)
































































































































































    ^ there is a OST that will be coming up~ dunno the release date tho... x.x
































































































































































    ^ this is my theory x.x epsiode 3 is only about RYAN. the people who provide downloadable epsidoes are fans of KyuJoong (or shim eun jin/ bsg) and so they didnt even bother providing epsiode 3, which is useless if u only care about KyuJoong's POV, so... YES you can watch 4 w/o 3 because it goes straight from epsiode 2 (kinda) and dont expect a epsiode 3 available for download unless one of us signs up with mnet and downloads it... x.x other than that theres no way we can download it... x.x
















































































































    is anyone actually subbing epsiode 4?
































































































































































    epsiode 4 is out.... i have no idea what happened to epsoide 3 ... but epsiode four is out complete version... i havent watched it yet but i think someone said it was about Gyu Joong and Shim Eun Jin and according to the epsiode guide someone put a few pages back that was supposed to be the storyline for epsiode 3... so maybe epsiode 3 only aired a bit then the rest got added to epsiode 4? dunno, have to watch it first... x.x its available in all the big clubboxes like jpoker (the DoubleS chinese clubbox) and so on... (ds501 should have it, havent checked)
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This epsiode basically explains Seul Ki and Hwang Sung Tae's past.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The begining we see Seul Ki exiting school and seeing her father pick her up, then she realizes its just an illusion, and walks home. Before she arrivies home she hears her mother and father arguing. Basically the arguement sums up that her father is unemployed yet still likes to lend money to others, and her mother doesn't like it. Then the father hits her and Seul Ki, not wanting to go to such a broken up home, runs away, coming back the next moring just in time to see Hwang Sung Tae giving the parents a large sum of money. She feels bad yet again and runs off.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Seul Ki kept on walking until she saw a familar thing on a televsion screen, it was the ballerinas dancing to Swan Lake. She turns around and sees people dacing to it using Hip-Pop dance moves. She also meets Kyu Joong and looks for a way out of her sad life through Hip-Pop. She stops going to dance lessons and hangs out with Kyu Joong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kyu Joong on the other hand seems like he's just using Seul Ki for money (he calls her when they need to pay up, but I dont understand that part since Kyu Joong is supposed to the rich one with Seul Ki as the poor kid? x.x) Hwang Sung Tae becomes like a stalker and goes wherever Seul Ki goes, and also tries to tell her to come back to ballet. She challenged him to prove that he can dance--not only that but to beat Kyu Joong in breaking. Hwang Sung Tae practices until he got it perfect, then one day as he and his crew were dancing outside, some man stops him and asks why he is there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Full line by line traslations
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the subs are coming!!! sorrie for traslating a day late .___. got caught up with something yesterday :x anyways, this epsiode is great for Kyu Joong + Bae Seul Ki lovers cuz there's a lot of them =) cant help but think kyu joong sucks at dancing tho... (refer to club scene... x.x omg he looked so awkward T.T) personally kyu joong is like the reason i'm watching this but he looks so out of it in here next to the professionals T.T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OH YEAH! and looking at the epsiode guide... cant wait for epsiode 4+5... =OOOO KyuJoong!!! Yoong Hoon!!!<333 lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i did the full translation of the first epsiode... x-x i didnt know someone else was doing it too... sinceipostedbeforethat... but yeah... i didn't sub it or anything and my translation is a bit choppy... its just line by line translation... x0x CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    here's the summary:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There's a Breakdance competition and there are basically 4 teams, each with a special person that we'll get to know in the drama. The intro talks a bit about each one. YoungHoon is a kid with hearing problems, but out of his love for dancing he is determined and continues to dance. Hwang Sung Tae is a 36 year old man who used to dance ballet but now his goal is break dancing, and he incorporates the two dances. Ryan loves dance so much that he gave up "love" in a bet for dance. Kyu Joong is currently in a tight relationship between two girls, one he loves, one he doesn't want to hurt.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The subway scene basically describes why Hwang Sung Tae is wearing a mask. (It's a white tiger mask if you can't tell.) The gate scene shows that SooJin and Young Hoon are together and the teacher doesn't like it.(The teacher is the white jacket, I don't know his name yet...) The scene with Ryan shows that he proabably agreed to date Seul Gi because of a bet. (and the messed up face tells you what kind of person Seul Gi is, which will be shown later near the end of the epsiode) Then the scene where Shim Eun Jin comes signifies that she is the one that Kyu Joong loves and Seul Ki is the one he doesn't want to hurt. (As mentioned earlier) Seul Ki and Seul Gi meet and they talk about giving up ballet. Basically Seul Ki gave up ballet for Kyu Joong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The competition starts and the epsiode comes to an end but first there is a scene with SeulGi beating up a kid (which is probably forshadowing why Ryan is with her...) and Seul Ki dances ballet ^.^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    june_showers : sorrie for just posting this when you're working on it too T.T do you want to work on the next epsiodes together or something?




































































    the acting is kinda weird but the filming is nice~ loved the dances... personally i think its bad scripting rather than bad acting since we've seen some of these people act on sitcoms, banjun and stuff like that and they were great, so... i say scripting problems -_-"


    anyways, i'll try to do a translation and post it up sometime tomorrow


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