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  1. Gotta love this drama!  Was spazzing towards the end of episode 10.  Sad that this drama isn't as popular as it should be since the overall storyline and characters are so good.  At first, I was rooting on for Kang San in their youth....but now I just feel so much <3 for Chang Hee! (Loved him in Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang btw) -- And Kang San is too cute and so mischievous in an adorable way.  =P   *sigh.  Anyways, I can't wait for episode 11/12 this coming weekend! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Perhaps the best advice for someone like you, is to be alone. Then again, it seems like you're the type who always has to be in a relationship because you can't handle being alone and will always want more for himself even at the expense of others.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Whether this is a troll or not, I don't mind giving some pointers. Instead of 2 phones, you should get 3 phones. Maybe 4, 5, or 6 since 3 phones would probably not be enough. Make sure each phone is on a different network though, and never go for prepaid. Yes, you will want the 2+year contract. Screw the no-contract option.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To avoid being suspicious, carry note cards with you at all times and write down the names and what you will say. Make sure they're color coded as well in case you forget who is who. Don't forget to that you will need 2 cars just in case the other doesn't recognize you when you're with the other other. Oh right, you will need 2-3+ computers if you intend to use them. You wouldn't want one girl to find out about your other dates when accessing your computer. As a matter of fact, don't forget that you will need multiple facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc. accounts if you use any social networks. Make sure you spend lots of money on each girl, so shower each with bountiful gifts and jewelry. Throw in designer bags as well and spoil them to bits. You're broke? Apply for multiple credit cards and max them out. Don't think. Just spend. Spend.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah, that's about it for now. Good luck little buddy, and "may the odds be ever in your favor."














































































































































































































































































    Seems like you don't know what you want and neither does he.  You both are just chasing one another in circles and getting nowhere.










    My advice?  Stay away from him and don't let him get to you as well.    Move on.  Forget this little chapter in your life because I can guarantee you there will only be more WTFs, confusion, and heartache if you decide to hang around.





    :w00t:  wise choice.........but you really need endure the pain of missing...










    Why would anyone have to endure the pain of 'missing' when they choose to be alone?  If those two options were the ONLY options in life, how sad that would really be. 










    Many people choose to settle because they're scared to face what could be or what may happen.  To be smart, to be safe, to 'endure the actual pain' would be to refuse either rather than picking one or the other and end up hurting yourself AND the other party.  This is just all my opinion, lol.
















    We're taught to go after what we want, as life is all about taking risks, yet we're also afraid and yearn for that safety net and security so we don't backlash one ourselves as well..










    If I had to pick, I wouldn't pick either option at all.  Stay solo!  I would not go after a guy that doesn't love me, even though I love him and I wouldn't stay with someone I didn't love just because he loves me. 










    I would rather wait it out and be with the person I love who will also return the love that I need and want.  That's the best of both worlds.














    It doesn't affect me, but I know there are negative effects to wearing heels on a daily basis for your feet and calves.  I remember my class discussing this a few years ago where the list of cons outweighed the pros, lol.  I personally have a lot of heels, but I rarely wear them.  Only time I do is on special occasions.








    Found an article - ah, the joy of googling.






















    Sorry, gotta have similar beliefs or it won't work out in the long run for either sides, especially when it comes to having a future together (i.e. marriage) unless he/she is willing to convert and accept it all. 








    It's just like politics for the hardcore.  *sigh



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