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Posts posted by moschila

  1. It is always the odd one that made me come out of lurking. This maybe an old clip but it somehow shows idol confessing to a relationship is a taboo. Leeteuk is protecting his Sora. The only time we will ever get a confession from this two is most probably when they are about to get married.

    I believe they met last night & had a great time. That's why Leeteuk was rather reluctant to leave Busan. He deleted his tweet because he don't want to be obvious.
  2. I want to contribute to the 1000 pages project too...so my turn my turn.
    1. What do you like about Kang Sora?She's not only beautiful, she's smart too. I like the fact she can make Leeteuk who is known to be an eloquent speaker stutter.
    2. What do you like about Leeteuk?He's a good leader. Even though all these years he have that playful image, he is actually a perfect gentleman.
    3.What are the changes in your life when u become aTeukSora Lover??I didn't know that i can be so obsessed with a couple whom i only know from a show. I spent more time online & I activate my old twitter account to stalk Leeteuk & Sora.
    4.Name the most memorable song played in WGM for Our DC episode and why??For me its the Only U song and the end of the last episode. Its just so apt for DC.
    5. Best moment of our couple (State only one and explain)The hugging and kissing on the last episode. That for me was the most honest moment between those two.
    6.Most memorable romantic moment (State only one and explain)The proposal during the concert. That was just surreal.
    7.Memorable moment of Sora Jealousy (Explain)During the Christmas special. She was really upset upon hearing about the secret dates.
    8.Memorable moment of Leeteuk Jealousy (Explain)There's just too many but i guess it has to be during the wedding photoshoot when Sora wants Sungmin to sing for the wedding. When Sora tries to brush off the whole thing, he was like no no no.. I need to know more.

  3. I also believe DC early termination in WGM was to avoid scandal as what @shymaldita28 mention. What made it more suspicious was that DC's last episode was not uploaded in their (MBCentertainment) youtube channel. The rest of the other couple's last episode was there. Maybe they don't want to highlight too much on DC's real emotion and of course who can forget that KISS.
    The fact that LT's camp and the media was quiet about that last episode means that's definitely something going on that they don't want people to know. The Media/ SM or whoever is behind it...is really trying hard to make people forget about that epic last episode with richard simmons stories that made Leeteuk look bad. Poor him.
    Whatever it is, now that DC's stint in WGM has ended...no more WGM for me. I tried watching starking & other variety shows that has Leeteuk. However i still prefer watching him in WGM. To me, he look his best in WGM / with Sora.

  4. @pinnavinna- same here I'm still so not moving on from this couple. Not that i want to forget them but my thoughts are still too full of them that sometimes i cant think straight. Everything seems to remind me of them. I miss them so much. 
    I hope MBC will still continue to release unseen footage of DC. I think the editors/ staffs of WGM know whats the real deal with DC.Maybe since they cant reveal too much..hence the bad editing, they seems to hint a lot with their choice of background music. Its like conveying the couples feeling thru songs. The most notable one is of course from the last episode. I cried harder when i heard ONLY U.
    Anyway, I was listening to Che'Nelle 's BABY I LOVE U from DC's wedding kiss scene & i somehow feel like this is Sora's feeling in that song.

  5. Hi everyone!

    Firstly I want to say i'm mostly on the lurk mode because i'm on mobile most of the times and I cant post from my handphone.Using the computer is hard when u have two active toddlers.

    Like most of us here, i believe our DC is real. Real meaning that their feeling for each other is real. I know that they do love each other. Its just that i cant help being on the fence as to whether they both are already in a relationship. I know the signs are all there but i cant help being apprehensive. I'm hopeful but at the same time careful. Sorry if this doesnt make sense.
    Maybe this is my own defence mechanism to protect my own heart. This is the first time a show got me so affected. An onscreen (offscreen too please) couple that made me smile and cry so hard.My heart is still aching so much from that last episode. I'm like nursing my own heartbreak now. I think i could die from heartache if i know that they are still in the friend zone.
    I'm hoping to see more hints from Sora. Please show us a sign that you'll be waiting for him. Leeteuk is showing a lot already.
    The things that makes me uncertain is that if they both are already in a relationship why was Leeteuk surprised to see the change in Sora's hair. During the camping trip (when walking to the camping car) , he even ask what movie/role she's doing now.Sora even asked him whether he did more tanning. Shouldn't a couple in a relationship already know these things.Well maybe they dont discuss such things. There are a lot of questions unanswered. I guess we'll never know no thanks to MBC's bad editing & stingy DC airtime.I guess what we can do is just wait and hope for the best. Lets us all keep the faith.

    @shymaldita28- thank you! Your post made me want to share my thoughts more.
    I seriously need to get back to my life and not think of DC all the time. I need to be normal again in this real world.

    **Lastly, I'm sorry for if ever i got to page topper and didnt do the wish thing. I dont know how to edit my post. :-?? 

  6. @ary1004 : nice input on the shoes...If I'm not wrong Feiyue (means flying forward in Chinese. ( please correct me for those who understand Chinese,my mandarin is below average)
    Leeteuk really put a lot of thoughts giving her that as a gift. He giving her that shoe with that particular brand means he does not want it to end there.I think he means he wants to Fly Forward with her. Wow! He's meticulous. ;))

  7. @mywebfoot : I too share the same opinion with u. Their final WGM episode is a confession on both sides. As we all know they both filmed this much earlier, i really hope they both really stop wasting anymore time n just be together for real since they already know how they truly feel for each other. To me, the ball is in Sora's court. She just need to tell him that she's willing to wait. They are making one of the biggest mistakes of their lives should they let this pass them by.

    Well, we could be wrong & like u said they both could be somewhere making out rite now. Hee!

    Part of me hope that i'm wrong.. I mean i want to believe that they started after Nami Island. However seeing how they both cried was like as if they both regretted on not making their real feeling known earlier or like they have lost their chance to show how they truly feel since its already the end to their virtual marriage means no more excuse to see each other. To me, Leeteuk's letter was his way of telling her.. I'm for real not for WGM. I'm on the fence cause their kiss do look like it was not the first.Hmmmm....I dont know! It is now 3am in Singapore, I cant think straight.

    Leeteuk & Sora.. If you both are already in a relationship. I'm very happy for the both of u. A LOT of people are hoping for you two to be married someday. If you both are not dating, u both are already in LOVE...go date now! Dont waste anymore time!!!

  8. I was already crying when they gave the mission card. I dont understand a word but i was crying my heart out. The kiss and the Only U song at the end made me cry even harder. 
    Now I'll just have to wait for the english sub to cry again & again. When they both cried, i somehow feel that they are sad not because of their end in WGM... they are sad cause they both are going to be separate for a moment.

  9. MBC just confirmed  another  new couple for WGM. I'm more concerned about our DC's final episode. 
    I hope they will give our DC a proper "finale". I'm sure Leeteuk and Sora would want to leave something memorable for their fans (hence the 3 days of filming of last episode). 
    Me wanting the last episode to be epic is more of a closure for me. I was hoping that it would be one with no mention of "divorce / break-up". More like them...to be continued.

  10. I feel like someone just squeezed my heart and refuse to let it go... Its feels like i'm going thru a break up.

    I know we should be happy for our DC cos with Leeteuk going to army means its a beginning of another phase of their relationship. I just cant help feeling sad. I dont do well with goodbyes even if its a good thing. I hate to miss them.

    I need to get a big box of tissue for their last episode. I also warned my hubby beforehand that i'm going to be in melancholy for at least a few weeks & it got nothing to do with him.

    If we as supporters are already feeling the heartache of this temporary separation, i cant imagine how Leeteuk and Sora must be feeling. DC please be strong and give us good news few years later.

  11. I was very upset over the duration of the last episode. However after reading some of the comments from fellow DC supporters i realised that what matters most is that our DC is happy outside WGM. Both of them seems to be glowing these days despite their busy schedules.

    Watching them has become a drug to many hence the protest of the short duration. Most of us need to go rehabilation once Leeteuk is enlisted.  

    (I'll check in the first page of this thread) Is inevitable that their virtual marriage is ending. I hope between those two it doesnt end there... and it continues..till a real marriage (delusional mode)

    Whatever happens next week in WGM i dont really care anymore. Its seems pointless to say anything cos their focus is on new couples. Its just hard to swallow that after months of happiness to see a short end. After DC, no more WGM for me. Its starts and ends with DC. i'm just gonna enjoy every last bits of them. 

  12. I seriously hate MBC right now. Even though they are trying to wean off DC. This is not the way. From the way MBC is doing WGM now... we better dont have high hopes on DC's last episode. This is too abrupt. I really hope MBC got lots of hate mails now from DC's supporters. I would write / do something too but I dont know the language or the proper channel to voice my opinion. 
    My weekend is ruin no thanks to MBC editors  [-(

  13. I'm not sure whether someone ever mention this but after watching this episode, i remembered once sometime in July while Super Junior were promoting their 6jib & they were on Sukira...Leeteuk was proudly showing off his white toenail during that programme.

    He seems so happy with his feet. I cant seem to find any link for it . Leeteuk was wearing black & he wore slippers that day.Judging from his hair colour, it should be around the same time while filming today's episode. I wonder how long he kept his white toenail ;)

    Aaaaaah...the small little things that made me squealed in delight. Watching these two made me a teenager all over again. I'm like a teenager having a huge crush. 8->

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