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Posts posted by Sisca

  1. How is it called "the clarification" when the part that caused HoMin get bashed is neglected?

    Not that I want to bring the 6:25 meeting issue back, but this clarification brought the issue back.

    It's just like we can forget how Max bashed HoMin, but we cannot deny that it happened.

    These issues have evidences after all.

    Sorry but I've to ask, when did Max bashed Homin ???!!!

    FYI, I didn't forget that issues...but on my POV all I remember is how changmin ignored Max

    I'm a Yunjae bias fan, and I'm proud of it...not sugarcoating it with "I love all five" but yet keep attacking with calm manner or whatever...

    From homin's fans pov of that issues "max bashed homin, so he's evil...i can't trust him amymore, etc"

    from jaechunsu's fans pov "why can't changmin have some respect, he's their boss after all, etc"

    Everyone have their own bias, so why bother ?

    seriously, can we stop arguing over the same problems ?

    I don't want this thread to be closed again

  2. @ Sheilapiglet : Everyone is trying to be positive and move on but why you keep bring it up ?

    here's one of the official definitions of Professionalism:

    "People who are professional are unfailingly polite, courteous and well-spoken, no matter what the situation. Being professional means that you keep your cool and remain calm under any circumstances. No matter how upset a co-worker or customer makes you, you don't react; you deal with the situation rationally and calmly."

    You said that max is not a pro, but the definition you quoted about Professionalism could be applied to changmin too right ? based on that definition, changmin is NOT professional too...

    its irks me that fans always attacks/criticize someone that said or did something bad to our boys, but when it comes to our boys themselves they always found excuses/reasons to justify them...

    Example :

    Max said something bad about changmin - he is not profesional, he suddenly become evil, etc

    Changmin refused to shake max's hand - he probably just tired, angry, didn't see it, etc...

    At this point, the only thing we as their fans can do is support them...all 5 of them...

    like everyone keep saying, we don't know anything...so please just be positive and move on...

    sorry if I offended u or anyone

  3. Many thanks for your help..

    but in the first page of this thread shown


    • SBS Gayo Awards (March 28): Popular Song First Debut (Hug)
    • Mnet KM Music Video Festival (December): Best Music Video Award for New Group (Hug)"

    It is not the first award for them by MNET, that right?

    Oh...I'm very confuse!!!

    Hi, if you're asking about their First Daesang from Mnet...

    then 2005 is their 1st Daesang / Best artist of the year

    but if you're asking about their first award from mnet or first winning @ music core...sorry can't help you there ^^;

  4. This is fun ! and I’m bored right now ~ so :

    WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TVXQ SONGS (different categories)?

    Favorite song of all TVXQ songs: This is really hard…Begin, Rising Sun

    Favorite Korean Ballad Song: Tonight

    Favorite Japanese Ballad Song: Begin, Proud

    Favorite Korean Dance Song: Rising Sun

    Favorite Japanese Dance Song: Purple line

    Favorite Summer Song: Hi Ya Ya

    Favorite Korean MV: Mirotic, Rising Sun

    Favorite Japanese PV: Miss U, Stand by U (Drama Ver)


    Favorite Korean Album: Rising sun, Mirotic

    Favorite Japanese Album: Five in the Black, The Secret Code

    Favorite Korean Concert: Mirotic

    Favorite Japanese Concert: Five in the Black

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There's a place in Mongkok called Sino Center (信和中心)

































































































































    The whole place it literally dedicated to selling that kind of stuff, posters, album etc etc
































































































































































































































































    When I was there, I found that the CDs where the cheapest compared to anywhere else.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi, just want to ask did they sell the official goods or the hongkong ver ?
































































































































































































































































    thanks in advance <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Btw, where can I find kinokuniya in HK ?

































































































































































































































































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