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There's too much of a shadow of Zhao Wei in the choice of Xiao Yan Zi, Zi Wei looks even younger than Xiao Yan Zi, and the guys just look waaay too 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






















































































































































































































































    BOOOOOOOO. I'm just gonna stick with the original version, thanks. I'll probably watch the first episode or so though just out of curiosity.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  5. there's news about cha seung won, perhaps someone can translate

    車帥的新聞 轉自時報週刊

    http://news.chinatimes.com/China ... newweekly-content/0,3813,170203+99040280+0,00.html

    韩剧社区娛樂話題/靠《市政廳》大翻身 車勝元躍升熟女殺手

    報導:賴怡佳、徐雲 攝影:施岳呈 圖片:緯來、網路翻攝照片









    quick translation ^^

    Cha Seung Won becomes an "ahjumma killer" (T/N: ugh sorry for the bad translation; can't think of the proper English equivalent) because of the drama City Hall

    Lately many middle-aged Korean actors have had their big break. Cha Seung-Won, known for his electric eyes, has become popular all over Asia because of the drama "City Hall." Almost 40 years old, he's suddenly become the "ahjumma killer;" at age 19 he got married and has one son, but 10 years ago had a scandal with Lee Young-Ae. Coincidentally after the scandal there was another rumor that he adopted a daughter. He even tattooed his daughter's name on his arm.

    An actor who can truly act, he has won three Korean movie awards and has high status in the Korean entertainment industry. After 6 years away from the small screen, he returns as a politician with Kim Sun-Ah in "City Hall." Although "City Hall" received good reviews, its ratings were average. However, his character's role caused him to unexpectedly rise to fame again, becoming the next generation "ahjumma killer."

    10 years ago he had a scandal with Lee Young-Ae from "Dae Jang Geum." The rumor is that in the end, he chose his family, breaking Lee Young-Ae's heart. After the scandal, his wife gave birth to his daughter, Rachel, but there are rumors that his daughter is adopted.

    Although he's already married, his attractive face and manliness has caused many scandals for him. He feels that his two kids are the secret to him being able to maintain his marriage. Especially their second child; she has given their family a new life, deepening his belief that there must be children in a couple's relationship.

    At 19 years old he met his wife and it was love at first sight. His wife is three years older than him and comes from a well to-do family, causing their relationship to be strongly opposed by his in-laws. However, fans don't care that he's already married and has two children. They still fantasize about him, crazily praising his "pregnant eyes" (T/N: again, sorry for the terrible literal translation), saying that you might become pregnant with just one glance from him. This caused him to gleefully say "If that were true then there'd be trouble!"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Rimmel Glam'Eyes mascara. With one coat. All in all, good value for money and would totally repurchase.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    More detailed review on my blog: Sunny Daydreams


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ahaha omg I looove this drama! It's the perfect indulgence for me as I can totally sympathize with the characters. At first I thought it was a bit slow, but I wanted to watch something that's like Dalja's Spring (light, funny, and about women) so I continued with it, and now I can't stop! I actually love every single character in this drama. Choi Chul Ho's role was such a surprise, too! It's made me see him and his acting in a completely different light, since I'm used to him taking those serious bad guy roles. He really needs to take more comedic characters like this; he does it so well! And Da Jung, ahaha, she's so cutely desperate. Sadly, I can probably imagine myself in such a position ten years from now xD


















































































































































































































































































































































    Wow, thanks sooo much for the additional information, kikkie.kl and mynameissecret. And, of course thank you to the original thread creator :) I think I will try this one out. Hopefully I will have your success!
















































































































































































































































































































    On a side note, I wonder which Korean brands use this "mung bean flour" in their products; definitely makes me more inclined to try it out.




























    I kept putting this drama off because of the violence and serious tone, but I just couldn't resist because I'm a fan of all the male leads :lol: And a good thing I didn't! Everyone displays such superb acting; I never knew that Hyun Bin could have such a dark side. I really like the PD's style too and his way of storytelling.








    I'm only around halfway through, but I have a few questions that I hope someone can answer for me so I understand the drama more.








    1) I didn't really understand how Sang Taek got recruited to do his, I guess u call it spy job for the army? Who is he "working" for and what do they want out of him?








    2) Why did Dong Soo decide to become a gangster after he beat up the police officers? Not really understanding the point where he got sucked into the gangster world again; he was doing quite well as a fisher.








    3) Jin Sook's dad. Why was he locked up?








    4) Why did Jun Seok decide to follow the gangster that had good relations with his dad and betray the other one? I thought he hated his dad...?








    Thanks to anyone who can answer my questions :)


































































    I didn't think it was that bad....the topic starter kind of exaggerated a bit too much. Yeah, it wasn't the best performance of Taeyeon, but the MISA theme song is in a minor key if I'm not wrong, so it's already very hard to sing. I think that the fact that their voices completely don't complement each other was a larger problem.
















































    All in all though, I still enjoyed it. Brought me back to the scenes of those dramas :)








































































    ^^ nahhh...they're going for two completely different concepts.
















































    I really enjoyed her first album. Hope this one turns out even better!









  12. OMG...just finished epilating for the first time. whew.

    Well, I have a Braun Sil epil Xelle and the results weren't as good as I hoped for, but that's perhaps because I'm VERY VERY hairy :lol: And it definitely beats shaving. Think I'll go over some spots again in the morning and then attempt to tackle the thighs.

    The pain was actually....not as bad as I thought! I actually remember waxing to be a lot worse :crazy: It was really nice that my epilator came with an ice pack too. I just put that on before and after I epilated and it definitely helped to reduce the pain and redness! The scary part was definitely the noise. It sounds like the claws of death! haha. Actually no, it just sounds like a man's razor- very loud. Which is intimidating. But once you get over that, it's all good ^^

    All in all, it was expensive (paid like $60 for it) but well worth the pain and money! And definitely a lot faster :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    went on my last shopping trip until spring break today :( will officially be trying to ban myself from shopping...but it's so hard! >_< I didn't even find everything I wanted at the mall. *sigh* oh wells....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ ooooooh......that color looks beautiful!! what brands did you use?
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg...these are wigs?! I totally want one!! Been thinking about getting a bob cut, but I'm like 99% sure I'll cry afterwards and regret it since I've always had medium long hair :/ This will totally solve my dilemma :)








































    I think the first one will look nice on you :)
























































































    can't say this is the best song ever, but it's definitely probably the catchiest songs I know. I only heard it once and had the chorus stuck in my head all day long -_______-
































































    but anyway thanks for sharing the lyrics! I'm gonna try this song at karaoke. ya! xD




















    god...this guy is hot in all ways. his manner, his voice, his english, his expressions, his music, his beliefs.....








    except does anyone know why he sings in mandarin and not in cantonese? curious considering he's considered to be an artist from HK








    *edit* nvm...someone answered that queston way back yonder :)


























    so finally I've come around to watching the last of the seasons and I'm glad that it didn't disappoint my expectations :) Despite all the drama that occurred with the casting, I think the PD made a good decision because it really is refreshing to see new talent! All the leads portrayed their roles very well, even if they don't have much experience. It's a bit disappointing that ratings-wise this drama didn't do that well, but I'm glad that didn't cause the drama to be hurried/crudely cut (or so far that I've seen...I'm about to start ep 12 ^^). And I suspect that the low ratings were because too many episodes were dedicated to the childhood years...most of the audience probably wanted to see the grown up characters.
















    Although the plot is a bit cliche just like all the other installments, I still like it..A LOT. And I think a lot of the credits should go to the production crew and PD. The cinematography and OST really help support the leads' acting and accentuates the beauty of the drama. Autumn's approaching...yet now it feels like spring :)





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