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Posts posted by yesyoong

  1. 140901 TVB STAR TALK Song Ji Hyo exclusive interview

    Full credit : 
    original source : youtube@andywong1986  
    original credit : [HD1080p] cr: H.K J2 Entertainment News report.
    All the videos cannot re-upload on youtube.

    from gapiplus 
    "Finally a proper interview about <Emergency Couple>, MC asks about how JH feel about Oh Jin Hee, JH’s similarities with OJH,what are the difficulties while filming EC, how is the aura among co-actors,how is the first scene (Big fight) shot,What makes EC lovable by audience…
    Also JH talks about filming both drama & variety show, her charisma (She is shy after talking about it … keke)and thanks Hong Kong fans
    She says a lot of “Thank you” in Cantonese and that is sosososo cute XD"
  2. She said that she will has new work/dramas at next half year. Wow excited!!! 
    credit: gapiplus.tumblr.com/post/96046663026/140828-tvb-scoop-song-ji-hyo-exclusive-interview 

    140828 TVB Scoop Song Ji Hyo exclusive interviewcr. mytv **錄制及剪輯 recorded and edited by me **禁止二次上傳 PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD THE VIDEO Contents in brief: 
    (1) JH has known CJH before <Emergency Couple> through RM, 
    so they work very well like friends, she thanks him that because of him,
    the shooting progress went well

    (2) regarding Gary’s guest appearance, JH said that scene is additional because of him (the Dari scene), it has no script. They shot it with fun, and it was quickly ended.

    (3) JH said she want to play a role in action/martial art movie, 
    like Zhang Ziyi did.

    (4) regarding will she work in China/HK more in future, JH said she want to work on different roles, want to co-work with different people.

    (5) regarding the memorable things in HK, JH said she had visited HK by traveling Double deck bus, it was very memorable, also HK’s food too

    (6) Lastly, she said this time she came to HK to promote <Emergency Couple>, she received lots of passions, support and positive energy. In the next half year, she will bring new works/dramas to fans, also she will continue to put effort in Running Man.  

    (7) JH said in Cantonese: “It’s glad to see you! 
    Thank you! see you next time!”
  3. Jihyo at today 140814 Sanghai NBA Fanmeeting Bu-nroDCMAIEd_t.jpg
    credit to weibo owner via HEA08


    cr SJH Baidu


    via  Runningman_七彩虹首站 weibo



    credit to owner  who tagged in the pics

  4. Emergency Couple Singapore Magazine Interview-Song Ji Hyo & Choi Jin Hyuk 

    Cr. michelleloo2013-2014/Sina Weibo
    via mongji-fan and fychoijinhyuk


    InterviewI-Weekly Singapore Fan Meet - <Emergency Couple> Translations

    Magazine: I-Weekly
    Picture Credit: SJH Baidu Bar
    *Sorry for the possible errors, the words in the brackets are possible other meanings, some parts of the introduction just doesn’t make sense in English >.<*

    Title:Which Planet Did You Come From?


    (She) You can’t help but fall in love with her. The males and females from South Korea’s entertainment industry, there is hardly anyone like Song JiHyo, so at ease and comfortable. She is really a miracle you can’t fathom.

    Every week you see her on “Running Man”, not only are people taken aback by her courage and lack of fear, but also how she can always show her true self to everyone, without changing her character, laughing when she wants to laugh and scolding when she wants to scold, her straightforward and generous character is really too cute.

    As I watch her I thought to myself, how can any 32 years old woman be like this, she must be really self-confident.

    There are a lot of females around me who really likes her. Females, all wish to be like her, living out a path of their own, facing the criticism and laughter from others in a light-hearted manner(not caring about how other people look at her). At the very least, when she is working on screen.

    The “Oh JinHee” from <Emergency Couple> really fitted how the audiences imagined her to be, sometimes being with a messy hairdo and appearance, running around clumsily and being fierce yet unusually very passionate, as compared to her first appearance in <Goong>, the cold and elegant beautiful ballerina, the difference is too big.

    This is the age where people are advocating for natural things(?), cause it is so rare now.

    Before the interview started, her manager was considerate enough to pass us her resume(filmography,履历), oh? Does she still need this? Is it an act of respect or sincerity, no one was unhappy about it(they all gladly accept it).

    Seeing her in real life, she is really beautiful. Especially if you remember she is known for one of the few zero-plastic surgery female celebrities in this industry, it is even more remarkable.

    When she doesn’t speak, she becomes “Mong Ji”, a bit of that blank look. But when she smiles with her eyes squinting (smiley eyes?), she can bright up the entire room, and sometimes she will mischievously stick out her tongue slightly,  her childish expressions are the best weapon to melt the hearts of others.

    Having been trained in variety for a 100 different things, she was able to quickly react in situations, and she also had a very friendly attitude throughout. Everyone had a good time.

    (He) Being like this, is good as well. The cheerful and warm guy whom she talked about, I did not meet him. In front of me was Choi JinHyuk, like the Oh ChangMin whose heart was as still as water in the later part of <Emergency Couple>, or should I say, more of like Kim Won from <The Inheritors>.

    That day, I could totally feel how “Kim Tan” craved to see “Kim Won“‘s bright smile. And I even asked JiHyo out of curiosity, is there any way to let the cool him at that point of time let his guard down.

    JiHyo laughed and said something, the translator said she will explained it to me later on but it never happened, so up till now I’m still curious about it.

    Didn’t speak much, extremely cool, the aura he had was that of a South Korean chauvinist, he still smiled, and he was also very polite, will even nod and express his gratitude.

    Asking the both of them are there any surprising sides of them? Is Song JiHyo how she appears to be in the variety program, just as fearless, and is he just as cool. He smiled, and asked me instead: “Do you have a simpler question?”

    He always said my questions are tough. Only once, did he answer my question directly, that was when I asked, is it difficult to be true to yourself. Very difficult. A touch and go(saying just enough). His acting career, it hasn’t been easy for him to get here.

    For his (Not sure about this part, the factors he was born with, probably things like looks and voice etc?) or the talents he nurtured(??), maybe there is a reason why he can only be considered famous today after 8 years.

    He described how he came this far, from when he first debuted and met staff who flatter those with status and bullying those below, and how he got into a conflict with the director for standing up for justice, he isn’t confident in ingratiating others. In the entertainment industry, it is so hard to conduct oneself(Not sure about these 2 paragraphs, but generally should have a gist of the meaning)

    You guys first met in “Running Man”, Jin Hyuk were you shocked by the competitive JiHyo?
    Song: haha

    Choi: Wouldn’t say I was shocked, because we were in different teams, and there were a lot of other celebrities then, so we didn’t interact much, didn’t have time to talk to her.

    What’s your first impression of each other?
    Song: He has this very stern image, probably because the program “Running Man” is rather relaxing(carefree?), so he appeared to be a bit playful, after seeing that cheerful and active side of him, I was rather surprised.

    Choi: I always assumed that she is very demure and ladylike, but when I first met her, she was very amiable, and it is easy to get along with her, different from what I imagined of normal actresses, I was too surprised.

    You two have this natural chemistry, where did it come from?Song: Because it wasn’t our first time meeting when we filmed <Emergency Couple>, so it was a lot easier for us,  we didn’t need to spend a lot of time interacting with each other, the chemistry between us build up so naturally. I too felt really surprised, we just hit it off, maybe because the story started at the very beginning with us being a divorced couple, with a bit of mutual hatred, it seems a lot easier. HA. Everything seems so natural.

    Choi: The feelings for each other, it just build up while we film. But right  from the very beginning we got along very naturally, the first scene we filmed had a lot of physical conflicts, maybe that was where we broke the wall in between us, and knowing each other better.

    Was it difficult to film the scene with physical conflict?
    Choi: It wasn’t that difficult, but maybe we were rather tired at that time, it was real fun, the atmosphere at the set was really high.

    JinHyuk once said that the schedule for <Emergency Couple> was really tight, how did you guys handle it?
    Song: HA, there was this Emergency Room set in the drama, around 70% of the show was filmed there, we basically ate there, slept there, almost as though we lived there. I understand everyone wished to do their best for this drama, and knowing that by putting in that extra bit of hard work we can create a better production, so no matter how difficult it was, we still persevered on.

    I saw one of the behind the scenes photo, JinHyuk actually fell asleep while standing… …
    Song: There were a lot of times where he would just rest whenever possible, it is very natural, I act that way too. We sleep standing, sitting at any time, any place and any corner. Not only us, even the staff too. We just feel very at ease at the set, it wasn’t like we were so tired that we just slackened, but because we gave in the best of our efforts, so whenever we can rest, we will just rest, we don’t find it torturous either

    The love in this drama melted the audiences, do you find yourself outside the show being a romantic person as well?
    Song: I think JinHyuk is a romantic person. Though he looks very cool, but if you really know him, you will know that he actually takes good care of the people around him, he has a lot more sensibility and is really a warmer person than what he appears to be.

    Choi: She is really cool, very approachable, and takes good care of others, at the set, even towards the staff or those actors without much scenes, she really cares for all of them, from this point, you can see that she must be really considerate to the people she loves.

    Having both been in this entertainment industry for a long period of time, JiHyo 10years, JinHyuk 8years, looking back from now, how do you feel about this journey? Are you where you want to be?
    Song: Hahaha… … Looking back now it has been 10years, but from here on, everything still continues, can’t say what I have achieved in these 10 years, numbers mean nothing. From now till tomorrow, or 1 year later, 2 years later, and even the next 10years, I wish that I can still be that actress, working hard doing what I can do, acting out any kind of roles.

    Choi: I think that I still have a long way to go, it hasn’t been long since people started knowing me, a lot of people may still take me as someone new. I still have a lot of things to work hard on, no matter how many years it will take, I will work hard to be a better actor.

    What is motivating you guys to keep moving forward? Especially JinHyuk, you said before you nearly gave up acting.
    Choi: The turning point was in <Gu Family Book>, at that point of time I was experiencing a difficult period in both my life and acting career, I didn’t think I was food enough, or maybe I was just not cut out for acting. But when I was filming <GFB>, I learned a lot of things, and saw myself growing a lot.

     JinHyuk once said he can’t hide his true feelings, if he doesn’t like someone, he won’t even be able to look into the eyes of the other party. How difficult is it to stay true to yourself yet blend in into this industry?
    Choi: Very difficult.

    JiHyo appears ever now and then “bareface” on the program, how can you be so at ease and comfortable, not caring about how others look at you?
    Song: Haha, because putting on makeup is too troublesome, I have no problem with showing people the most natural side of me, it isn’t intentional, I just rather spend time resting or sleeping. And interacting with the audiences using my true self is a lot easier, this is also the more easygoing side of myself.

    Having been through ups and downs and achieving what you have today, what advice do you have for new celebrities… …
    Song: Work hard. Don’t be swayed by the fame and wealth placed in front of you in this industry, as long as you follow your heart, be passionate and love the things you do, the success you wish for will easily come along.

    Choi: Looking at those who have just started their entertainment career, it will always remind me of the memories of when I just entered this industry. What I will like to say is: As long as you work hard, chances will come, and when chances are placed in front of you, you must grab onto them. As long as you put in effort, someday, you will be rewarded. 
    via http://mongji-fan.tumblr.com/post/89577137287/i-weekly-singapore-fan-meet-emergency-couple

  5. <Reply with a Song - Emergency Couple> - Deleted Parts(JiHyo’s Cut)

    Concert Credits to tvN
    Recording Source: DCSJH Mint
    Chinese Translations: SJH Baidu Bar

    *Disclaimer please read*  
    This video is solely for entertainment purposes, not for commercial use, do not re-upload without permission, please credit Gapiplus, Missmongjihyo, Mongji-fan, English translations based on Chinese version by Song JiHyo Baidubar 

    English version translators: Gapiplus (tumblr), Missmongjihyo (tumblr), Mongji-fan (tumblr), Timeline&Special Effect: Gapiplus (tumblr) 

    Sorry for the possible errors within the video
    Enjoy the video, full subbed concert http://www.dailymotion.com/songjihyofansite

    credit: http://mongji-fan.tumblr.com/post/89534023567/reply-with-a-song-emergency-couple-deleted

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  6. 8 days to go guys. Jihyo still at number one but the number decreasing a little. Keep vote Jihyo and EC too  :)

    IlaN said: hey guys.. i already vote for song ji hyo and she still at number 1... i don't know why but i really want ji hyo for acting again.. i hope she get a new project 

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  7. http://mongji-fan.tumblr.com/post/89175595682/140618-hanbam-tv-lee-kwangsoo-mentioning-jihyo

    [140618] Hanbam TV, Lee KwangSoo mentioning JiHyo



    When Lee Kwang Soo was questioned about his ideal type, Lee KwangSoo replied: “Someone who laughs a lot, small build and slightly chubby.”

    So JiSung questioned: “Song JiHyo-ssi?”

    Immediately, Lee KwangSoo replied: “The personality must be good too”

    So JiSung asked again: “Is Song JiHyo’s...

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