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Posts posted by Soleram

  1. Oh my, great response from viewers :)another 300 free drinks from LSY & CJW eh? 

    to appreciate hard work of STTYO production team members, if not wrong, sangsangsmile (LSY official fan club) arranging foodtruck today^^khamsahamida


    daebak! The ratings keep on getting higher with each episode! 

    NO,  actually I see the rating is instable, sometimes drop and sometimes rise.., though still in higher end.. I hope they will maintain the ratings of episode going forward if not gets better.

    • Like 1
  2. czakhareina said: hey guys just came from a kdrama blogger who wrote that writer Kim Eun Sook (who is writing a new drama titled Descendants of the Sun) meet with wuri Kang dong won. They had lunch in SBS studio. Has anyone read or heard any ramblings of him coming back to dramaland?
    I know in his recent interviews, he stated of preferring movies over dramas but I for one would love him in dramas. 
    The drama (descendants of the sun) plot is so out there and not yet solid. The writer itself is not my fave but she is know to write Ratings magnet dramas(Secret Garden, lover in paris, lovers in Prague and the most recent Heirs). Basing on KDW's choices in projects, he has always been on picking awesome and solid writing and production> So I am a little curious as to what this could mean. I personally hope he doesn't sign on. KES dramas (in my opinion) are not all solid or well written. If he signs on a drama and make a drama comeback, I wish it would be from writer Lee Kyung Hee (Sangdoo Lets go to school, Innocent Man, Thank you) or Lee Woo Jung, Park Ji Eun, or Song JIna or Kim young hyun.
    Even if he doesn't take this, if it is true that he did meet with the writer, could it mean that KDW's drama comeback is getting near?

    anyway this is where i read it, from the comments part | reply of the writer to a reader named Aluahttp://koalasplayground.com/2014/07/31/sbs-confirms-june-2015-premiere-for-new-kim-eun-sook-overseas-pre-produced-drama-descendants-of-the-sun/

  3. Oh...pheww, I was wondering why there is no Kundo's opening news and glad to know that it will only open today. I really wish it will TOP the ticket sales.

    KDW is what I called a true actor, he looks at the stories first before the commercial aspect. He is an actor that take his acting seriously and doesn't care not to be the lead role as long as the character is challenging for him.

    KDW fighting

  4. To my personal opinion this one of the variety show that I love the most and can make me really RFOL literally.

    Hoping that they can still make another variety show with all of the 6 in it.

    Was a bit happy when I heard Eric was approached for the new drama king of trot but since he is turning it down, I guess I need to wait for longer time before I can see him again.

  5. While waiting for July to come, I re-watch his old drama 1% of anything. Gosh...ain't he blossoming & transforming so much. I am glad that he takes many roles that really requires acting ability and not just look in the movies.

    But what I love his the most is his low key profile from went in & out of the Army, taking his projects and stay out of publication. Perhaps that is why people are dying for every ounces of news regarding him.

  6. Glad to see more and more people coming to this thread. I hardly post in KDW thread (only few) but following it like almost whenever I have time.

    That is why I am a big fan of KDW, he is not hunger of publicity and rely more on his acting skills than his looks and I think he is one of the few actors that can really act (to my subjectivity of course hehe).

    I hope both of his movie can bring a new records over 10 million people watching.

    Next, I hope he can share a movie with his close buddy Won Bin...that will be DAEBAK.

  7. Orion said: The whole leo print collection is horrible, but the rest are nice.

    The weight is a sad part though. He's not exactly 'Haunters'-level horribly skinny, but he's still very skinny. If it's what his body naturally stays like, it means he's fine, as it's healthy for him to be in that default state, but if he's forcing that for modelling or some other reason, then he should really give himself a break. He's not getting any younger and forcing your body is never a good idea.

    But he does look healthy, at least. That's good.

  8. Yayyy finally I was able to see the earliest episodes of SB up to episode 53 thanks to my sister who are nice enough to download it for me but she can't dl the later episodes. Can anyone recommend where to download it?.

    I was busy marathoning not only SB but rewatch any shows where Shinhwa is on it, clips of their comeback preparation etc and is it just me but I see like everyone but DW had and like to kiss Andy?. I have known Shinhwa since their debut but I have never been a K-pop fan or following any group. Now I change though.., well better late than never.

  9. hkana said: it's so funny when even Alex said 'They're weird', 'I feel strange the whole time', hahaha Why somehow I feel satisfied when people say they're weird or crazy? lol... because it's a good kind of vibe of weird/crazy... kekeke

    @hkana....me too, perhaps being weird is Shinhwa charisma :). I love how they don't really bother about image and bickering among themselves is just showing their chemistry that no other idols group have (at least to my opinion). Do you see the looks of Seugeun and KHD?, Normally I kind of wishing them winning in their competition but when they face Shinhwa, I just cheered whenever they got a point and was tense on the final match.

  10. strawberry555 said:




    ^ oh dearie, it's better not speculate too much


    :<br />

    <br />

    Kyo sat behind KDW at the VIP premiere alongside with ms Park , UAA gang


    . It's good to see Kyo is close with KDW too and sure they are good friends...<br />

    <br />

    <br />

    <br />

    Baidu<br />

    <br />

    edit: hclover, yes, it's KDW, the handsome guy with black cap

  11. Hey All..., not sure if this is considered a spoiler (let me know if it is), but just want to share the Shinhwa bowl against KHD in Cool Kiz Neighborhood. That was fun, the only complaint I have it is too short, I thought the whole hour is going to show their preparation up to the game but it just went straight to the competition. But still....seeing the 6 of them is satisfactory enough. As usual they are adorkable and fun to watch.

    Yayyyy Shinhwa won the competition...., Hyesung surprised me and Andy delivered as expected (he is the star player anyway..,,  couldn't help laughed on the way Eric and DW bowled. Overall, I think the secret behind their winning is DW...he successfully killed the mood of Cool Kiz' team. A good strategy of having DW up against KHD...hahahaha :). Congratzz Shinhwa...you're really jiang !!!.

  12. hkana said: [sFSubs] Shinhwa Broadcast Episode 54 - English subbed :

    @Soleram I've watched Cool Kiz raw but looking forward to see the sub, hopefully KBSW uploads it on their youtube  channel too. It's going to take a couple more weeks to air at my place.  Have you seen Happy Together and Hello Counselor?  They were so funny too. 
    Hello Counselor made me want to have a conversation with Dongwan more and more :x  kekeke
  13. @linakyon, @short inji and @hkana....thank you for the information. I really like SB, it is hilarious... and cross my finger DW will join the show in September....Shinhwa is incomplete with the absence of any member.

    I just found out that all Shinhwa member will bowl with KHD (coolz kids neighborhood program) in KBSW next week...very excited with this and want to know who is among the shinhwa member good in bowl....my guts says Andy, Minwo & Eric will do well :).

  14. Hi all, I joined this thread after finally watched few episodes of SB and I love it into pieces, almost every episodes I watched made me laughed so loud and it is now one of my favorite variety show.

    Is there any DVD with english sub that sell the first 50 episodes?, I want to buy if there is. I tried to watch in Dramacrazy but earlier episodes just can't be opened.

    Also, when is Dongwan going to join the show again?, I thought it was said that he will do so after he wrapped up his drama Cheer Up Mr. Kim.

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