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Posts posted by elmshskeja

  1. hi chingus! i hope im still welcome here though ive gone MIA for along time i am always here checking for news about our shin hye. she looks stunningly beautiful today in that event. i am fan girling again :)) cant wait to see her bloom more into an elegant carefree woman. im just sad that her name is being drag with someone else's scandal. i hope people would stop bothering her esp in IG and Twitter about it. i maybe from that ship but its a big NO NO for me to be drag into other's issue. things happen that we dont have control to so we let it be. good day chingus!

  2. rowenael said: I think bb GIRL knows already the relationship between Suzy & LMH she was very sad and emotional last month posted in her IG (my delusion only)
     1.)  Feb 21, 2015- Rain quoted " The weather reflect my feeling" 2.) Feb 23, 2015 - Do I really Love you?  she deleted the post 3.) Feb. 24, 2015 - Cactus photo - She's listening epitone Project "Cactus"


  3. i may be out of site for a while in the comments section but im always here lurking and happily reading everything. and now i want to give a hug to everyone. im sick and my heart feels much heavier reading the dating news :(( :(( :(( like most of us here, i have a feeling that they dated but didnt work and Min Ho has moved on. but i know they are good friends and will always be :) lets still continue to support them individually. it was a fun ride with you all! fighting everyone. here's my biggest and warmest hugs to everyone.

  4. @Mosquito here's a warm hug for you from me as a sign of my gratitude :) so many spazz worthy comments from baby boy!

    SW: You mentioned previously in interview that you believe love at first sight, I would like to ask, usually when you see a girl which part of a girl would you notice first?


    LMH: (laughing uncontrollably) Which part? (more laughter) I don’t think I just look at certain part, I value the overall feeling.

    ME: Min Ho-ssi why are you laughing so hard? are you thinking of Shin Hye's perfect asset? its not even pervy friday yet! :)) :)) :))

  5. hi chingus! been a long time since the last time i posted something here. but im always lurking here coz i want to be updated about uri minshin.

    shin hye's aura in the millet event earlier is so radiant and beautiful! she is an epitome of true beauty inside out. the look of a woman in LoVe is clearly written all over her face :x :x :x

    her and min ho looks really glowing in love lately. i badly need to see them together in one event again. just one and i would not ask for too much :)) :))

    pls also do not forget to vote for shin hye in GoA as well as the soompi competition! fighting!!

    pls do not OoT me on this one as i find this video really really amazing! i can only think of shin hye dancing the same thing while im watching the videos. it would be really nice if she dance in her events frequently. il put it on spoiler to avoid OoT :)) :))



    edit: spoiler not working with me again :((

  6. Gawshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I almost had a heart attack seeing this pic!!!
    =)) =)) =))
    Credit as tagged

    @LaDadaista‌ La!!! i died and went back to life when i saw this! mygawd i almost went insane staring at the pic because i want to believe that it is not photoshopped :)) :))

    either way it still made my heart happy seeing minshin in a pic together even if it is edited :)

    shin hye as usual looks very beautiful in her fan signing event earlier. gawd look how love can make a person glow happily!

    tomorrow is baby boy's bday, i wonder if baby girl have prepared something esp for her oppa :)

  7. good day chingus! just finished back reading :)
    She looks so fresh and happy in that Mamonde selca :x :x :x i was in the impression that she is no longer in the list of IC cheerleading team. hopefully im wrong with this information because i like to see her cheer for Korea :)
    hope im not late in answering your survey @MISSMOON
    1-your dream role for shinhye?
    i would love to see her in a not so teen romantic drama, a more mature role..like being a mistress :)
    2-who would you like to be shinhye's next leading man in a series?
    Ji Sung as her married lover :) Jung Woo Sung would also be awesome. @branwen what are the odds? I love him in Athena and A Moment to Remember)
    3-what idol do you want shinhye to do a project with?
    I would love to see her working with NickHun :) 
    4-suppose that u have the choice to make shinhye ends up with a celebrity in real life (marrying him) and that celebrity will love her & make her happy. who will u choose? just imagination
    LEE MIN HO (in all upper case, im biased here LOL)
    5-shinhye's best on screen & off screen chemistries are with .......... 
    Lee Min Ho and JYH
    6-who do you think is shinhye's strong competitor in the industry? 
    No one. She is talented and different from others :)
    7- what do you think about shinhye's company?
    Dont know about her agency but seeing her schedule, they are good to her esp letting her finish her school while working :)
    8- who do you think shinhye's best friend among celebrities?
    Kim Bum and Lee Hong Ki
    9- for how long u think shinhye unnie will remain in the industry?
    I want her to stay long enough to prove everyone that she is a great actress :)
    10- did u believe unnie when she said she haven't had a love relationship? why? No. How can a beautiful talented person not have a relationship since birth? LOL. I think she is just really a careful person in terms of her private life that's why we do not hear anything about her dating :)

  8. hi chingus! alot of news about uri shin hye lately! i am fangirling looking at her lovely pictures that are posted here. she's just so overwhelming beautiful!
    im so excited about her world tour! this only proves to say that she is a well known actress since her world tour includes USA. Hopefully my schedule will allow me to attend her fan meeting here in Beijing :)
    and that DramaFever awards night, i cant wait to see how stunning she will be in a sexy long gown. i know guys in attendance will be oogling around her! 
    have I say thank you already for the news updates the keeps on coming here? if not, here is my warmest hugs to everyone with full of gratitude!  8-> 8-> 8->

  9. @bunnybear that is one HHHAAWWWTTT version of Single Ladies!! she is really an amazing dancer! i find myself staring and not blinking at all everytime i stumble upon a video of her dancing:)) 
    i love her cool and calming voice when she sings but i would really be over the moon if I see her dance more during her events or promotions :)) just my two cents :)

  10. Hi everyone! just finished back reading! belated 700th pages! keep it coming! i personally love all the posts of the regulars as it really keeps me updated about her activities :)

    i have her new digital single in loop the whole day and cant get enough of it. the song is just so refreshing to listen to. im still not able to listen to her previous songs aside from her drama's OST but got curious with

    multiple comments about Standing Egg so will listen to it later after work :)

    the ranking really shows how her fans adore her so much. she is a multi talented person with a great big heart :)

    PS she is just so stunningly beautiful in her Mamonde CF and Lotte Calendar shoot.

    EDIT: apologies for the double post :( my mobile browser in acting up again. Mianhe chingus :(

  11. Hi everyone! just finished back reading! belated 700th pages! keep it coming! i personally love all the posts of the regulars as it really keeps me updated about her activities :)

    i have her new digital single in loop the whole day and cant get enough of it. the song is just so refreshing to listen to. im still not able to listen to her previous songs aside from her drama's OST but got curious with

    multiple comments about Standing Egg so will listen to it later after work :)

    the ranking really shows how her fans adore her so much. she is a multi talented person with a great big heart :)

    PS she is just so stunningly beautiful in her Mamonde CF and Lotte Calendar shoot.

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