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Posts posted by makeupmag

  1. Something I did a couple of days ago. It looked better IRL :/

    Excuse my eyebrows and my disgusting eyelashes in the last pic. :P

    Very simple and polished; I like the delicate eyeliner line. And I think your lashes are fine! :)

  2. yeah, i tried once to use the google translator and it kept talking about a tiger...

    I :lol: when I read this! I believe the tiger refers to Baek Ho's name, where the Ho is 'hu' in Chinese, meaning tiger. I'm not so sure about the Baek though; I think it means a hundred, as in 'bai'? Hmm, which leads me to the idea of virility...imagine, a hundred tigers! Hahaha, no wonder BH is great at that leery look! ;):sweatingbullets::w00t:

  3. OT,but I've always thought that Lee Sun Gyun resembled Uhm Tae Woong.^^ Btw,didn't we already have a convo about this before? :lol:

    :lol: Yes! I couldn't help mentioning it again though because the resemblance in the photo you posted was uncanny! UTW has smaller, almond shaped eyes and a sharper chin but I can see LSG in him too! Must be that serious sexy look. :sweatingbullets: Sigh, UTW is such a good actor. I've only seen him in Delightful Girl Chun Hyang but goodness, he was impressive with his textured performance! B)

    Back to KJS - doesn't he look cool with those glasses? And oh, he seems to have such an affable nature in the Good Morning special that it is no wonder he can play a nice guy role well. Has he ever played a villainous role? Maybe he should try by bopping JY with his satchel or something. :P

  4. Seon-Jae goes to see the granny and begs for forgiveness, but when granny is rude to Jong-Soon too, Seon-Jae pulls Jong-Soon to leave...Gi-Tae (Mr. Na) goes to see Mansoo and asks him to block the catastrophe, and Seon-Jae who sees this asks Soo-Ah in a sincere way to rethink the divorce. However when Soo-Ah shouts at him telling him not to touch her with his dirty hand, Seon-Jae becomes angry and tells her he will agree to the divorce she wants.

    Oh dramaok, you are brilliant for keeping us forever updated on MiGo! :wub:

    I think SJ has had enough. Surely his parents do not have to be subjected to humiliation too? If it is indeed this that makes him say that, well, kudos to him for waking up.

    Conversely, his impetus could be as speculated - that he's always known he's had the upper hand (SA loving him wholeheartedly - learning to cook, living with his parents etc, she begging him to marry her) and is now exerting that power for a bit of reverse psychology. I can't wait to watch this for the acting nuances and to see how this pans out! ;)

  5. *Thank you dramaok and bm for the continued links/recaps/screencaps!*

    SA is a wretch, while JY is an imbecile.

    SA - I must commend the actress for doing a good job, putting her long eyes and thin lips to good use. <_< I can't get over how sweet she looks and behaves in real life, compared to her utterly disgusting character on MiGo. As much as I'd like to agree she can't help being who she is because of the way she was raised, every human being has a choice and there comes a point where we form our own consciousness. She cannot be blind to the way she's behaving...she's simply petulant! That said, any ordinary woman would be upset with the slew of unpleasant things that have been inflicted on SA; they're simply magnified because of the spoilt princess that she is.

    How STUPID is JY to want to meet SA and get bullied for the umpteenth time? Her doormat quality is getting weary, as are her much maligned and pained expressions. As much as the writers want to portray her as a pure hearted angel, she is getting tiring to watch. :rolleyes:

    I did however like the scene she shared with SJ when they were supposed to meet for the last time and where they put out their true feelings. That scene was very honest and real...and even touching because of the portrayal of relationship closure. Unfortunately, SJ just couldn't step down and here we go again with the drama rigmarole~!

    SJ - I enjoyed reading the analysis by everyone concerning his motivations and am partial to the argument that he helped JY's family with sincerity. I believe this because of the performance delivered by the actor. Although he exudes arrogance most of the time, the instances in which he had to execute his plan to save the Hwang family were fraught with many emotions that weren't all just guilt. I still maintain that this is a complex role.

    JK - Could someone just bop her with a handbag (Miae, are you listening?)? Who the heck does she think she is, abusing her superior like that and over something that was all in her head in the first place?!

    DP - Oh you stupid woman! How could you let her walk all over you like that? And to take the blame for the label problem? :tongue2: I do wonder though...did she do that to appease JK so she won't spill the beans before it's too soon? :unsure:

    DJ - I've been wondering - if BH is indeed MS's son, why wouldn't she reveal it sooner?

  6. Dare i say...?

    i'm starting to feel for SJ. i know he's all :tongue2: and ridic. to WJ and all, but he's just realized that he's lost the girl he truely cares for, and now must try his best to live with SA. because even though he doesn't LOVE her, he does CARE for her, and so he doesn't want to hurt her like he's hurt JY.

    (at least that's the vibe i get)

    violetish - I agree with you! Coupled with the actor's real life problems, I'm starting to feel for SJ...I suppose his personal issues have given him complexity in his role. You summed it up well. SJ is well and truly beleaguered, and worst of all, it's of his own doing! :sweatingbullets:
  7. Basically they win battles but not the war.
    What a succinct way of putting it! :)

    This discussion is very relevant and interesting. I used to despair at the stupidity of some characters in K-dramas - the rigmarole concerning cross in-law marriages (Daughters-in-Law) and how marriages between foster/adopted siblings are taboo (Que Sera Sera is the latest example that comes to mind, although the feelings aren't mutual; oldies like Winter Sonata) used to frustrate me but they are revelations of the Korean mindset and culture, I believe?

    The issue of deception in My Girl was overplayed too (come on, the child saved you!) but I know that respect of the elderly is is de rigeur in Korean society, so deceiving the family was a grave sin. I guess the story would be more interesting with conflict than without...;)

    And then there's all that shouting. Gracious, I used to wonder why the characters would shout so much (and so rudely too, sometimes). I've since accepted this as a feature of K-drama (but wonder if it's a reflection of the way Koreans interact with people they are familiar with)! :lol:

    Speaking of shouting, I don't like the way DH constantly shouts at MA, especially in front of their child. I am not fond of MA but do not dislike her (I haven't watched her in the earlier eps, so she may have been more deplorable than she is now). Eva's pretty face is wasted on DH - I honestly do not see anything attractive about this man. Sonia is too good to be true too - although we're supposed to like her, I don't...perhaps because she isn't given a lot of screen time to flesh out her character. At one point, when DH was being nice to her platonically, her voiceovers voicing out her suspicions that he must like her came across as presumptuous and annoying (to me, anyway!).

    While Sonia isn't technically breaking up a family, I do like the idea of Chanee, DH and MA coming together as a family again not because I'm against DH marrying a foreigner but simply because Chanee deserves to have his mummy back and because MA's trying to change (well, we'll see if it's out of pride - not wanting to lose her ex; or if it's genuine). The way the story's slanted though, I think DH and Sonia will end up together (those scenes of the two of them and Chanee always seem so joyful)...perhaps only after MA has had an epiphany (if ever!).

  8. does everybody notice that this actress (Mrs.Na) is everywhere to be found?

    from golden era of daughter in-law, the real witch there

    to capital scandal, i love her a lot in this series... a narcissistic-wacko creature ever made \(|o|)/~

    and many more....

    she's very talented indeed :P

    She is! It took me a while (many days, actually) before I realised she was also the unpleasant mother-in-law in DIL! :lol: When I finally cottoned on, it made me think about her versatility. If I recall correctly, she was filming Migo and DIL concurrently. It can't be easy to transit from one character to another. The almost ditsy, narrow-minded, superficial wife and mother vs the ice-cold woman who puts terror into the hearts of her daughters-in-law - Kim Hye Ok did it well! :)

    What I do like about her characters is that they aren't bad through and through. I like Mrs Na for being a diligent housewife (notice how she cooks and cleans well; serving her husband cut fruit every day - I can't imagine doing that!) and as skewed as her judgement is, she obviously loves her children.

    As for Mrs Go, apparently she was tormented by her own mother-in-law, which taught her to do the same to her daughters-in-law. She didn't melt visibly towards the end of the show but one can feel a certain détente. I liked the scene when she was crying in the car, upon seeing genuine happiness on her daughter-in-law's face.

    i really think she's a great actress too. so far, she's playing a very similar character in this drama to the one she played in "bizarre bunch." i thought she was great as eugene kim's mom in "wonderful life" where she played a down-to-earth, soju-drinking, korean-bacon restaurant owner.

    Thank you for reminding me to watch this! I look forward to watching her - I am assuming she's more likeable here. :P

    Re: MiGo -

    As much as I dislike her, I'm beginning to soften a little (just a smidgen only, mind you!) towards SA. She does seem friendly and loving towards her father and mother in law. The cute way that she speaks to them can be endearing because it comes across as genuine (although the whiny quality of her voice can be grating!).

    I never realised BH (well, KJS actually!) could be so handsome until I Google Imaged him. Gracious - he really is kind of cool in some poses and I absolutely loved his look with the black glasses in the Good Morning special that bm so kindly posted (thank you!). Did he remind anyone of Chae Han Sung in Coffee Prince, albeit younger? ;)

  9. ep.119 caps

    Delurking at last to say a big thank you to you, bm; as well as dramaok, for posting clear synopses and screencaps (wow!). I caught Migo on KBS World last year, I believe and couldn't wait to watch more so I watched subsequent eps online. I stopped at 80+, iirc and started reading this thread on soompi. To my delight, people like you do such a spectacular job that I don't really have to watch the series any more! ;)

    I look forward to visiting this thread daily and reading the updates...and the funny and intelligent comments that some of you make.

    Thank you for all the effort put into making this show more enjoyable! :wub:

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