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Posts posted by hohomania

  1. hi, everyone, it's been a long time not coming here!

    i'm watching CHUNO now, Hyuk's performing soooo wonderful and made me exiting! ~~


    in this long interview hyuk talked about the "chocolate" six-pack abs in CHUNO, is not just for admiring, but also a symbol for ancient labourers...

    hoping for more specific translation, thx~~

    [장혁①] "초콜릿 복근? 관상용아닌 노동자의 몸"(인터뷰)


    [장혁②]그가 말하는 '추노'의 인기 이유 3가지


    and the news photos:

















    Did you check the high-res files on MyAigoo? :huh: I think they are all there...for all the episodes...






































































    hohomania : Sorry..the only opening credit I have is LQ (credit to cutiepie). I agree..episode 5 is awesome.























































    Jill4675&o-chathanks sharing useful things about the opening credit...










































    checked MyAigo...seem like they haven't upload any version of the opening credits.










































    the 1.5gb hi-res files are only eposides.










































    acturally when broadcasting, there are some ads between the opening and eposides ...so few people download the opening...anyway, i'll keep looking for it.










































    thank you all the same ~ :D




















    hi, everyone. Need some help...














    I'm looking for high resolution version videos of Tazza's opening credits.














    and the opeing credits have changed to second version, maybe since ep3...














    hope someone kindly upload the new opening credits...higher resolution is better.














    thank you very much!




























    till now, my favorite eposide in Tazza is ep5...














    so interesting and full of intensive details in this eposide ~


































    several days no coming...so many good stuff














    thanks to wils, so nice to translate character descriptions of Tazza.














    and thanks you parnpui... what a wonderful HQ preview clip, can't wait to see this drama~ :w00t:




















    Hi everyone! newbie here.














    me, from Hyukbest.com, another Hyuk fan, will follow this thread from now on~~ :blush:














    thank you so many guys sharing much stuff here...even there is a month long to see the drama~














    o-cha, i like those posters you made before, can I post them to Hyukbest? thanks!





























    glad to see you here...."no dot" :rolleyes::rolleyes:














    seem like some characters went wrong in your post...



  6. Thanks cholo for the pics. I love the last one!!!!! He is just doomed to be hot.

    He is on the coverage of Flix Korea (japanese magazine). The magazine spared alomst 20 pages in introducing his story and works. Lucky japanese gals.

    thank you WILS, quoted your intro of this mag to Hyukbest, hope u don't mind :rolleyes:


    the three video below are from Taiwanese singer Elva Hsiao's new album "three faced elva",

    these three MVs are co-starring with Jang Hyuk (Cameo appearance in the second MV)

  7. Hi there~!!!!! *wave* *wave*

    Finally the internect is back to my place! I am connected! Connected!!!

    Nice pics of his wedding. A beautiful couple! He looks awesome with the short hair :w00t: , but maybe it' just me, I prefer him with medium hair length..like him in Robbers Ep 7-11. :D Anyway, no more imagination about a ponytail haired photographer. :(

    Guess what I brought here today...........

    A shy bridegroom. :lol:

    wils, wow, beautiful bride. They match well esp in the wedding pics!! :rolleyes:


    more stuff...

    Hyuk's interview in japan in May(on TV"韓タメ! DX"), promoting Robbers there.

    japanese questions and japanese subtitles, have no idea what they exactly said... :blink:

    PART 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO42WrqwqxM

    PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohdXY29co5c

    credit: zoizoi (a Japanese Hyuk fan)

  8. hi, everybody

    maybe some one remember that i'm from Hyukbest, Hyuk's Chinese Fan Club

    Hyukbest have just opened English zone:


    welcome to this place, viewing and posting there, no registration and sign in as guest wl do at the moment

    Hope you have an enjoyable time here.

    We hope it is a cosy place here for you to give your support to Jang Hyuk.

    there are not so much stuff for the moment, we'll post more and more stuff as soon as possible.

  9. the reporter asked Fann Wong to test Jang Hyuck tastebud with some singaporean food ~~^^.


    and the page (in I-Weekly ) talking about the food is so funny...

    when it was turn for Hyuk to choose food for Fann (revenge time), he chose a tin of beer.... :blush: , and shaked it hard, passed it to Fann :wacko: , such a naughty Dandy Boy~!!!


    u can download the whole first eposide from clubbox (HQ, maybe too high and made a too big file, no subs) ...

    if anyone interested in J-drama, also try this drama

    Hyuk's appearance in the drama is arond 34th minute, in middle of the eposide.

    as you can see, these two HQ versions also have different resolutions... :sweatingbullets:

    more stuff:

    got one pic from the drama's official website (http://www.tbs.co.jp/ryokiteki/)

    %7Boption%7Dhttp://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg103/hohomania/gallery_01_10.jpg' alt='gallery_01_10.jpg'>

    ( ^pic from this page: http://www.tbs.co.jp/ryokiteki/gallery/gallery_01_10.html )

    and a feature report for Hyuk's cameo shooting (in Japanese)↓



  10. thanks shirley to bring so nice pics of Hyuk, nice suit made this guy more gorgeous~~

    but also eager to see....what a face beside this page↓↓↓↓ :ph34r:

    could you scan and upload that page, too? :rolleyes:

    Arena Singapore May Issue




    Found another good official MV for "YOU BAD" by "i".

    Usually their other official MVs just seem randomly edited, this was nicely crafted.



























    saw this mv before, when Robbers was broadcasting in korea.














    first watched this in korean "mnet" or "mncast"(not remember clearly)

    Thanks imogene for the link to the mv. I like it! As you said, it is beautifully edited. I thought it was a fanmade mv until seeing the ending with a credit line. ;)














    acturally it's made by fan, wonderful cutting. I also think this Mv is more professional and touching than those things from sbs official website...














    and uploaded a wmv format file downloading link, if you want to keep a higher quality version of this Mv:














    mediafire downloading link (size: 52.57 MB)
















    hohomania- OhmyGoodness! Please tell everyone who worked hard on this online magazine... THANK YOU! I know this is an effort of fans of the actors and this show, THANK YOU so much. It's so pretty! THANK YOU again as repetitive as I sound.












    I would tell my cousin from Japan to watch Robbers! :lol:



























    OK~ three or more THANK YOUs, i would keep one for myself :rolleyes: ,














    one for wwhyuk as the whole planner for this mag, and the others for everyone else~ :blush:














    and maybe you have seen your mvs in this mag, sorry for the bad low quality...














    we tried to make them clearer, but failed due to the software restriction... :(





    hello.liz ..I appreciate your magzine ..thanks a lot.. :sweatingbullets:














    surprise meeting you here, dear Pucca911~:sweatingbullets:














    thanks for your appreciation, it's made by many people and I only did a little part~




























    and some news for the Robbers:














    the drama will be broadcasted in Mnet Japan, on May 30th



















    hohomania, thanks for the link to e-magaznie. Is it possible for non-chinese speakers to read the magaznie? ;)














    Wils, actually in this mag, we pick out your translation of the director's interview--Jang Hyuk will keep the drama as a treasure, and translated it to chinese, you can see it in page 72...and that's the only chinese/english content in the mag.














    thanks all the time. :wub::wub:














    the rest reviews are only in chinese, afraid that nobody have time to trans these to eng,














    but if you want all the chinese texts in the mag, i can email them to you, just send a PM to me :rolleyes:














    so...enjoy the pics, songs and mvs in it. :blush:














    the chinese word "点击" or "详细" in each page means "click" and "more". also notice the "hand pointer".














    you'll find more stuff in many pages.














    to the readers:














    found some mistakes in the index page ("content" in the cover ):














    page numbers in the five volumes are wrong...the third figures were added by error...














    anyway, just use the first two figures to find the corresponding page.




















    Robbers Special E-magazine Special!














    credit: xwtj & hyukbest














    size: 194MB (yes, a little oversize...since there are lots of stuff in it: reviews, pics, mvs...)




























    download link:




























    this D-mag will be an executable file(*.exe), you can read it directly after downloading.




























    and if you want background music in this mag, here is the download link:




























    (size: 64MB)




























    the filesnames of those download links above are in chinese, you can change them in other language if nessesary.














    when you read each page, try to click "点击"(means "click") or the "hand pointer" on the pic, you'll see more.














    hope you will enjoy reading it!




















    Robbers Chinese Digital Magazine is upcoming~














    the mag is not made by Hyuk fans directly. due to some incidents we can't control, it's a little later.














    anyway, i promised to post it here :rolleyes:, now it's in post production.














    if everything goes as planned, it's surposed to be posted on April 1st...on Fool's day :ph34r:, i wish it's not a lie~














    this D-mag will be an executable file(*.exe), you can read it directly after downloading.














    preview: the cover and back cover










































    and some captures in the mag~






































































    pic credit: wwhyuk/ hyukbest(显赫家族)





    Robbers really ended in silence huh?

    Even all the regulars have disappeared...sighs..














    Anywayz, I was actually hoping to see pics of the Ending Party..














    But it seems like there was no party at all?



























    maybe the robbers' crew did have a party...














    heard that they had dinner together on feb 29th...














    but found no pics and videos...sigh~~














    acturally all the filming work ended on feb 24th.






    Aw, Hyuk and Da Hae fans working together? That's too sweet. *sniff*:tears:














    Waaah I'm tempted to watch this at work! :lol:



























    wonder that anybody named "che" or "cherry" PM u yesterday, asking for HQ mv?














    that guy...a Da Hae fan discussing every detail of Robbers with us Hyuk fan in krdrama thread, including asking you for the HQ version, hehe... :tongue2:














    most of us collect and edit materials, fans from Da Hae family mostly handle pics and captures,














    and Hyuk fans working reviews and communicating to guys who will acturally put all things in the magazine.














    after the drama <thank you>, hyuk fans made a digital magazine, so this is second time cooperating with those people,














    but the first time working with Da Hae fans, you guys...i would like to say, are true masters! WOW! :D














    this magazine mostly in chinese...pity that we can't make an eng version due to our poor english.... :tears:














    anyway, through pics and music in the magazine, hope u will also have some pleasure, just wait for a few days~ :rolleyes:





    Oh WOW. They want a real sad ending? Sad endings can be poignant if done with enough heart. We'll see how it goes.

    I wanted to capture both the extremely sad and overly happy moments. The clock was inspired with what Auntie Mame once said that this drama is a pendelum of emotions, swings to extremes. plus with the whole 1 minute quote from Dal Rae.














    Oh... a magazine? Wow. I'd like to see that. Thank you for taking the time to do so!



























    thank you for uploading~~~ :lol:














    frankly no one want a sad ending.














    but after ep10 revealed OJ's incurable disease, many people's sweet dream broke... :tears:














    since it's not a common disease, so if the drama ends in H-ending and OJ lives on, miracle is the only word i can tell.














    considering this incurable disease, maybe this H-ending is just a weak and unbelievable miracle, and a S-ending sounds more reasonable or logical.














    they cry, cry, cry...again and again, ep after ep, made us depressed to the bottom...now even a happy ending is not enough to make us joyful and smile.














    the admiration to the actors and actresses is the only sense left to many of us...














    those sad and happy moments in the drama, sometimes look nice, but sad feelings dominate, i think.














    we would more like to look Robbers' screenwriter down, and put his/her name to our "blacklist".














    never ever watch the drama written by him or her...many guys have said so.














    making magazine does take time but we also share a lot of wonderful times.














    just like Da Hae and Hyuk had a happy and wonderful co-operation in Robbers,














    Da Hae and Hyuk fans work together to make this magazine, having fun doing it.














    coincidence, isn't it? i thought it's amazing~~ :phew:














    will post the magazine here once it is finished.



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