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    Anyways, I think I like this guy I met at church. and he doesn't seem to like me..well I think he doesn't like me but previously he was super nice to me and.everything. It's confusing! ...that part is long story. so since I think he doesn't like me, I have to give up so in order to do that i blocked him on facebook..well his icon keeps showing up on my chat box ......The issue is before I'm ALWAYS online. like always...then suddenly I blocked him so that means he can't see me online at all. then I keep running into him at school for some reason. Before I never see him at all but lately I keep seeing him in school. I don't know if he noticed me but I pretend to not notice him at all so I can avoid him. Since I'm trying my best to give up - I should just avoid him, get him out of my sight...Since it's getting close to June - we have lots of activities during the summer in church - I have to see him like almost every saturday, sunday.

    I don't know what to do. I don't know if was a good idea to even blocked him in the first place. Since I was always online like always then suddenly I"m just not online at all. I understand it takes time to give up on someone - but if I have to nearly see him like almost every weekend starting in June, it would be even harder for me to give up. I can't stop going to church cause I was one of the few people that they first recruited in the college part. Since they have activities, I want to join haha.

    Just because he doesn't seem to like you, you can't settle with being friends at least? I understand, though, if you want to get over him completely by avoiding him. Honestly, blocking him is no big deal at all. I wouldn't worry about that. As far as real-life encounters go, be casual if you absolutely have to interact with him at church. You won't be able to avoid seeing him, but you can try to get over him by focusing your interest in something else. 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    You said that she has still been supportive about your relationship, so saying that she's being negative towards it as well is a little contradicting. I don't see what she's doing as being negative. She just seems to want for you to wait until marriage to have sex like most parents do. She's not forcing you to wait, and considering she's only asked twice in a span of 2 years, she doesn't seem like she's nagging you or trying to pry either. Don't be upset with your mom for advising you to wait. She probably just doesn't want you to regret giving something that important away in the future. 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    I personally would find anyone that has all of those qualities intimidating. I don't know about other girls in general though. Like WistfulLove said, it'd help to remove the intimidating factor if you're very friendly.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It was inevitable. So Bunnilicious' real name is Susan :w00t: Yay for Susan's baby-bunni!

































































































































































































































































  11. Thank you pervert. :)

    I was talking to him yesterday through text and I found out that he was sitting in his car texting me.... but I didn't reply straight away though. So it was weird to me because work finished at 8 and he went home like 2 hrs later..

    Is there a line that shouldn't be crossed....?

    Probably. Even if you were interested in dating him, it wouldn't be a good idea to date someone you work with because if it doesn't work out, you'll still have to see him at work and interact with him now and then and it would create a tense work environment for you both. If he invites you out to do something 1-on-1 again and you're not interested in dating him, you should draw that line yourself and make it clear that you only wish to be friends.

    i hope its ok to ask this here.

    Is it growing apart if your best friend doesn't talk to you, keep in touch with your or there for you anymore?

    I tried to make conversations but there's never replies and its only once in awhile I'll hear from her.

    Should I move on and make more friends or wait for a person who doesn't seem to put much effort in return?

    She says that I'm in her thoughts but I'm not sure. I dunno I feel like a bad friend that I want to move on because

    she's not there for me as much anymore but she has in the past. That I should keep trying even if the contact is fading


    It never hurts to make more friends. You don't have to feel bad about moving on because it seems like your best friend is already moving on herself. She says you're in her thoughts, but sometimes talk is cheap. If she's not making an effort to maintain your friendship by at least keeping in touch, then obviously you're not really "in her thoughts." You also, however, should not expect any one person to always be "there for you" because after high school, people's priorities change. Your friendship just isn't a priority to her anymore. It happens. Hopefully, you can make friends who'll value you more.

  12. Hi Ladies~! I also posted this to the Fellas thread but I guess I would like your opinions too.

    So I have this friend who works at the same place as me he is roughly twice my age. He asked me to go movies once and didn't ask my friend. Later on he said that the more he sees me the more he thinks how I'm such a great person and stuff. And recently he told me that he really cared about me more than he should sometimes and he finds some things I do cute. Sometimes we talk through text and he says that he doesn't mind if I contact him any time. But I don't contact him often, only once that wasn't work related. But he tells me what type of guys I should look for and asked me about my ex on the outing. Also sometimes we don't talk at work.....

    I just want to know does he see me as a little sister? Or am I just over thinking?

    That's a strong indication that he's attracted to you. I don't think he sees you as his little sister. He probably doesn't talk to you at work much because he doesn't want to make it obvious to everyone that he's interested in you considering you're so much younger than him.

  13. Might as well ask here... I don't want to wear the usual padded bra because I don't have a need to with my small size. However, there's always the nipple problem AND I've never found a bra w/o padding (push-up fashion) that I fit properly! Has anyone found a brand or a type of bra that's really light and not weirdly shaped?

    Also, has anyone tried these below? They look comfy but Idk if they do any good for anything...



    I've had a bra like the one shown in the first link from VS and it was so uncomfortable. Unlined bras won't often help with the nipple problem. You'll probably have to get a bra with padding, though not necessarily with tons of padding like with push-up bras, just a light lining.

    Here's a wireless one, typically lighter than underwire bras:


    Aerie's lightly lined bras:


    Also check out Forever21's bras. They're surprisingly comfortable for their prices and they're not very padded either.

  14. Bras are great. They keep your ta-tas in place, they're cute, and (like kathy said) they keep your nips warm and hidden lol. If you think underwire bras are too uncomfortable, then you're not buying your bras in the right size. I don't notice them when I'm out. That said, I do take mine off as soon as I'm home. It's not healthy to always restrict your breasts (that supposedly increases chances of breast cancer). I don't know why your boyfriend is weirded out if you're bra-less at home. I don't understand girls who wear them to sleep either. Now that is uncomfortable.

  15. I don't care if the guy I date smokes cigarettes so long as he's not smoking more than half a pack a day because that'd be annoying if he had to take smoke breaks often while we were together. Cannabis is fine as long as he doesn't act like a typical "pothead." Hard drugs are a no-no-NEVER; I would actually go as far as avoiding any guy that regularly does hard drugs.




























































    Does anyone know if you can still buy jewelry from the official site?
























































    I'm in love with the silver knuckle rings, but I can't find them on the official site :(















































































































    There are many being sold on eBay, but there are also fake ones so be careful, unless you don't mind because the obvious fakes are super cheap lol.





  17. It may be due to hormones since it started after you began dating your girlfriend. For preventive measures: don't touch your face, don't let your girlfriend touch your face, change/flip your pillow case often, and drink lots of water since water is the ultimate natural detox. If you use face wash, remember to moisturize afterwards because dry skin is also a cause of breakouts like yours.
































































































































































    I like FAYE19, xm1chelle, and x123x from the "What I Baked/Cooked Today Thread," obviously because they cook well lol.
















































































































































































    ^ No offense but, please :( if you're going to dress up as an SF character to show some enthusiasm for the game, at least know their actual name :( It's Chun Li... I just hope it was a typo... Maybe I'm paying excessive attention to detail, but out of concern for you as a fellow soompi-er, I wouldn't want you to go around telling your friends you're dressed as "Chung" Li :crazy:
















































































































































































    @infinite*, I wouldn't worry about listening comprehension yet if you're just in Fr2. There's still much, much grammar you'll have to learn and you won't better understand regular spoken French by listening to songs and movies just yet. There are kiddie movies that'd probably have simpler French but you wouldn't want to waste your time watching those right?
































































































































    Oh, but you could watch your fav disney movies in French I guess haha.
































































































































    As far as music goes, I'd recommend Yelle. She's an electropop artist and her songs are kinda easy to interpret and useful for learning dirty words 8D
































































































































    Good luck on your exam!
































































































































































    Hi guys! My final french exam is coming up, so I just wanted to ask for some tips on how to study french. I know it's rather weird that I'm asking this now because it's pretty late to be asking but I didn't really know how to study french through out the whole year... thank goodness I still passed with that attitude but since it's my last exam I really want to do well.
































































































































    So any tips on studying french?
































































































































    Specially for listening and writing?
































































































































    Thank you!
































































































































    - A































































































































































































































































    Have you only just started taking French? If so, then I'd suggest you just write into your notes any conjugations you aren't too sure about. Go through the section of the textbook you're on, and write down all unfamiliar words and the translations.
































































































































    Taking notes may seem unnecessary sometimes, but it definitely helps. Also cover the culture sections of the book if there are any; make sure you understand them almost word for word. What I tend to mess up on in my exams are culture questions.
































































































































    An online dictionary: wordreference.com
































































































































    Watching movies and listening to French songs would probably help if you're an advanced student.

















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