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    I just thought about this.. i hope if it is possible if SHINee make an MV for their SYMPTOM sound track.. i wish Sulli to be their leading lady since Vic was on Replay and Krystal was on Juliette... :\"> kkk! I really miss MINSUL... calling the attention of SMent even just a glimpse of our OTP, we would be very happy!! :(( [-O<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "Our company is really good at handling these kinds of issues," Heechul said.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "Usually, they don't really respond to anything, but I think this time, they were a bit shaken up,"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i don't know how to analyze this but I guess SMent were a bit shaken up, it is because Sulli is one of their precious artist in the company... i'm really glad to hear this.. but anyway i really don't believe it either, sulli is so picky to just choose Cho*** over her bunch of suitors... and i guess she doesn't really need to chose bcoz.. she is w/ Minho in d first place.. tee hee :\"> my MinSul feels attack..

































































































































































































































































    cr: twiitter spiffyhyosup

    i'm happy to see Sulli, first time to see her again after that malicious news thrown back about her... anyways we all moved on and let's not mention it in this thread anymore. I believe that it was nothing but pure friendship.. We Love You Sulli, we always got your back!! Sulli unnie fighting!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Minho looses weight.. 8-> he must be really very exhausted lately with his hectic schedule, hmmm.. but still he's so handsome as always.. :) i love his new hairstyle.. Minho fighting!!! i hope we can see Sulli too.. how is she coping with all the negative issues lately.. :-S
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @iheartminsul02 i think i know what your looking the title of that FF is "Bride for Sale" by @sulli4ever.. one of her best FF.. that was the first FF of MinSul i had read.. kk :)

































































































































































































    OF COURse i hurt Sulli so carelessly dating! Least I can face it not be immature and deny it and not attack people.Wish this thread OODLeS and OODLes of LUCK 2190 pages more of Nothingness adit it thou IT will NeVeR be the SAME way AGAIN.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    look who's talking!?? who's attacking people? should you be telling yourself instead? Remind yourself not to attack people..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If I'm not mistaken MinSul thread has the most viewed couple thread
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    in soompi, why? it is because people here in this thread are accomodating and i guess the most patience and nicest people who are just happy to spazz about their perspective OTP and bias.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Again chingus forgive me, as much I want to ignore it, I can't help it. I may be a lurker most of the time but i can't just stand reading such post towards Sulli. Please poser don't misunderstand Sulli for we don't really know anything about her. just... STOP posting!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sulli said on their recent comeback Play Pink Tape that she doesn't have yet her first love... so it's really impossible to have one this soon.. and about that shoes Sulli wearing aish, she used it many times on their perfomances! haaay people stop speculating and exagerating things.. kk :) i want everyone to see things in different light... i want to be more positive, i just wanna share my thoughts and opinions.. please bare with me chingus! and forgive me for posting too much! this would be the last i will post regarding this issue... i promise!!! :) let's move on... :) MinSul fighting!!

































































  8. Since you're avoiding giving an answer I assume you believe it's not real now' date=' but if it were Minho you would believe its real and think sm is lying [/quote']

    what is it with you? either ways true or not, can we do something about it? nothing right?.. so we rather stick with what we believe in.. of course we would be happy if she was rumored with Minho obviously this is MinSul thread and we are MinSul shipper.. so it doesn't make sense... normally when you are in a ship.. this is the initial reactions of fans whenever their OTP's were linked with other male/female celebrities... so you might understand what we are feeling right now.. it is not that we don't want to answer your question, bcoz obviously it doesn't make sense to us.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @indiraweil at this point in time.. consolation is what we need we are not ganging up on you.. instead we are asking you to stop posting and sharing those articles, vids about Sulli and the guy.. because seriously this THREAD and MinSul crewmate is much stronger than you thought... we can't easily give up what we started, we believe in Sulli.. and no matter what people throw bad things about her, we still love her as much as we love Minho.. and besides if it's really true why would the guy himself deny the rumor he is old enough to stand up for whom she loved right? so believe on what you think is true and live us on our own business.. stop torturing us because we won't buy that!! so leave this page.. will you please? for someone like who is bragging about it.. you must be really hurt.. i may conclude that you also love Sulli.. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Both of their respective agencies have denied that the two are dating.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sulli’s SM Entertainment said “He is only her close oppa-like friend and sunbae. Because they are close they occasionally meet up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Choiza’s Amoeba Culture said, “It is Sulli and Choiza in the pictures. We have confirmed with Choiza that the two have a close brother and younger sister relationship and frequently keep in touch, but they are nothing more than that.” The representative also added, “The two were holding hands as friends.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so let's not worry anymore please.. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i just walk up from 3hrs sleep, i still felt sleepy but it is really my hobby to check twitter and FB immediately and it was like a bomb when i read the article... :((
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but on the other part i still think that Sulli isn't like that... she is more cautious enough when it comes to her relationship.. did she even said in an interview that she's afraid to be taken a picture together w/ her boyfriend? so i was just thinking maybe it was just a rumor after all.. they were just holding hands there was nothing sweet about the picture.. they don't even look like a lovers though... just my opinion anyway... i am more positive about it, unless Sulli will confirm.. hmm ;;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    0nie.jpg@kuroneko13 let me help you with that  ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i am rewatching ttby ( i wonder how many times i will say that in this lifetime)... anyways just noticed that in that scene where minsul are inside the tent Minho's ears are so red...i bet he was super conscious about being that near to SUlli and lying down so close in that very small tent!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm also watching it again for the nth time now.. and i'm on that part where in they're inside the tent, even Sulli's face turns in tomatoe.. she's blushing on that part.. :D :\">
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    " by surprise?" (kiss) aww i remember Tae Joon did that... TJ kissed him by surprise.. so that's it, maybe she's imagining her first kiss to be like Jae Hee in the drama, she was caught by surprise of Tae Joon and Tae Joon is Minho.. kkk :D how could a 20 year old as beautiful as Sulli never had her first kiss... if not only in a drama she would never experience it yet.. it only mean one thing she is really a reserved woman.. she's a keeper! kyaaah, Minho-shi do your moves..!! don't let any man com near or steal a kiss on your woman!!! [-X \:D/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I guess the question was just for Sulli and Minho just interrupted by saying ditto.. thanks ur really are a brilliant @peach20kr....

































































































































    @peach20kr, thanks a lot for the trans!

    @enenen, Minho loves the pure element in his girl basically.  But according to the discussion held with Baidu Bar chingoos, Sulli is so special:  her sexiness is so attractive coz it carries her unique pure vibre as well.  We also discovered that Minho has included the trait 'sexiness" in describing his ideal ever since the promotion of f(X) RPPP started.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In conclusion, Minho adjusts his ideal type according to possible changes in Sulli (of course, Sulli is trying hard to keep her hair long though)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i just wanna re-quote this.. i really love ur thoughts and POV's bout our MinSul.. i've been in some couple ships before but this is the only ship that really makes me feel ahh finally this ship will never sink as to all the members keep boosting our faith for our two lovey-dovey! *sorry for my poor english.. do i make sense?* #-o keke ^^ to make myself clear i really love all the members here.. and thank to all for making me inspired everyday, thanks specially to our dearest MinSul! hope they continue to inspire us always..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Bless this thread!! MinSul fighting! Happy 2100th pages MinSullians way to go.. khajah! :-bd

































































































































































































































































































































    YEEEEY! More Minsul moments! :\"> This time, Sulli was really happy here and kept on looking on Papa Minho, but what were they saying in the video?

    Some screen caps :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sulli, moves slightly toward Minho ;;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Ans she said something to Hyun Woo 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



























































































































    notice the distance between Minho and Sulli, Sulli and Hyun Woo =)) its totally diferrent!! 8->

































































































































































































































































  21. another video of yesterday event!!!!


    watching the video itself.. have everyone notice MinSul's body language..?

    :D it says it all.. haaays this two makes me nuts! :x :(( \:D/

    it makes me wonder too why was she covering her face especially her lips kekeke ^^ in her picture at the airport going back to Korea.. ohmee what happened last night with the two lovey-dovey? \:D/
































































































































































































































































































    OMG the second video... kyaaaaaah!!! i was smiling the whole time i'm watching it.. Mr. Flaming Charisma.. the charismatic stare... oh my gaaaaad!!! =P~ how he starred at his gf... waaaaah! you really must love Ssul that much that your going to drink even the not so nicest taste drink a world could have.. haha i'm overreacting here... that video feeds my hunger for MinSulraction for over 4mos now... MinSul fighting!! and did anyone hear the crowd? they can feel it too.. hahaha


































    They were asked to choose their fave scene. Minho chose the cheesy"

    Jaehee says that she is leaving and taejun grabbed her wrist and asked

    her not to leave". Sulli teased him and said that a few days after they

    shot this scene , minho will say"Jae hee , please dont leave! " when he

    is bored. Sulli will the reply" Enough ! I need to go" when she cant

    take it anymore.

    Cr : shineefamily

    Trans : bling_sau

    oh my goodbess gracious Minho.. is it Jae Hee or Sulli that you don't want to leave? :-/ =))

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