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Posts posted by eblasala

  1. 30 minutes ago, eblasala said:

    I have been a silent lurker here and i love this couple too very much.... and here's a big hug to you guys for giving us all these beautiful moments....i'm attending a WTO Forum and im smiling here like an idiot bcoz im so happy... hahaha and to HATERS.... please leave this thread..shhooò. Respect this thread as we respect your threads too. Thank you


    • Like 11
  2. I have been a silent lurker here and i love this couple too very much.... and here's a big hug to you guys for giving us all these beautiful moments....i'm attending a WTO Forum and im smiling here like an idiot bcoz im so happy... hahaha and to HATERS.... please leave this thread. Respect this thread as we respect your threads too. Thank you

    • Like 24
  3. 4 hours ago, b4 said:

    Rewatched the instagram video of the group picture and if you focus on BG and DY their first pose was already a heart pose with each other and then the directory was like BG heart pose and his reaction was like I already did it. That was the look overror to YJ.

    @b4, anyone can share this video? I thought I was the only one being sad since i cannot see their interaction during wrap up party

    • Like 6
  4. 1 minute ago, inlovewithmdbc said:


    Should follw the footsteps of DOTS. Now in the interest survey stage. I expect it to be around 280 USD before shipping. Really wish they can make it more affordable.


    1 minute ago, inlovewithmdbc said:


    Should follw the footsteps of DOTS. Now in the interest survey stage. I expect it to be around 280 USD before shipping. Really wish they can make it more affordable.

     Wow.... that is pricey!!! hahahha, 

    • Like 10
  5. My thoughts part 2....... I still believe Hayeon will voluntarily leave the palace.... until now she is still hoping ang wishing that CP will look at her as a woman... but i think the poison scenario, CP lost consciousness,,calling Raon's name while hallucinating/ Raon taking care of CP secretly while crying/ Raon returning the bracelet to CP while he is still unconsciousness.....  i think these will tell Hayeon clearly that their love is strong even if they are not together.... and she is the one standing between CP & Raon..... i think Hayeon will admit that she is wrong in saying she will be the one at CP' s side until the end since she will clearly see Raon entering the palace even if its dangerous just to be by CP's side...... Just to be clear... i do not hate Hayeon... her intention & love is sincere but i just can't help remembering Raon crying her heart out when she learned of the crown prince pending marriage... it was just heartbreaking.... 

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