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Posts posted by camella
























    timsha said: :(( Girls (u know who u are) all this talk of sharing VP ... did you all forget I was the faithful one who doggedly kept sticking on with this drama ....dont I get rewarded???? Oh what a cruel world it is for an old lady ... all forgotten when goodies are passed around!!!! I am coming after you girls :-t :-L b-(




























    When I read that 20 more episodes will be added to 120, I wanted to give up watching. Since i watch Eunhee in KBSW, I am way behind. Reading Soompi postings allow me to see how late but not sorry as all the episodes ahead are not exciting at all. Even the coming back of the VP does not excite me, as the plot is as dead as SG. I have decided not to allow watching Eunhee if it keeps me from my morning activities and appointments. There is a marathon relay of 4 episodes on Saturday mornings, so I'll see if I can catch up with the episodes I missed. Thanks Tmsha for the recaps. You are good. And for the rest, I find your comments interesting, even if I do not agree with some of them. I visit often but hardly comment much less post. Just uninspired by Eunhee.




































































































































































































    As far as i remember that SG did not kill Doeksu, father of SJ and son of Halmoni. SG was borrowing money from Doeksu and D refused to lend him. SG was insistent and it angered Doeksu to the point of wanting and  trying to strangle SG to send him away.. SG was able to push D away  that made D fall and hit his head against a cabinet. He fell unconscious with bleeding head. SG did not stop to see what happened to D or help him. Instead he scooped the paper money on the floor as many as he could and ran away in great hurry to reach his dying son and pay for the medicine needed to save his son. The son did not die right away but eventuall died. SG  found out that the father of EH ( cannot remember his exacr name will call him HK))came upon the dying Doeksu tried to help him and held him in his arms,even got his face bloodied. This is the scene that Halmoni saw when she entered the room, and right away concludied that he was the killer. SG heard about HK was put in jail awaiting trial. He planned to see him and confess his participation, but found out HK was being transported from jail to an undisclosed place  to SJ. Sj tried to follow HK and when about to reach him ,when they were both bombed on. SG was unable to confess to HK as HK  died on the spot. The rest of the story showed SG gradually getting corrupted by wealth and power. His deception has reached an extent that he is unable to unravel his lies to free himsel from being accused of murder of Doeksu  and falsifying the truth about HK. He has no intention of freeing himself and seeting forth the truth, instead he is dead set on covering up the truth to keep him wealthy and in power. This is quite a challenge to the writers  if hey want justice to be served.  I am kinda at a loss on how it will be done.. It looks more like SG will reap what he planted. Poetic justice?
































































































































































































































    There was no murder, but there was robbery, as the poor guy ran off with some cash picked up on the floor which scattered when the rich man was strangling the poor man. To me it was justified because of the reason for running off with the money of the rich guy. I am on epi 3 already so far, and it has become interesting. I wonder though if the drama is promoting another traditional small industries of Korea. The past teleseries, were on rice wine, hand dyed clothing, oriental medicine, noodles. Now it looks like tofu. I still have to find out who is Choi Jung Tae. He is more interesting to me than Sung Jae.

































  5. I watched epi 1 and it looked to me that there was no murderer. But wrong interpretation of witnessed scene. 
     A poor man  was borrowing money from a rich man, who tried to strangle the poor man, but the poor man pushed the rich man to free himself and this caused the rich man to fall and hit his head against a cabinet which caused him to bleed. But instead of helping, the poor man grabbed the money scattered on the floor and ran out and away to pay the hospital to save his son who was seriously ill of pneumonia. While running away from the scene, another guy, a friend of both the poor and rich men came to the room where the rich man was bleeding and eventually died. This third man probably was accused of killing the rich man (maybe in next episode). These three men knew each other. The man who helped and now accused of murdering the rich man was an employee  in the company owned by th mother of the rich man. The poor man is a worker, but I am not sure if in the company of the rich man. 
    Sorry, I am not familiar with their names yet.  It looks like epi 1 is a background for complications in relationships among the 4 principal rookie actors. The older actors are veterans in korean tele series. 120 episodes like Samseng? 

  6. The  novel ended with so many dissatisfied over the break up of Ji Sung and Samseng, as well as so many were happy over the Dong Wu and Samsang marriage. But I did not note any glee, to say the least, over the turn around of Ji Sung to Geum Ok, based on his feelings that GO saved his life. Below i captioned quoted from an epi on page 79 where Ji sung explained so painfully why he was breaking up with Samseng and seemed to have convinced Samseng to let him go.  This explanation of Jisung haunted me.carried me to the final episode when JiSung asked DW if he was happy and to which DW replied that he was. Then Jisung asked DW to be sure to make Samseng happy. Previously, DW was sulking over the simple reason that Samseng told him why she chose him. He probably expected something more romantic. The proposal of Jisung to GO to stay in Korea, then hugged her to her delight is to me an open ended picture of what the future for them will be. Will he marry her right away? Will their relationship succeed with GO history of deceit and greed and Jisung's feelings of gratitude towards GO? if only for this, the ending of the novel Samseng has some savings grace for me. It depicted the depth of a relationship. It explained why an expected happy ending for Jisung and Samseng did not become a reality. But it cannot be denied that the two did love each other. They had history but circumstances  partly theri own doing did not bring them together at the end.. Perhaps this is what DW was feeling jealous about..
    I quote:
    "Samseng was happy that Ji Sung turned up. Sam Saeng asked Ji Sung about his health. Ji Sung said he is fine.
      Samseng asked if Ji Sung is suffering.  Samseng told Ji Sung to look at her. Ji Sung to Samseng that they should break up. Samseng is in shock. Ji Sung told Samseng that he wanted to end his relationship with her now.  Ji Sung said they will be in pain but he asked her to do so. Samseng told Ji Sung that she knows how much pain he is suffering. She said she can understand and she will also be like that if it was her. Therefore, Samseng told Ji Sung not to be guilt-ridden. Samseng asked how they can break up like that. Ji Sung said he cannot love her anymore now. Ji Sung said that Sam seng had mentioned before that everything under the sun will change. Ji Sung said he changed. His love towards her has changed. Ji Sung said it was not because of his sense of guilt towards her that he is like this. Ji Sung told Sam Saeng that he had experienced hell without hope. Ji Sung said it was then that he first realized that a place without hope is hell. Ji Sung said although bodily pain can be easily overcome but he will always remember the mental torture. (Samseng’s tears were rolling down her eyes as she listens to Ji Sung). Ji Sung said although he came out of there, he is still in hell as he has lost hope. Ji Sung said a person who had lost hope will bring pain to others. Ji Sung told Sam seng that he will cause her pain and will become her hell. [ Gene: "I cried over Ji Sung’s words to Samsaeng too."] Samsaeng said she doesn’t care that Ji Sung becomes her hell. Ji Sung told Sam Saeng that he is unwilling to do that. Ji Sung said to become Samseng’s hell is also like a demonic torture and therefore Ji Sung asked Samseng to help him and let him go if she loves him. Ji Sung got up and left, leaving Samseng  crying bitterly."
































































































































































































    Thank you Gene for your patience and tirelessness in giving us the recaps. KBSW TV novel Sanseng in Manila is 10 episodes late to your recaps. I will then have a chance to watch each of these episodes daily without grappling with attention shifts from subtitles to the dialogue in Korean. I am not unhappy over the ending, nor am I ecstatic either. It is just blah. Well, for one thing, the Dong Wu and Samseng marriage  was more realistic than if Samseng had waited for Ji Sung who has come back rejuvenated and ready to marry her. The legal practices and corruption in the 70s in Korea is very well depicted. 
































































































































































































































    This is getting to be more tragic, than I guessed. I better stop guessing and just read. 

































  9. Sesame oil has survived with vengeance. How can we cook Chinese and korean food without Sesame oil? Shamanism still exists but has lost much of its credibility with progress in science and law.  Face reading has become a popular parlor game. Hehehe. Samseng drama did not subscribe to these practices (save Sesame Oil) as a matter of fact, it proved them  as hoaxes. What then is Dada all about? A take take -advantage hoax?LOL.If KJ gets away by escaping, the writer wants to have the last word after all the slings and arrows we flung on him when the drama did not follow our earlier suggestions. Lol
     I will miss reading this thread.

  10. Let me join the guessing game on how this drama would likely end. KJ will be accidentally shot by Director KIm, but will survive to face trial for BL poisoning as indicted by Chonsik, with MR as star witness. Go will testify for DW regarding the cuff link which she stole from DW room. DW will be grateful will remain as friend to GO but refuses to go any further. Dir Kim will betray Kj and accuse him of bribery and corruption. Dr Bong is too dense to fall in love with Jo Dae.Will continue as boss and housekeeper. He did not even see the resemblance between his wife and Samseng how could he hurdle falling in love again? Chonsik will be a hero and PilSun will approve of him as a future son in law. Samseng will forgive and treat Jisung. Hie parents will accept Samseng ( his mother specially now that Samseng is rich by inheritance).  But will take longer than the 5 episodes left- end will be open ended on this relationship. DW will continue with his business and will be successful. Go will go to the tailor shop and offer herself as apprentice to learn and work on fashion. Chonsik will forgive MR and continue to take care of her and Chonyee. Dada , Doctor Bong, and Sanseng will build a hospital together. 
    Tha past teleseries promoted traditional craft and small industries of Korea. Bokhui on rice wine, Love My Love on hand dyed clothing, One hundred Years of Inheritance, noodles, Fermentation family, on Kimchi and other fermented food products, now it is Oriental medicines for  Samseng.  i wonder what small traditional industry is next?
































































































































































































    Thank you Gene for recap of episode 115. 
































































































































































































































     I am waiting for the arrest of Mr. SA, and trial with MRaye as witness, and eventually his conviction for the murder of Bong Chul, the release of Samseng, and a 5 years later final episode, where Samseng is a full pledged oriental doctor practicing with Dr. Bong an Dada guiding her, Ji Sung well and a lawyer, Dong Wu a sucessful businessman. I am at a loss on how to end GO. As to who will marry Samseng does not matter as both guys are good, besides there are no other guys to choose from.Lol. With KBSW in Manila we are 10 episodes behind. At least I have time to review the late episodes when we end it here in Soompi.  Thank you for the recaps, and the hilarious comments. 
























































    My hope is with Chansik submission of the indictment document with the lawyer who indicated he would turn it to the police prosecutor and testimony of MRaye, and Dr. Bong's desperate connection with the corrupt official whom KJ had been bribing for tax evasion. I am not concerned about who gets Samseng as both guys are good (one is wooden and the other looks iike a statue Lol)




























     Samseng in KBSWORLD in Manila is only on 101 episodes of the 845 am weekday show.  Since I have read up to 109 episodes from this thread and watched 110 episode with mysoju streaming but without eng sub, I am way ahead the KBSW program. Still I have no idea how this drama will end and how it will be done in remaining 10 episodes.





  15. All principal characters of thei drama are good people, intelligent, skilled , caring to others, BUT THEY DO NOT SEE EVIL RIGHT AWAY, EVEN WHEN CONFRONTED, THEY ARE UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING TO SAVE THE INNOCENT, AND  EVEN THEMSELVES. 
    It looks like that the hope I see is with Chansik who indicted KJ. But is still unable to convince his mother to testify. If the lawyer is able to submit the document to the prosecutor, this ia a chance for Chansik to be of value to the family and be a champion of the truth. I hope I am guessing the next move of the writers correctly. I am very unhappy about how the story is evolving, because all us viewers are reduced to guessing game.Maybe that is what the writer want then surprise us with the ending. Please I want a happy ending even if hanging. No more death please.
























    I only wish that justice will be served in this drama, in all ways. Sam-seng will be recognized by her real father, KI will go to jail.Ji sung will not die and will be reunited with family and Sam-seng. Dong Wu , the gentleman that he is will be a successful businessman and will remain friends with everyone. I leave the rest to the writers. They may have gone crazy reading all opinions, curses, turning the pages (I had so much fun reading them though).




































































































































































































    gene71632 said: @camella - Don't worry, you have me to back you up. Ji Sung's campers MANSE! :)

































  18. camella said: timsha said: To the writers, pls take note..., if u need to salvage this bit of sorry richard simmons script....kill JS off, make DW protect SS, he is the only man I see in this drama who has the b...lls to take KJ down, JS does not have any......he gave it to his mum for safe keeping.   DW has been the only one from his early days who protected SS with no hidden motives (like JS and family) except to have her well being at heart.  U started the story with both of them, then end it with both of them.....I dont know why u brought that jackass wooden face JS into the picture.....errr is he a relative or something??????

  19. timsha said: To the writers, pls take note..., if u need to salvage this bit of sorry richard simmons script....kill JS off, make DW protect SS, he is the only man I see in this drama who has the b...lls to take KJ down, JS does not have any......he gave it to his mum for safe keeping.   DW has been the only one from his early days who protected SS with no hidden motives (like JS and family) except to have her well being at heart.  U started the story with both of them, then end it with both of them.....I dont know why u brought that jackass wooden face JS into the picture.....errr is he a relative or something??????
    Take it easy, remember this is only fiction. Hahaha. But I admire your involvement and spunk. I want to put some nice word for Jsung. like he has a beautiful smile,  but I am scared to disagree with you. Lol. 

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