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Posts posted by suniskoo

  1. ah finally finished eps 18 & 19, i really love every single moments from these episodes... but for these 2 episodes i esp give my heart to seo woo, her defending hyejung in front of her father really got to me... seo woo~yaa be happy too! 

    this drama doesn't have that grand or mind-blowing plot but it surely hit home... us human and those complicated relationships among us... 

    thank you thank you writer, crews and actors for give us this wonderful ride! you'll be missed for sure but i'm so glad that you can take a rest now!

    can't wait for last episode... or maybe not... i'm not readyyy :tears:

    • Like 10
  2. i actually didn't have any intention to watch this in first place, but here i am so invested to these wonderful characters... in fact the best thing about this drama i think is on its characters and that reason only is enough for me to stay till the end of the series. 

    i have known both krw - psh but never really paying attention... probably because i'm not really a fan of krw's long hair like in the past and never really fond of psh boyish co-stars lol, but ofc i'm always aware both are great actors, well i mean they are practically veterens in the industry. so i finally gave a try with less expectations (although i'm so thirsty of good romance that would work for me because other popular dramas apparently not for me), and i can say this... when you watch with less expectations and it turns out to be good that's indeed the best feeling ever! hahaha. hong3 and hyejung are so magical together i can't get enough of them, they bring those giddy feelings again in me just by looking at them <3

    i personally hope krw stays being private and just focus to his acting. i just wanna enjoy his next works peacefully without so much drama because of idol/hallyu star status lol

    ps. about ljs food support, let's not let your shipper minds do the work will you? sorry but it's kinda annoying. ofc ljs would include only his close friends, it will be weird if he puts krw face/name there xD

    cheers all.. this is our last week *sobs*







    cr: dc krw

    • Like 22
  3. Hello sunnies... It's been a while.. keke

    The news of Hyesun's marriage was a shock for me too, but I got the feeling that she would go there with Ahn the moment they announced their dating news. keke

    Honestly speaking, at first I wasn't really fond of Ahn as well, mostly because of his pretty face keke~~ but I trust Hyesun and I believe at the end of the day it's personality that matters... and I can feel Ahn is such a responsible and sincere young man. Some of you might be shipping her with your own "ideal" men, but really, there's nothing more beautiful than a man who dearly loves his woman and takes her very seriously... every woman, including Hyesun deserves someone like that. So who am I to feel offensive even just slightly, right? I couldn't be happier for her to finally found her life partner... :wub:

    BE HAPPY ALWAYS HYESUNIE~~~:bawling::heart:

    • Like 18
  4. yeah, it's kinda sad. the ones who always said more like ghs fans are the same people that said hyesun is a liar everytime she said she's single, to make it worst they always make hyesun like a desperate woman who only thinks about a man. blaghh, it bugs me a lot as a sunnie. no wonder DC fans are always overprotective over our girl. hope hyesun eonni just keeps it secret her love life until it makes to the big day ^^

  5. Rating Eps 10
    TNmS- Nationwide  11.1- Seoul  14
    AGBNielsen- Nationwide  10.4- Seoul  12
    i'm so in love with these two~~ so so happy hyesun eonni picked 'angel eyes' for her drama comeback!
    cr: AE dc
    *wave to all sunnies*  :-h






























    "Take Care Of Us, Captain" Ji Jin-hee is jealous of Koo Hye-seon and Lee Cheon-hee's kiss


























    Yoon-seong (Ji Jin-hee) felt his heart move for Da-jin (Koo Hye-seon).


























    On the latest episode of SBS drama "Take Care of Us, Captain", aired on February 2nd, Yoon-seong felt jealousy towards the fact that Dong-soo (Lee Cheon-hee) and Da-jin kissed.


























    He was in shock after he found out. He put out useless slander to her while flying, "I don't think Kang Dong-soo has very good drinking manners".


























    Not noticing what he meant, Da-jin said, "That has nothing to do with flying". This made Yoon-seong even angrier. He said, "Of course, you guys even kissed" exposing his jealousy and laughing.


























    With this, the love triangle between Da-jin, Yoon-seong and Ji-won had officially been.














































































    Pposong is too cuteee~~ :D





























  7. Me too felt that way in the some part, Sue. But I think they just wanna be focus on the love line this time, too much dramatic & emotion scene can make people boring and stress too i guess :sweatingbullets:. I really enjoyed the rest of this eps, the jealousy with the stares :lol: I just feel like it. DJ and CapK really have a good chemistry. Hope the next episode can be much much better. PCAP Fighting! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    On the contrarary I think CJW is trying to protect both KSY & HDJ from hurting further by displaying her affection for him once she smell they're falling for each other. I'm sure her feeling for him is genuine but so far she just keeps to herself  even when the other girl is flirting with him...i think she sumhow tried to protect HDJ out of guilt, just like the way she challenge HDJ to be professional abt her work as well as better control of her emotion. I think she succeed in doing that becos even if they're not best of friends HDJ now at least be civil to her while working, thus making her a stronger person...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just imagine if after falling in love with CaptK DJ finds out he's the one who made the mistake while piloting the plane that cos her mom to bleed to death...I guess its better if DJ broken hearted becos she thinks CaptK has relationship with CJW than finding out he's also responsible indirectly for her mother's death...I think that's why CJW seems aggressively pursuing CaptK after realised HDJ true feeling for CaptK....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway I think MJ's dad hatred for CaptK  is more than just he supposedly started the fire that kill his wife...my bet  Capt K was his wife love child by her true love, that she died in the fire saving him...that's why he hates CaptK becos he reminds him of wife lover...at least that's what I think....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    if we remember how CJW told CapK why she didn't tell him about DJ as Cap.Han's daughter, your theory is possible then. but i don't feel that way honestly, i dunno…CJW is kinda a mystery person after the tragedy, so it's hard to know her real intention. one time i feel like she's a proud mother when DJ did good things, but other times she just made DJ too much suffer, and here we are must saw her as a insecurity GF. Whatever her agenda, i think she can be more mature than that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just stop by to sharing this ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Preview Ep.03 [부탁해요 캡틴]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cr: SBS




























































































































































































































































































































    The Casts at Press Conference




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cr: as labeled, nate




















































    Hwaiting Captain !!! :D





  11. It's a rumor that is running everywhere and more on facebook

    I dunno from where you heard that rumor, but i think HyeSun eonni is still busy shooting in korea, at least that what i saw from some tweets :) and i think there is no confirmation 'till now regarding the possibility of her presence on SBS drama awards tonight.

    The is the last day of 2011, i do hope you guys sunnies have a wonderful night to celebrate it, and have an awsome journey on 2012 in your life ^_^ you guys have been the best warrior to our HyeSun :) esp Sue, Meow, Webby, GHSforever, and Natali for the constantly updates..thank youu...thank you...! And of course for our wonderful lady HyeSun eonni, I wish nothing but the BEST for youu :* your hardwork, your sweetness, your coolness, your cuteness always give me inspiration...thank you sooo muchhhh, God bless you abundantly~~

  12. YJ and EB all the way, I would love for at least one drama to break the mold and ship the second lead male with the lead female. Let it be the Musical please !

    Yay! Count me in :lol:

    Never in my history of watching K-drama i would go for the 2nd lead male, YJ-EB combined gradually win me over ( Yess, i was HJ-EB ship before..haha), may be i just don't like the fact that actually both HJ&EB are selfish person without them knowing it. They are hardly to understand each other, that was frustrated! My wish is whoever EB end up with, they will do it very well, without "eh?" word on my tongue :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL to HJ, he's seriously the combination of maturity and child a like (which is i loveeeeeeeeee it :P ) KUDOS to Daniel Choi who play it very well, i'm loving his acting here. it seems in the musical we aren't only would watch EB grow as an musical actress, but also she's as a "i-am-in-love-with-that-guy" person (finally...!keke~), the writer is so good, she keeps the pace of the story goes well, not too dragging, just leave us craving for more (arggghhhh~~ :crazy::lol: 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