Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by deppstar
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    what I wear daily.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1)sunblock - a must. i don't wear primers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2) foundation - LF + powder to even out my complexion and hide acne spots (yes at this age i still get spots)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3) eyeliner and mascara. probably some shimmery highlighter all over lid. I sport the winged eyeliner most of the times..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4) lip balm or a very moisturizing lipstick.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    blusher rarely since my spots are usually on my jawline and I don't want any colours to emphasis on them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't wear bronzer so that's out.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ For real? There are so many people talking about it. Hmm, I have extremely dry hands... and dry skin basically. Do you guys think that the Tree Oil series is recommended for me?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am also contemplating on getting a tub of body butter, preferably Shea or Mango. Which do you think is better?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    are u acne prone? TTO is meant for acne prone oily skin.

































































































































    Ooh thanks! now i'm really lemming for this.

    Am getting skin79 bb cream (gold) but I have this fear that it might not be good for my skin. I have normal skin and my complexion is good-average (zit once every few months, few imperfections or dark undereye area covered by concealer) so it's kind of like should i be messing with it. i have heard that people have had bad reactions to bb cream how true is this?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yeah, some ppl do get bad reactions from bb cream, but some get fabulous results as well. it's a trial and error process I guess =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am interested to buy the new Revlon foundation, photoready, but I really, really do not need any more LFs!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wah I didn't know junsu was here till I saw it on newspapers!!!!! But anyway wasn't free. haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can you all share where to download chinese subbed files for korean dramas? I wanna watch Oh My Lady! and Prosecuter Princess but the raw files are darn huge and I'm lazy to download them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Looking for BT and Clubbox links. xiaomao123 clubbox don't have those dramas, and those clubboexes that I used to frequent in the past have all downgraded! :(





































































































































    Has anyone tried the Kose Sekkisei Powder Foundation?

    I've never bought a high-end powder foundation before but recently tried out the sample pack and it is sooooo nice! It makes my skin feel so smooth and coverage is so good. I'm not a fan of powder foundation because I feel like it's nothing or doesn't cover well but this one does. It makes you all glowy too.




















































































    It's quite new so I can't find reviews about it so far. The price should be just above US$50 so it's really pricey.







































































































































































    Yes it's pretty new, I think probably 2-3 months old?




















































































    It is smooth, and of mid coverage. not cakey at all. plus the colour tones suits me quite well. I've purchased it, and used it for a week or so, then somehow stopped using it for some reason that I can't think of right now..




















































































    edit: OH. cuz I purchased ettusais sparkling pact as well, haha, and I swop over to it! ooh this is love. haha.




















































































    if it doesn't breaks you out, it's a great powder to use. plus I do adore the packaging of the sekkisei powder pact~









    Q: Seems silly but my routine is spf/foundation/powder. During the day, I need to reapply sunscreen. Do I just apply it ontop of my foundation and powder? Typically, I wash it all off and do it over again ==




























































































    no. Never apply sunblock over your foundation/powder. it just clogs up your pores.




























































































    wash everythign off and reapply again. else use those powder form of sunblock to do touch ups. I think bare minerals have it.

    Question: when I apply my eyeliner I trace the contours of my eye it sometimes gives me uh..well I feel like it makes my eyes seem droopy, I want my eyes to look more bright and alive, how can I do this? -_-;; sorry for this comlicated question




























































































    do the winged out look. extend theliner and flick it upwards =) and add highlight to your inner eyelid portion.

































































































































































































    I have a question.

    What's the make up routine for setting and applying to your face?




























    Like what comes first, second etc.




























    Primer, Base, Foundation, Concealer, Powder ?




























    Any others / add ons that are typically used when setting your face up with make up?























































    I am assuming primer = base.




























    1) your skincare




























    2) sunblock if you apply (I do, and I skip primer)




























    3) primer




























    4) Liquid foundation




























    5) concealer if required (some ppl apply concealer first, like me)




























    6) powder




























    sometimes ppl use sunblock as makeup base/primers, so the number of products you apply on youor face differs with variation, but generally these are the steps to do so.




























    Do sound alot yeah? haha. usually I skip primer and concealer, so that's 2 products removed from my daily usage =) I never skip powder because I'm living in a country which is summer all year round!




























    coldfire-x: Clinique superfit and revlon colourstay are 2 great foundations that last all day long =)





  8. I hope someone can help me out :D

    Currently when i apply my BB cream, i use my fingers. I was wondering if i could also apply it with a brush, and what brush would be the best type to use ?

    Quick questions :

    -Who uses their fingers to apply foundation ? ? Because I've always used my fingers . . but I don't really like the finish it gives. . and I think it's time I invest in brushes. If you use a brush. which do you find is best for liquid foundations ? ?

    -Can YOU tell that you're wearing foundation? Every time I wear foundation I'm always criticizing myself of how cakey/patchy it looks. . . but everyone says my skin is great. Do you look like SUPER CLOSE to the mirror when apply makeup? ? Or do you look somewhat far away . . . ?

    i take bb cream, dot it around where I wanna place it, then pat it in. only then I will smoothe out with my fingers. Same technique I use for liquid foundations. and if required, I will smoothe out with a foundation sponge (those disposable types you can find in watsons, etc, in US I think target or walmart?).

    yes I can tell that I'm wearing foundation, esp at the nose corners. I can be very critical and it doesn't help that I have big pores. but actually it's not as bad as what you think it is. =)

    Sorry to cut your post! I think I want to try the Majolica Eyeliner pen! Is it only available online? Or can I get it at like a store or something? :D Thanks~

    haha, I second this. super easy eyeliner to use. the eye pencil colours are very pretty as well, but perhaps not as smudge proof as mac powerpoints (for example). but I find that it works very well if you layer the liquid liner on top of their eye pencil. slightly smudge out effect at the end of the day =)

    oh their mascaras are very good too. SUPER waterproof.

  9. i'm actually using my BB cream on a daily basis now. when i first bought it, i was a noob at makeup and wearing just felt wrong. i actually cringe at the thought of not having some kind of sun protection on my face (it can be sunscreen or even a foundation with SPF).

    as for powder, i don't use it. my school bans makeup, so powder would really make it obvious. however, i do regret not buying the laneige sliding pact powder (i can't buy it in australia and it wasn't too bad in terms of price).

    why can't you wear sunblock before applying bb cream since you cringe at the thought of not having some kind of sun protection on your face? :huh:

    applying translucent powder (not tinted) helps to mattify your face if you need it. I can't survive w/o any powder due to my oily face.

    I wore Revlon colourstay today after abandoning it for months, and I'm lovin' it once again! clinique superfit, ettusais LF and hanskin bb creams are :wub: Very interested in revlon photoready but i'm put off by what ppl say are shimmers in the LF. Not available in my country yet, so let's see if I'll purchase it (I don't think so, I HOPE NOT. I have enough LF/bb creams to last till I die :rolleyes: )




    DID you all went to the BEG concert? it was madness, the queue, and I'm so bloody short, I couldn't see much -_____-

    but seeing them up close, I think they look good, but normal. I was expecting them to be ultra skinny and small size, but I think they look normal, normal - good that is. haha. GA-IN thighs are HAWT.ahahaha. their outfits were awesome that night, but I can't help but say the concert was really short. it was like 40 min of songs and the rest were games with the fans.

  11. actually, I think skincare are much more worthwhile to buy in korea.

    The Face Shop, Innisfree, Nature Republic are some brands that has great masks!

    bb creams, hit any brand, but I have a soft spot for innisfree and Hanskin (esp hanskin for bb creams, OMG!)

































    You girls here so young ah? All secondary and JC? Poly?

    I'm in Uni, waiting for school to start also... Bumming at home during the holidays and only wake up around 1+ 2pm!! ><































































































































    u are no WAY young compared to me.
































































    i graduated from uni 2 yrs ago. :lol::lol::lol:
































































    good luck to those getting results!

































































































































































    I'm going to Korea next month and wanted to check out Etude house... are people allowed to test the makeup @ the store? How'd you like the lipstick? I'm looking for a nice pink color that's not too pale... any suggestions?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yes there are testers. in fact, I think all the brands has testers in their shops.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i am very bored at work.
































































































































































































































































    here goes: carrying zara bag.
































































































































































































































































    1) umbrella
































































































































































































































































    2) mp3 player - creative vision M - 6 yrs and still going strong :lol:
































































































































































































































































    3) CK wallet
































































































































































































































































    4) makeup pouch
































































































































































































































































    5) HP - SE W995
































































































































































































































































    6) 2 library books which I am gonna return later
































































































































































































































































    7) bobby pins
































































































































































































































































    8) keys
































































































































































































































































    9) card holder
































































































































































































































































    10) tissue paper
































































































































































































































































    in my makeup pouch:
































































































































































































































































    1) ettusais LP
































































































































































































































































    2) ettusais powder foundation
































































































































































































































































    3) ettusais LE highlight powder
































































































































































































































































    4) Majolica Majorica x 2 liquid liners
































































































































































































































































    5) Majolica Majorica x1 pencil liner
































































































































































































































































    6) Etude house eyelash curler (I hate it)
































































































































































































































































    7) chapstick
































































































































































































































































    8) ettusais LE marble gloss
































































































































































































































































    9) ettusais ME marble cheek blush
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this thread is so dead.
































































































































































































































































    and monday blues today is soooo bad.

































































































































































































































































    i have combindation/acne prone skin.. and i really want a new liquid foundation.

    so far i've been using everyday minerals for the past couple years.. but now i really want to get a liquid one t_t
































































































































































































































































    can someone please recommend me something?
































































































































































































































































    i'm looking for something a bit dewy..
































































































































































































































































    and won't break me out >__<
































































































































































































































































    thank you































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    try clinique? superfit is good for controlling oil, and if you want the dewy finish, do not powder over it.
































































































































































































































































    ettusais is good for acne prone skin too.
































































































































































































































































    U also can try revlon colourstay too. fantastic for oily skin.

    i have acne prone skin, so i use clean and clear oil control powder.

    i like it, but for powders in general, do we use the same puff/pad everytime?
































































































































































































































































    like all the bacteria is going from the face to the puff and is placed back in the powder for every application, right?
































































































































































































































































    do we wash it after every use so that the bacteria doesn't build up inside the compact ... ?
































































































































































































































































    idk if it's just me getting paranoid that i'll break out.
































































































































































































































































    so lately i've been just using a cotton pad (not the puff it comes with) and powdering myself, and i change the cotton pad for every application, meaning like 5 or so cotton pads each session~
































































































































































































































































    idk if it's just the OCD in me that is doing this or what.
































































































































































































































































    please help :] gracias.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    u buy 2 puffs,one for outdoor touchups,the other toapply when you are at home.And u can try washingthe puffs everyweek or so with antibacterial wash or shampoo.
































































































































































































































































    or you can get those disposablepuff and change them every week.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sundown Fest DVD out soon after X'mas. Limited copies available at SGD30 each. Selling Fast! footages include 4 hour festival, 5 varied edited versions and photos.
































































































































































































































































    Please email order to contact@sundownfestival.sg

















































































































































    babe! are you still craving for timtams? I've been seeing them almost everywhere lately! haha NTUCs have them! both at tampines and at simei!

    hehe thanks!































































































    haha. NO MORE!!! My friend just told me he was eating timtams yesterday night. LOL. I POPPPED pimples after finishing the twin pack. <_<<_<<_<<_<
































































































    the damned queue was so bloody long. I'm too old for such stuff. next time please hold it at indoor stadium, thank you.
























































    fan groups for who?























































































































    Ethene: I didn't join other forums leh. help me ask? haha. or you interested? give discount! :P
























    sian day today.................


















    Is anyone interested in the sundown festival?
























    I have a pair of tickets to let go.
























    Will be letting go at the early bird price. - $68
























    Please email me at deppstar@gmail.com
























    thank you!















































    nobody wants the tickets???!









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