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
































































































































    hey, i just started listening to Beast's music and watching their variety shows. can anyone tell me what Junhyung's tattoo says?








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ lol look at jay repping his seattle group.




    but anyways, ill prob get bashed for saying this but jyp should really focus on what's already on his plate right now instead of adding more to his overdue to-do list. i mean, come on we all agree the jay situation couldve been handled better. imo jyp should concentrate on dominating the korean entertainment industry with oneday since wondergirls are working on their american debut. i dont think oneday has reached their highest point yet. yes, 2PM received a lot of love and attention this past year with again&again but i really think jyp needs to working on pr-ing 2AM more. i'm not saying 2AM's success pales in comparison to 2PM's but just look at the media and news reports.. there's barely any mention of 2AM anywhere.




    if he really wanted to make jyp fans happy, he should work on jay's return and 2AM's career instead of debuting a new group. the new group deserves to have jyp's full concentration since they trained so hard to get to that point. i wouldnt want to be a part of a group that wasnt taken seriously. and at this point, i dont think jyp is capable of putting his heart and soul into that new group.




    *shrugs. just my two cents.












    fans of jaebum who forgave him should also forgive the korean netizens. It's as simple as that... otherwise the double standard we have for the netizens is just ridiculous. fans of jay would just end up looking like dumb hypocrits if we didnt forgive the netizen's mistake and move on. And telling anti-fans to go die is just as bad if not worse than them signing the petition for jay's suicide -.-





  9. most nice guys are predictable, that's why girls find them to be boring or atleast that's the way it is for me. i dont want a guy who i can predict, i like surprises.. it keeps life interesting. i always fall for the a.sshole type but the word a.sshole is used really loosely in this thread. just because a guy is an a.sshole doesnt mean he doesnt treat girls respect. i think deep down every girl wants a guy who is a bad boy when he's out & having fun but is a complete gentleman when it comes to her.

    i'm not saying nice guys should try to be jerks, they should wait for a girl who will like them for who they are but from my experience.. i've never liked a 'nice guy' before.





    this is an interesting shirt if you understand cantonese



    "delay no more" has a deeper meaning hahaha...

















    i was sitting here for the longest time thinking 'hey.. i`m from hongkong so there's no way i cant understand cantonese..'




    i looked really dumb verbally repeating 'delay no more' until i finally got the joke.




    then i laughed outloud for quite a while hahha





  11. i know i`ve probably mentioned this before..

    but despite all the rumors going around with heechul & his love life,

    i actually like the idea of chae yeon & heechul together.

    even though i know it`ll never happen.. i typically cant stand it when the media pairs heechul with other girls but for some odd reason i love the idea of chae yeon & heechul. :sweatingbullets:

    even when he was on love letter those couple of times, when he chose Bin or shim EunJin, i didnt like him with either of them.

    But anyways, i love the current length & style of his new hair!

    i thought it was a bit short before but now that it has grown out i`m loving it =)

    * although i wouldnt mind the blonde again ^^

    sorry if i`m slow on this cause i thought i remember reading this a few pages back but i cant seem to remember now, was heechul on ysmm recently? anyone know the date he filmed it or the date it aired? or am i just imagining all this? lol

  12. i'm glad he opened his cyworld again, i love reading his entries. they literally make me laugh out loud =)

    & i cant wait for him to be on Happy Together Friends! i lovee that show

    actually despite what everyone else thinks, i personally dont like the 'beard' on him.

    i like him with his smooth skin & fresh/clean look.

  13. hey guys. i know i've been pretty absent for a while T.T

    took me some time to catch up through all these pages

    i do have one request though.. if eleclya111 doesnt mind.

    i saw that you posted a song pages back by Super Junior T

    something like there was a contest and Super Junior T sang the winner's song?

    lol sry if im wayyyy off. but could you re-upload that song for me?

    & i have a question. does anyone know how old Lee Chi Hoon is? ( Heechul's ulzzhang lookalike )

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..