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    2NE1 will be our featured artist of October.  We are preparing a write up now, and we are looking for some contributions from you fans, especially:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    If anyone has these information please send me a PM.  Thanks!

































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey guys, se7en's restaurant is going to be opened tomorrow. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Warned for spamming.  Your post is not related to 2NE1 at all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is your 3rd offense.  Suspended 1 week.

































































































































































































































































    I'm scared for the girls. Miss A is coming back next week... and that group can pretty much pull a 2ne1 this year. Remember what 2ne1 did to SNSD's genie promotion last year? THEY BURST SM'S BUBBLE with I don't care. And now, I can feel it. I FEEL IT. Miss A will burst 2ne1's triple promotion with their new song and single. I'M SURE OF IT!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Please do not discuss and compare other artists on this thread.

































































































































  4. An old photo from the AMAHAE days.. She looks so gorgeous <3 I hope she goes back to this look after completing Dong Yi!


    Yes, I think she looks best on AMAHAE of all dramas. 

    Her current look is very good too.  It will be difficult for her to go back to a few years ago as she is more mature now.  I just hope that her long curly hair will stay permanent this time. :)

  5. this is very disappointing and shameful for snsd. they've got beaten up by an AKB48 "SUBGROUP" in the first day of their debut single in the most richest country in asia (insert facepalm icon here). where are the k-sones? the international fans? the hype that they're creating overseas? it is definitely not visible today. i hope more sones will get fired up with these low sales numbers and buy the single in the next day. no.1 in thailand? philippines? taiwan?  pfft  they've got to get their feet up in japan first because there is where all the international recognition are.excl.gif

    Warned for artist bashing.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    According to the info, presale of the album is on the 7th so be sure to order before album runs out. I am pretty sure it will be sold fast!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Warned for advertising other websites again.  Suspended 1 week.

































































































































































































































































    Hello everyone! Anticipating much for the girls comeback and their upcoming 2ne1tv season 2. So, right before their comeback, we reopened yg-united.com. We are accepting contributors and authors, you may want to message me. Thanks a lot for all the pictures posted and the updates about the girls. Love ya blackjacks!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Warned for advertising.  This is not the first time you are warned of this.  You do not respect our rules.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Suspended 2 weeks.

































































































































  8. ^

    LOL I love your one-liners XD

    And are you talking about this:

    http://www.soompi.co..._edward1849.png  ?

    People will think you're a girl because of that cartoon that's supposed to be Hyo Joo :lol: It's so cute though! XD What are they thanking you for? :o

    Yep that's the one.  Well my name implied that I am not a girl.  They know I like her so they also draw her into the cartoon.  They are thanking me for the works I put in on the weekly music charts and related music articles. :P

    Hyo Joo looks very pretty in the new Samsung CF. :wub:  Finally her hair grows back to where it is 2 years ago. :o

  9. http://img818.imageshack.us/i/momy.jpg/

    Someone said that the woman on the right looks like Han Hyo Joo's mom. I think so, too since the woman looks like her mom in their past photos but I'm not sure.

    Someone said the man on the left looks like me.  Yeah they hide my face everytime I took a photo with Hyo Joo. :lol:

    Welcome dairybutter to the thread. :)

    Hey have you guys and gals noticed the background on soompi's main site about me?  On the left side there is a pretty lady, and she is none other than Han Hyo Joo. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Warned for advertising and spamming.  This is not related to 2NE1.  Suspended 1 week.

































































































































  11. LOL Yoona is the image of SNSD so it's not a surprised that she's in the middle

    A leader doesn't automatically mean that you will be in the middle

    Siwon of SuJu is always in the middle and he is not the leader

    Also Jaejong of DBSK, Minho of Shinee

    But no one complains about that as long as they are all in the picture!



    Why care about whose first or not? Even SNSD members doesn't care why would you?

    All the members considered Yoona as the image of SNSD and also one of the most popular in their group

    It's SNSD anyway it doesn't matter their position or order as long as everyone's names are there.

    Yes, it shouldn't matter whose name is first or who is at the center of anything. Its about the group, that is all should matter to fans and if you don't think about the group first, you aren't really a true fan.

    Did both of you read my message just a few posts above yours?  I have asked everyone not to respond to trolls.

    Why don't you guys MOD creat a feature like, if there're report from 20+ IDs that post will be deleted automatically so you guy have less work to do, And you guys still can delete any post that's been reported to you and considered not appropiate to the thread just incase there's  less than 20 IDs report to you guys.

    It's good way to solve this troll issues and less work for mods to do so. It's a win win solution, user happy no hard work for MODs.

    I assure you that we are working on a similar tool, but it is easier said than done.  Our technical team is working very hard on many issues, including this one and it is in our priority.











    100725 Miss Korea Pageant






















    [Engsub] Strong Heart - Update Ep 7 + Ep 8























    Download here :  






















    Warned for advertising.


  13. Kpop News is a forum  for SNSD, we got married and more kpop-bands

    we're recruiting staff plz join with us:  http://z7.invisionfree.com/KpopNews

    btw; i can't wait for wgm tomorrow, Sweet Potato Couple is the best! kkk~

    ohh thanks for the link ^   

    i can't wait for watch it

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