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Posts posted by teh-o

  1. they reminiscences their Macau memories and the episode ended at them kissing on the bed as the camera switches to focus on the ducklings (the ones that MY's mom gave to her during their early marriage)! Finally Geon can fulfill his needs after 3 years of struggling XD ! Throughout the episode, Geon is very touchy with MY like poking her to hint his "needs" XD now left 2 more episodes for more happy lovey couple things!


    Another memorable funny scene in this episode is Yong's fire power can fight with Geon's Ice! hahahaha

  2. Just finish episode 16! I think if I'm Mi Young, walking out of the office towards the lift and to the taxi with the lights automatically on itself, I would have freak out! I have to remind myself this is a rom-com XD Can't help to think that Gae Dong is like their cupid, The appearance of Gae Dong brought them together but unfortunately accident happen and our OTP have to go separate ways. Again, Gae Dong's drawing brought them back together. Owh my dear Gae Dong, may you rest in peace after your papa and mama get back together! ;----; I've to thank Daniel for bringing MY 's first illustration of Gun in Paris.. That illustration felt like a push for Gun to face that he can't lose MY anymore! Sensing some hot scene coming up next week! 4 more episodes to go! fighting!!! :D

  3. I don't think they will go to the amnesia plot. So far the writer always surprises me! I'm liking the pervy Gun who is doing his best to control his frustrations since few of the previous episodes hahaha!
    I'm hoping that Lee Yong will fully side with MY and stops his mom from doing all the bad things. I don't quite understand Korean but from the conversation when Lee Yong was eating Ramyun, he seems really touch when MY mention that they're family. I think that's what she says~ Lee Yong just wanted to be accepted into the family and he is so much nicer than his mom since he help MY escaped the reporters! If he doesn't stop his mom, am sure MY's friend will drill him to be a good person~ XD
    I ROFL when they played back the "love song" from Successful story of a bright girl theme song XD This drama really play back a few tributes to their previous dramas hehe ahhhhhh just hope next week our OTP will be back together lovingly! T---T *prays hard* I'm liking that both of them already have a mutual understanding that they love each another ;---;

  4. I love how Gun's first line to that jerk lawyer is always, "It's me, Gun" which comes with his laughter! ehahahehhahehhahahhehahhehaehahfehahehahaha! In your face jerk lawyer! Gun will always be there to protect his snail! :P I also like how they added some minor symbolic hand gesture of MY aka the snail hand posture, even Secretary Tak is doing it!

    I'm happy that Gun was upset at MY for a bit when MY prevented Gun from telling SeRa the truth at the office. It shows Gun's concern about their current status and wants to come clean with things. Today's episode also shows that Gun is slowly acknowledging his relationship with MY by bringing her openly into the office to show people, "This is my wife~!" Although there's no confession of feelings yet but actions always speaks louder than words~
    Gun has always craves for family love since he could not experience more of that from his parents who passed away when he was a kid. In all his life, he thought Se Ra is the one but unknowingly, MY's appearances made him waver because MY really gave him the family love that he longs for (the baby, MY's mom treating him like a son, the warmth and pure feelings from MY). Had MY not being sincere and kind, Gun would have go ahead with the divorce plan and go back to Se Ra, after all, this is all caused by an accidental one stand~ 
    Of course, in this version, I really hope Se Ra will also be able to find her happiness! She might have took it for granted since its not the first time she put Gun aside for her career but with 6 years worth of feelings, no one would be happy to see your bf is married to another woman when they have not even break up.

    I hope this rom-com will continue to be this fluffy till the end because the usual k-drama pattern that I know of, things starts to go crazy around episode 10 onward. Anyways, cheerios to our OTP snail couple! On a side note, I really like Jang Na Ra's clothing in the series~ simple and nice! She is damn pretty and still look so young! :o

  5. I feel the part when Lee Geon is talking to his psychiatrist about the snail, its like he is very scared that if he is not careful, because of the snail slow and powerful suction, he will fall in love with MY. owh silly lee geon, just let yourself fall! hahaha although, if I'm in his shoes, I would freak out too since he really sincerely love Se Ra and marrying her has always been one of his dreams but things has come to this stage with little choices for him so it is understandable for him to be this crazy at the early stage. no denying that he actually finds comfort in MY and possibly attracted to her as well. ahhhh! can't wait for next week's episode! *___*

  6. I read from Wikipedia that in history, Empress Ki dissapeared soon after her son ascended the throne so here is my version of the ending.

    After having so much self reflection with her life thinking about the Palace, both in Yuan and Goryeo, bringing so much death and pain to her love ones, she decided to move out from the life cycle in the palace and left the palace to find her new path. During her journey to find her new life, she accidentally found Taltal who is still miraculously alive from the war because he was saved from a commoner. She was so delighted to think that at least one man that she knew in her dreadful life is still alive but soon found out Taltal actually lost his memories which explains why he never return to the palace (like most dramas like to include into the plot) so she stayed with him and they slowly fell in love. After going through so much pain, with their wits and great skills in martial arts, they live happily ever after and who knows, living the life as robin hood to help the nation since helping from frontline is too difficult so going backline might not be that bad (with Ayu secretly help maybe? :P)

    Or after the beach scene, actually TH didn't die, he just fell asleep and by God's Luck, there's a cure to his poison then he manage to survive till the age of 50 then by then, we can continue to the initial ending that I've mention... HAHAHA! I sounded so greedy XD

    I know its a corney ending of mine but I really wished to have Seung Nyang happpy. She rarely have any happy moments in this drama TAT It is sad to be the last one standing after going through so many things together and it sucks to know that everyone dies for her. :(

    I'm just allergic to drama's that have everyone die except the main character... >_>

    EDIT: aside from that, I applause for the actors and actress great effort in acting and I'm very amaze with JCW's acting! everytime he cry, my heart aches and I really felt the sadness ;__; I really want to pat on his shoulders and say, don't worry, you'll get a happier role next time! Hopefully he gets more drama roles after Empress Ki and I want to see him act in a drama with a happy ending and better if its comedy too so I can see JCW being happy most of the time! :)

  7. My first post regarding the Heirs~ After watching 10 episodes, the whole drama certainly feels very high school~ doesn't it remind you how many silly/amusing things you would do for your first love/crush XD I Lol'ed so hard when I watch CY protect BN from getting shoot from his teammate during the paintball session. It was so... dramatic and funny! XD I really really love MS cheerful, direct and honest character~ So happily stalking people with his camera. CY & BN & MS is certainly my fav characters in the drama cause they amuse me so.
    Now that the drama have 10 episodes left, I hope it is enough to resolve the conflict in KT's family (his mom, his brother, his father) and most of the supporting character's storyline. First 10 episodes is still on KT and ES while the drama focus very little on the other elements. At least now can see ES's character trying to progress much further. I wonder if ES's sister will come back to Korea some time later in the drama to at least explain the reason why ES's sis left the family.
    Looking forward to see YD being more honest even with KT around and less of poking KT by using ES. I believe YD really wants to be good pals with KT again just that his pride and ego is too strong. The force is strong in this young one! XD
    Hope the writer and the director will be able to give us a satisfying story progress and ending! Aja Aja Fighting! *o*
    p/s: They can reduce the amount of camera focus on actor's face in different angle to have more time for other things... XD

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