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Posts posted by aelitaangels

  1. Primer+Sunscreen
    Concealer for my dark under eye circles
    A lil bit of MAC foundation mixed with some BB cream (so I can get the best of both worlds! the cocoa colors of foundation, and the benefits of bb cream!)
    I like to use a highlighter on my nose bridge to make my nose look a little smaller, and in the corner and underneath my eyes to make them look brighter
    powder to set
    groom and fill in eyebrows
    a bit of blush
    tight line my eyes
    somtimes I line my eyes on the top along with the tighting, but I do it very thinly to look more natural
    lip balm
    I like to use MAC's fix plus spray afterwards because it gives me really dewy skin


    But that's only if I have time, I often go without makeup lol

  2. Welp

    - I like to shave my pits  with Veet removal cream (cause razors cause my pits to be dark), so I put than on first if I have to, let it be for 5 minutes and then wash it off in the shower
    - Stand in shower and let the warm water run over me and just chill for a bit
    - I have these scrubby exfoliating gloves that I use along with Likas payaya soap, so scrub, scrub, scrub all over my body
    - Wipe privates with a regular wash cloth
    - Rinse and rise out my wash cloth and gloves
    - Shave my legs with a razor if I have to
    - Rub on some baby oil while wet to moisturize
    - Dry off
    - I put on body butter sometimes for extra moisture

    I wash my face seperately

    **Since I wear my hair in box braids (plus african american hair is just special), I only have to wash my hair every 3-4 weeks and that has its own special complicated routine haha
















































    Lol usually those "nice guy friendzoned" guys complain about this kind of stuff








































    Approach like you want to be my friend, and I'm going to assume you want to be my friend. But after listening to so many of these jerks whine, its made me a bit paranoid that every guy who acts friendly towards me sercetly just want to get in my pants.




































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can I have a small beautiful face? lol
































































































































































































































































































































    But If I had to chose small and cute, cause I'm a sucker for cute things :3




















































































    not often enough hahaha












































    last time I bought some clothes was back in March, and before then November...












































    .... I really need to go shopping...




































































































    Funny with a good sense of humor












































    Confident, but not arrogant and knows thedifference between the two.












































    Comfortable in his own skin












































    Kind and Friendly












































    Is able to get along with my friends and family.












































    Handsome, with a great smile, nice lips and nice eyes












































    Nice body with broad shoulders and muscles












































    Doesn’t have to be really tall, just taller thanme (I'm 5’3)












































    Is athletic, enjoys sports
























































































    Hair on the shorter side












































    For style, nothing too tight or too baggy, his style should flatter him and he should feel comfortable in it












































    Has an adorable boyish charm












































    Is masculine



































































































































    Has a heart of gold
















































































































































































    College educated























































































    Motivates me to be a better person












































    Is always  there for me and will always have my back, evenwhen I’m down and out or at my lowest












































    Isn’t afraid to be himself












































    Takes care of himself












































    Teases me from time to time, but not too much












































    Makes me feel special












































    Faithful, who although may look at other women,would never cheat












































    Is not self-centered, selfish or controlling












































    Someone who’s a good listener, who tries even ifhe’s a little forgetful












































    Has dreams and aspirations












































    Wants to  settledown and start a family eventually












































    Doesn’t pressure me into doing things I’m notcomfortable with












































    Very patient












































    Family oriented












































    Loves kids












































    Tolerates my faults












































    Someone who although works very hard, is not aworkaholic












































    Isn’t dependent on drugs or alcohol and doesn't smoke












































    Isn’t sexist, racist, or homophobic












































    Isn’t overly religious












































    Is supportive of my goals












































    Respectful towards others












































    Likes me for who I am 












































    Thinks I'm pretty























































































    Has a good sense of responsibility






































































































































    Don't care bout race~ geez heheh, I know that's alot but...























































































    I regret nothing!! *runs out of thread*












































































    Origin: USA (African-American)







































    Gender: Female







































    Weight: 128lbs (58.2kg)







































    Height: 5'3 (160cm)






























































    I'm really curvy (big hips/butt and large bust) so its a good weight for me :P




































    When I have time:
























    1) Pimer - MAC prep + prime face protect spf 50
























    2) Concealer - MAC Select cover up
























    3) MAC liquid foundation mixed with Missha BB cream (when you mix bb creams with darker foundations you have to let it set for a few minutes before powder or it will make your skin look grayish)
























    4)Highlight with Yves Saint Laurent Touche eclat
























    5)Powder - MAC magically cool liquid powder 
























    6)MAC Fix Plus Spray
























    7)Fashion Fair beauty blush in ginger berry 
























    8)Groom eyebrows with a brush, fill in with a pencil, and keep them still with clear eybrow gel (I have crazy curly eyebrows >.<)
























    10)Mascara with Maybelline New York's Colossal Volume Express in very black
























    11)I like to tightline after mascara with Urban Decay's 24/7 glide-on eye pencil 
























    12) Burt's Bee's chapstick
























    13)finally I use NARS semi-matte lipstick in heat wave very lightly as lip stain
























    When I'm in a rush:
























    1)John tesh it, Bare face hahah XD
































    Mine are way too large not to wear a bra >.<




















    like if I run in the house without a bra I have to hold them for support, or walk down stairs, they start bouncing too hard and tissue starts to tear and its really painfull




















    Plus gravity does effect them lol, so they look much better in a bra




















    I have to wear underwire bras, for support. I only own about 3 and they're all cloth underwire bras =/




















    Its actually alot more comfortable for me to wear a bra lol
































    gender: Female




















    Height: 5'3




















    Weight: 135lbs




















    Bra Size: 34DDD




















    Age: 17




















    I wouldn't mind being a bra size smaller. Bras in my size are so damn expensive =(
























    How old are you?: 17












    What is your gender?: Female












    What is your ethnic background?: Black












    Which country were you born in?: USA












    Which country did you spend the majority of your life in?: USA












    What is the majority race in your area?: White












    Do you use cosmetic products?: Yep












    Have you ever changed your hair/eye color?: I've gotten copper highlights with box braids












    Regarding the previous question, are you unhappy with your natural hair/eye color?: Not really












    Have you ever had/considered plastic surgery?: No












    Describe the ideal -












    Eyes: Big,almond shaped, bright, long lashes












    Nose: Small












    Lips: Full












    Hair type/color: Color and Texture doesn't really matter, as long as its long












    Skin color: Doesn't really matter, but I'd prefer to be paler (with more of a yellow under-tone)












    Height + weight (female): 5'3-5'6, 120-130lbs (curvy like beyonce's body type)












    Height + weight (male):5'7-6'2, 130-180lbs (in muscle)












    In your opinion, who is the most attractive female?: Gabrielle Union, Tiffany of snsd












    In your opinion, who is the most attractive male?: Taeyang





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