Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by _siku_
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yea take pictures, save in ur computer or paste on your wall. You can go through soompi what did you wear today thread and save pictures of the outfits you like.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Don't worry about what people think. I use to be like that too, I changed my style completely and for the first few days it was awkward, but after a while you just blend in with everyone and no one pay attention much anymore.

































































































































































































































































  2. If sex is important to you, and you want to do it, then communicate with him. You said your sex life isn't good? Then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. 
    It's normal for guys to watch porn, maybe he is watching porn more than before just to satisfy himself because your sex life isn't exciting anymore. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You probably WILL LOSE BOTH.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My good friend went though the same thing, he cheated on his ex because he was trying out the other girl. I admit, he was good at it, he dated both girl for almost half a year and his ex-gf found out. She dumped him and the other girl also did not want to date him because for both of them, he was playing around with their feelings.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It left a scar on his ex-gf and she doesn't trust any guys now. My friend regretted a lot, although he cares for them, but none of them wants to talk/see him ever again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So I'm telling you, if you CARE about your gf, DUMP HER. She deserves better. You think the girls will never find out that you are cheating? One day, either one or both of them will find out, then you are going to lose them both and regret.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe it's just me but I think some of the pinned threads are gone. Just want to let you guys know, other than that, awesome update btw! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The person who asked for a tablet or a notebook stated that he/she will be typing a lot of papers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Therefore a laptop would be more ideal because of its hardware keyboard.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was the one who asked for a tablet or notebook. I'm probably gonna get a notebook now because most of my courses involve projects with drawings, diagrams etc. But honestly, if my courses were purely note with words with no math, drawings involved, I would just get an iPad, because I CAN type easily on iPad. The other day, I tried to type notes in my class on my bf's ipad, and I can do it with no problem, while my bf can't do it. So yea, I really think it's up to an user.. there are other pros and cons with iPad and notebook, but that's just my personal preference. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^I think it depends on the user. In one of my class where it's purely taking notes from the powerpoint slide, I see this girl types 15 pages on her iPad easily. At the same time, another girl bought a keyboard dock and used it along with her iPad. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Whereas my boyfriend can't type fast enough on his iPad, he types much faster on laptop. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And thanks Orangeman! =D




































































































    I don't know much about laptop so uhm my question is what's the difference between IBM Lenovo think pad and ideapad?




























    I need a small laptop/netbook for school, mainly taking notes, surfing the Internet and YouTube, no gaming so I don't need a good graphic card. I was looking at Lenovo ones, but do you guys have other recommendations? My budget is about $500 and under :( and I'm looking at about 2GB + for memory.
































































































































































































































































    This reminds me of a girl who has a blog on dating a korean guy and the stereotypes etc lol. 
































































































































































    To answer your question, I believe in it but I'm not the ldr type. I've been through some before, and I came to realize that I just can't really deal with it. If you are enjoying it, just go with flow. 

































  9. @hermit: thank you :) I was waiting for your reply :P LOL

    Another question if you don't mind :P

    Lately my boyfriend has been feeling depressed about his age and he's still in school. He's 25, graduated from 4-years college and went back to school (university) immediately to get another degree. The main reason of going back to school for him is to make money, because his major is in demand right now. The thing is, he isn't enjoying his current major and he can't transfer to something he likes (psychology) due to financial problems and the pressure to grad from his parents. If he transfers now, he would have to stay another 4 years, when he's going to graduate in a year with the current major. He told me he just wants to get out of school, make money, enjoy life and be a son that his parents can be proud of (he made mistakes in the past. At the same time he wasnt born in a wealthy family so money has always been a problem, and later he has to take care of his sister who is 10 years younger).

    Right now he is determined to finish school, but he's still depressed about his age because all his friends are making money and enjoy life. So what or how can I encourage him... Or make him feel better?

  10. I have questions regarding guys and their "bros."

    So my boyfriend's friends seem to dislike me. I only seen them twice before and never really hang out with them. I met some of his close friends and according to my boyfriend, they think I'm a really nice and sweet person. But his other friends doesn't seem to like me much due to a misunderstanding. They think I hacked my boyfriend's email, facebook due to jealousy (fyi, all the hacking happened while me and my boyfriend were on one month break, since he was having feelings for another girl so he decided to go on break and sort out his feelings. Now we are back as a couple. Also, this hacking also happened to him before when he broke up with one of his "flings"). I told my boyfriend to tell his friends that "Look, I did not hack him, if you guys think I did, then I don't care." But it seems they still think I was the culprit, so I decided to ignore it. 

    Secondly, they don't seem to approve me as a girlfriend due to my appearance. My bf told me before that he always went for the sexy, hot girls, and I'm the complete opposite. Although I'm 20, but I can pass for a 16 years old, at the same time, I'm only 5' :(. He told me most of his friends are shallow, cheated on their gfs and always went for look, while my boyfriend cares about the personality more, and that's why he likes me. Again, I ignored what his friends think. 

    My main question is... What should I do to improve the relationship with his friends? I admit I feel hurt sometimes by his friend's comments regarding me, and my bf always assured me that he doesn't care what they think. But I just want to get along with them, because I know how his friends are really important to him.

    Edit: and if it helps, I'm barely 20 and my bf is 25. We are both in school. 

    Oh and also, for the hacking incident. My boyfriend knows I'm not the type of person to do such thing, and he knows how busy I am with school so he trusts me. 

































































    sigh... thanks guys for your input... i didnt mean to come off as sleazy but i had never been in a relationship before and i didnt really know how to handle anything that came my way. i will stay away from him, i need to figure myself out first before confusing others. i seem like a horrible person for my actions and yes i should not date for a really long time or probably not even date anyone -___-
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You are not horrible. Everyone make mistakes, really stupid ones too. Learn from them and don't repeat them again. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Before moving, think with your salary, will you be able to rent a place? What about transportation, food, etc - all that expenses, can your salary cover all that and still leave you some extra? 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I say if you want to, go ahead. Try to convince your parents that you want to experience the outside world, show them that you are independent, can pay your bills and take care of yourself. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lol is this the same girl who ran away from her bf house at 2am because she was afraid someone might be in the washroom, so she woke her bf up to check, then threatened to break up when he refused? 
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Edit: Oh it's you. I'm surprised you both are still together, just saying. 

































































































































    I don't actually own anything from Aritzia - their sweaters are really thick and warm though. They have really good winter jackets - but other than that , IDK why you would buy anything else from there S: Maybe the yoga pants.. Anyways, I always thought Aritzia was only in canada, has it always been in US too?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Aritzia opened several stores in US. 

































































































































    hi i was wondering if anyone knows if there is a jailbreak out for the 4s??
































































































































































































































































































































































































    None yet.

































































































































    Just got my iphone 4s 16gb in white, I love it. Although, coming from a family that are all Android Powered and have never owned anything Apple, its different. The battery is a lot better then my brother EVO and my parents Galaxy S2. The Cons though....sometimes Siri doesn't want to work, and Google Maps isn't as optional as Android. Other then that, pretty good. (but man....I wish I could get a free replacement or exchange if I ever break it ): )
































































































































































































































































































































































































    As soon as you got your iPhone, it's under Apple warranty for a year and you can get a free replacement/exchange within that time. Depends on the reason why you want to exchange it though, say if you drop it in water, chances are Apple isn't going to exchange it. 

































































































































    Is it possible to theme iphone 4s without jailbreaking it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So I recently just got a iPhone 4 as a gift from my mom's friend, but the thing is that it is locked to AT&T and is updated to iOS 5.01.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    :( Is there any way I can jailbreak/unlock the phone? I tried calling various places around my area, but no one can unlock an iPhone 4 because of the software. T__T































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yea there is a way to jailbreak and unlock your phone. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































    For jailbreak: http://www.redsn0w.u...-on-iphone.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Scroll down to "iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak Supported Devices."































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Make sure your iphone is iphone 4, not 4S. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































    After you jailbreak, use this to unlock: http://www.redsn0w.u...-and-3g3gs.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is a trusted jailbreak, so no worry about scam/whatever. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ I know. I've been submitting my resume like crazy to places, but getting no results. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So again, anyone know any places that are hiring? =/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think this is a good example that people don't date reality. Instead, people date their own imaginations.  The secret to a healthy relationship is the continuing commitment of both parties to paint a comfortable picture in each others mind.  Once you fail to do this, you will lose the other person very fast.  In your case, your Ex failed to paint a good picture in your imagination and as a result, she lost you very fast.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Reality is, she probably didn't grind anyone at the clubs.  She also probably didn't go to the clubs to look for sex.  She may have even only thought about you the entire time she was at the clubs. There is nothing ethical or unethical about any boyfriend/girlfriend going to the club as much as there is a fundamental importance in the element of trust with one another.  With trust, you won't imagine the worst.  Without imagining the worst, you two can comfortably pursue friendships and personal lives outside of your relationship. That's the way a healthy relationship should be.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You two didn't have trust.  Either, there was a break down in communication and understanding of each other, Or, you two aren't compatible and you two are better off with someone else.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I agree with Tuffcore. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My boyfriend likes clubbing and he knows I don't like it.  So he only goes when his friends have parties there, and still asks me every single time if it's okay for him to go. Whenever he goes, I trust him that he won't go grind on and make out with other girls. Later, he would texts me saying that he left early to resist his urge to dance with people, and he always thought of me while in the club. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To answer your question, I don't think it's wrong to go clubbing when you are in a relationship. It's more like you have to trust your S/O, and both have to communicate back to each other to reach a certain level of trust =). I hope that make sense : D

































































































































































































































































  21. ^Is she on good term with her ex? As in are they still friends? Maybe she wanted to stay back to ask him questions about homework since they have class together? Nonetheless,  I understand why you feel bad. If she keeps doing this, you have to ask or say "You know, it bugs me that you are with your ex after class, but it's alright as long as you are being honest with me." My boyfriend talks to his ex occasionally since they remain as friends, and he cares for her. He will always tells me beforehand that he is going to talk to his ex. I don't expect him to tell me all the time, but by telling me, at least I feel assured that he isn't sneaking around whatsoever. 

    I hope you get my point =). 

  22. I REALLY do not mean to be sarcastic or vague in anyway, but the whole verbal proposal of starting a relationship, is very pre-teen-highschool. If you two already feel like an item, whats the point of asking? A relationship starts with an emotional attachment to eachother, not a verbal declaration. However, if he decides to joke about it and "officially" ask you out, then I think you'd find it charming. I did that with my first serious relationship lol.

    Haha no worry, I get what you mean =). I'm just worried about how I can celebrate 1 year anniversary (if we get that far) when I don't even know the date. I just don't want to sound like a bad gf for not knowing it x_x

  23. Have any guys here ever have a girlfriend, but never officially asked her out? 

    My boyfriend and I had been together for 2 months now, and he never asked me out. One day he started calling me baby, and introduced me to all his close friends + his parents. At first I thought he isn't being serious about us, but since he introduced me to his boys and parents, I don't think any guys would do that if they weren't being serious about the relationship right? I asked him how come he never asked me out, and he said his actions speak louder than words, and they really are. We don't celebrate 1 month anniversary since we both agreed that it's a bit too much to have like 12 anniversaries to celebrate. I supposed this bring me to ask you guys another question. How can I bring up this topic again to my boyfriend? Let's assume that we will last more than a year and celebrate 1 year anniversary, I just want to know our official date to like..celebrate it haha. 

    Edit: Oh and my bf is 24, I'm 19 =). 

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