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Posts posted by vaninavanini

  1. @Orion Yep, I know I agree with you.  If this is true it would be awesome .
    Also I found the same news on this Japanese website:


    Below you can find the translation using Google translate:

    "13.10.16 19:16 Post date and time
    ※ This article is using a translator .

    < Kang Dong-won , " good friends ( original title : 좋은 친구들) " commercial films return .. December crank -in
    I show the performance of the inner surface figure and friend in December of shooting scheduled to begin ... spent >

    It is scheduled to actor Kang Dong-won aimed at commercial films return through the " good friends " movie . Kang Dong Won is a situation to accept the appearance in response to the " good friends " scenario ahead of time according to the movie multiple parties .

    The " good friends " , it to the tail posture Pictures has released the work of large-scale , such as " Snow Country train " : a work that (오퍼스 픽처스 OPUS Pictures) to prepare . In the story of three men who stacked friendship spent as a friend from school days , I drew the incident spread goodwill for each other leads to crime .

    I seen the ones responsible for the (인철) role Inchoru Kang Dong-won of the three person . It is a character personality of each other but are divided Inchoru is an exceptional person feeling for friends while in the rough . It is central character will help it to flow incident is not expected.

    On the other hand Kang Dong Won is the short film CGV , a domestic large multiplex was independently developed in the work of the return call released after " The X " : appeared in ( running time 30 minutes) . Kang Dong Won participated in the 18th Busan International Film Festival related schedule up to 5 days from leaving the 3rd . In return work for the first time commercial feature film of Kang Dong-won , " good friends " movie is in full swing in the casting operation and modification of the current scenario with the goal of filming in December this year ."

  2. Have you guys heard about Kang Dong Won accepted a role in a movie called " Good Friends/ Goodfellas"? I'am asking because on Asiawiki website this movie is listed under his name. Here it what it says:

    "Three men have been friends since their school days. They do some something, believing it would be nice, but that act connects to them a crime and their friendship ends."

     I have tried to look on the internet but all I could find were some news on  korean websites which I tried to translate with Google translate, but it didn't work very well.

    강동원, '좋은 친구들'로 상업영화 복귀..12월 크랭크인http://t.co/M3nJLbRVfX 이선필 기자 #OMS_ 12월 중 촬영 시작 예정...거친 친구들의 모습과 내면 연기 보인다

    — 오마이스타 (@Star_ohmynews)

    October 16, 2013


    Anyway if I understood correctly he will play the role of In-Chul , one of the three friends and the filming is scheduled to start in May next year.
  3. class="headline"Kang Dong Won’s ‘The X’ releases mysterious looking movie poster

    Source: http://ph.omg.yahoo.com/news/kang-dong-won-s-the-x-releases-mysterious-021400060.html


    Kang Dong Won’s ‘The X’ releases mysterious looking movie poster

    Korean short movie ‘The X’ (CGV Screen production) directed by Kim Jee Woon and starring Kang Dong Won and Shin Min Ah has recently revealed its movie poster.

    To make the name of Kang Dong Won’s character ‘X’ stand out, the poster specially used X as the background with the silhouette making for a sharp contrast against it. The mysterious and convoluted atmosphere couldn’t hide the tension and nervousness, and left one really looking forward to seeing ‘The X’. The movie utilizes a new form of screening technology called ‘Screen X’ invented by CGV, and is thus drawing much attention already from the public.

    ‘Screen X’ is a change from the usual projection of the video onto a single screen. ‘Screen X’ is described as a multi-projection screen extending the original screen to its left and right walls. This new method will allow one to broaden their viewing angle, and at the same time enable them to enjoy an even more immersive experience.

    ‘The X’ will have its first screening at the upcoming 2013 (18th) Busan International Film Festival from October 3rd – 12th under the Gala Presentation program.

  4. It seems that the title of KDW's short movie changed from "Hide and Seek" to " The X"


    " A title of short film on which Mr.GANG DONG WON appears was changed into "The X" from "Hide & Sheek".
    (It was confirmed to FB "ScreenX".)
    A notice picture of "The X" seems to flow now at "CGV Junge" in Seoul.

    今春期待されるドンウォンさんの出演短編映画『Hide & Sheek』は、タイトルが『The X』に変更になりました。(FB 「ScreenX」に確認済み)
    また、先日オープンした韓国ソウル「CGV中渓」で上映されているScreenXの予告映像中に『The X』のシーンが一部流れているようです。

    Add. 서울특별시 노원구 중계동 509-2 홈플러스 중계점 8층
    TEL 1544-1122


    CGV중계 HP


    Fotografie: A title of short film on which Mr.GANG DONG WON appears was changed into "The X" from "Hide & Sheek". (It was confirmed to FB "ScreenX".) A notice picture of "The X" seems to flow now at "CGV Junge" in Seoul.  今春期待されるドンウォンさんの出演短編映画『Hide & Sheek』は、タイトルが『The X』に変更になりました。(FB 「ScreenX」に確認済み) また、先日オープンした韓国ソウル「CGV中渓」で上映されているScreenXの予告映像中に『The X』のシーンが一部流れているようです。  《CGV중계》 Add. 서울특별시 노원구 중계동 509-2 홈플러스 중계점 8층   (ソウル特別市蘆原区中渓洞509-2ホームプラス中渓店8階) TEL 1544-1122  【関連リンク】 ScreenX(Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/screenxcgv  CGV중계 HP http://cgv.co.kr/theater/theater/Default.aspx?theaterCode=0131  情報ソース>> http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=kdw&no=57830&page=1&bbs= http://www.ezho.tcafe.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=114955

  5. Hi, I'm also a KDW fan, and although I read this thread for a long time, I finally decided to say hello to you guys and to share with you some new info about KDW i have found.
    class="blog_h2 entry-title"Kang Dong Won is cast in the lead role in Kim Ji Woon’s short film Hide and Seek

    • Source: Starnews
      Actor Kang Dong Won and director Kim Ji Woon will work together on a short film.
      On January 15, it was reported that Kang was recently cast in the lead role in Kim’s new short film Hide & Seek. The short film is about ten minutes long. Kim will shoot the film early in February before Kang starts working on director Yoon Jong Bin’s new film Band of Thieves. Besides Kang, Lee Som, a former fashion model, was also cast in the lead role in the film. Since he was discharged from military service last year, he has quickly decided his next projects. Because he appeared in such box-office hits as Secret Reunion and Haunters, he’s currently one of the most popular actors Korean film directors want to work with. Kang appeared in Kim’s film Last Stand, which will soon be released in the U.S. Kim is currently focusing on promoting the film Last Stand, which will be released in the U.S. on January 18. After finishing the promotion, Kim will come back to Korea as the film will be released in Korea in February and to shoot the short film.
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