Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by Mushroomx3

  1. From these two messages, does it sound like I've been friend zoned? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question T_T.

    He sent me this after we moved out from our dorms:

    "I never got to tell you, but thank you. You really were one of the people I became closest to at UC** and I am so thankful to have met someone like you. You are genuinely a kind hearted person who really allows to get to know people before passing judgment. You have no idea how many great memories I cherish thanks to our crazy adventures. I honestly feel like i don't need to hide anything from you, not that I need to or will let that stop me from doing so. :P:P . but once again thank you fro being there for me and for all of the great memories....I'm sure that in the future we shall have plenty more secret sharing sessions in which we bang the wall and call out "that "innocent" nosy bit%# who we can easily take her fun "man" from""

    And then he sent me this when we were talking about his bad habits and I told him that I care a lot about him.

    " Likewise. I know it may be obvious, but you are one of the people I hold very dear at SB. I don't simply enjoy spending time with you because I have fun beating you, gossiping with you, or roaming to different places and seeing different people. I also like spending time with you, because when I want to have an honest conversation in which one can be open to reasoning and state things that may not be favorable to an individual I can always count on having those conversations with you."

    He's one of my closest friends in college and I am not FULLY over him. Sometimes the things he does makes me feel like he might like me...even a little... or it could just be me WANTING to think that. I don't trust my judgments :P. Thoughts, anyone?

    Thank you. That helped a lot XD

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I"ve noticed that Junho has gotten more love recently! <33333333333 He's soooo cuteeeee.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have to agree that star king was exaggerating a bit :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But Jalen is reallly really similar to Jay! He has muscles at such a young age~ matching shoes and clothes~ bboy <33333
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Congats on the win <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    part 1/2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt2JIBd5uQ0
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    :( what the heck..... how did they get a clip of jay when he got off the airport?...... O_O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    anyways, watching wooyoung's fancams ='[ poor baby <3 he's not smiling much ...

































































































































    i don't know if this has been posted or not but .... GUESS WHAT I SAW ON JYP'S TWITTER?

    SO... does that "-" means you-know-who? this sure gets my hopes up!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    p.s. sorry! i dont know how to take screen shots.... i'm so computer illiterate... XD but the link in the quote leads to jyp's facebook, and it contains the same message, u guys can go and check it out































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    taec is such a dork! xD flirting with a male marshmallow like that xP so cute
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    [10.24.09] 2PM 플래쉬몹 Vancouver Hottests' Dance Mob: Again & Again































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Korea- Daegu/Gyeongbuk 2PM performance Flash Mob (2PM 대구 플래시몹)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2pm flash mob of the philippines whole vid






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    2PM 플래쉬몹 Korean Fans Flash Mob Again & Again
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Heyyyy can we speak no more about the drama and let's wait until the release and peacefully discuss about it? :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What is everyone's favorite memory about the boys?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't understand why 2OD is not sharing the pictures of 2PM with the pretty boy concept...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyways, 2PM with pretty boy concept is just ridiculous..... I can't imagine them with that
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    first Afterschool performing their song again and again
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    then SJ added a bit of the dance move from I Hate You at the end of their performance
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    finally Boom played a bit of again and again at the end
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Star Dance Battle does seem a bit lonely without them though >___< they rocked it last year and if they were in it this year <3333333333333333333333333333
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Let's just wait for next year then :)

































































    jay say he want to come back. but did you see the next sentence ?

    he is not sure whther to come back.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    what make you think that JYP give us false info ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from day 1, you fans want a statement from JYP, now JYP give you the statement.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    then you doubt his statement. so in the first place, dont demand a statement from him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i dont get what you fans want.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    whatever statement JYP gave, you fans wont be happy about it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We wanted a CLEAR and direct official statement from him. Not some statements that can be interpreted different ways
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "and frankly if you don't work out the emotions for Jay at this period where its still on a HIGH, done the road a year from now, the enthusiasm will definitely be over."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I agree with this completely as well. Right after I finished reading JYP's statement I knew that it was only to calm down the fans who needed some official statement from him. However... do you think that new 2pm fans would even know Jay and want him to come back? I'm afraid that Jay will be forgotten...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Let's all keep the faith... let's hope that one day Jaebum will return and show us his amazing abs once again!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Let's hope he's like Andy from Shinhwa... not participating in one album and came back for the next! if Andy could do that then maybe Jaebum can too! Remember when Minwoo said 2pm reminds them of them?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Let's keep the faith.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow... it took him leaving Korea for this girl to feel remorse... like it wasn't enough when he skipped meals and had to reflect on his mistake.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I cannot help but feel so upset FOR Jay because he knew what he wanted to do with his life. He had the talents.. the dedication... he had a goal.. he had a dream... and he went for it and worked hard for four years. While he's going through all that... most of us don't even know what to do with our lives... there are more people who don't have a goal in life than those who do. It's a shame that Jay's hard work was taken away from him so quickly.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We all don't want Jay to leave 2pm but let's be supportive of Jay and his decision. Maybe one day he will return ... 2pm or not... let's all wait for him.

































  17. Would a guy say things like


    : Do you know that

    :by telling you hi

    :i feel better

    : it makes

    : my day

    : brigther"

    to just any of his girl friends?

    This isn't the first time he said it either :o Maybe I am being a girl and overthinking it again LOL. damn.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. son.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think we should stop replying to the basher.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just finished episode six of idol world!!! OMG! I knew Jay was gonna pick the girl he picked instead of the other one because he likes pretty faces XD. I love junsu couple the most. The girl was so into the games and she even wanted to try the insect!! Chansung couple was adorable and JAY!!! how can he eat that so heartily? T________T and I agree with someone from youtube. he sure knows how to get some screen time XD (umma?) . Wooyoung was so quiet :( Junsu looked disappointed at the end. poor him. None of the boys deserve to get eliminated. they have their own charms that make the show so enjoyable :D NOW i need to catch up with what i've missed of 2pm for this whole week. i hate school!

































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