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power....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    At last, the war has started.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  13. I see some inconsistency with Man Jeon.  Man Jeon clearly shows that he disapproves of his older brother's actions, even though he really wasn't that different, because episodes before, they both assaulted a servant girl.  Where did that more reasonable trait of his come from?

    So, is the drama going to focus on the Mongols?  The more relevant stuff?

  14. Hmmmm....Wol A's dead...uh huh.....yeah...go figure

    Looks like a start of darkness for Kim Jun.  I hope he becomes ruthless in the future.  Good guys gone bad.  I love those stories...so now hopefully onto more  significant stuff

    History of Choe Manjon....as you know, he's the bstard child from a dancer.  SOmetime in his life he was sent to the Cholla Province and became a Buddhist priest, albeit a very corrupt one.  In the area he stayed at, he gathered a band of rowdy followers who terrorized where he stayed.  He was later recalled home by his father and his name was changed to Hang.  After U's death, he purged the family of his stepmother in order to secure his position as military dictator.  Looks like the females of the CHo'e clan are going to suffer soon by his hands.   He also had a bstard son who would succeed him, named Cho'e Ui, after Hang's death.  Ch'oe Ui was a fat lazy coward. If the source material is any indicator, then it looks like Kim Jun will have his vengeance through that guy's son, as he ultimately brought down the CHoe family and became military dictator.

  15. ^ Most of the problems with this drama is due to the budget. KBS has chosen not to invest in this drama. Thus you have no horses, limited extras, lack of variety in the sets etc. The close ups are needed because, if they show the surroundings it will be even more obvious that our conquering warriors are always in the same place all the time.


    Just a show that they just didn't care when making this drama.  Rehashed costumes, production settings, cartoony acting, if the production doesn't care, why should the viewer.  Also, the drama is way too long

    Lee Tae-gon was terribly miscast for the role. Listening to him trying to be all kingly is painful.  The charisma sounds forced, nothing about it sounds natural about it at all.   Funny how he has to make the facial expressions of a 12 year old because he can't emote properly.   Outmatched by his peers he is.  How did he win that award again?  Bribery is at work of course.  Those judges aren't dependable at all....

    Do you know why I make a deal out of this?  For the Koreans, Gwanggaeto is a important figure of history who made Korea one of the most powerful countries in Asia.  He is significant to Korea's legacy.  This drama just exploits his name like a weasel exploiting children, and is an insult to history.  Don't bother with that "its just a drama" garbage, because its a hackneyed cheap argument.   

    I will give the drama this though.  The change with Gao Yun is actually pretty clever, and Damdeok's personality traits are about right.  Good death glare too.  But, the drama I think was never meant to be made.

  16. You're right.  I am biased.  I'm a history buff so it should be expected.  But hey, I enjoyed Queen Seondeok, and I enjoyed that one immensely, despite it mostly being fiction.  I watched IYSS and I liked it.  Some of the liberties in the drama may actually be justified, because the records are mostly shallow stuff; nothing in depth.  But if you're going to make historical fiction, its best to keep it true to the spirit of that history



    There were no internal power struggles during Damdeok's reign. Which allowed him to conquer territory with an ease of mind. The first country he attacked upon becoming the King at the age of 19 is Baekje. Why is later Yan the primary enemy in this? Baekje and it's Japanese allies should be the main enemy.




    I tire of internal struggles.  It killed King Geunchogo for me.  There were probably sleazy politicians at the time, but not very notable make a mark in history.  My theory of making Yan the enemy is propaganda: make the Chinese look bad.  




    Also, if you want a portrayal of a king right, you have to be charismatic and have an energy that makes you want to follow him- we get that in IYSS for Admiral Yi Soon Shin(technically he wasn't a king, but a leader), we get that from Lee Seo-jin in Yi San.  But most importantly, it has to feel natural.  I can tell that Lee Tae-gon is trying to force himself to be charismatic, and I don't buy it.  Not.  One.  Bit.  He also looks too old for the role.  Jung Tae-woo or the person playing Gao Yun should have been cast




    Other historical facts.  Damdeok was an only child.  No records of any siblings (probably half siblings from his father's concubines but they wouldn't be recorded in history anyway-assuming his father had concubines).  And I can't stand the girls.  They're creepy


































































































































    This drama is dumb.  The actors are hammy and over the top, they seem to be yelling rather than acting, the costumes look ridiculous, and the lead actor can't act to save his life.  He looks more like a thug than an actual king if you ask me.  Its insulting towards one of Korea's greatest historical figures.  You see more dignity in Immortal Admiral Yi Soon SHin

































  19. thank you bashful_harmony.....thank you sooo much....*quoted image**quoted image*

    Hyo Joo looks like Indian girl with those sweater and hair...*quoted image*

    I'm sorry for giving you wrong information, and thank you for fix it theresia_warner.....*quoted image*

    Hyo Joo predicted to become MBC Daesang winner by azoomma.com with 379 votes (44%)...

    and Dong Yi is in 6th place for Drama of The Year with 65 votes...

    Looks like KBS drama takes away Ajoomma's heart with Kim Tak Goo, Chuno and Sungkyungkwan Scandal....

    credit: http://www.etnews.co...&mc=m_014_00002

    It certainly is no surprise that she is expected to win a award.  She gave a great performance as Dong Yi (I still don't get the comments saying her acting is bad)

  20. One of the reasons Han's acting ability is effective is her ability to express emotions.  Just a quick look, and you can tell what mood she's in.  Happy, sad, bubbly, etc.  And people say she's a bad actress? Pfft. Sometimes facial expressions are enough when it comes to particular scenes.I guess one can make the argument that her expressions can be cartoonish, but the way I see it, her acting isn't over the top.  Besides, I've met bubbly people who are like that.  The samurai in IYSS?  They're cartoonish.

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