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Posts posted by rae_ai_gin

  1. Hello, ya all


    I'm new here in this forum. I'm Thai. And I am glad to see that SOTUS the series has so many foreigner fans.

    I'll try to come here more often. Usually I'm on twitter hahaha.

    If you guys need any help with translation or any update news about the series please feel free to ask me. If I can answer, I will.

    Let's be friends :heart:


    PS. BTW. You can call me 'JJ'

    • Like 19
  2. [VID]2011 JYJ World Tour Concert in Thailand

    So cute!! Jaejae's skin is so white~~

    And Junsu...What did you just say?? huh?? hahaha

    It's been a long time since I posted here. How are you my 'JYJ Family'??

    There was presale ticket via Website last weekend. And I am one of the lucky fans who got myself 4 VIP tickets....and that means I am lucky I'll have a chance in meeting with the boys. :) I'll come back here and update, okie??

    I hope everyone can have a chance to meet our boys...

    I love how our JYJ thread moving so fast. I have to backtrack a lot :)

    See you soon.

  3. Very disappointing!!! huh?

    Even the MODs are not neutral....I can't find any words to say right now.

    Now I know that Soompi is not the place for us JYJ family anymore. Everytime someone come to poisoned this thread and insulted us. We have to face it without any help from the MODs. They just stay silent and watch as The so-called 'Cassie' or OT5 fan HM fan keep insulting us.

    We as JYJ family always stay peacefully before some trolls came in. Maybe....we can move to our new house...without these anti-JYJ disturbing us.

    I love you my JYJ family...we should stay happy together with the boys in this Valentine's day...

    Oops... SORRY MODs...Yes, TrueTVXQ never talked about anything related to HOMIN but their intentions on damaging JYJ is oblivious and to tell you again if you cannot get it clearly. That site supports only HOMIN!!! And all the information of that site are trash!!!

  4. YAY!!!! @gems You beat me, girl~~~

    I'm so happy I couldn't sleep.....OMG!!! I'm excited!! Although it's not the main role but he's gonna be in the same drama with the big stars!!!!

    Ah!!!! I can't stop myself from screaming. Hope this drama will have have high rating...

    JaeJoong's role will be a team leader at NIS (National Intelligence Service)!

    credit: @Spring_Breezes

  5. OMG! Just stop this!!! I don't know what to say anymore....my sisters in JYJ family....T^T Why can't we live and spazz about our dear JYJ in peace.

    Why can't this thread is Pro-HM-free!?

    @Meisei...OK...I understand what you mean...but you also have to understand what JYJ fans feel as well. You cannot tell people to love what they hate. You cannot change people's thoughts. I know you don't want anyone to hate your precious HM but THIS THREAD ISN'T WHERE you should talk about this! This thread is JYJ thread as it was already written on the head of the topic. So this thread is the place where the fans who loves JYJ gathering and spazzing. JYJ fans don't have to be TVXQ5 fans...Some JYJ fans are new fans that have nothing to do with Cassiopioa. And not all JYJ fans hate HM!!! I am one of them. I love HM eventhough sometimes it hurts. So, please...don't talk about this again...It's not about agree to disagree or whatever anymore. Please left HM outside this thread before you come in here (if you still want to come here...). JYJ fans are not haters. Thank you for loving our JYJ.

    @MOD & JYJ family members....I'm sorry I have to talk about this again. I'm sorry I didn't use PM. I just want SOME people to understand the purpose of this thread. Thank you every JYJ family members for every news and pictures and infos you diligently provided. I love you girls^^ I hope our JYJ home will be more happy and fill with happiness soon (When SOME people who're not JYJ fans know that this is not the place to come and put fire on).

    SPAZZ!! Jaejoong so cute with Raichu (another form of Pikachu) on the back of his hand.


    credit: as tagged

  6. I think the reason that there are some arguement here and there in this thread is because...SOME people who're not JYJ fan and more HM-biased came to put the fire in this thread....I think they should go to the main thread or HM thread instead of coming here and claim that they love JYJ while all they are doing is bashing JYJ and fighting with our JYJ family members.

    I said in my introduction post that I'd love to see this thread full of love and friendship...but SOME people who're not JYJ fan made this seems so hard for this thread to be.

    I know we can have different opinion but that's why we have separate thread in the first place...Please...SOME people who are Pro-HM...Leave this thread...I beg you.

    Don't hurt our family members again.


    I just want to spazz about our beloved boys...Maybe next time when SOME people who are not JYJ fan come in this thread...we should just ignore them...alright? So that our thread can be happy again. YAY!!!

  7. I'm looking forward to Feb 25th...I want to see our boys' daily lives in action hehe...

    Actually I want to start some discussion but I think I'll have no time to read our JYJ family's answer in these comeing days. So I just share a huge cute fanart!!


    Credit: DNBN

    LOL! @Jiji on Jae's back...so cute

  8. @petiteange22

    Your idea is exactly what I thought...dear ^^ I'd love to see our JYJ thread is full of love and friendship. Maybe after we introducing each other we can have some random discussion about our boys and more! Yay!!

    Hello every cutie JYJfamily...I'm Jaja, a Thai fan. I fell in love with the boys since 2006 (around Sky period)....since I was in my 1st year in Pharmaceutical faculty until now haha... [i know I'm old T^T] My bias is Jaejoong as you can see from my signature hehe...I used to meet them live about 5 times....mostly in Concert (O, Mirotic, SM town 2009, and The beginning showcase & press conference) I hope we all can be friend and be happy with our JYJ forever...Nice to meet you all^^

    Ah~~ I have to prepare for my exam so I got to go now. I'll be back more often.

    Before I go...I have some old pics of JJ to share...I love these two pics because of JJ's pouty lips is so adorable and tempting. :wub:



    credit: as tagged

  9. About YunJaePetch.....Nothing more to say....Just so mean ....They can announce on another day but they chose to announce on Jaejoong's birthday.

    Let's not talk about this :P

    I have something to share.... not sure if it was shared already or not.

    A must watch!!!!

    Jaejoong's so cute...he's such a doll. And hahaha...Jiji's face when JJ lifted him up....Poor Jiji. Now I understand why Jiji always angry with his butler XD LOL

    By the way.... Happy birthday my dear angel~~~~

  10. Hey guys, i don't know where should i share this news, but did you know, timeless has been adapted into english version and the singer was kelly clarkson. Guess, korean music seems gettin worldwide.

    Sorry to cut your post but actually Timeless that was sung by Kelly Clarkson is the original one. And the Korean one is newer than that version.

    Because In 2006 before Timeless Korean version was released, I have the original one in my playlist.

    And there are so many songs that SME used to make into Korean version even the "Why" from the same artist "Zhang ri in" or even My everything of CSJH and many TVXQ songs

    I read about the fan's questions to Jaejoong in Hero Festival in the twitter. I really love this guy more and more. He's so cute talking about his pets like "Jiji is a devil" and "Vick is not a dog, it's cow" haha... Hope someone can put the full translation of the questions & answers here so we fan can enjoy it together.

  11. Congratulation!!!! Yay!!! I've been waiting for so long~~~

    Finally the peace comes true....hehe....

    Wow...I see this thread has many people that I haven't seen before at TVXQ main thread...

    @petiteange22 Thank you very much for leading this thread! But I want to see the beautiful first page...maybe we should have a contest to make the picture for JYJ's profile Albums, Other Infos, and Discography. I really wish I could join in hehe!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Rest in peace....Park Young Ha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm in tears knowing this happened. Why there are so many Korean actors/actresses committed suicide?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The Korean entertainment lost their one shining star...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's so heartbreaking to know that Jaejoong burst out crying like that. He couldn't come back to see his beloved brothers/friends for the last time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I worried about him so much. I hope he will feel better soon. At least he has Junsu and Yoochun beside him.(But I'm sure he need HoMin with him as well)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wonder why...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    God gives Jae beauty, heavenly voice and more but he also gives him so much of the hard things...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's like he's the angel that God sends him down to earth to punish him...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope everything will be alright for Jae...I really hope that he could be together with his bandmates/brothers/best friends again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Please stay strong Jae... Cassiopeia's Angel.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This thread ends with so much tears...But I hope we will be happy together again in the 5th thread. We should begin with the happiness and leave the sadness behind in this thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you for everything TVXQ! and Lovely Cassiopeia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After recover from crying so hard in these past days because 'W' and fanaccounts...I must says thank you to all of you who share all the stuff about the concert/event. So many things happened in these pasts days...huh?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Congrats to Junsu for winning the award! He deserved it :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm looking forward for this musical...He is like a prince himself ...haha...So, I don't worry about his performance at all.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Since today is 10/06/10...It reminds me of the wedding aniversary of YunJae!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So...Happy 3rd aniversary, ne? Appa & Umma of Dong Bang Shin Ki!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We miss seeing you two together...(Well, actually we miss seeing all 5 of you together!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Please be happy forever. Stay strong and pray for the day when you 2 can be together with your Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Remember? the first trip back to Korea after the law suit.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yunho protected his beloved bandmate from the big group of cameras and reporters around them....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (Don't get distracted by Jae's nipple, OK?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credit: as tagged































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ps. Sorry for spazzing too much hehe :P...but I want our thread to be like before when it's YooSu day!! Let's spread our love to the boys...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @Yunhofan : I really like what she did! She loves Yunho but not bashing the three members.
































































































































































































































































































    She knows when to stop and when to accept...*cough*not like someone who loves to point it out so much*cough*
































































































































































































































































































    Everyone can have different belief but we have to learn how to accept things although we disagree.
































































































































































































































































































    In this thread...I know it is free to think different and voice out your opinions. But there is also a thing called 'manner', which we can have and keep this thread peace and calm.
































































































































































































































































































    In this situation that we all are suffered from rumors and heartbreaking news, I think it's not the time to point things out to the face of the other fans. This time every little things can make us sad, cry, disappoint, unhappy, etc. So we should stay strong and be unite.
































































































































































































































































































    Sometimes we have to learn how to keep it inside if we know that what we think will make other people upset.
































































































































































































































































































    We say we love all 5 boys...but why someone didn't do like what they say. Is it really that hard to love the boys like before the law suit happened?
































































































































































































































































































    Why we have to doubt about the boys decision? When what we should do is stay by the boys' side and support them.
































































































































































































































































































    Some gif to share....(I remember someone in the last few pages request these YunJae gif :P )
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JaeSu ...*although these days I prefer SuJae :P*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credits: -*- can't remember but must be a Thai fansite.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think some fans are going at it again!!
































































































































































































































































































    I noticed whenever there's kind of rumor that hurt JCS images...Some fans here who didn't admit that they hate JCS always start to insult the three! Again and again. And this time is the nth time someone insulted about JCS intelligence compared to HM. JCS are not dump! And this is still rumors... Don't conclude everything by yourself and bashing the boys over again. No one knows the truth except them! I really hate some fan that always pretend to love all the 5 but in her comments always have something hidden. (Which always leading to arguement!)
































































































































































































































































































    Don't we all remember the rules of the forum? DO NOT BASHING THE ARTIST!! And now what are we doing?
































































































































































































































































































    Please stop it....I don't what the fan to be divided into two side.
































































































































































































































































































    When the boys already told us to wait....we should believe in them if we love them.
































































































































































































































































































    Do you think HM will be happy knowing JCS are being hated by fans?
































































































































































































































































































    Please respect our beloved artists...They are the reason we are here today...Please remember the first time you fall in love with them...And please remember the love you have for our 5 boys.
































































































































































































































































































    Some stuffs to share! hehe
































































































































































































































































































    I've been missing 'one touch' from this couple....T^T































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And my bias couple....YUNJAE is OTP!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    add *-*
































































































































































































































































































    Some of Jae's cute pic (some with Yunho)....I really love his red plump lips (No wonder why Yunho....ahhhh...I need to stop myself from fangirling!!!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JJmorecute.jpg <<< I <3 his pout!!!
































































































































































































































































































    Credit: YunJaeLove, as tagged and more that I can't remember...
































































































































































































































































































    @TVXQ~Soul >>>> Yes, I feel the same too....I also didn't have to look at her ID haha...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @KGB >>> You speak my mind, dear.... I think we fan here are too much sometimes...Being far away from them but someone thought they know it better than the boy themselves....*sigh*


































    Sorry but I've to ask, when did Max bashed Homin ???!!!

    FYI, I didn't forget that issues...but on my POV all I remember is how changmin ignored Max

    I'm a Yunjae bias fan, and I'm proud of it...not sugarcoating it with "I love all five" but yet keep attacking with calm manner or whatever...

    From homin's fans pov of that issues "max bashed homin, so he's evil...i can't trust him amymore, etc"

    from jaechunsu's fans pov "why can't changmin have some respect, he's their boss after all, etc"

    Everyone have their own bias, so why bother ?

    seriously, can we stop arguing over the same problems ?

    I don't want this thread to be closed again

    I agree with you!!

    '6.25 issue' and 'Max bashed HoMin issue' didn't even happen at the same time.

    I don't think Kcassie have to clarify for that.

    I'm proud of Kcassie for caring about us who didn't know and doubt about the rumors and tried to make us understand.

    Like what Sisca said. Everyone have their own bias. So, please don't try to make other people agree or think the same way with you.

    We are here in this thread because we want to keep track of the boys' news. Not to bash the boys and bash other members in this thread. Please remember...we should stay as one for our boys. Don't let the news and rumors divided our unity into two sides.

    And please...DO NOT bring the old issues to argue again. It doesn't make anything better...

    I don't want this thread to be closed again...T^T

    PS. Although I'm a YunJae fan...But I love all the boys so much.

    Really hope to see them together as 5 again.

    Sorry, that I don't have anything to share...





    [Request] Can somebody please tell me the rating of Sunaoni Narenakute ep. 3&4?

    Thanks in advance!!!

    And to make this post of mine less spam...I'll post my fav pics of the 5 boys!!!

    I miss them so much T^T But I'll wait for them no matter what!




    credit: as tagged

    Edit!!! Thank you so much!! You guys are so kind! I hope the rating will go up and up ...The drama is very interesting.

    PS. I'm so proud that I'm a part of this fandom...I'm so happy that I fall in love with TVXQ.

    Because ...if there's no TVXQ, we fan would not meet each other like this. Thank you again for your great help!






    I see this thread is moving so fast....but it's full of bashing and ranting!

    I'm waiting for this topic to stop but *same-old-faces* always bring it up again and again...


    At time like this...when everything is down

    Everything is so cruel to us...Why we have to argue and bashing the one we love...

    Some people who adore Homin have to stop...so do the people who adore JaeChunSu


    I see some comments that are very good. But you guys ignored them and keep on bashing.

    Do you guys know them well enough...

    Nobody knows them well like they know themselves.

    The boys have their own decisions...They have their own way to live.

    We don't have the right to judge them.


    Changmin didn't shake hand with Max...that doesn't mean Max is the evil...that doesn't mean CM saw the evil in him

    Changmin is only human how can he see the evil by his bare eyes!

    He is not the most honest one like what someone think! He may be harsh but the harsh he displayed is not mean honesty! Nobody is always honest...


    We don't know him ...we don't know them all...so how can we judge the things that happen.



    To Homin fans,

    I know you love and support them but please....please...don't throw trash to JCS.

    You might say you hate them but this thread is not Homin only! This thread is for the five of them.

    JCS are not selfish...they just fight for the right!

    So please...please...please stop saying dirty things about JCS.


    To JaeChunSu fans,

    I must say I am one of the fans. I know we love JCS so much...

    Some of us may not love Homin (which I rarely see) but please...please...please don't say bad things about HM

    HM is not bad...HM is not coward...they just being loyal to the one who feed them.


    I want to remind you guys...don't take this seriously...we have our lives to move on and so are they.

    I don't see any benefit from ranting over and over again.

    I can live my life happily although deep inside my heart I feel like crying and crying...

    I used to think I miss YunJae so much...But finally...the one I miss is TVXQ! ...all five of them!

    I never talked bad about Homin...not even once! So ...it makes me feel sad when Homin fan talk bad about JSC.

    I love all of them...and I don't want to see them apart.

    But it's already happened...so I have to face the reality.


    All we have to do is stay strong and support them 5.

    Wait till the day the truth reveal...




    This words will tattoo in the heart of those who believe in the love of the 5 of them.

    But for those who abandon them as 5...Their heart will be empty and fill only with hatred.


    So please...please...stop this heartbroken and unpleasant discussion to make this thread be the happy thread that full of hope and support for our boys...



    PS. I see the trolls here....not only one but they come in group! so we'd better ignore them, huh?





    I think you're being immature here....And you make Yunho's fan ashamed of you...


    I don't want to start fighting here...so I think the better way to stop this discussion before it's going into fire! is to call for Moderator

    Please behave yourself....and think before you type...kinkie

    I know you love your Yunho...I know you love SME

    but you know what...This thread is for people who love all 5 of them! Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Changmin, and Junsu.

    If you can't do that ....

    Please...please go to you bias thread...Oh!! Don't forget to think before you type there before you get kick out.

    I think ...we fan can stay together peacefully without any kind of trash discussion.

    No matter whom you hate or which company you hate....just keep it to your self.

    Don't bash them here...

    Don't throw any knife to our beloved artist.

    We love all 5 of them...not just only one or two who stay with the company you prefer.!

    PS. MOD...please....



    May I add something?hehe..

    i think. for Thailand is changmin

    it's not coz im biased, my frends told me that there're a lot of changmin's fans more than others.hehe..

    so i guess the magnae deserve it too..=)

    omg i miss him so much.. ;(

    I'm from Thailand...and I should clarify this...hmmmm...

    In Thailand, I should say the most popular members is Jaejoong/Yunho. A lot of Changmin's fan that you or your friends see are also from other members' fan. When we were in concert or something like that, we will show support for Prince Shim to cheer up our lovely maknae.

    But the major population here in Thailand is YunJae....You can see obviously when it comes to discussion about Kitten Jaejoong, everybody will go crazy about him, drools over him haha...

    I'll be back to share somthing later...I need to finish my report first. :)





    How old are you? Are you older or younger than Jaejoong?

    I'm 19 so younger than changmin


    Name three things you learned from DBSK.


    - read the content of a contract properly before signing it

    - finish high school first before thinking of fame. people can't cheat you if you're a bit older and smarter :lol:

    - never bite the finger who fed you

    How did you get into the fandom and what made you stay?

    from yunho's dancing video in youtube late 2006. read fans' comments how such a great dancer he is but i thought his dance isn't that impressive because it was kind of sloppy without real structure but he is sexy and charismatic. then i learned that he's the leader of a boy band who sings acapella and thought they're kind of good. the excessive yaoi-pairing tendency this group had put me off from being an instant fan however finally i became a full-time fan at 2007

    Has your bias changed since you first discovered them?

    my first bias is yunho since i discovered tvxq through him and then it is junsu for a while. later for some time i don't have any real bias since i began to love them equally. although currently i'm a homin bias thanks to the court drama. i noted how much tvxq had changed since their recent surge of popularity in japan and how homin is the least changed among the members. homin are consistent and always keeping it real since i start to idolize them.

    Look! There's someone who really need to divided the fandom into two. I really disgust this kind of people. (Sorry for being rude). I don't understand why when everything is fine with no arguement...someone like this must show up and use her bad mouth to bite JCS. Although I like JCS better...but I've never blamed Homin ...I'll never want to split the boys apart. I always want them as forever 5.

    To this people, I think if you hate JCS that much....just go....go to your own fantasy with homin. This is DBSK/TVXQ/THSK thread!!! It's is all the 5 boys threads!!!! So, people like you who want them to break...shouldn't come here. We want them as one group! Not only Homin!!! So please....If you can't control yourself from throwing some rubbish to JCS ....Just go away....Oh....by the way ...Thank you for making us know obliviously that you are bias to homin.


    I'm sorry everyone....My rage is out of control because of this kind of people!!!

    Let's smile and keep the faith.... :D

    Forget this kind of people here....



    Before I go, I have something to share... It's another style of Forever21 top that Jae wore.



    credit: YunJaeLove (reuploaded by me)


    I think maybe Jae wore the one like this. He's sure looks pretty in girls' outfits.




    Omg this is so depressing.. Look what happened to my all about dbsg 2 dvd T_T All of the discs are not readable anymore.. Gawd!!!! =((

    I don't know why it became like that. Have anyone experienced this before? :(

    Mine too!!!

    I was so diappointed about the quality of the disc that SM used. :angry: This boxset of DVD costs a lot but use low quality disc to record and sell. I don't know if the alcohol thing can help or not but I'll try T^T.

    I hope the AADBSK III disc won't be like this. But to make sure....I think I have to check the disc again and again.


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