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Posts posted by chatake

  1. 16 minutes ago, maniac-moon said:

    LJG said on his mini FM that the last scene is actually longer and there's something more after that. SBS cut that scene .... :tears::angry:

    Then where it is? Why sbs cut that? 

    Maybe our OTP saw each other in museum?

    God,it so painful


    I watched the SBS and the Chinese cut version and both ended the same. SBS might release it later

    • Like 5
  2. 15 minutes ago, tatty said:

    Wow, episode 11 took me on an emotional roller coaster. I was happy, then super heart broken, then happy...and then heart broken. I don't even know what I'm feeling still. 

    First of all, props to all the actors. This episode really showed their superb acting...especially from LJG and IU. I could really feel their emotions. I think my favorite scene has to be the prison scene and the scene where he stands beside her, shielding the rain. So many feels. 

    Court lady Oh, you are the real MVP here. I can't believe she died. She was one of the good guys :tears: I blame Wook. He semi made her to stand up for Soo!

    I think this has the be the point where Soo figures out that 8th prince isn't really on her side as she thought he was.. I mean, he turned his back on her during the ending scene. And to protect his family from more suffering, he has to fight for the throne now. I think his turning point was when his mother begged the Queen... I don't know. I feel sorry for him at the same time. 

    Now what I'm not sure about is... if the King cared for Court Lady Oh so much, why did he not marry her? And if he knows Queen Yoo is throwing shade at the Crown Prince, why isn't he confronting her? 

    For a modern girl, HS is taking living back in the 900s awfully well. I think if any of us were to be transported back like that, our bodies would, first, not be able to adjust to this totally unhygienic place.. I mean, were refrigerators even invented back then?? And the tourturing shinanigans... really surprised she didn't get some kind of infection or something. Props to HS. I think I would've been dead already if I was in her position. 

    Also does anyone know what the drama between Queen Yoo & Wook's Mother is? Was it because  remember Queen Yoo framed her mother for poisoning a court lady and causing her to have a miscarriage? 

    I'm hoping all the really sad parts are over with and now HS and WS's relationship can develop further! And I'm still wondering how HS will go back to her modern life and if WS will be able to some how get transported there toooo. There has to be a happy ending to this heart wrenching drama. I'm hoping! 

    Love reading everyone's interpretations and everything. Keep it up!!!!! 


    The King cannot marry Oh Sang Gong because she is of lowly birth. Also Oh Sang Gong probably does not want to get married as she is bitter about the King left her for power and throne. Also the court lady that was poisoned to miscarriage is Oh Sang Gong. Queen Yoo framed Wook's Mother and exiled her. She does not want her children to go thru the same thing as her.

    12 minutes ago, smitten1710 said:

    If I might ask here, the tea that Yeon Hwa drank is supposed to be from the CP's tea pot. CMIIW the tea pot was empty after Wang So drank 3 cups from it. That's why Hae Su went away saying she'll pour more hot water.

    Both the wine and the tea are poisoned. CP did not drank the wine. Also. YH faked being poisoned.

    • Like 9
  3. 1 hour ago, sooji28 said:

    Yorobeun, I really enjoy your thoughts, your recap, your theories, about Scarlet Heart eps 6-7. I was reading on page 385 about two days ago, and because of work, didn't have time to check on this thread. But when i came back this morning, i'm surprised that this thread has already 436 pages. Whoa. Talking about Usain Bolt winning a gold medal, i think this thread deserves gold medal too. And you too Yorobeun, deserve one too. haha.

    Honestly, i was mesmerized with epsd 6 and 7, and i'm really happy Wang So and Hae Soo love story began to surface. I really love their chemistry, their ranting to each other. I think Wang So really sees her as Go Hajin instead Hae Soo. And she really sees WS as a human being, not a prince.

    Btw, i loooooove their scene at the lake. And the scene was perfect with the backsound and music. I was wondering, do they release the song as OST or is it just YG promoting Lee Hi as their artist (since YG is one of funders of this drama)?

    anyhoo, here is the scene from the lake. Love the scene, love the dialog, love the music,love iu and Lee Jun ki chemistry. Ah, perfect.


    Actually, Akdong Musician also sang in the last episode. It is that song with english rap. So, 2 YG artists already sang in the last episode.

    • Like 4



    i have just bought this phone and the firmware is GD580-v10j, without the bubble font nor traditional chinese. anyone know which firmware or how do i install traditional chinese to it? i saw some phones on youtube that has it. anyone know the detailed english instruction on how to flash this phone?


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