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Posts posted by technocat

  1. Crows in many cultures and through history have been regarded to be omens of death or significant change. For example, the sudden gathering of crows to the house/window is an omen. Why a crow is regarded as such is because some think they act as guides for the soul to the next world or they eat flesh of the dead.

    I saw the episode but did not notice the sound of crows till I read this forum. I must say it sends some chills down my spine whn I watched it again!

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  2. I am an independent neutral observer and became interested in Bo Gum after watching MDBC. On the question of whether BG's girlfriend would be Hyeri or KYJ, based on my observation of the fan signing events of R88 and MDBC, there is no question that Hyeri seems to be the likely person. Just watch how much attention she paid to BG, she sure knows how to be a girlfriend and it would be very difficult for him to switch.

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  3. It only needs 1 episode to spoil this wonderful drama and it was ep 15. The cute lovable RO, the intelligent marriage counsellor, the one who loves CP with all her heart - what happened to her? Because of her love for CP, the writer now tries to convince us that she has to:

    Break her promise not to leave him?

    Because he would not, threaten him with a knife?

    For whose sake? Did she think CP would be happier this way?

    If the intention of the writer is now to pave the way for HY to be the CP's wife, then I applaud ep15. Poor RO, IMHO she has been let down by poor writing which has intentionally or unintentionally left her with a less than desirable character which is inconsistent with what I have seen before 

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