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Posts posted by engklat24

  1. OMGosh, i can’t get over this drama... one of my most favorite thing aside from all the quotes in the book is about the love progression between dani and eunhoo.. this is such a mature love story with so much giggle.. not over the top.. hahahaha i love all of their scene together especially their dates.. 

    but my most favorite part is thelending when they outted themselves to the people.. hehehe i have been repeating the scene over and over again just to see the surprise look from dani and how proud eun hoo is of her being her girlfriend.


    i love how this transcend success of women in the workforce.. 

    • Like 5
  2. This is such a well written drama.. and it really touches your heart... i empathize so much with KDI and i wish i have a CEH in my life who will be there for me during my ups and downs.. what is nice in this drama is the very realistic approach to life, the career womens flight which we see everywhere.. the different  facade of women in the career world.  


    I love how this drama doesn’t have this cliche thing about rich man poor man, mother against relationship... what what.. this is such a light but super heartfelt drama which makes me cry and laugh.. kuddos to lee jong suk and lee na young super great actors.  


    I am now watching his other works and looking for hers too.  Love love this drama.. i thought i will not be hook on another drAma after whats wrong with secretary kim but alas this drama hook me up that i even livestrEam the show without understanding anything.  


    • Like 8
    • Love 1















    hey guys... to the Goguma and the Sweet Potato Couple fan... i know this is a sad day for everyone but always remember that WGM may end but the love we have for our favorite couple.. for me (ADAM) and here it is the Goguma will remain... i think our support for the couple at this time is the most important one.. they have shown us Love and happiness and they have brought happiness, smile, friendship and so much more in our life that the greatest thing we can ever give to them is our undying Love and Support.. wub.gifwub.gif























    I just wanna say to all of you to stay strong and be united forever.. their maybe people who will put you down with your LOVE for the couple but always remember that you are a family here and that you all have the same LOVE and AFFECTION for the couple.. so stay strong and united.. :) 























    We will always support you.. :) 























    from a die hard.. ADAM fan... i myself are thankful for all your support during our down time and i am here now giving back all the support we have receive from you... :) 







































































































    awww hello Goguma fans.. as you can see from my avatar i'm a huge ADAM couple fans and yeah i still am.. :) 












    i just wanna say to all of you here that i really appreciate your support when ADAM couple left WGM... really means a lot.. 












    And i just want to say also that SP couple are becoming so so sweet and i just love their episode now too... i'am watching their episode with interest.. hahahaha.. :) i really love how far they have come from the first episode till now.. the affection they have for each other are just so cute and real and sweet... :) 












    and about the ratings.. don't fret about it... WGM is still number one in their timeslot as compared to KBS which only got like 4% so yeah no sweat.. i think WGM will go a long way.. 












    and Lastly, i know the one year anniversary of SP is fast in coming so lemme wish them a happy one year anniversary in advance and yeah i will continue to watch them with interest.. :) 


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i almost posted on the wrong thread good thing hahahahahah i didnt... so they are in nate news now i hope some kind soul will translate this.. but can't we also post it on the ADAM thread since it involves the ADAM couple.. well just wondering,.. :) 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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