Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by SlashRain

  1. I just marathoned all the english subbed episodes of A Pink News that I could find. They are all really cute, but Na Eun has always stood out to me. I also like Yookyung since I have a odd bias for English speakers. 
    vote for A Pink, lol http://www.soompi.com/gayo/
    Kinda sad that all new groups cant have a debut reality show since it is a great way to see their personalities.  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^^ For parking, check out part two of this soompi Guide to KMF
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hey soompiers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    say "Hi" and you'll get a free soompi pin. Don't worry, we're nice ppl.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Waiting for confirmation on this part right now, but we might also also ask for your username to enter in a raffle for something random from our prize inventory :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We will probably be in the Sheraton lobby throughout the weekend, probably also at some pre-concert events.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    just finished "Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors", just couldn't put it down over the last few days. Amazing story.

    LOL at the final puzzle in the 'true ending'. Really didnt expect zero to be that person...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If you havent heard of it, its like a visual novel + 'escape the room' puzzle game.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    theres an online demo here you can try out http://www.aksysgames.com/999/pages/demo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    its almost SCII day!... too bad I still need a new computer. My laptop can barely play it on lowest settings
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    my purple hearts are visible again!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "specific" always gives me a lot of trouble
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was the guy that was giving out the soompi pins in the hotel lobby early Saturday morning ^_^ . I did meet a lot of interesting soompi members this weekend...but forgot to write down everyone's user names. Let me know if i met you!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My group got caught up in traffic before the concert, so I couldnt go to any of the meetups and hand out more pins... I should have just kept randomly handing them out during the preconcert stuff. I hung out around where a random group of people were dancing to the kpop songs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ive been lazy to upload my cams, I was pretty far away in the last row of garden on the right side.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    IU didnt get one =(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    next time hopefully

































































    i want one.. Where will u b?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ill look for people with a soompi sign http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...6353&st=120
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cya all there......starting my roadtrip now B)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have lots of soompi pins to hand out if I manage to find anyone... :P

































  13. for some reason, I felt like going back though my old posts at this forum from years ago,

    so much has changed since then, a lot of people I use to talk to back then dont post anymore. My writing style has definitely changed.

    I have met a lot of people and didnt realize I had actually talked to them in the past too on the forum.

    Some posts I have a very explicit memory of writing and feels like I just wrote it the other day...when it actually is from a couple of years ago.

    its 4am for me right now, and I guess I should sleep, but this is just so interesting looking at all this old stuff

  14. ahh, havent posted here in a while, chapters seem to be coming out more frequently, but maybe it just seems that way because I know to not expect a chapter every week :lol:


    the new manga series is up to chapter 28 now...

    finally a team match vs the high schoolers...they have just been doing training stuff for a while <_<

    D2 Kirihara-Shiraishi pair

    D1 Tachibana-Chitose pair

    S3 Lilidan (some guy from nationals...I think Kirihara beat him pretty badly)

    S2 Tezuka vs Yamato

    S1 Atobe

    Yamato was Seigaku's captain from when Tezuka was a 1st year... in the anime they introduced him as a weak tennis player, but looks like his manga counterpart will be badass. All other opponents are pretty much unknown

    im predicting losses at D2 and S3

  15. How many K-Pop names can you remember?
    My friend just showed this to me, and I thought it was fun... http://www.sporcle.com/games/KPopped/KPopIdols

    Can you name the K-Pop Stars based on their group? You have 9 minutes to name 169 K-Pop stars with only their group names as a reference.

    I got 73 on my first try :lol: ... completely got SNSD, f(x), 2NE1, Big Bang, Epik High and FTTS right. Completely missed Davichi, Jewelry, FT Island, BEAST, SS501, TRAX and CN Blue. Gotta work on my boy band names <_<

    How well did you do?

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..