Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by peanut
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I was so mean, i was telling him
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    that way for me to be a different person.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    he started crying, (which was the 1st time i ever heard him cry)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Me: dont change. dont ever change. the reason I'm in love with you, is because of YOU.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    your smile, your eyes, your laugh, your jokes, your pretty face. im still waiting on the day
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    During the summer: Unsweetened Black tea lemonade or Black tea. ;; Sweetened Passion tea lemonade extra ice ;; White mocha frappucino ;; Caramel frappucino with extra caramel ;; Green tea frappucino with raspberry syrup ;; Blended strawberry lemonade (Current favorite) ;; Iced white mocha with whip ;; Pumpkin spice creme based frappucino ;; Orange mango lemonade frappucino.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    During the Winter: Green tea latte no foam ;; Hot chocolate with mocha drizzle ;; Soy white mocha ;; Cinnamon Dolce Latte ;; Earl Grey Latte with soy ;; Marble Mocha Machiatto.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Current Favorite: Pumpkin Spice Frappucino ;; Unsweetened Black tea lemonade ;; Blended strawberry lemonade .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Not just a korean forum, but an ASIAN forum.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They have almost all the latest asian songs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And it's always updated.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  4. Hello Guys.

    I'm asking for my friend, since I have no idea how to answer her question.


    Okay so My friend and this guy have been going out to places since 3 weeks back? He just randomly texted her one day, and asked her if she wanted to hang out. Well they've hung out for 3 weeks now. (She doesn't know if it's a Date Date since he's never mentioned it) She says they've hung out about 5 times (Movies twice, restraunts, zoo, karaoke, play pool) And she feels a strong attraction to him. She also feels that he likes her also, and the chemistry is really strong. Well her question is, Why doesn't he kiss her (Atleast on the cheek) or hold her hand, or anything of that sort. He's touched her hand lightly very few times (He offered to help her take her bracelot off, or pour her candy) But thats it. And she's wondering, if that's normal?

    She's been bugging me about that for awhile. & I don't really know how to answer her except to just wait.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I got excited when he got a call saying they saw the real yoohee, but then when they lied T___T . I seriously hope shes alive, and they see her soon. I hate how the drama keeps dragging on. Atleast Han soo or whatever his name was busted. FINALLY. Although he hasn't gotten caught yet. YOOHEE where are you???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi, just wondering.
































































































































































































































































































































    Did they perform their song follow me yet?
































































































































































































































































































































    I'd love to see them perform it ^^
































































































































































































































































































































    I already know it's going to be hot !
































































































































































































































































































































    If not out yet, when are they performing it?

































































































































































































































































































































































  7. i have a question, why is it that everytime my boyfriend does something wrong, he finds it funny or not that serious but when i do something wrong, he ignores my calls for a whole week or until i approach him and apologize? is he just a freakin prissy or are all guys like that?

    for example, i got mad at him because he broke his promise to spend our anniversary together because he was too lazy and didn't feel like going out that day. was i wrong to be mad? <_<

    on the other hand, the last time he got mad at me was because i cursed him out cus he was being a jerk. and lemme add he's a jerk most of the time but i've kept my mouth shut for too long so one day, i finally exploded and called him an ugly richard simmons and all kinds of names that i didn't know existed in my vocabulary. well anyway, this dude acted like the world was coming to an end, oh come on??? i even apologized like 10 times through text cus he refuses to pick up his calls. i admitted i was wrong to come at him like that, what else am i suppose to do? :(

    I'm not a guy, but girl you need to dump his butt !

    You don't deserve a guy who treats you like that.

    He broke your promise, because he was lazy? That's no excuse !

    YOU WERE NOT WRONG AT ALL. It's his fault.

    And girl, you don't need to apologize to him! He doesn't deserve to be apologized to!

    If he can't take you serious, and gets mad over things YOU do. Then he isn't worth it.

    You can do so much better!

    Don't say you were wrong, because you were right to come off on him.

    Dump him.

































    Did anyone hold a petition rushing her to commit suicide?

    Did anyone make her leave the school, destroy her dream, break her friendship?
































































































































































































































































































































    Hell no!!
































































































































































































































































































































    By the way, I'm angry and devastated against crazy stupid netizens rather than her. Those people are so cruel. I understand the pain inside Jay now because I've faced similar situation before. Because of little misunderstanding, some ppl posted in my blog, holding grudge, wishing me to commit suicide. Many years have passed but I never ever forget those pain. There is a sentence that "They might forget what you say to them but they never forget how you make them feel". It's true, painfully true.
































































































































































































































































































































    With only few friends did that to me, I felt at the end of the world back then. Jay must face with more than 5000 people want him die. This world became so freaking ridiculous.
































































































































































































































































































































    Jay is a star, a leader of famous idol group but he's just 22. I don't want him to leave but regarding fact that staying in a country where people want him die, bashing him every second must be a nightmare to him, Jay's decision is right.
































































































































































































































































































































    This incident just makes people love him more while disgracing crazy netizens and current ridiculous power of media in Korean.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The reason that hasn't happened is because the girl's identity hasn't been revealed. If it had been, she would be in a faar worse position then Jaebum, most likely. Since Jay has way more fans, i'm sure her life would be ruined if they were to find out who she was.
































































































































































































































































































































    anyways, regarding the main issue. I am seriously devastated over this. Everything seems to have happened so fast, all in one week?! How could the netizens trip over a common mistake that happened years ago? I'm sure that even se7en feels alone, and uncomfortable in someplace as big as the US! But then again, because of some koreans who seem to have the need to pick on foreigners. Jay would feel alone. He did come from the US. A place that ranges in different cultures. He wouldn't feel left out here. His home country. Ah, I hope he changes his mind, and reconsiders his decision. This is very heartbreaking. We love you JayBeom <3
































































































































































































    just curious.. what made everyone here want to audition for brother entertainment instead of sm or jyp or yg or ect? ^^

































  10. Haha that was fast~~ hmm then how do u send the videos? do we burn cd for them?? cuz i dont know how to put a video into a disc >.< so confussedd

    oh and can u fill the form in english??

    did you record from videocamera?

  11. -ㆀ- lizzie?

    ahh she sing with other trainee

    at choosuk in maryland here ^^

    very good sing ㅎㅎ

    아주 부럽 당..

    may doni too sing very good!


    I try do audition but no good -ㅅ- ㅋㅋ..

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..