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Posts posted by iammeowkitten

  1. WTF!!!!! Can we have party right now???? Lets take the beat wiggle wiggle of Jason Derulo? :-bd :D <:-P Cause atm i want to shout out loud that Donghae is real!!!! With matching GARLAB! (Giggling And Rolling Like A Buffalo)

    Thanks to the EAGLE EYE / TIGER LOOK/ OWL LOOK /Sharp Eyes Of unnie @turquoiseblue‌ It made me giggle to death. Specially to the man standing at the back of Dahae. I Have this kind of feelings that it was wookie. Cause based on his stand, mascular back(yeah i saw it even If it is far. Coz i have this telescope eye lenses hahahah Just let me okay? Hahaha) and hairdo' it was Wookie's figure that i see :-B Ommmooo just let me believe with this! Hahahah

    PS: To all Donghae Shippers/ Cruisers here, Gomawo for feeding up my Hungry Donghae heart. :x ;)

    And another thing. My POV about Wookie's reaction that Dahae's back in SK!

    W-Expectation: :) (Just a smile)

    W-Reality: \m/ (Yeeeessss!!!!! JHB style) hahahaha

    Lets all have a lovely weekend shippers/cruisers!!!! :x :x :x

  2. I already messaged and asked @taoeunjung‌ in LINE to translate the caps..still waiting for her rep..

    I think unnie @taoeunjung‌ can't reply you now on LINE. Better ask her on twitter or facebook. Because a while ago she just said her goodbye to us on Kakao. She said her phone need to be repair that's why she can't be able to chat us now. But she said, she will be still active on Twitter and Facebook.

  3. im male and i will ship them all the way :D

    Ommoo seriously??? Everyone knows here that it would be a shocked to everyone if there will be a namja who would have the courage to say "Hello i'm a boy/male and i ship Donghae" Gaaawwwwddd' Oppa thank you for shipping to Donghae Couple. I've been longing for a namja who also love our OTP. Well i know one' in IG but i don't Know if he knows this thread. But in Other case, was it you???

    :-? :D

  4. Ommo How did he know that? I mean, where did he get that i idea? Out of a sudden call, he still managed to say some advice to the girl where in fact he said that his real kiss was just 2 yrs past. Cum'on Wookie please stop trolling us

    #-o And According to your advice' it really reminded me of someone who have that kind of lips. (Which is i know) And thanks for saying the peach scent. Now i know what's the smell of her lips. 8-> \:D

  5. Hahahah yeah' i know that its not related to IM. But who knows before the Ironman been broadcast, Wookie and Dahae knows it already. Thats why she did it' before anyone would find out. ;;) And it's some kind of support to his man.

    (Delulu mode turn on)

    Their convo atm( at that moment) be like

    D-what? You have new drama? Who will be that new girl would be paired up to you huh?

    W- I still don't know. But whoever she is' she must be lucky. Coz she will be paired up to me.

    D- Eyyy' ya oppa your so bad. You're making me jealous. I hate u.

    (Dahae have a brilliant idea)

    D- Ahah! Give me your hands.

    W- Wae???

    D- i'll put some nail polish on your fingers! So that' whoever that girl that you're going to be paired up' If she see's these nails of yours, she might think that you're gay. Which is good for me. Because i'm only your My Girl, My Gf, My Wife, My life and My Everything ;) Arraso??? Your one and only MY! Hummp!

    W- Yes maam' (w/ salute moves)

    (Smack kiss)

    -hahahaah =)) :D

  6. As i zoom in Wookie's polished nails picture' the colors that i've seen are WHITE, SILVER and the letter D in the middle finger w/c colored Red/ Black (not sure) and been shadowed by yellow. And If the letter D is truly been colored of Red and shadowed by yellow' well it's an IronMan thingy. But but but, Since someone said that maybe it was Dahae who did that nail paintings to Wookie's precious hands, Well i can say that in the first place our girl truly supported our man.

    Waaaah here i am again' Exaggerated much on thinking such possible things that happen. Well i hope that nail polish of Wookie is truly related to Dahae. :x :\"> ;)

    PS: Come on chingus lets have some nail pampering. I feel so shy with my nails as i see those wookie' s nails closely. X_X

  7. Its been a long time since i posted here. And here me again just came out and want to say the bottom line of what all my co Donghae Shippers just said! (From the topic where troller came out from her trash) PLEASE DFTT (DON'T FEED THE TROLLERS) If you keep on spending your time to reply on her comment well, YHBT (You Have Been Trolled).Arraso? Because they're like a GATE CRASHER! Pushing her self to be in' even though she's not invited. Duhh! Whatever Hahah

    As long as WE believe that our OTP/ Donghae is real please lets just keep going on being a truly madly deeply Crazily inlove Shippers to Donghae Couple! Once a Donghae Shipper will always be a Donghae Shipper. :x

    And btw' how can i forgot the pilot episode of IM/BladeMan where in the date is exactly the same as my Birthday :(( And tomorrow will be September 10 here in Philippines :-S And what i wish is just i hope that the beginning of episode will all be just a shot of Wookie's topless. Kyaaaa it will be the best wish i ever had. Hahaha =)) :D

    And another thing' Wookie's polished nails' waaah such a girly thingy' bwahahaha You wookie hah' you've been caught again by the sharp eyes of unnie @samzz‌ :-B @-) :D

  8. I know that being happy is good but spreading happiness among others is even better :D So let me repost this from @dongheaeland

    *edit by using adobe photoshop.. haha.. donghae couple mmuahhh ♥♥ #donghaecouple #leedahae#leedongwook #chamocouple#hotelking

    A photo posted by Lee dong wook ♥ Lee da hae (@donghaeland) on Aug 22, 2014 at 1:36am PDT

    This made me LOL and happy as well. Hahahaha =)) :x
  9. the girl behind Dahae is peeking on her phone. Wonder did she see something? :-?   :))

    Unnie @samzz‌ Still! you're the source of something new to talk about. I wonder where did you get it. I mean where your source came from. Sometimes i've been thinking, If there's a possibility that you are Cherry and you are just using another name to cover up something. Hahahahaa :-/ /:) :D Btw' is this latest? And can i repost it in IG?

    @human1981‌ unnie i think so! But wait if cherry's busy texting? Hnmmm i think She's asking a favor to oppa Wookie if oppa can pick her up at the airport. Hahahaha :-bd If someone seen latest picture of oppa wookie at the airport please let me know arraso??? ;) ;;):D

  10. Da Hae wearing shorts! Wookie might warn her again after this!!!LOL 


    :x Unnie i think warning is not enough!!! For sure Wookie will totally grab Dahae and gonna find something to cover those long legs of Cherry. And instead of being mad at her he will just kiss Cherry and said "Please don't do that again"

    #-o Waaaaahhh my wishful mind is driving me crazy again!!!! Gosssshhhh!!!! Hahahah :x :(( #:-S

  11. Dong Wook and Se Ho tandem is waaaaahhhh LOL much!! "We're both Partners in Crime" And all the translation been posted here before dramago posted their eng sub is not far enough. You did a great job chingus!!! =D> =D> And another thing, while DW and seho busy talking w/ the director. Cherry is busy signing an autograph at the other side. Did i saw it right? And unnie @apqaria‌ our investigation team in china is right. DW use Cherry's glass and it means u know... hahahaha Seho shiii you just made my day lol! DW and Seho are really good friends aren't they? THIS IS THE BEST EPISODE OF RM EVER!!!!

  12. hk9_zps96bbc0b6.gif

    @krispink08 SeHo's laugh to me was more like "Oh boy...this is awkward...why do i feel like the third wheel here?" kekeke =))

    poor SeHo :)) Anyway, it reminds me again of that scene where Seho tried to shake Dahae's hands the first time while Wookie was sitting...I just noticed that he didn't take his eyes off them the whole time and was staring intently at the handholding :


    he can't take it anymore so he stood up and released Dahae's hands from him but he did it again and he removed his hands again :))

    I can't believe some will still think that DongHae are just close friends after seeing this...That's clearly a possessive boyfriend right there! ahahaha! do you do that to your close friend? And Dahae didn't even reprimand him ;) I think Dahae was giving Wookie a payback by making her jealous of the RM girls =))


    and lastly, after SeHo gave his gift to them, Wookie shielded Dahae from him right away :)) SeHo was still looking at DaHae like he wanted to say something but Wookie already cut him short and started introducing him to the other casts :)

    Unnie @turquoiseblue‌ Woooowww!!!!! Your amazing.. What an eye do you exactly have? Plus the way you think it made everyone feels like "Ye2x' @turquoiseblue‌ is right"... :-bd where In the other hand, For a beginner like me i'm just starting my investigation and you' You already have your conclusion! Gossh you're THE BEST!!! If i will see you in person i wanna hug you like (Chamo style) >:D< Is it okay? Hahahaha And also too unnie @samzz‌ Thank you for posting the close up pictures of Dahae. She's my girl crush ever since. It was the first time that i've seen that picture. Actually as what i observe' most of the topic been discussed here is made by you. Lets just say "you're the source of, not prolly all but some of the big buzz issue that everyone favorite to talks about all time. No wonder' why you've been promoted to a legendary member. THE BEST GOSSIPER EVER! =D> And welcome back to unnie @SeGafanlady‌ <:-P <:-P <:-P AND TO ALL LEGEND MEMBER AND AN AVID DONGHAE SHIPPER HERE! YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION TO DO MORE AND LOVE MORE OUR ALL TIME FAVORITE COUPLE. Baasshhha!!! RM please release the eng sub so that this thread would easily jump to 1K pages!!!! Hahahah Goodmorning :D

  13. Don't worry,I'm not Oppa... ;;) i'm 36y/o lady..who has been cursed by DongHae couple! 

    No Oppa in this thread! (wild guess)


    Waaaahhh about my last post last night again, IT WAS A JOKE buing buing buing !!!!!

    :P hahaha Actually NO :( Sorry unnie @"N KhadeejaA"‌ for misunderstanding your post. I was just too sleepy that time plus i was just really hoping if there's a possibility that we have oppa member here waaaaaaahh i feel so ashamed!!!! X_X X_X X_X Aigoooo sorry sorry sorry ( Super Junior Style) :-\" \:D/

  14. Ommmo Aside from the perv kekeke that i learned on this thread here's another one thing that might made me shock in this thread. It is when someone gonna post like this " HELLO EVERYONE I'M JUST A NEW HERE AND BTW, I'M OPPA (w/ a guy name)" If i'm not wrong i think all the members here are girls right? It would be very a big shock if that will happen. X_X =)) Sorry if Its kinda like out of topic, i just want to share it because it happened in my dreams and i just want everyone to be aware on what i feel atm. And i'm not totally sure if all here are girls but if there's oppa here let me know please :-B I want to have a big bro like as what Cherry have. Hahahahaha GOODNIGHT CHINGUS SEE YOU ALL IN DONGHAE DREAMLAND :x ;)

  15. Where is our @SeGafanlady‌? Come join our party hon or are you having your own Dong-Hae party by the beaches of Bali ?? :))

    And while I was chatting with @muchcloudier, she told me about suspicion that Chinese fans are having :D 

    They think that may be Wookie used Dahae glass of drink and Seho took his, it could be Wookie's original glass actually as he was sitting at that spot before Seho but it was on his left instead of right, so....?? And I actually so Wookie looking at Dahae while taking it.

    So, what do you think chingus? Did our couple got to share indirect kiss there?? ;)


    Unnie thank you for this. Can i repost it in IG? Is it okay? Pleaseeee I just really want to share this love to all donghae shippers. [-O<

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