Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by .minjoo
































































































































































































































































































































































































    So many moments wherein I wished Anson would just GTFO. If he stopped talking crap, it would've been less complicated for the two. =/ lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just finally started with Midas and have already watched episode one! I've been meaning to watch this purely because of my adoration for Lee Min-jung. Otherwise, I don't think I'd be giving this a chance due to the fact that I'm not really into dramas with elements involving revenge, power, and money. Cause they usually end ... ya know. HAHA.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Okay, at first, I wasn't buying this whole Jang Hyuk/Lee Min-jung pairing, I think mostly because of the fact that I've just recently watched Penthouse Elephant (really dysfunctional movie, if you know what I man @_@), wherein they played siblings; one of them was a psychopath, and the other was apparently an adulterous gold-digging wife. LOL Hence, it was a bit awkward for me to watch them in the first few scenes. Plus, Jang Hyuk's character, Do-hyun, didn't seem so warm (in my opinion) towards Jung-yeon at first. It didn't feel like she was that valuable to him in the first few scenes, until... that scene on Jung-yeon's birthday where he basically proposes to her on the video. I swear I squealed out loud.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So far, I don't really have a lot to say, I've only seen episode one. Hopefully, I can keep up with you guys. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By the way, as much as I want to keep rooting for Lee Min-jung and Jang Hyuk, it just... IDK I'm still not that bought by their coupling. LOL I guess we'll see how this drama progresses then. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By the way, random, but... I swear, this is the problem when I watch Lee Min-jung stuff. Everytime she comes on a scene, I just cannot focus on what's going on, cause it's either a.) she's too pretty or b.) whatever she's wearing is too pretty and it's usually both at the same time! (Yes! Even her nurse outfit!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm 18. I don't wear makeup. I don't like wearing makeup. It makes me look like a drag queen. But I moved to Japan last year and.... I just seriously feel like an alien not wearing makeup soooooo... I should probably try to learn soon .___.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ Right about the same. Got my first mac through a macbook pro like a month ago. (15" , i7, and hi-res antiglare! can it get any better D: )
































































































































































































































































































































    I still miss my PC from time to time, especially when there are softwares that I wanna use which are only for Windows. T_T But I'm in love with my MBP, wouldn't let it go! HAHA
































































































































































































































































































































    BTW guys, do you know if there's like a virtual dub equivalent for Macs? =/
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Korea atm: Outbeat JAPAN!!! Residential too (for less than 8USD month)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Honestly speaking I feel like there are no differences when I was back in Canada. Speed wise it feels the same...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL if you're in Seoul, then it IS bound to be faster, cause I don't live in the city. I live in a quite provincial area. (Yes, w/ farms and the mountains. LOL)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Quite contented with it... ^^ Haha.
































































































































































































































































































































    Residential, by the way.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ Same, I actually like white phones. (As proven by my past choices.)
































































































































































































































































































































    But the iPhone doesn't really look as flattering in white in as it is in white.
































































































































































































































































































































    It looks like a bar of soap.
































































































































































































































































































































    But like Paul said, it's a matter of preference. At least he stands out?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But I live in Japan. And I haven't seen any Invisible Shield around. And besides, sales people here are like too cowardly to do it. LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was thinking of ordering it online.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Meh, if you know any pretty good super thin, non stupid looking bumper, it'd be nice. LOL Other than that, I'm happy with my current film, since my iPhone has already been dropped like 3 times, oh the horror, and it still has zero scratch, minus a very very tiny almost non-visible one on the stainless steel band. (Exactly why I want to get it covered all the more~)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah, I was like thinking of just getting the Invisible Shield, but reviews of it having some kind of orange peel effect thingy. And IDK, I'm not really good at applying screen protectors, so... yeah =/
































































































































































































































































































































    Apparently, Power Support Crystal is good too. But the thing is, I kinda like the protector that I have on already. I'm just looking for a way to protect the stainless steel band part. So yeah, do you guys know any alternatives for that besides getting those ugly silicone bumpers? =/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Guys, I feel like the iPhone feels better without those bulky cases/bumpers. So like, will using JUST using invisible shield plainly be enough to protect it? Or like if you guys have any better alternatives to invisible shield, please do tell.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL An iPhone 4 32GB in Japan could cost as low as $110~ (in a value plan contract, that is)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ I'm sure they do. They accept transferees everywhere. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My LG Calisto is fairly new to me. :) Touch screen + QWERTY. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































    I have to say the touch screen is a bit... off... but I don't think it bothers me that much cause I have the QWERTY pad to text at anyways. :)
































































































































































































































































































































    Originally, I was going to get a Blackberry Curve, but I decided against it cause I live in the Philippines and I think I wouldn't really enjoy a BB at it's fullest due to the crappy services here. :D
































































































































    A Blackberry Curve 8520 and an LG Calisto (which I might get both next month--85%).






































    Oh gosh, I'm torn apart. :|






    Okay, so I'm new to photography. rofl I just bought my DSLR last month and now since I'm ordering lenses for it, I decided to throw in some lomo cam on my shopping cart (online shopping rofl)






    Thing is, I don't know what to choose between this Diana F+ and this Fisheye Point-n-Shoot






    rofl, frankly, I'd love to get the Diana F+, but I want to be more practical. The Fisheye is cheaper and besides I already have a DSLR. o_o And also, I'm already splurging on lenses... that's why I'm leaning unto the Fisheye, even if I so so so so badly want a Diana F+. If I were a rich kid, I'd get both. :| Damn, wealthy people. =.= LOL






    Any advice?





    About your thing on having to change to viewfinder mode to change shutter spd/aperture, you can do that in live view, lol, it's indicated at the bottom of the screen.



    I was aware of that. rofl But due to the slightly crappy LCD screen, it's a bit hard to accurately adjust those settings as you can on the viewfinder mode. :]







    btw the D5000 is made in Thailand. If you want made in Japan, you will want to buy a D3 or a D700, but hey, it feels pretty well built (it doesn't really matter where it's built xD).



    I've said thAT wrongly, pardon me. Haha, instead of saying I was pro-made-in-Japan stuff. I meant, Nikon was a Japanese company. :] It's... nationalism bs. ROFL.




















    The vari-angle LCD (yes, it's the term. vari-angle. :mellow: ) is actually quite helpful! I was taking photos in a matsuri (festival) here last last week, and there was a dance performance somewhere in the street. Of course, people would be all huddled up and it'd be difficult to take pictures with my DSLR (unlike those pro ahjossis who brought ladders @_@ and tripods w/ their DSLRs. I came unprepared. :mellow: ) Through the vari-angle of my D5000, I was able to take shots of the performances while raising up my arms. :] Of course I was on Live View w/c seems crappy, cause.. I'd have to switch back to the viewfinder to set the shutter speed, aperture, and etc. It was like trial and error for like the first few minutes. But after I've set all the settings to perfectly fit the angle and the lighting from where I'm standing, I just practically stood there, shooting and shooting as much as I can. :] The focusing part is a little bit hard to figure out, since it's hard to see on the live view whether it's focused well or not. Either way, the vari-angle is useful for stuff like that. Concerts and stuff. Or like when you're huddled up with a bunch of people blocking your way. :]






    It's also useful for selcas... although a tiny bit tricky. Hahaha :)






    Ha as for the Canon vs Nikon question, I actually don't know. Right now I'm actually wondering whether I've bought the right one, or if I should've just went for Canon. But Nikons are actually pretty good. Their manual flash units are superb. (I'm planning to get a SB-600 soon!) I guess I went for Nikon cause I'm pro-made-in-Japan. rofl (Part Japanese).






    As for the whole 230,000 thingy, hahaha I agree~! OMG sometimes when I look at the pictures directly from the camera, I go, "Eff, it sucks. :( " But once I load everything to my laptop (which I can assure you, has good graphics quality) I go like, "Wow." rofl So I guess, the whole LCD thingy of the D5000 is a disadvantage.






    I can't really say anything about Canons, since... I haven't handled one. But I heard they're more user friendly than Nikons. I guess Nikon just appeals more to me. I forgot why. I sometimes feel like, pictures look more realistic and raw with Nikons compared to Canons... (only judging from the pictures I see on the internet, so don't throw rocks at me Canon-users!) I also heard Nikkor lenses have nice builds (nicer than Canon lenses, perhaps? I'm not sure again. so don't quote me on this. @_@)








    I'm currently switching between Calvin Klein's Be and Salvatore Ferragamo Incanto's Heaven. :)



    I get tired of scents easily though. So I'm constantly buying new ones. :)






    My wishlist/to-buy:



    - Kenzo's Flower



    - Marc Jacobs' Daisy



    - Chloe's Intense








    ^ With that price range, I suggest you go with either Nikon D5000 or Canon Rebel T1i. :D IMHO, it's a step up from from the usual entry-level DSLRs that both Nikon and Canon has on their lineup.


    As for your interest in macro photography, it's not really the camera body that decides this. Rather, this comes in when you're already choosing for lens. :D


    I've only owned a DSLR for a month now... so I guess I know how you feel when you want to look for a camera that is easy to learn. My Nikon D5000 is still a bit of a blur for me at the moment, but everytime I shoot and experiment, I always learn something new. :) You shouldn't worry too much about a camera being too "complex" cause no one really starts handling a DSLR perfectly. :) You learn through every shot you make.


    And also DSLRs have "Auto" mode so you can DO simple point and shoots. :)










    Oh, thanks for the answer. I just had a momentary lapse of doubt whether I made the smart choice in buying it.







    I've only been using it for more than a week, but I can say that it's really worth the money. The specs are better than the usual laptop specs out there (it's a dual core intel with 2gb ddr3 ram and 250GB HDD--nothing too special but good enough) and the keyboard is pretty nifty. Got it for around $600.


































    I recently purchased an Acer 4736z laptop for school purposes (I'm an upcoming Computer Engineering major), and it seems pretty good.































    But, I'm just a bit curious why no one seems to use Acer that much, is it because it's not a good brand or something?













    will they release the hardsubbed version here.........
    i dont think they are going to post the links here? i think u have to be a member of soshified with atleast 50 post in order to see their sub videos








    From what I know, soshisubs will be releasing the links here in Soompi. (like we did with YAMD) Plus, we'lll be uploading the episodes on their youtube channel as long as its done. Also, they'd be releasing the episodes in torrent type for D-A too. So far, this is what I know. It may change or whatever. But most likely, you'll see the subbed episodes soon. ^^ Hope that helped.


























    No softsubs will be released btw.




















    I guess I'll have to watch more to see whether it's a drama that I can watch till the end.















    As of Episode 1, it seems interesting. I still can't judge so much though.















    So far, I hope to see some character development from Yoojin's character. lol. Right now, I still understand why she has so much pride and stuff. After all, for someone to have such educational background, the girl should have some kind of "class". That's why I want to see how Daesan's character is going to rub off on her in turning her into someone much more like Daesan. After all, in order to survive all her current problems and pay off her debts she needs to grow into a person who's willing to do anything with her 100% effort. She seems a little bit restrained and hesitant as of the moment, but I can understand that. I just hope she grows out of it, cause her character has such promising potential.


























    Daesan on the other hand is pretty entertaining. Haha, and I like the fact that even if he's already helping Yoojin out and stuff, it doesn't seem like he likes her already. (Because if he did, that's kinda... creepy.) You can tell that he's just really helping her out because he has this soft heart inside him and he really does owe her father. That's why I think it's going to be fun watching his "just for the sake of good deeds" affection towards Yoojin blossom into something much more.


























    Joonhee, on the other hand, may seem to act all stuck-up and jerk-y. But he's not really a jerk. You can tell that he only acts like a jerk in front of his grandma and such. But he seems like he has a brighter side to him. He didn't really talk much though for me to get a better feel of his character.


























    Props to Kwon Sang-woo for creating two distinct characters by the way. I hope that when we start to watch more Joonhee there would still be that certain distinction that KSW can bring towards his two different characters.


























    So far, it's looking good. I hope the drama doesn't turn crappy.










































    Seriously, are the writers like anti-Peyton or something?















    I really love Peyton's character so it would be a great disappointment for me if she dies.















    Plus honestly, I think she's had enough tragedy throughout the whole series. T__T















    I hope she doesn't really die.















    I don't mind if she loses the baby as long as she survives.





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