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Posts posted by yuweei

  1. Damn I was mad as hell at pixie this ep especially when she told WW to get out. She brought this onto herself and I'm glad she's understanding the consequences of it now although I like her enough to hope it works out in the end, she's a little rough around the edges but she is cute. 

    I'm totally loving XN and WW in these eps, both of them are savage as heck and XN's complete trust in WW is totally couple goals <3


    I'm so glad they finally solved that stupid misunderstanding because if i had to see CG badmouth WW again I would have punched my screen... But omg please don't drag the richard simmons part, I want XN to take him down exactly like he did in the novel. WW has had enough trouble as it is without adding a sleazy rich guy to the mix. 


    • Like 6
  2. 4 minutes ago, IMOmusings said:

    Yeh, I saw a preview clip of her with that BUTTTTT it's the parts after that I'll be sad to not see....YY has corrupted me.....because....there's one line in the novel that I'm dying to see xD


    I totally agree haha I love the ending chapter of the novel :D I'm so glad YY got the role, like I loved XN's character in the drama but YY really really brings him to life <3 (that wolfish expression on his face before he pushed her to the floor though phew *fans oneself*)

    • Like 6
  3. 1 hour ago, IMOmusings said:

    Oh...I just realised....our very final steamy scene of the novel will probe be cut as well T_T


    I saw on a video somewhere that previewed a scene of him kissing her while she was wearing the red wedding dress! Don't know how much they would show (probably not much) but at least there's guaranteed a kiss scene ;) (i hope it doesn't get cut!)

    I put it in a spoiler tag in case people don't know the ending hehe

    • Like 6
  4. 31 minutes ago, pinocchioAsh said:

    Hahah! Of course. Everyone knows it's Who and Why!

    The comic started much before that.. Oh Seung Mo wanted to kill Kang Chul way before the entire thing came into the scene.. the comic started when Kang Chul was 17, he started Project W probably around the time he was 23 if we go by the timeline that his parents were killed when he was 19 and he was released from Jail at 20. 

    Thereby the name W makes no sense.


    AHH right I'm assuming it would be along the lines how how titles of manga/comic etc are made in real life - you take the most grabbing/substantial name (i.e. character name or like a grabbing phrase) to use as the title. Because even though the actual comic started before the rise of the actual "W" show in the comic the whole premise of the comic is that Kang Chul is trying to find the killer, going through great length and creating this show called "W". So assuming no one else knows about this two-world thing and it's solely just someone reading a comic - the book is about the guy trying to find the killer and avenge his families murder and the turn about point was him being freed and turning around and creating this "W" show to find the killer - hence the title for the comic being "W".

    I'm not sure if that even makes sense but I imagine it's exactly how books and comics in real life is named as well (i.e. imagine if you went to the bookshop to read a comic, why did they choose the name its called).

    • Like 5
  5. 15 minutes ago, pinocchioAsh said:

    Exactly! Why the name W!! There has to be some explanation!! Appa owes us a loooot of explanations...


    The name is called "W" because he names the show "W" after "Who, Why etc" - a crime show trying to find who was behind the killing (i.e. who is the killer, why did he kill them etc". This was explained in one of the episodes. 

    • Like 5
  6. sia3 said:

    [FMV] Healer - This Love

    Okay guys, I came across this video made by C-fans today, her original intention is to show how Jung Hoo and Young Shin heal each other. Somehow it did not really turn out the way she wanted, but she's still kind of new to this, so that's the best she could do so far.

    And you guys HAVE to check it out. Why?
    1) Because it is DAEBAK especially the ending where their voices are mashed together, *censor* - no spoilers.
    It brought tears to my eyes!!! <3
    2) Took me awhile to finally upload to YouTube only to get the audio muted due to copyright or something! :(( :((
    3) It took me another hour to upload to Dailymotion!!! X(

    So yeah, give me some support for this hard effort today. :((

    Video on DailyMotion: http://dai.ly/x2h8vbt
    Original Link: Here
  7. EXTREMELY late to the party guys, been a lurker for over 1,000 pages after a year long hiatus from soompi (since YWCFTS) but wanted to come and say a huge thanks to @ruizaio and everyone in the @HIFP team for all the translations! I've never seen such a dedicated and generous fanbase with all the translations, photos and extras, thank you so much for taking the time to give us international fans this treat! And all the amazing posters on here who have amazing insights it's amazing to read your opinions and theories! 

  8. jenbuns said: @ilwoo_aein  Annyeong & welcome!!  :-h I love love love KSH's voice too. Apparently they did an analysis of his voice & this is what they found out!! No wonder can't help but be attracted by his voice! 

    Scientific analysis of Kim Soo Hyun's voice

    On February 23rd’s broadcast of MBC‘s “Feel Good Day,” a few of  Kim Soo Hyun's fans said that one of his charm is his attractive voice. So the production crew  went to the Sound Engineering Research Institute and consulted an expert, professor Bae Myung-jin. 
    Professor Bae Myung-jin said, “His voice is good in low, medium and even up to higher frequency tones, but it’s especially strong in the lower register.” He also explained, “It could be said that this is the type of voice that appeals to a woman’s rational instincts.”
    The professor also added, “His basic tone is strong and has a wide range, and he can maintain stability over a wide range as well.”

    [source : Newsen via Nate, Emily at kpopseven.com]
  9. as3soompi said: So, apparently there will be new sbs drama called God's Gift-14 days which the main character named Kim Soo-hyun (played by Lee Bo-young)
    after God's Gift ends, there will be a drama titled Doctor Stranger which the heroine is named Oh Soo-hyun (played by Kang So-ra).
    it seems SBS has its own interpretation of Soo-hyun syndrome. wkwkwkwk
    *funny that all those Soo-hyun characters are all female

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