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Thảo Nguyễn

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Posts posted by Thảo Nguyễn

  1. And we're on the cusp of Lunar New Year.

    Wish you all a grand start to the year, and only happy surprises.

    As the Cantonese say (which is not exactly 'Happy New Year', just a good wish):  Gung Hay Fat Choy

    Everything starts a new with the New Year

    coming. May your new year be filled with the

    happiest things and your days with the bring test


  2. 11-12-2013 Sang Woo attended the press premiere of the movie, "Precious Love" to support his good friend, Yoon Bong Gil.







    FM Sang Woo World and naver

    Our BaBe has a great friendship with Yoon Bong Gil. Most of the event, our Babe and he appear together.
















































































































    @SexyDolceVita : Unfortunately that number only for Seoul Area , siggghhh. actually i want that for Nationwide but ......































































































































































































































































































































































































































    AGB ratings 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































    October 26























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from Ep.1-35 >>> GOM had a good number in Seoul Area, probably its because Seoul resident feels that this drama is like their reality in their life ?? but outside Seoul i think they are not like it because this drama is not selling any dream and birth secret on storyline.














































































































































































































































    but still congrats for staff for the rating . for Nationwide , GOM get 11,7 % (TNMS version ) which is very good for final episode













































































































































































































































































































































































    and yes i do agree with all member in here that Michael Noh is really playing his character so damm good. if we hate it, means he did it































































































































































































































































































    the impact from his acting that i am always  fast forward his scene on Superman Is Back (variety show of KBS), he played his reality with his 2 sons but i don't know why whenever i saw him then i will remember to his character as Michael Noh. LOL































































































































































    TJ & MIL also playing the bullying character very Good . i like and satisfy with their performance on acting.































































































































































    to me, this drama is not having any good storyline BUT this drama actually did a GOOD JOB for CASTING. most of character on GOM are really fit and played well by actor&actress .































































































































































    My 4 Fave Character in here  ;































































































































































    1 > Lee Tae Ran  >> its very obvious from each episode and actually she is the lead actress on GOM (not nam sang mi , IMHO )































































































































































    2. MIL >> yeah Mil is really made me laugh when she did any fool act like singing in high note , LOL and especially her angry acting with NSM































































































































































    3. TJ and Michael Noh >> they do have a great storyline for them, have a lot of air time to improve their acting skill and delivered it very very well to the viewer































































































































































    4. TW and JH >> y'all already knew the reason . like sexydolcevita said >> this couple is really did a fantastic job when they have fight, hate each other, yelling each other, crying each other >> and Yes < KJH and NSM have a good chemistry ON screen and OFF screen .














































































































































































































    i wish there will be a next project for both of them. both of them are






























































































































































































    their level of acting when they act on GOM drama





























































































































































































































































































































    for my bias >> LSW >> sorry but i have to admitted it that since ep.5-6 when he let go JH then i never fell any vibe for him. plus he never move on after JH got married which made me depressed to see that and to make it more worse, writer Jo seems did not care with his presence on GOM drama , make me cry when i watched ep.33-34, so limited screen time & dialogue.
















































































    LSW is really never and ever worked again with writer Jo Jung Sun in future. Writer Jo is really wasting LSW acting skill in here !!
































































































    this is the second time LSW worked with Writer Jo Jung Sun, last drama is "I believe in love"http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/354994/drama-2011-i-believe-in-love-my-love-my-family-%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%EC%9D%84-%EB%AF%BF%EC%96%B4%EC%9A%94

















  4. Official Allure Magazine shoot pictures for your collection. :D

    FM http://www.style.co.kr/allure/fashionfeature/ff_view.asp?menu_id=05050200&c_idx=012201010000129&article_type=1&page=&sch_type=&sch_text=&sch_oper=Or&sch_sort=1&sch_view=

    Can you translate that interview in to English?

    Or, who know Korean? Help me translate into English.



    lee sang woo in a grey t shirt... hmm... wonder if nam sang mi will see him off camera like this...and find him attractive in real life?

    reason being nsm likes men who wear grey t shirts and sweat in them... hahaha...










    lee sang woo actually remembers this because he mentioned this to the cultwo djs during their interview... hahaha...










    btw, this photo was uploaded by the actress who plays hyun woo's staff...










    credit: twitter.com/kimpureun



















    who is Kimpureun?



  6. j3di said:

    =)) =)) =)) =))

    truthfully i can't see his face clearly when he's kissing , but i loved to share with you if ever have a chance to kiss him :-* :-* :-* :P:D

    LOL :)) :)) :)) I mean that in every kiss sense, I try to look at his face and lips , that's how i figure out this point . :x :\"> :P Oh my, you have to call 911 for me after you share experience of kissing him, girl @-)

    you have humor :D

  7. @Gemmie : can you make a gif photo for the scene our Babe run out from the airplane while putting on his suit in First Wives Club ? I love it so much. It is one of the best scenes in FWC that gives me strong impression on SW in this drama.

    me too. That scene, he very handsome, manly when he run.



    What is SK going to do after discovering Sin Young Group's third daughter in law, Song Ji Hye, is the woman HW has been pining for?

    1) SK places the photo back into the book and places the book back in its original place before HW comes into the room.


    SK makes an excuse to go home earlier than expected.


    She cries in her room alone as she thinks HW has not forgotten about JH.


    SK's mom finds SK crying in her room.


    She asks SK what is wrong?


    SK cries in her mother's arms...but she hasn't told her mom what happened earlier.


    2) HW goes into his room and sees SK looking at the photo of him and JH.


    He grabs the photo from SK and asks her angrily why is she going through his things.


    SK looks at HW as she is feeling the pain in her heart.


    She asks HW...so she is the one you were pining for a year ago?


    HW looks away, embarrassed and angry at the same time...


    He says...what does it matter now? He is engaged to her now and JH is already married.


    SK's eyes are filled with tears, she runs out of HW's room and leaves his house in a huff.


    HW tries to compose himself...


    He runs out and chases after SK.


    HW's mom is puzzled as to what had happened that causes SK to run away.


    3) SK places the photo back in its original place.


    She pretends everything is normal and goes through the death anniversary ceremony with HW and his mom.


    After she returns home, she can't get the image of the photo of HW and JH out of her mind.


    She can't sleep...as she cries on her bed.


    Then next morning, at her bridal shop, she is surfing the net.


    She googles about Song Ji Hye and reads the news about her.


    She starts to realise Song Ji Hye is truly the woman fit for HW but SK is not going to back down even though she knows JH is already married.


    SK still feels that JH is a threat because HW may still cancel their wedding and engagement because of his love for JH.


    She decides to get to know JH in order to know her enemy better.


    4) SK goes home in a huff and tells her mom about HW still having a woman in his heart.


    SK's mom asks who is it.


    SK finally blurts out the woman is none other than the third daughter in law of Sin Young Group.


    SK's mom is shocked, and she tries to scheme against JH, to make HW forget about JH.


    5) SK wants to bring forward the wedding within a month because she is afraid of losing HW.


    6) SK cancels the engagement with HW and the wedding.


    She tells HW she cannot be with a man who still loves another woman.


    She tells HW not to lie to himself any longer, he still cannot let go of JH, isn't it?


    HW is speechless.


    He agrees to the cancellation nevertheless, since his mom does not support him to marry SK anyways.


    He re-examines his love for JH, why he still can't let JH go?


    7) SK pretends nothing has happened and goes on to marry HW, knowing fully JH has taken his heart and soul forever. All that SK has is HW's body, and an empty heart.


    What do you guys think?


    What other reactions you think SK would have?


    Please share your thoughts!



    Is it reap ep25 or you think?



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