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Posts posted by amidara

  1. SH once posted a pic of herself going to a horse riding. JS then said in the interview that he did some horse riding.


    SH posted a pic at Sokcho at night. This place is know for cherry blossom in Seoul. JS answered a fan's question (or said in an interview) that he went to Sokcho at night to see some cherry blossom. 

    **edited wrong vocabs

    Jain Song is a designer who is a close friend of SH for so many years. SH invited her to a gathering for watching the first EP of Doctors together. SH usually attended Jain Song's fashion shows. Last year, JS teamed up with Jain Song for Please stop project.


    SH recommended a song called Eat by Zion t on her IG. JS sang this song in his recent fms, plus a song from Pinocchio. Well, Pinocchio was a 2014 drama, it's been two years already, can you just sing a song from your latest drama JS ahh.


    SH is known for being a dog person. But, recently she got a cat named Harry. After a while, JS got a cat too. Although he rescued the cat from somewhere and now seems like he's found the cat a new foster home.


    **added : ji ah soo (jiesuu), a nurse in Doctors who seems close to SH. They followed each other on IG. She even went to SH's place and played with SH's cat, Harry. She modeled for ceci with JS (noyb collection). Yes, she is a YG model but why choosing her to pose with JS, out of a hundred choice of models in YG... interesting, right? my delulu mind told me that SH suggested Jiesuu for the shoot, since there were some intimate pose, so she suggested someone who she's close too... hahaha


    JS posted on his IG 3 days ago (which was on FEB 18th) that he had a date with his mom (but a table for three) at a restaurant in Itaewon. SH celebrated her birthday with her friends at a restaurant in Itaewon. Hmmm... interesting....


    ETC...... too lazy to type haha


    Although it has been almost 3 years, I still happily ship these two. Way too many coincidences, and with solid proof of course. Kekeke

    Please someone tell them to stop making the coincidences happen..! So i can stop being too delulu hahaha




    • Like 15
  2. 5 hours ago, ahhhjummahhhjo said:

    @Bichhop98 Welcome and do not worry about grammar. What matters is how much heart you've put into your post. I truly appreciate it!


    Just my two cents... I really don't mind the quietness of the thread. Of course other threads will be lively with material but, like i told a friend (you know who you are chingu), we will always have Dispatch. Dispatch, who by the way, has not retracted their claims to the evidence. They did not issue an apology etc. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but if I recall correctly, denials from the agencies were issued but no defamation lawsuits or threats of such were brought up. 

    Denials are denials. Still, both are young and unattached. If I were to be sad about anything, is that they can't be photographed together anymore. If you recall, they used to be photographed together at events and get togethers... even sitting next to each other! Why I feel they're being cautious? When LJS sent a food truck to them on the Doctors set, it was to all three of them--not just her. It couldn't just be for PSH. And, she didn't post a pic with just her thanking LJS, but it was the three of them dancing. Lee Sung Kyung had a solo pic with the LJS banner that came with the food truck. I think YKS also had a solo pic. PSH did not have one. 

    Speaking of food trucks, Taecyon even mentioned that in a radio interview--"a lot of competition" or something like that with regards to the food truck sending. PSH posed solo for the Taecyon, Lee Hong Ki, and BEAST food trucks... why not LJS, right?

    Anyway... I think they're intact. And I hope to see the day that they no longer need to worry about antis and backlash and that they are able to love freely. Whether it be with each other or with someone else. (Of course, I hope for the former hahaha).

    Lastly, let me say this--I still do not see the point of trying to mess around with our ship. And we can be quiet sometimes because we actually have lives to lead and perhaps mouths to feed. Shipping and coming to this forum is supposed to be our safe place to fangirl/fanboy, to dream, to squee, to be joyful or to just feel emotions about our ship with each other. We've not gone away, and it doesn't mean that if we've run out of things to say at the moment that we've given up. Hardly that. And it's okay to doubt, to feel bad or sad and express that here. But to do it in the guise of trying to take hope from others is just wrong. Is winning really your goal here? What if there are those who find this place a source of joy for them? A place to unwind at the end of a hard day? Why spoil that? Why ruin this for anyone? 

    To those in this ship, thank you. Your posts, past or present, happy or sad, gives me a sense of community. 

    To those who keep on trying to sink this, I can only imagine how joyless your lives must be to derive satisfaction at the expense of others' happiness. 





    Couldn't agree with you more. It's funny how other shippers would come to our thread and stir things up. It's like, they're being insecure, and deep down inside, they believe our ship is real haha... So, they just came here to bully us LOL

    I have to admit that, as time goes by, our ship has been rather quiet. Well, I mean, our ship is not new! Frankly, it's getting old! hahaha... A Two-year-old ship is definitely not young in a shipper's business. But, we still can manage to make the thread alive from times to times, that's impressive, don't you think? One more thing, I don't think we can expect people to stay loyal to this ship forever. Some of my fellow darling shippers, whom I used to be all delulu with, have changed after watching W. They didn't feel attached to this ship anymore. And, they have every right to do so. But, people leaving doesn't mean this ship is sinking.

    Personally, the day I leave this ship, will be the day Dispatch releases dating news (with photos!) of SH or JS with someone else..^^

    So, as long as Dispatch remains silent about our couple, I'm here to stay!

    • Like 10
  3. It's been ages since my last post. I only come here when I have time and read all my fellow shippers' lovely posts. But, because of what happened in our thread recently, I had to log-in and post sth. 

    I'm currently on this one and only ship. I don't go to other shippers' threads. Have no interests in lurking whatsoever. So, I don't like get why some immature Darling shipper's destroyers would want to come here and post some bad stuff, to make us feel uneasy. Are you out of your mind? Why don't you just stay in your fandom???? Be all delulu you want in your zone. And, don't you dare tell other people to stop being delulu, just because you think your ship is real and others are not. We have the right to do and feel whatever we wanna do and feel. But, please do and feel in your shipper world not ours.

    Don't let me start on making comparison here, cos what you've got so far CANNOT compare to what we've got since, well, Jambangee's photoshoot in 2013.... oh or even way back to Beyond closets fashion show in 2009. So, again, please just stay at where you belong. Don't be jealous too much, so that you have to come here to convince yourself by making some nasty comments towards our ship.


    • Like 11
  4. i am confusing here..

    not try to be rude but

    we are all kmow sooner or later something like this will going to happen.. and its not hard to guess it surely from dispatch..

    i know.. my poor baby js and sh will effected by this i mean in a negative way..

    buy there is nothing we can do about..

    for delusions shake were'nt these you guys waiting for?? that they happen to be real?? they are both celebirty.. we cant control that darn  paparazzy wants them so much...

    so i think everybody needs to calm dan and see where these thing ends up..

    not think to much or think that they wont have some project together after this.. 

    i am sorry.. its all just my opinion..


    lol true. It should be our happiest day but instead turned out to be more like a very concerned/worried day.


    I still think they can handle it. Their relationship/friendship will not be shaken because of this. I think JS might have been very supportive of SH during her difficult time last month. In my opinion, they are individuals who are true to themselves, so im sure they find a way to keep this relationship going despite being stalked.


    Now i think the reason they denied it cos they migh not wanna make a fuzz or it could be for whatever reasons but i respect them.


    Still, i insist to keep on shipping them cos i believe in them and how they fulfill each other. I just want them to happy and last as long as possible^^

    • Like 10
  5. I don`t see any reason for these "close friends" to stop hanging out and/or be awkward with each other. They should just continue with what they`re doing. Friends hang-out and sometimes attends public events together. Why change that if they`re only really "close friends"? Remember Shin Hye had a rumor with LMH before, both their agencies denied it, and they`re still friends until now. Shin Hye attended his movie premiere. As for JYH, i think the reason why she kept her distance with him in public is because she got so much hate from his other ship and over-possessive fans.

    Just my two cents.

    couldn't agree with you more. Personally, i think D has more photos in stock, but they just didn't release it all. I don't think our Darling couple will stop seeing each other just to avoid D. I'm just worried that we will not be seeing them together in public in the near future(but, wait we still have Millet! Don't you let us down haha). But, never mind, still ship them! Haha i ship cos i believe. I still pretty much believe in this couple :D

    • Like 4
  6. Omg!  But suddenly I m worried!! Will it have a negative impact on their relationship??:huh:

    actually, im worried too. But then, i think the news leaked for some reasons, which i cannot put my fingers on. But, at the same time, im sure they can handle it. I dont think their relationship will be ruined because of the news released by dispatch. Their bond must be stronger than we knew.


    I have the craziest thought, maybe it's time the world know they belong to each other hehe i mean, since both of them will start working on new projects later this year, their new co-stars can keep the distance! Hahaha


    don't worry too much guys. Just be happy for them whether it's true or not. But seriously i think its true. So many coincidences if you look back. When SH posted the song, Eat, i thought abt JS. She told JS to take care of himself when he's home alone, and while she's away, don't forget to eat, sth like that. And, when JS posted the squid photo after SH did, i thought, he wanted to be that big squid in her ramen bowl cos he wanted to be there with her.


    Too much delulu, huh? Hahaha sorry i'm just too happy:))))) 

    • Like 15
  7. Totally agreed with @ShinSukkie what's wrong with being delulu or being too delulu sometimes? For me, delulu is kinda mandatory for a being shipper. It's fun! People here are quite rational. They don't bash other ships. I think as long as there're no harms done to other ships, you can be all delulu you want here. If thats make you happy, why not, right? If you're not allowed to be delulu in a shipper's thread, then where else can you? LOL i love them both and i think i love SH a bit more. Hehe~ I occasionally checked their individual thread but this darling thread is the one i visit more often cos i can get infos of two people i adore at the same time. I just love seeing them together. Analyzing things/being delulu are parts of the fun. Just be happy and enjoy sailing~

  8. kiyeujay said: sleepykid said: Since we are here in shippers thread, I will say Lee Jong Suk go date Park Shin Hye no one will hates you, promise. It's just a  win win for us fans and other fans. The Largest enemy has been taken... Fast
    @avantjiang I kindly borrowed this phot :D

    I wonder what @Rania reaction, will she explode, biyane Unni...

    @vanillatwirls and @azfantizie can you translate this one for us

  9. cause she is turning her pessimism mode *on*  :)) Hahahaha right, chingu?

    Right! hahaha... Pessimism is healthy esp here. 

    Okie, why I'm still here?!? Checking back later with the hopeful mind for seeing lots lots lots of pics from the premiere event. I mean, I wanna see SH. Just SH, not JS, not SH and JS together.

    PS. The organizer of Kim Woo Bin FMs in my country just called me for work. I asked what's his next project. He told me he's in talk with JS's agency for the FM here. And, I, out of no where, told him that, "it'd be amazing if you also invite SH and do the couple FM". He asked me, "Pinocchio?", and was kinda laughing (a good laugh tho). He might think I'm crazy...haha.. I wish he took my words seriously :D 
  10. Shin Hye confirmed for VIP 'Twenty' Movie Premiere!

    Is Jong Suk coming?

    No...he won't. he will definitely not going to attend. But, I'm already waiting in front of my computer in my office for photos from the event!! 

    This thread is consuming too much time on my working hours today. Off now, before I get scolded by my boss. hahaha.

    BTW, the newest pic of Instyle................I don't know where to begin. It's HOT, really HOT, and I'm loving it!!! SH is sooooo different, and I'm loving this version of her.

    This thread is really enjoyable :D :D

    edited: to avoid OT, which already got one... oops sorry! Pinnocchio OST is awesome. 
  11. LJS Instagram translation "Are you sleeping  goodnight,"  PSH instagram translation from PSH forum "am still adjusting to jet lag now..why is that so? Keke"  

    :-B I guess I also getting delusional  =)) O:-)  But they go so well lol



    I have the exact same thoughts when I saw their IG updates! It's like they're communicating through IG... hahaha Some may say, why wouldn't they communicate through public SNS when they surely have each other's numbers or kakaotalk stored in their phones. And, they can just msg each other directly and privately. But, trust me, these communicating stuff through SNS do exist in their world! I've seen a lot by working in that world as ,, you can call it (overseas) coordi-noona in Korean ent biz (In my country, we just call something else, not coordi)..hehe 

    Okie, my delulu mode off: There's nothing. Just a random IG posts from both of them. I see no connection whatsoever!!! #Pessimism #WhichILearnedFrom @Sleepykid

    Since I don't post often, so each of my post might be long, sorry about that :D

    I love Millet ads/TVC so much!! And, I already started to looking forward to 2015 F/W collection and even 2016, 2017, ....How greedy! I hope Millet renews their endorsement contracts with both SH and JS next year and many years to come! Speaking of Millet, I talked to my colleague who is so into K pop last week. She's like the kind of person who attends almost every Korean actors/idols FM in my country, so she knows a lot as a diehard k pop culture fan. We talked randomly and when I told her I'm now on this ship and spazzing about their Millet trip to Thailand. She said to me, "you know, when JS done with the CF shooting, he went to dinner at Lanta restaurant (she even knew the resto name..haha), and then he went straight to Koh Chang, and back to Pattaya later." I was kinda stunned when I heard it, and chose not to believe it. I told her, "but no photos of him taken at Koh Chang, and I haven't heard anything about him going to Koh Chang". Then, she said "fans not allowed to take pics there, was like seriously prohibited from doing so". Well, as much as I wanted to think it was true, but there's no solid evidence, and she might just hear from someone who was a super delusional shipper. So, I just listened (yes, I smiled a bit) and didn't take it too seriously.

    For MVIO and Rapido, a big thanks to them trying to incooperate the 2 ads together. But, we could only got that much cos I'm pretty sure both brands didn't hire them as a couple endorser for that. So, I'm ok with the outcome. Although, I was kinda hoping that at least they used JS and SH's actual voice-overs in each ad. But, totally understandable though, cos it might have cost them more.

    For Instyle's London shoot, I couldn't be happier seeing the couple shoot. I love Instyle for making it happen!! I wanted to see the couple fashion shoot for my other ship after drama ended, but it never happens T_T So, Instyle really did fulfill my dream. And, when I saw fan taken photos of them together in LDN, I was like, on CLOUD 9. I don't know if they're real, but one thing I'm sure is that they enjoy each other's company and willing to spend time together whenever they can. Good friends or lovers, I don't know, but the friendship they have for one another is real. I said that cos although they went there together for work, after work, they could just go separate ways. They didn't have to go shopping or whatever (to be seen together); unless, they wanted to. I did escort our company's actors to attend overseas activities many times. And, even they're from the same company, and they're close. Sometimes, they didn't hang out together after work, cos one likes to party, and the other one likes to go sightseeing. Hence, nothing much in common for them. You do yours. I do mine. Also, if you ask me, I personally think JS and SH planned ahead for their extended LDN trip (normally, fashion shoot takes 1-2 days only). Well, I don't mean that JS and SH sticking together all the time while in LDN, but they might have planned their LDN trip ahead together (at least talked about it). For the top stars like them, time is precious. They cannot just suddenly extend their stay overseas if the wanted to, so my point is that, they planned ahead to stay and had some sort of a mini-break together (but not being together all the time) in LDN before going to back to Korea (together, I'd like to delusionally believe so). Anyways, can't wait for the release of the April issue. I already ordered it^^ 

    I think this ship is so lucky! There're so many things to look forward to after the drama ended. I feel so blessed every time we get something new to spazz on. And, those things don't need imagination or delusion cos you can just see them with your own eyes (Millet, Instyle, DVD preview clips, etc) I'm so thankful for them for accepting to do the work together after Pinocchio ended. My wish is they're on good terms forever!! Love seeing both of them together to the maxx!

    BTW, not to be OT, I decided to order Pinocchio DVD. DVD's quality is only 450P :((( I wanted to order the bluray but it's just way too costly. Patiently waiting....
  12. https://twitter.com/jongsukjapan

    みなさまに一足早く嬉しいお知らせです! (o'∀'人)

    5月に、ついに約3年ぶりのイ・ジョンソク 来日イベントが決定!!


    #イジョンソク #이종석

    What does it mean? Hopefully,  s.o can translate , :-x
    GG trans says Lee-ssi has FM in Japan???? and go to Japan on  20/3 . :D

    I can read some words. And, I'm pretty sure it said Lee Jong Suk is going to Japan. It's confirmed! Details will be available from March 20th.

    Anyways, waiting for someone who knows Japanese...hehe And correct me^^
  13. thao_2512

    said: I'm not sure if they know each other but clearly Millet and Samsung are trolling Pinocchio fans haha

    On Hunan side, we need to wait for their agencies' confirmation more than Hunan themselves. But the good thing is they didn't say it's not true and they didn't receive the invitation like last time, so... no news is still good news right? 

    Edit: While it's expected Shinhye would have a hard time letting go of Pinocchio ( considered how much she loves it and she has always been down after her dramas ended) I don't think we should take her song's meaning seriously lol

    Shinhye does recommend songs quite often. Most of the time, it's because she likes the song, artists or have some relationship with the artists lead to help/promote their works... And she also has good taste in music... 

    Since she said she is recording today, so maybe her project has to do something with the singer of the song she recommended? We will wait and find out

  14. Hi everyone! It's my first time posting here. Normally, I only posted at one particular thread, though I rarely post recently due to my work and stuff. I think you can guess which thread I'm talking about, from my avatar :D I've seen quite a few familiar usernames here^^ Hii!

    I used to be a faithful and loyal shipper of one ship. When Pinocchio started, I only shipped JS and SH on-screen only, because I really believed in my one and only ship. But, as Pinocchio approaching to an end, the chemistry between JS and SH was beyond amazing. And, I feel so betrayed....by my own feelings! That, I began to ship them off-screen too. Can one person be a faithful and loyal shipper of two ships??? I mean, I'm happy seeing SH with both JS or with (I don't think I should mention his name here). In short, I'm happy either way :D
    I decided to post here after seeing SH's recent IG posts. I personally think, there's something going on. SH must be in a confusing stage right now. I think she has feelings for someone but she is trying to deny it for whatever reason. Choi In Ha was such a great character and she portrayed it so well. I only watched 3 of her TV dramas; YAB, Heirs, and Pinocchio.  Choi In Ha is my most fave character of hers. I think she loved Choi In Ha so much, because through CIH, she got to deliver so many great lines and did so many wonderful acting. Everything about Pinocchio was so good. And, the bond Dalpo and Inha had, was so special. They grew up together. They knew each other best. They're more than just lovers, but family. It's a dream relationship for anyone. That's why she's having a hard time getting out of a character. 
    She is the only Korean actress whom I adore so much. So, I truly hope that she will be happy. I'm so looking forward to seeing her new drama, hopefully, she will be paired up with Kim Soo Hyun this time :D But, I'm not ready to see JS pairing up with anyone, because I only want him to be with my SH..Hahahaha...

  15. Wowwww... thread no.2
    I sure have missed a lot! Don't have time to backread tho :(
    Hiii guysss!!! Long time no see. I miss you guys^^ It's been ages since my last post. I was away working in China for 3 months, had to be on location shooting a TV series everyday during the shooting period, so didn't really have time to come here. Plus,I forgot my password-_-
    Anyways, I hope everyone is doing fine and our ship is still going strong, despite the undeniable chemistry between Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye. I'm not gonna lie that I enjoy watching Pinocchio so much!! It's become one of my fave K Dramas now. And, I kinda ship them, but only on-screen tho..hehe.. MinShin is the only real thing for me^^ kekeke...

    BTW, I have something to share with you guys. As I mentioned, I was shooting a TV series in China for 3 months. I went there as an assistant to an actor. So, I had to be with the actor during the shooting, almost the entire time. The thing is, the actor was hooking up with a 2nd lead... and, they have been dating since then. But, they haven't announced it to public yet. When interviewed, the actor will say he's single. It's a mutual agreement between them not to go public. But, you can always see signs from both of them here and there, from their posts on social network, and stuff. And, I was wondering whether.......... Could this happen to our OTP too? Or Am I being to delulu again :P

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