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    I have some screencaps in here I was a bout to make some more.
































































































































































































    Anyways. I just finished watching this series and I have to say that this is one of the best series ever. Even though screenwriting wasn't perfect it had so many layers, it was so DEEP. This drama made me cry, laugh, feel happy, sad, embarrassed, angry and everything, it made me feel everything. I dunno how many times I felt anxious, surprised, excited.
































































































































































































    I liked the cast. Yoon Kye Sang did amazing job. He was really good. When he acted as dad he really resembled Kim Nam Gil. I never got enough of his dorky expressions, it was too funny xD Go Ah Ra didn't impress me in any way. You can see that she is young and unexperienced. Her Young In acted like a 16 years old teen trough whole drama. To tell the truth I pretty much hated Young In and she annoyed me quite a bit. Kim Nam Gil was good, I have always liked him, he is born for these dorky roles he always gets. Jin Yi Han was super charming. He was good at expressing himself it's a pity his character was a bit boring.
































































































































































































    Overall I loved this drama A LOT! Even though I find so many things to complain about. First of all this was emotionally hard, they stretched "I'm so sad now that dad is gone" thing a bit too much. Young In was crying in every episode with that violin music on background... *irritating* I also never got her hatred toward Young ae, she pretty much behaved like a little kid "this woman is taking my dad away" <_< she was so insensitive toward someone who has too lost a very important person. To sum it up Young In acted like a spoiled princess! Though she was similar to Il Gun because, I too agree, he was very insensitive toward Seung Hyo. but yeah, in the end you have to forgive him because he is a nice man after all.
































































































































































































    The ending was GOOD. Though after such sad things I would have wanted to see something funnier. Dunno, still it was great the way it was. This drama wasn't draggy or boring, not even 1 boring moment. I am happy I watched this, it made me think about many things in life. When it ended I felt like I wanted to see more. I am curious about Seung Hyo's next generation too^^
































































































































































































































    Screen caps from ep 6 and 7 (by me) kinda late to post them but I really liked following scenes. (click on the pictures to see full size)
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And some from Episode 7
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This was my favorite scene:
















































































































































































    bec24a12112977.gif 7c4ec512112978.gif 19da0712112979.gif 71916212112980.gif 2168a512112981.gif ca6ae712112982.gif ff543312112983.gif cf8b5012112984.gif 895ef112112985.gif 9fe35a12112987.gif b6f22812112988.gif 8c05f312112990.gif 0aecfa12112992.gif 4b7f6112112993.gif 2b328412112994.gif
















































































































































































    9cfe6812113742.gif ec719212113743.gif 2ce9f512113745.gif 92c6eb12113746.gif 32b6db12113748.gif d7809812113749.gif 5a864012113752.gif 301c0512113753.gif 6b39f912113756.gif 15554912113758.gif 82b8a212113759.gif 3ccc1c12113762.gif 55e6bf12113764.gif
































































    I just finished watching ep 3. I was in a mood to watch something about a lsoer guy and for a while now I have been wanting to watch something similar to Super Rookie. And yeah, my prayers have been answered. it's really smiliar so far. Though I kinda miss Kang Ho and all funny SP characters (maybe instead of complaining I should then watch it since I bought DVD set and all but never touched it...) anyways female lead seems to be now a lot better compared to SP. Actually I should forget SP now.
















    First episode didn't hook me yet. Mainly because it was too angsty. But then in episode 2 I was alredy hooked. Maybe the charm of Eric? I think I won't stop before watchinga all his dramas xD Though I don't like thie hairstyle much in IPA, he looks so much better in Breathless with his hedgehog hairstyle. I actually like Shin Sung Woo here too. Though NOT his hairstyle... but his character is cool. I hope there will be a love triangle between him Yu Yeon and Choi Kang. But I hope that this drama won't concentrate on love affairs much. I want more action and comedy.
































































    **SPOILERS AHEAD******************
















    I just finished watching this Lobbyist a moment ago. It actually managed to touch my heart and win me over even though the plot was overly stupid and ridiculous. But the cast was outstanding and OST one of the bests out there. Actually there were a lot of loopholes. And a lot characters that came and went and made you wonder what happened to them. For example Maria's mother. She totally disappeared. And 1 year later jump after Guningstam incident left a lot of unanswered questions. The biggest was: How in the world did Harry survive from there? How did he end up in Korea again? Did he walk or something? Or what about Pablo madam Chae's husband. Did they divorce? After everyone went to Korea I heard his name only once in ep 21 when Michael talked about CIA. Also madam Chae's and Andy's relationship suddenly changed. It was like she disowned him or something... they used to have a really good mother-son relationship too. I also started to wonder who was his father?
















    Anyhow I think there were too many parallel stories going on all at the same time. And there were maybe too much characters because all of them stayed kind of distant. Also Mi Ran's and Tae Hyuk's relationship was something really weird. It was WAY undeveloped! They should have gotten a bit more screen time.
















    The ending left a lot of open questions. Seriously I think that it would have been better for Harry to die. It would have been 100 times more touching than that mushy "Harry's dream come true" ending. Also what happened to everyone?! What about nuclear-powered submarine?! What happened after James died. Did his death affect business?! Was he CIA agent or not? Or was he just denying it for fun? Why did he kill Harry's father? I even thought that Harry's dad was lobbyist since there were a scene when James' boss said "It won't be easy to get rid of an lobbyist" and James replied "Yes, I know" Maybe he referred to Harry's dad? I think this is a bit far-fetched Of course these things were not that important but since the main focus wasn't love relationship anyways, it would have been nice to know everything.
















    About the logic of some characters. I know James tried to kill submarine chairman for a reason but why did he suddenly stop after his assassin got almost caught? Wouldn't it have been more convenient to kill that old man? And why send Michael to do such an important job as getting rid of Harry. James wasn't a stupid man he must have seen that Michael was such a loser. Why did he ever bother to take him work? Since Michale betrayed madam Chae he could have betrayed James too. Maybe because Michael knew about James' secret? And what did James think about everything, all his doings and happenings? He was a perfect bad guy. One of the most evil characters I have seen but I would have wanted to see what were his thoughts. Why did he become like that? did he and madam Chae have love relationship back then? How could he act so cold when she died? And why did James want to take care of everything without any help? Originally I thought he wanted to make as little damage as possible but now I see it's not that. Why I liked James. Well he was calm and cold but made everyone believe that he actually cared. He was wicked. But I feel like he had something hidden in his past too. Sometimes he was thinking about things and having that expression.
















    I liked madam Chae too. She was a bit bossy and maybe had some kind of superiority complex but she helped Harry great deal. There were times that I felt she was jealous of Maria. I really don't believe that madam Chae had any feelings for Harry but she definitely acted sometimes like that. I don't get it. Also why in the world did she take so good care of Michael? Because his mom was her good friend? seriously, I heard about this only in ep 21. Actually I wished madam Chae would have gotten rid of Michael long ago. I understand he was jealous of Harry and couldn't accept him. But he lost to Harry every time. And what happened to Michael's sick love for Harry's sister? Indeed madam Chae's death was really sad. When she gave Keys from locker I noticed that she was always wearing them along with all necklaces. Was Harry so stupid to not notice it at all?! HE was with madam Chae 24/7. When in ep 21 or 22 she asked him to call harry he said "Do I really have?" I was like WOW this guy is getting BOLD! And how in the world did police manage to catch him in the end. Yeah there is only 1 airport in Seoul... btw. When Harry's friends found the knife in Michael's car I thought "This is so Michael" I kill someone but won't get rid of the weapon. I will just leave it in my car. Back to madam Chae. Did she and Tae Sung have some romantic relationship? It kind of felt like that... but then suddenly Tae Sung wasn't happy seeing her at all anymore.
















    Maria... I didn't like her much. I actually pitied Harry because he couldn't stop loving her. He did so much for her but she acted cold towards him all the time. I don't even get why he loved her? Because of some stupid childhood memory?! All the clothes Maria wore were WOWWOW!! So beautiful and made her look mature. Also madam Chae had nice taste in fashion.
















    There were a lot of older cast that I really like: Kim Mi Sook, Hu Joon Ho, Ahn Suk Hwan, Choi Wan Kyu, Lee Jae Young and that man who played minister of defense role, I forgot his name (he was in All In too short but charismatic lol) But I liked the main cast too. Song Il Gook attracted me somehow. It definitely wasn't his looks but he is a good actor. Han Jae Suk was ok, didn't leave any special impression on me. Jang Jin Young again, she was only ok. I think she wasn't good match for Song Il Gook. I really couldn't feel any chemistry between them. There was but it seemed forced. It felt more like Harry's one sided love... Maria and Tae Hyuk would have made a much better couple. btw. his letter was good. I so loved the last sentence. And of course a pleasant surprise Kim Da Hyun!! He is the best looking guy ever. He looked so young with shorter hair. Unfortunately his character was kind of annoying but I didn't lose faith in his acting. Especially When he confirmed that madam Chae was dead. his reaction was so real that it shocked me too and I felt sad. I liked Harry's friends a lot too the guy with glasses and the stupid guy. I dunno actors' names because I couldn't find full list of the cast and I forgot their character's name. Anyhow, they were nice actors, seems like they really enjoyed their job^^ The reporter woman.. She had too much of screen time. Even though it all feel logical now why didn't hey focus on some more important characters?
















    Wow too what a long rant. That's why I love this drama so much. It's not boring, some thing's going on all the time. And 5-6 last episodes were especially interesting + I could talk about this drama forever!

































    Hmmm ... the scene from EP 12 is not the same as the same scene from EP 1. In EP 1, we see Harry get completely shot up in his chest with multiple gunshots where in EP 12 we see Harry only getting thrown sky high by the RPG explosion then he saved the helicopter by killing the guy with the RPG, the guy with the machine gun and then finally puts a bullet though Victor's head. Why did they mislead us in the first episode??? Furthermore, this jump to 3 years left a lot of question to be asked: what happened to Suzy after she got hit by the car driven by Madame Chae's goon? Did she recover in the hospital and Harry got her and his friend and went around the world (per Madame Chae's condition) and how did they arrive at the little fishing village in Korea? How is that Maria spend the next three years concentration on becoming a lobbyist when I though her main goal was to find her sister's killers? What happened to Madame Chae after the arm deal debacle with Victor? I thought it was her last gambit to stay afloat? Did he hubby dump her? Does Andy know what happen to Suzy? Does he care? Did Tae Hyuk marry Miran? A lot of big gaps they have to explain. I don't like Jang Jin Young's and Han Jae Suk's new hair cut, also. Now the preview shows Michael once again appearing in Harry's life. Doesn't Michael have enough to do in US?? At least they are back in Korea where we won't likely see too many bad American "actors". By the way, I really like that old grandma who helped Harry and Maria and was very upset to see what happened to her. SHe might have been the best non-Korean actor so far.
















    Yeah! Actually Harry get's shot in the leg too... again. He really got tortured a lot during the drama. In Amrecia madam Che's hubby hung hip up now Victor hung him up, and they beat him and beat and beat. What a good thing he didn't get any scars^^ And I'm wondering how the hell did he scape from that place in ep 12 after Maria and others flew away in helicopter? I think it was REALLY unfair for them leave him there! He was pretty near so they could have just taken his hand or something. But no they had to leave him there.
















    Yeah I even forgot Maria wanted to find killers of her sister. But wasn't the one who planted the bomb just some random guy who sat in the same train with Maria and Harry? So he will be forgotten for sure! The guy with NY cap. I bet that James played a great part in the murder. In some episodes they will find out James killed Harry's father and killed Maria's sister and then he will die in the end or something.
















    I felt that ep 11 was just one filler. Why did they have to escape? Maybe they wanted to show that Harry is a superhuman after all. He recovered pretty fast. First he couldn't even move his hand and a bit later he rode a horse. Thanks to harry and Maria so many died that nice korean man and that grandma... They knew someone would pay the ransom and save them so they could have jumped over that escape part right to happening in ep 12.
















    Anyways whole Andy deal is just... useless. Why did they even bring that relationship out? To make the show lighter? I bet Andy doesn't even know what her mom does... he is prety stupid^^ btw. Tae Hyuk's new hair was awful. He was so cute with longer hair but no... they had to cut it.
































































    *Spoilers ahead
















    I liked this drama as well. I wonder why everyone hates Hee Soo so much. Although she was a bit bitchy but she did right thing when she broke up Hyuk Joo cuz she didn´t love him anymore. I like teh idea they became friends in the end^^ I think one of the good points in this drama were that it was so realistic. There weren´t any cinderella tales. If you can´t sing, then you can´t. Nobody had any greta talents except Rex but he was talented from the start. Everyone worked hard before getting anything out of life. Though it was a bit annoying to see Gangster falling all the tim eto the bottom. Good thing they didn´t give up.
















    The ending was kinda sudden. It just ended like that pow and that´s it. Left me thinking "huh? What? did it end now??"

















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