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Posts posted by gingerine

  1. I'm liking what i see so far, so many cute and intimate moments between LSW and NSM's characters. And a bed scene hot kissing scene so early in the drama.  Just don't break my heart later [-O<
    Counting down...another 23hours to go...
    @ja5berh, to watch it at viki, have you tried using hotspot shield before switching on viki? I tried it and the GOM page displays that the show is not available yet. It should work when the show starts airing. 

  2. Hello Ladies of Lord Sang Woo's court, annyeong!  >:D< Looks like the thread has moved so fast, I have so much to catch up and so many gorgeous pics to save. I'm so happy that he's got another drama so soon after HD, never mind if he's not the lead actor, his role will be definitely be more than in HD. Hopefully we can get some hints from the press conference about who gets the girl. Can't wait....

  3. Yup, totally agree that Sang Woo has very nice complexion, I like that his complexion is just the right tone and texture, not too baby smooth, too fair or too girly. The only mole i notice on his face is the tiny one his right chin, just on the right spot.... very sexy :\"> :\"> 
    @ja5berh, did he really break his nose during FWC? Do you know what happened? I do find his nose a bit weird, but after looking at his teenager pictures, I think it's all natural, didn't spot any difference between then and now.

  4. @Gemmie, thanks for the goodies! His face was so glowing for the SKII event, i wonder what skin-care he uses. He doesn't seem the type who applies BB cream....but who knows  :))
    @ja5berh and @christinajoyce, wow, hearing from both of you, it seems like First Wives Club is really worth watching. I've been putting it on to-watch-list and am little scared by nos of episodes. 
    Sang Woo had his birthday party with fans earlier today, looking handsome as usual.Here are pics from DC :x :x :x

  5. @Gemmie, it's good to see you back  >:D<   and what's more with all the insider news :-bdDid he attend Kaist? I seem to read somewhere that the course he took was food engineering, or something similar , but Asian wiki listed Korea University as his education instead :-?
    @j3di, I'm trying download all 98 episodes of Don't Hesitate, it's like one episode allowed per server per day, and i'm up to ep 60, but I cheated and started from ep 30 only (skipped all the angst from the liver donor part). I'm also doing a LSW-cut of FOTG, now up to ep 8. That's how much I miss seeing him ~no...HD doesn't count.... can't wait till he has a new project. 
    Good news, he is to appear again in Childless Comfort ep. 28 and 29 (airing tomorrow and tonight).ChildlessConfort01_zps0a1f9144.jpg

  6. Happy New Year Ladies!!

    Congratulations Lee Sang Woo!!

    What a great news to start the new year.so happy to see Sang Woo in formal attire again, looking so suave and handsome :x

    Totally agreed that the awards are more like 'pat on the back' for the actors. Nevetheless, i guess it means his hard works are being recognised, and getting the award means more people will get to know him.

    I hope that with this, he will be getting a lead role in his next drama.

    PS: gave up on HD totally, the storyline is so predictable and the medical skill of that one person is totally unbelievable. Now just look at his handsome pics. Poor LSW still have another 2-3months of shooting to go.

  7. Shinobu said:
    At first I thought I would give HD a try.  (Every time I see, I keep thinking high definition.)  Anyways, so I watched a few eps and found it very boring.  I also don't like the main dude very much.  I know the bias will be on the main dude and not Lord Sang Woo so I didn't even bother.

    I like LSW in LIB a lot.  He was really funny in there.  I liked him more in LIB than in DH and FotG.  Actually TW was pretty cool character.  He was such gentle creature, the perfect lover and husband.  Well, overall, LSW is my perfect type of man, the laid back type of man.  ;)

  8. j3di said: @ja5berh,

    LSW may not have pretty face like other actors, but definitely he has the charm 8-> , my mom has same opinions with your friends, because her standard is LMH pretty face #:-S . For plastic surgery, yes, many of them do it, but also many of them has natural beauty too. I have Korean supervisor at my office, he so handsome, similar with Lee Jun Ki with bigger eyes, and absolutely 100% natural ;)

    At DH, LTM's character indeed so tiring, but I like LTM, she has little resemblance with Anita Yuen in my sight.

    You must asked your daughter first for her ideal type :D

    For FOTG, in my opinion JSW was the main lead, but in the progress, the writer made DY's character so attractives, shadowing JH's character, and LSW's acting mesmerizing the viewers too.

  9. Voted! Seems like can only vote for one category per day.
    @j3di, what happened to Han Tae Woo? Is Kyung Soo better looking than Tae Woo?   :))
    I like that LSW looks different in each of his role, different  kind of handsomeness (if there is such a word) for Han Tae Woo, Joon, Jin Hyuk, Kyung Soo, Jae Min Oppa, Do Yoon. For me, LSW is most handsome as Kim Do Yoon, love his hair style, smile and his outfits. He looks more mature, more mysterious and sexy compared to Han Tae Woo's period.Having said that, I will always have soft spot for Jin Hyuk and Jae Min Oppa, the sad look in their eyes makes my heart aches and the bright innocent smile is like warm sunshine on winter days.  :x

  10. ja5berh said:
    Hello gingerine, I thought it was really a drag to watch HD.. LSW only appearing just a few seconds...this drama promotes blindly on 曹承佑.. very exaggerating scenes.. favoring the main lead (my jaw almost dropped... the part 曹承佑 managed to revive a dead man?!?! everything its 曹承佑 who saves and well-liked by all).  I felt LSW was cast in this drama just to boost up the ratings!!!!  Since its kind of a first rebut for 曹承佑after missing in the show buzz for many years.. at least I'm really one of those many who watches this serial because of LSW! thought曹承佑too old to play the character in HD.. I cant stand him! since "Dont Hesitate" and "The Way Home", LSW has not been doing the main lead.. really very sad.. 'cos he's really a great fine actor with potential!! The recent "神的晚餐" shocked many of us.... that he was not the first man lead when his role was heavy and he had definitely outshined 朱相旭, 李尚禹played金道允 and once again, impressed and charmed many... ended up with the lead female.. shouldn't LSW be the main lead??!! 

  11. Hello Ladies, this thread seems to be a little quiet. I guess not many of us are following HD
    Our boy was shooting Let's Be coffee CF with Sistar recently, and here are the links copied from Baidu:
    LSW  - 30Sec Versionhttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg0NjY1MzY4.html
    LSW & Sistar - 15Sec Versionhttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg0NjY4NzM2.html
    The Makinghttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg0NjY2MzQw.html
    He looks so good in the shots with white shirt.  Enjoy!!  :-*

  12. Regarding Horse Doctor, I skipped directly to Ep 8 where LSW first appear. He looked a bit awkward in the first meeting with Lee Yo Won character, or maybe it's just me need to get used to seeing him in historical way of talking. Not really interested in the drama, so i just skipped to his parts in Ep 9-10. He looked so manly in that red sporty hanbok, and he must have trained a lot seeing him getting on and off horse with such ease and smooth motion. Still don't like the hat and the string though, it covers half of his handsome face /:)

  13. @j3di, i uploaded the images to  image hosting website, such as photobucket, and  just copy & paste the link it generates for forum.
    Like this:  web site link

    Frm Baidu
    While filming Horse Doctor, our babe went to guest star in Kim Soo Hyun's new drama - Childless Comfort (soompi link:http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2008072/drama-2012-childless-comfort-%EB%AC%B4%EC%9E%90%EC%8B%9D-%EC%83%81%ED%8C%94%EC%9E%90). She's the writer of Life is Beautiful and Thousand Days Promise. According to Baidu source, LSW will act as a bad guy who has to leave his girlfriend, not knowing she was pregnant, and meet again. He will appear in Ep. 4-8.
    Can't wait to see him acting as bad guy, although judging from the pics posted, the only thing that looks bad is the flowery tie :D

  14. Oh, finally LSW will appear in HD. Can't wait for next week. 
    Was rather busy these past few weeks, but i always make sure to drop by Lord Sang Woo Inner Court to check on him :D. Thanks @Gemmie, @Shinobu, @kaciemom, @j3di for updating this thread.
    Found this BTS for one of episode for First Wives Club, and check out his action around 00:30sec.....lol  Poor boy has to film in such hot condition :))http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/VbFbBaPh-08/?FR=LIAN

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