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Posts posted by just_iu

  1. Hmmm...i noticed this fan page has been awfully quiet about the IU Eun Hyuk twiiter "controversy" since i refuse to call it a scandal!  For all it's worth I would like to reposed my two cents worth regarding this ruckus which i posted in weheartiu.

    I support IU 100%!
    I'm very confident she will breeze thru this "unfortunate incident" in no time!
    She's always been a strong and smart girl...let's have some flashback...shall we?

    Didn't she fail in about 20 auditions before she debuted @ age of 15 (16 in Korean age)?
    That means she kept failing at age 13-14 (14-15 Korean age) none stop before LOEN picked her!
    Geez, if it was me I'd pack my bag and go home the first time i blew an audition...but IU kept pressing on for the nth time!
    Whew, If that's not being strong then i don't know what is!
    Then she became a trainee @ LOEN for a year before she debuted with the song MIA.
    Ok...so what's the big deal? What's the big deal!?! Dude, we're talking about Korea here!
    Kpop idols are not cooked in a year in that part of the planet!!!
    Their company would actually simmer them in a pressure cooker, deep fry them in boiling liquid fat and roast them in a turbo for about 3 to 5 years before they are served hot and chili in Kpop platter!!! Yet our IU did it in a year! Pretty smart, huh?
    That means IU showed a lot of potentials for her company to gamble on her like that!
    Then she finally sang live on TV...but some crazy fans from the audience started calling her PIG just because she was a little chubby back then!
    The girl was only 15 (16 korean age) of course she had some baby fats...who doesn't at age 15? But she didn't give up, did she?
    Now her waist line is 23 inches (go watch god of victory) while those piglets from the audience...duh! Who cares where they are now!
    All I know is our IU made it big time! She even won the best song of the year award for good day!
    Ok..she did slip and fall big time before getting the award...but she quickly got up and just laugh off the incident!
    I can go on forever here...but what's my point? My point is that our IU is a winner...not a whiner....so if some of us are worried sick that she's in some corner somewhere...sulking...hmmm...maybe at first...she's human after all...but I know she'll quickly get up and shrug this thing off...and move on. So let's all move on with her...shall we?

    I believe in Lee Ji Eun's innocence! IU fighting!

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