Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by jeeelim5
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [iNFO] 100614 Ex-SOLID Member Jung Jae Yoon Mentions TVXQ In Blog
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Been writing songs for a Korean group DBSK (or better known as TVXQ in Japan)...They've been the best selling group in Asia basically crushing everyone's sales...They actually make up for 40% of all revenues made by Avex Japan...That's HUGE!!! Too bad my old group SOLID sold 4 times more than them tho...hahaha! But of course...different generation...^^ Anyways, this is sort of "top secret" but I guess what better place to talk about "top secret" projects than a public blog like this one? haha...Basically, DBSK used belong to SM Entertainment in Korea...For those of you who don't know what that is...It's basically one of the biggest entertainment companies in Korea...Anyways, 3 of the 5 members recently defaulted and sued SM Entertainment for "slavery" contracts (I can explain about that...but that will take 10 pages...). So 3 of them are releasing a new album under a their own company...and me (aka "yours truly") got involved...Basically, it's a huge collaboration project featuring the 3 guys from DBSK and the biggest A listers in the US...as of now...being Kanye West and Timbaland...To make the long story short...we're working on the album as I type...and will fly to Hawaii to record at Kanye's house...and then possibly go to LA or Miami to record with Timbaland...This is by far THE biggest budget project EVER in Asia...PERIOD! And the reason for the secrecy besides the obvious media frenzy it will cause...is because SM Entertainment is PISSED OFF about them leaving...and I don't wanna step on anyone's toes...but as usual...Oh well...It is what it is...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BTW...Here's a pic of DBSK...For all the Latin fam...No...It's not "Menudo"...! haha...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Source: [

    Jung Jae Yoon's Blog+Poplez]

    Shared by: tohosomnia.net
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    wait, how come it's 18 episodes instead of 16?...or maybe I remembered wrong.

    [spazz] 2U Jacket Spotted!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    *click title link*...haha...wow, so first Changmin's braids, and now YH's jacket?....it's a sign!=P































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It should be 16 because I remember translating up to episode 16. I guess there was a mistranslation/wrong button pressed? Minor detail :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2U jacket spotted? Wait, it gets better *wiggles eyebrows*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Take a veeeeeeery good look at the vests Changmin and Jaejoong are wearing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    EDIT: uh oh, I topped a page O_O oh noez D: what to do...???? *flails around looking for things to put up* BRBBB
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Shared by: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Our days would BEGIN with
































































































































    a warm and enveloping HUG
































































































































    You'd call us MY LITTLE PRINCESS
































































































































    and cherish us like your sisters
































































































































    You always will be who we're PROUD of
































































































































    Your voices we hear
































































































































    are like Magic of Melody
































































































































    To me, You are My Song
































































































































    To us you are
































































































































    like an Oasis in the middle of the desert
































































































































    After meeting you, life was like
































































































































    a happy Drive towards each other
































































































































    Right now, I long for your everything.
































































































































    Remember our memories
































































































































    that were so beautiful like a Rainbow
































































































































    Remember the times when as long as we were together
































































































































    any place seemed like Paradise
































































































































    Like an Evergreen pine, we are crazy for you
































































































































    You are our Crazy love
































































































































    The Heart Mind and Soul we've shared
































































































































    are too precious to send off into the skies
































































































































    Beautiful you
































































































































    I can't forget the short Beautiful life
































































































































    that I spent with you
































































































































    I know that life's hard right now
































































































































    Your tears make our hearts ache
































































































































    We are here, Don't cry My lover
































































































































    One Love Don't forget us
































































































































    The Story has Just Begun for you and me
































































































































    It's too early to say it's the end for us
































































































































    For our memories.
































































































































    Cause you're my Miracle
































































































































    I don't want you to disappear
































































































































    Protect it, protect it...
































































































































    Protect and keep that Promise to be eternal.
































































































































    The Song for You that you'd sing to us
































































































































    The promise I made to Stand by U
































































































































    Saying You Only Love and waiting when you went away
































































































































    We remember it all.. we.. I believe
































































































































    I'll be there wherever you are
































































































































    I'll be Lovin' you like I always have
































































































































    But right now, I miss you
































































































































    Why did I end up liking you?
































































































































    I ponder and I ponder but blame it on My Destiny
































































































































    Whatever they say I love you
































































































































    Your Love is All I Need so I never let go
































































































































    Don't say goodbye as your final greeting
































































































































    The moments we shared are Forever Love
































































































































    Because I was with you, each moment was a Beautiful thing
































































































































    Stand up Overcome obstacles, get back up and get stronger.
































































































































    Under the dark sky lit by a half moon
































































































































    Say a little Wish
































































































































    For you to be five, for a happy TVXQ
































































































































    For you to be happy, for a happy Cassiopeia
































































































































    I write my Summer Dream on red Balloons and let them fly
































































































































    My dream will come true one day.
































































































































    That day will come, and we'll say Hello again
































































































































    When the sun sets tonight, we will be greeted by a Rising Sun tomorrow
































































































































    I will always believe in you and wait.
































































































































    I will wait for the TVXQ sun to rise once more.
































































































































    If I could breathe by your side once more,
































































































































    I'm okay with Watching the sunset every day.
































































































































    Could a young girl give you a small confession?
































































































































    TVXQ's leader Jung Yunho, no, U-Know Yunho.
































































































































    TVXQ's eldest Kim Jaejoong, no, YoungWoong Jaejoong.
































































































































    TVXQ's emoticon Park Yoochun, no, Micky Yoochun.
































































































































    TVXQ's vitamin Kim Junsu, no, Xiah Junsu.
































































































































    TVXQ's youngest Shim Changmin, no, Choikang Changmin.
































































































































    Five amazing guys came together under the name TVXQ with a promise
































































































































    Together Forever? Together Forever. Forever as One. Of Course. We Love You.
































































































































    Keep your promise... Keep your promise... Keep it..
































































































































    Always keep the Faith
































































































































    We will always believe in you and wait, it doesn't matter how long
































































































































    Just return as TVXQ, happily together as five.
































































































































    I want to find it again, your Colors, Melody and Harmony
































































































































    The beautiful moments we shared are Forever Love
































































































































    Like how TVXQ can never be erased from our lives,
































































































































    I hope Cassiopeia can never be erased from yours.
































































































































    I believed, I believe and I will believe.































































































































































































































































    I supported you. I support you. I will support you.































































































































































































































































    I waited. I wait. I will wait.
































































































































































































































































    I loved you. I love you. I will love you. Forever
































































































































    Always Keep the Faith
































































































































    by. Fly새싹81264
































































































































    Source: [Naver Blog]
































































































































    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net































































































































































































































































    Shared by: tohosomnia.net
































































































































    Do not remove/add on any credits































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Join us in our continuous celebration of being a member of Cassiopeia, the largest fandom in the world!
































































































































































































































































    Phase 1
































































































































































    To find out more, please click here






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To TVXQ From Cassiopeia
































































































































    Find over 190 translated letters written by kCassiopeia to TVXQ
































































































































    Translated and updated daily





































































































































































































































































































    [TRANS] 100607 Xiah Junsu Wins Male Rookie Award + Acceptance Speech




    Xiah Junsu has won the Male Rookie Award at the 4th The Musical Awards!




    There are no articles about it yet but here is his speech :)




    "I'm happy to be able to come up here, not as a singer but a musical actor, and I will work harder to live up to this once in a lifetime rookie award that I've received.




    I give my thanks to God for letting me meet Mozart, I thank our EMK family, and I will work harder to become a true actor."







    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







    Shared by: tohosomnia.net




    Do not remove/add on any credits










    To all the people who wrote notes of condolences to the family of the deceased Cassiopeia




    Thank you for all your words of encouragement for the grieving family, I've just finished translating them and will send them to her father right now.




    Your love and support is beautiful <3







    Hi everyone. Today I bring some sad news. On June 5th, something happened in Korea called the Gimpo Female High School Student Crisis. A 16 year old girl, who had always had a weak body, was being punished by her teacher for being late. She collapsed in the middle of the punishment and did not get back up. She was taken to the hospital but was announced dead.




    This 16 year old girl was a fellow Cassiopeia. Her username was 망둥아이리온 on Yuaerubi and she was a wonderful, charming girl who was always bright and positive despite her illnesses.




    To show our love and affection for an angel who has returned to heaven, please tweet words of condolences to @jeeelim5 or write a comment on this LJ post http://community.livejournal.com/tohosomnia/269147.html so that I can collect them and send them to her father so that he knows that he is not alone.




    Although we do not know her personally, her presence will sorely be missed as she was a Cassiopeia who never lost hope and kept waiting for TVXQ to return.




    Thank you











    [TRANS] 100604 TVXQ Trio Planning On Worldwide Album With American Flair




    Three members of TVXQ (Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun) will join hands with an American musician to produce a worldwide album.




    It has been found that the three members will create this album with influential people of pop culture such as famous U.S. producer Timbaland and Korean composer Kim Hyung Suk.




    A representative who is participating in the album production said, "A famous American music distribution company will be participating in this record project," and "It is a worldwide album but the main target will be Asia. There is a high possibility that the three members will fly to the United States sometime this month to record."




    The three members' side stated, "Although it is true that they are preparing an album with Kim Hyung Suk, we will not reveal any specific plans for the moment."







    Source: [



    yeonhap news+DNBN]



    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    Letter #192 [The Truth You Seek]








    What exactly is this love that we must protect?




    What exactly is this love that we claim to know so well?




    Is this love we know a true love?




    Is this love we have really a sincere love?




    Do you think that the love you have is right?




    Do you think that the love you have is eternal?




    Do you think that your emotions are the same as those of your loved one?




    How much do you know about, and believe in yourself?













    I am curious.




    Do you feel confident when you stand in front of your love?







    Are you able to say such things because you are so confident?




    I feel so frustrated.




    No one can know where love ends and love is just a reality.




    Did we fall for this love expecting something from them?




    No. We had no expectations or wants from them in the beginning.




    Whenever I feel this love getting tainted,




    When I see those who won't accept reality for what it is,




    I wonder what our love is looking for exactly.




    What exactly is your love wanting, looking for and loving?




    I wonder if what your loving is reality or fantasy.




    You shouldn't only look at the future as you love.







    Don't leave your present in the hands of the unknown future.




    You shouldn't only look at the past as you love.







    Although the past makes your present,







    the past cannot do anything for what comes after the present.











    What we should believe in are our current emotions




    Believe in your emotions, believe in the truth within.




    No matter what hurts you, no matter what breaks us apart




    Let us at least believe in ourselves and our truths..




    "I can no longer believe in them."




    ...Then believe in the truth your body is telling you.




    Do you love them? If you can answer this question then there's no need to think any further




    Believe in the emotions you feel right now.




    All the past and the future are, are mere illusions we conjure up.













    Believe in yourself.




    Get back on your feet believing in not them, but yourself.




    We must learn to get back on our feet without any help.




    So don't get entangled in them, learn to believe in yourself and get back up.




    We can all do it.




    What we need right now is not their truth, but our own truth.




    There exists a future because we cannot see what lays ahead







    There exists a past because we cannot go back in time




    I tell you to live in and love the present, because it exists and is happening right now.











    What are you searching for?




    The reality that people tell us? A future without them? The past full of joys and wonders?




    We end up not being able to find what we truly need.




    Don't close your eyes.




    Don't turn your eyes away from the truth within you.




    The truth we need right now is not the reality that others tell us, or a future without them, or our happy past.




    What we need is the truth that has brought you to this place.




    Believe in it.




    And keep going.




    What lies ahead of us is what we've been searching for




    and in it will exist the truth.




    What reality do you believe in?




    Where is your love right now?




    Where are you searching to find your love?




    The truth you seek.




    It is not far away.




    Instead of grappling onto the future which is so far and holds unknown truths.




    Find the truths that you have held dear till now that you can believe in.








    This is the homework that has been given to us.







    by. 시앙




    Source: [Naver Blog]




    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    To TVXQ From Cassiopeia




    Find over 180 translated letters written by kCassiopeia to TVXQ




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    Letter #190 "Words I've Been Wanting to Say"





    What is surprisingly similar between rivers and love is that neither ever dries up.




    When a drought comes, a river thins and in severe cases, it looks like the river is gone.




    But a river never disappears.




    -Amelie Nothomb's <Attack>中-




    Even when we're tired and worn out and feel like quitting,




    the deep recesses of our hearts will not be parched.




    They will always be overflowing with our love and faith for you.





    Strength comes from stopping.




    When you breathe, that small pause between breathing in and out is what exerts strength.




    When we do something that requires manpower, we stop our breath.




    A pause in music helps you appreciate lingering imagery.




    A dance is not a dance with a moment of stillness within it.




    Even in our lives, a small pause gives us strength.




    A pause from everyday life, it is a strength more needed than running.




    -Lee Si Hyung's <There is a Happiness Folder within me>中-




    A pause, a deviation from running through everyday life.




    It may have been the thing you needed most in this world.





    Love is not facing each other.




    It is looking out together in the same direction.




    -Saint Exupery-




    We will not try to force you or ourselves to face each other.




    Because no progress will come from that.




    Instead, we will hold onto your hand without a word and look in the same direction that you face.





    Those who hide and insult me are people who fear me.




    -Chinese proverb-




    Don't hold onto the words that anonymous people spit out at you as criticism.




    They are people who reject you from the start because they are scared of the scars they may receive from you.





    I cannot say that I love you for no reason.




    There were a couple of reasons at first, and now there are so many that I can't count them all.




    All it is, is that there are so many reasons that I don't know why I love you anymore; I just do.








    At first, I was drawn to your singing abilities.




    Then, I was drawn to your personalities.




    Now, there are so many reasons why I like you that I don't know anymore why I do.





    Love is when you share sorrow rather than joy,







    when you enjoy waiting more than meeting, and when I think of you more than myself.








    The people who share your sorrow, revel in waiting for you, and worry more about you than anyone else, is us.





    "Tell us how to know that it is love. Like actual proof."




    "How big is the universe?"








    "How do you know that? When you've never seen it?"




    "You've never seen it... But you believe it to be true. It's the same with love I guess"




    -<A Beautiful Mind>中-




    I don't know if I'm doing a smart thing by believing in you without knowing anything.




    But here I stand, believing in you nevertheless.





    Like how your legs tire after a long walk, your heart tires after a loving someone for a long time.




    But, I believe it will recover. Love.




    It sometimes warns us that it needs to be reaffirmed.




    One wrong move and you'll hurt it.




    But love isn't something you try to verify, but something you can confidently say exists.








    As much as we have been together, these times will be harder than we could have ever imagined.




    But I believe that it will get better.




    Because love isn't something you try to verify, but something you can confidently say exists.







    Because love isn't something you question, but something you can believe in.





    I don't love you because I love you.




    I love you because I can't help but love you.




    -<Bungee jump>中-




    I love you because I can't help but love you.





    Time passes too slowly for those who are waiting,




    Time passes too quickly for those who are scared,




    Time is too long for those who are sad,




    Time is too short for those who are happy,




    But for those in love, time goes on forever.




    -Jones Barry-




    Time for me is eternal.




    What about for you?





    Girls like you have too many thoughts running through your head to know what faith truly this.




    Do you know what faith is?




    It's believing in someone and letting them fool you no matter how much they deceive you.




    That is what faith is.




    -<Do Whatever You Please>中-




    That is my faith.




    Please protect my faith.




    Always keep the faith.







    by. 은령




    Source: [Naver Blog]




    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







    Shared by: tohosomnia.net




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    [TRANS] 100531 Musician's Choice - U-Know Yunho







    Musician's Choice




    Famous musicians introduce songs that brought them to where they are now, and songs that they love based on various themes. You may also find out where these musicians are these days.

















    TVXQ's U-Know Yunho, who can be anything from an actor to a model




    Music to listen to on a rainy day




    Leader of TVXQ, who heated up Asia




    Let's meet U-Know Yunho's recommended songs.







    U-Know Yunho's 'Music to listen to on a rainy day'




    When I went to visit TVXQ's leader U-Know Yunho on the 24th, it was drizzling as I made my way to my destination. It was weather that seemed to match the 'Musician's Choice' theme he had chosen for the week which was "Music to listen to on a rainy day". He, who had been waiting in front of the SM Entertainment office, happily welcomed this writer. Wearing casual clothes, he smiled brightly and said, "I feel good because it's raining outside."




    "Rainy days are times for me to reflect on myself. Other friends usually go drinking on days like this, but I drive my car to an arboretum or I choose some good music to listen to."




    When asked about his recent activities, he brought up his photoshoot first. "I went to Hong Kong for a photoshoot, and it was nice to have a personal interview as I was partaking in the photoshoot. I've always been showing people the bright side of myself, but I never really had the chance to talk about personal things." We were curious of his next solo venture. U-Know Yunho said, "I don't want to let go of the music life that I've had for the past 5, 6 years and I've also been considering upgrading my acting skills." He also said, "What I want to say the most is that I want to challenge the limits I've set on myself from more than one side."




    It was a surprise yet understandable to see U-Know Yunho, who admired Michael Jackson, create a music list that consisted of songs with sad or solitary melodies rather than dance-orientated songs. Also, seeing such a list gave us a feel of his extensive musical taste from Rock to New Age.




    "I usually listen to music while I'm on the move. I don't discriminate between genres; if I like the feel of a song, I'll get it and put it in my playlist right away. At times when I feel like I'm going to explode, I sometimes listen to heavy metal music, and when my body's exhausted, I listen to calm instrumentals. However, it can be said that the music I'm introducing today conveys what I'm feeling these days."




    U-Know Yunho's dream is to be the founder of a welfare center. Influenced by his father who enjoys helping those in need, he is actively seeking out voluntary service activities he can do to help the poor and needy. He usually makes people feel flustered with his clipped tone and short yet strong accent which he may have inherited from being the group's leader since his debut, but he slowly yet surely opened up in this interview with a softer tone and deep breaths. His words "I've matured as much as I've been hurt," seemed to approach the writer more sincerely than ever.




    Kim Pyung (Writer specializing in popular music)








    U-Know Yunho's First Album Choice: Chris Spheeris' [best of Chris Spheeris: 1990-2000]




    "Two years ago, there was a time when I listened to all the CDs our fans sent us. This was one of the albums in that pile of CDs and I was immediately hooked. Although there are a lot of instruments involved, there is a sound that isn't lost, and it's the sound of nature. That sound seemed to just grab my heart. There wasn't a distinct melody, but shall I say that the tune was able to express everything that it needed to? From then on, I searched for this artiste online and listened to his songs whenever it rained. The guitar part is the prettiest in this album. Most guitar parts from other sources rely on strength or technique, but the guitar in this album isn't overused and you can tell that the singer tried to keep the sound as close to the sound of nature as possible. I felt like the guitar part represented his heart and his feelings. It has a calm yet mysterious feeling to it."








    U-Know Yunho's Second Album Choice: Kevin Kern's [summer Daydreams]




    "One of the songs called 'Return to Love' is a very famous song that is used in dramas and CFs, and all the songs included in this album calm your heart. I think I listen to this song the most when I feel depressed. It cleanses your heart, but it also has a sad and sorrowful feel to it. I first found out about the song in the drama [Autumn in my Heart]. After that, I listened to it a ridiculous number of times. I found myself hearing it a lot even when I hadn't turned it on myself. I heard it on the streets, I heard it at home, I heard it in the cafes... It's a song that I've heard so much that it's left a great impact in my life. Sometimes, I think that I'd like to try this kind of music one day. Like taking this music and formatting it by adding narration to it or commentary through DJ-ing?"








    U-Know Yunho's Third Album Choice: Kim Hyun Shik's [3rd Album]




    "I first found out about Kim Hyun Shik's music through the voices of Kim Bum Soo and Yu Jae Ha. I liked the songs so much that I practiced them a lot for a while. I thought that I needed to be familiar with the original to do so, so that was when I found the artiste Kim Hyun Shik. The song that first caught my eye was 'Eclipsed Road'. I've said before that I like singers like Michael Bolton or Lim Jae Bum, and Kim Hyun Shik's voice was just what I wanted. It wasn't pure and clear, and the charm that came from his thick and burning voice struck a chord in my heart. I usually listen to this album on a rainy day right before I sleep. You can find its true charm if you listen to it then."








    U-Know Yunho's Fourth Album Choice: X-JAPAN's [star Box]




    "They are one of my favorite artistes. In 9th or 10th grade, I had a cousin who played the bass guitar, and she was a fan of this group. I began to like rock music because of her. But these artistes' music didn't feel like rock. More so in 'Endless Rain'. This song really captures that feeling of singing with a heart full of longing, and I think that, that is the true charm of X-JAPAN. I like their songs because they both appeal and don't appeal to the masses. I want to follow their example of being a genius, yet striving to always be one step ahead of trends. I think this song's mixture of Eastern and Western influences contain all the charms that the band holds."








    U-Know Yunho's Fifth Album Choice: Az Yet's [Az Yet]




    "Sometimes, I like to go jogging when it rains, and I listen to this album a lot when I do. It might be because I'm the bass part in our team, but I find myself paying a lot of attention to that part. Their style is a little different from BoyzIIMen, but the bass part is so amazing that it feels like they're playing with their musical ranges. The part doesn't lose its focus, but it leads the other parts like the melody. This music is great for when I go jogging or when I'm enjoying a glass of wine. The music itself doesn't feel very sophisticated, that may be exactly why I'm attracted to it. I think people will like this music if they like harmonies. I also feel that men will enjoy this music more than women."








    "I'm going to keep the promise I made with myself and then I'll cry my eyes out."




    The subject was changed to Michael Jackson. U-Know Yunho recently got on stage for the pop star's domestic tribute concert. There is a famous story circulating that the American staff, who had looked down upon U-Know Yunho as an artiste famous only in Asia, changed their attitudes after they watched him perform. U-Know Yunho said, "I want to be an artiste like Michael Jackson who shines regardless of time," and "I hope to be viewed as someone who keeps maturing and growing as a person and as a singer who is not fazed by the rumors floating around."




    "I think that I've pretended to be bright a lot as the team's leader till now. But I'm someone who feels lonely very easily, so I constantly have to discipline myself to pay attention and come to my senses. Music has always cleansed my loneliness and sorrow. People say that I'm so strong-hearted that I never cry, but I'm only restraining myself to keep the promise I made with myself. When I get to the top, I want to cry my eyes out just once." It may have been that his heart was already crying though his 'leader' position stops him from outwardly doing so.











    Source: [



    Naver Music]



    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    [TRANS] 100529 TVXQ's Taiwanese Fans Print Support Advertisement In Korean Newspaper







    TVXQ's Taiwanese fans have criticized SM Entertainment's unlawful actions through an advertisement in a Korean newspaper.




    This is the fourth advertisement by TVXQ fans, following those submitted by Korean, Chinese and Japanese fans, and sends a message of love and support for TVXQ, a group caught in a legal battle with its agency.




    The Taiwanese fans used an online blog to collect donations from April 9th to May 8th, and used this money to print an advertisement that pointed out the unlawfulness of the TVXQ's contract with SM Entertainment.




    The fans criticized SM Entertainment and sent a message of support to TVXQ with the words, "A 13 year exclusive contract and an astronomical penalty fee, they are Asia's top group yet they earn less than the average Taiwanese celebrity. The weak who do not even have the rights to view documents regarding their own income. Are you not satisfied with ruling over them for six years?" and "TVXQ's fans from all over the world, including Korean, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, are one family who keep the same faith. Don't try to break us down with your incessant arguments. We will always wait for them right here as TVXQ's supporters."











    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    [TRANS] 100529 Lee Seung Gi Vs Micky Yoochun, 'Big Match Of Top Singers' In Dramas This Fall







    If the first half of 2010 was the testing stage for idol-singers-turned-actors, the second half will be a big match between top singers.




    With the first half of the year came idol stars like 2PM's Taecyeon, 2AM's Seulong, T-ara's Jiyeon and Eun Jeong as light, comical characters who brought energy to the television screen. However, it can be seen that the latter half of the year will come with a heated battle between K-pop's top stars Lee Seung Gi and Micky Yoochun (TVXQ).








    Following Lee Sung Gi, Micky Yoochun will appear as a Joseon Dynasty pretty boy in September on KBS2 TV. He will appear in 'SungKyunKwan Scandal', a drama loosely based off the novel 'The Lives of SungKyunKwan Confucian Scholars', that is the talk of the town amongst women in their teens and 20s with characters dubbed 'The F4 of the Joseon Dynasty'.




    Micky Yoochun as well as Song Joong Gi and Yu Ah In will play perfect guy Seon Joon, wild and unstoppable Jae Shin and all-round entertainer Yong Ha respectively. Seon Joon (Micky Yoochun) falls for a forbidden love, cross-dressing Yoon Hui, and is expected to bring some funny scenes to the drama.











    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    [TRANS] 100527 3 Members Throw SM Aside And Join Hands With Kwon Sang Woo's Former Manager With A 'Criminal Record'




    T/N: PLEASE READ THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. And when I mean grain, I mean a huge chunk of it. I was given a request to translate this article and I usually don't say no to requests unless it is for good reasons.







    Remember: Don't shoot the messenger.







    It has been revealed that there is a person with an interesting relationship with TVXQ's YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu. On Xiah Junsu's solo album, which was recently released in Japan, the label CjeS Entertainment was printed on the cover jacket. CjeS is a company that was set up last December in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. The CEO of this company is A, who is deeply rooted in the entertainment industry.




    A is known for being actor Kwon Sang Woo's former manager. He is also known for receiving a prison sentence for forcing Kwon Sang Woo to write a memorandum binding him to his exclusive contract by threatening to reveal the actors personal life to the public and boasting about the gang who had his back. He has many connections with broadcasting companies, celebrities and some of Korea's leading conglomerates.




    SM is also aware of A's presence. One representative of SM stated, "We heard that A has something to do with the three members' activities."




    Last July, the three submitted a exclusive contract suspension injunction against SM Entertainment saying that, "We wish to escape the shackles of this unfair contract." The Courts sided with the three members. SM was ordered not to interfere with the three members' individual activities. However, the Courts decided not to suspend the contract until the lawsuit was completely over. The three members and SM are currently involved in the lawsuit dealing with their exclusive contract.




    The problem lies in whether or not the three members have signed a contract with A. If CjeS is merely helping the three with their activities, there is no problem. However, if a contract has been signed, the situation changes drastically. There may be a chance that the three may be swept up in a double-contract crisis that would not be in their favor. SM is currently focusing the lawsuit on the continued existence of the exclusive contract.




    It is interesting that the three members, who criticized SM for the company's unlawful contract, have joined hands with a man who has been persecuted for forcing a contract upon someone. Their stance may be weakened because of such actions.




    Currently, TVXQ has halted all activities in both Korea and Japan. The group's Japanese agency AVEX announced this pause in activities last month.




    Many are saying that although TVXQ themselves or their representatives do not use the word 'disbandment', this indefinite pause in their activities can be perceived as a disbandment in reality. This is because AVEX announced its support for the three members' unit group activities soon after. Currently, YoungWoong Jaejoong's popularity is soaring in Japan. Xiah Junsu's solo album is being appraised as one that is greatly marketable. It seems that AVEX is fully supportive of the three members' unit group. There has been no news of the company supporting solo activities of U-Know Yunho or Choikang Changmin.







    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    This should answer your PM ^L4uRa^ ^^











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    Letter #184 "Never Ending Story" (The Love Story of a Girl)





    A love I cannot give up on...




    because it's not over yet.








    A long time ago, there lived an ordinary girl.




    This girl, who lived an ordinary life, saw five stars one day.





    The girl fell in love with the stars as soon as she saw them.




    She felt things when she saw the stars that she had never felt before.




    Although those stars were far away, they shined so brightly that they felt like they were close to her.




    Thinking about and watching the stars became an everyday routine for the girl.




    And as if they were reciprocating the girl's feelings, the stars shone brighter.




    But one day, the stars dimmed.




    Because a rumor began to circulate that the stars might leave.




    The girl was so surprised that she cried.




    But she believed in the stars as they still shone, albeit dimly.




    The stars began to shine again as if those rumors had never happened.




    The five stars kept their place.




    Afterwards, the stars matured further.




    But one day, something bad happened to one of the stars.




    It had happened to the star at the very front.




    The girl prayed every day because she worried that the star was in severe pain.




    Fortunately, the star came back smiling.




    But the girl felt bad for seeing the star hurt and worn out.




    She hated her weak self for being unable to protect the stars.




    The girl decided that she would never leave the stars' side no matter what happened.




    Later, the stars grew bigger and better than ever.




    The girl was happy. There were sad times but she could over come them as long as she had the five.




    But one day, the stars began to move far away.




    They moved to a place where the girl couldn't see them.




    The girl was lonely, and having a hard time.




    But all she could do was wait.




    Because she loved the stars too much to look at anyone else.




    The girl was happy to hear that the stars were being loved in that faraway place.




    She was proud of the stars who would have suffered in a foreign place for a while.




    She could endure the long wait




    because she felt as though she could hear the stars singing from far away.




    And after one year and seven months, the stars returned to the girl.




    They returned shining ten times brighter than before.




    But while the stars were gone, so many other stars had appeared.




    This made the five stars nervous.




    That they might dim, that all the people who loved them were gone.




    But the stars still shone the brightest out of all the other stars.




    There were people who left, but so many others stayed and loved them.




    The stars cried and thanked all these people.




    The girl saw this ad cried and felt grateful at the stars' return.




    But, something bad happened after such a short period of happiness.




    Three of the stars said they didn't like the sky they were in.




    The girl was mad, but cried thinking about how hard it must have been for her stars.




    The five stars still stuck together, but the sky didn't like seeing that.




    The girl felt nervous because she felt like they were drifting away.




    She prayed for things to return to the way they were before, but it did not end easily.




    Time passed, and the stars began to shine individually.




    And many people who saw the stars like this began to leave.




    The girl felt sorry whenever she thought of her stars.




    She felt pained when she thought of how sad the stars would be when they returned




    and found so few people waiting for them.




    And the girl felt nervous watching other stars grow and shine.




    That her stars' place might disappear, that her stars' might not shine as bright as before.




    She worried that her stars' might be forgotten by people.




    But, she could not leave because all the words the stars had said to her were still in her heart.




    Because she loved them so much, and believed in them, the girl still waits.




    When other girls said that their star is the best to that girl,




    she felt nervous and hurt, but was able to overcome everything because of her stars.




    Although the stars and the girl were in a sad relationship




    where they were so close, yet so far away,




    where they felt they knew everything, but in fact knew so little,




    where they loved each other, but it felt like an unrequited love,




    their faith in each other was true.




    The girl waits and will wait today and tomorrow for her shining stars to return.




    Although she cries, she can smile. For them




    She waits for the memories and the future.




    Her stars are always the best and will always be the best.




    Because it is them, who are so strong yet so weak,




    So today, like every other day, I wait for those stars to return.




    For our story that has not ended yet.....








    Jung Yunho




    Kim Jaejoong




    Park Yoochun




    Kim Junsu




    Shim Changmin




    Our story that will live eternally with these five people.





    "We're back, we're really late, right?"




    It's okay.. Everything's okay.




    Because the five of you have returned.







    by. 심밤비




    Source: [Naver Blog]




    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







    Shared by: tohosomnia.net




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    To TVXQ From Cassiopeia




    Find over 180 translated letters written by kCassiopeia to TVXQ




    Translated and updated daily














    [TRANS] 100525 YoungWoong Jaejoong's Message To HeroWings







    To. Wings




    I'm always thankful!




    Even if it's tough, be strong




    Let's wait together!










    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    [TRANS] 100525 SungKyunKwan To Film At The Korean Folk Village







    This Week's Filming Guide




    Saturday 2010-05-27




    KBS SungKyunKwan Scandal




    Time: 09:00~18:30




    Location: Yangban House, and the roads around it etc.




    The area around the filming location may be closed off due to the real-time recording taking place.




    We ask for your understanding of the situation.




    The schedule may change depending on the situation of the drama team.










    Source: [



    Korean Folk Village Website+Yuaerubi]



    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    [TRANS] 100524 Mikcy Yoochun's Message To Fans At Birthday Party







    Everyone... Are you happy!?




    No matter what happens..




    I hope you will always be able to smile!!




    I will "work" hard!














    Source: [Naver Blog (as stated in picture)+Yuaerubi]




    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    [TRANS] 100523 'Crowd Looking For TVXQ'... Unusual Sights At 'Dream Concert'








    -SM singers' fans draw attention as they yell 'Tohoshinki'




    There was a chant that did not stop throughout the entire show. It was of TVXQ's Japanese name "Tohoshinki". That day, fans of Super Junior, Girls Generation and TVXQ fans shouted out the name of TVXQ, who did not attend the concert, and wished for the reconciliation between SM and the three members. This is because TVXQ's YoungWoong Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu and Micky Yoochun are locked in a legal dispute that has brought them to the brink of disbandment.







    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    [TRANS] 100523 TVXQ-Park Jaebom-KyungOonGi, Their Existences Are Reaffirmed At The Dream Concert








    T/N: You can see a part of a 'I believe in TVXQ (동방신기 믿어)' placard in the bottom left hand corner.







    TVXQ, Park Jaebom... Although they, who once set alight the Kpop scene, were not there, their presences still lingered.




    At the 'I Love Korea 2010 Dream Concert' held at the Seoul World Cup Stadium on the 22nd, an unusual sight could be seen.








    TVXQ, whose members are currently in a legal dispute with their agency, did not appear at the Dream Concert but still showed off their powerful presence. Currently, YoungWoong Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu and Micky Yoochun are locked in a legal dispute with SM Entertainment over their exclusive contract and the group is in trouble of disbanding.




    However, their fans' determined will was like none other. Cassiopeia, who were located in the center of the stadium with their red balloons and glowsticks, sang numerous hit songs by TVXQ such as 'Balloons' and 'Jumun-MIROTIC' to show their never ending support for TVXQ.











    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    [TRANS] 100522 TVXQ Fans Create Petition For The Reconciliation Between SM And TVXQ's 3 Members




    TVXQ fans have begun a petition calling for the reconciliation between SM Entertainment and Micky Yoochun, Xiah Junsu and YoungWoong Jaejoong of TVXQ.




    One fan, who revealed that she is a Japanese fan of TVXQ, stated, "We've come together with Daum Television's TVXQ Gallery to create an online signature petition calling for a reconciliation between SM and the three members of TVXQ."




    The petition states, "How could fans not feel heartbroken at the fact that TVXQ, who has an enormous fandom with 800,000 official fanclub members, is suddenly faced with a disbandment crisis," and "We hope for the normalization of TVXQ through a negotiation between SM and the three members involved in the lawsuit."




    The petition site is currently available in Korean, Chinese, Japanese and English and is made so that fans from all over the world can participate as well.




    This petition was created through a minority of fans from the Daum Television TVXQ Gallery, whose thoughts differed from the majority who believed they should just believe and wait, who came together and shared their opinions.




    The fans running this petition say that the most sensible course of action is not to cancel the exclusive contract, but to come to a negotiation with SM.




    (omitted - it's just a short recount of the lawsuit history)







    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    T/N: The English version is not available. I checked.








    I cannot force you to not sign this petition. I cannot rip your hands off the keyboard or tie you to a chair.




    I can however, share a little insight on these "Daum Television TVXQ Gallery" people who began this petition.




    As you know, I used to be an active participant in the TVXQ Gallery, if you remember, the Thanks To letters were posted there.




    Everything was great, there were a couple of people who came in and bashed the boys, but that was normal and that had happened from the beginning so it was ignored.




    Then, the announcement to pause TVXQ's Japanese activities came up and all hell broke loose.




    The people who used to say "Let's believe in TVXQ and wait" began to say "JCS are a bunch of backstabbers and they don't deserve to be in TVXQ."







    The gallery, which used to be filled with news, pictures and letters, began to be filled with hate comments that slandered the members, their judgments, their families and everything else. I hate to put it this way but it tilted from being JCS biased (because supporting the change to the exclusive contract was going in JCS' favor instead of SM's right?) to full out JCS bashing bonanza.JCS were called "Money lovers, Cosmetics freaks, backstabbers, deserters".




    I stopped going there around a week after all of this happened because my heart broke every time I saw people switch sides.




    TVXQ fans? These people are not TVXQ fans.




    A friend of mine once tried going there and sorting things out and telling them that they shouldn't act like they were acting, they told her to "POCKY off back to Yuaerubi" These people hate Yuaerubi, DNBN and Poplez.




    I have lost my faith in these people. Anything that comes out of that gallery sounds like lies and deceit to me. Don't let their title fool you. Yes, deep down in my heart, I wish for TVXQ to come back to. Yes, I agree that HoMin were neglected by fans at the beginning because they did not join in the lawsuit. But do I really agree with this statement?

    Some fans stated that TVXQ followed a suicidal schedule, but we feel that many singers go through similar schedules these days. We believe it is far fetched to call this a slave contract when the TVXQ members were just working hard to follow their popularity.




    So please, before you decide to sign this petition, please read every word of it. Please understand exactly what you are signing. That is all I can say as I turn my back on those who have turned their backs on TVXQ.




    +) I just visited the website of SaveTVXQ, a creator of another petition related to this one. They've called the "faith" in "Always keep the Faith" a "fake" created by individual fans.




    The petition is headed by SaveTVXQ, AfterTVXQ and Daum Televsion TVXQ Gallery.




    Do you want to be signing a petition created by a group created by the old dnbn.org founder who call AKTF a fake, a website who denies being a TVXQ site and instead say they are a "Place where those who are tired of waiting have quit being TVXQ fans can rest" and a gallery that has turned it's back on TVXQ?








    Quick random question, do you guys see Changmin or someone else with a little facebook icon in the bottom right hand corner for my avatar? Because I see the latter, and it's freaking me out a little because I never put that picture there.




    I can't even change it back anymore




    EDIT: mkay someone suggested that the icon problem is because of Facebook connect but I've never used that before. Any advice? D:







    Letter #172 "TVXQ, Because of You I...."







    I will not make the same mistakes that you did







    I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery




    We believed in you




    We loved you with all our hearts




    Did you feel like our sincerity was laughable?




    Because we always told you we loved you,




    because you thought we would always give you endless love




    Because you thought we'd believe in you forever




    Is that why we're in this situation?




    If that's what you thought, then you're wrong.




    We're tired now.







    I will never like you again.







    Or believe in you again.




    I'm not going to cause my heart so much misery again because of you.




    I'm tired of waiting for TVXQ.








    I will not break the way you did




    We won't break as easily as you think we will.




    I hope you know that.




    It was us who gained so much strength from the words 'I believe in TVXQ'




    It is us, who still remember the pearl red ocean that you made for us




    If you break so easily




    Who will believe in us....?







    You fell so hard







    I've learned the hard way







    To never let it get that far











    Because of you







    I never stray too far from the sidewalk




    Your lawsuit, the more it drags on, the harder it is to survive those rumors.




    You were in a top spot that no one else had ever reached before




    How did we all get here?




    I learned all this the hard way by watching you.




    I learned that I must never give my heart to you again.







    I learned that the faith between a fan and a singer is flimsy and frail.







    I learned that it breaks easily.




    I will never give another singer my heart because of you.




    I am no longer a fan of yours.








    Because of you







    I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt







    Because of you







    I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me




    Whenever we hear you say 'I'm sick of this'




    Whenever we hear you say 'I'm tired'




    Whenever we hear you say 'I want to stop now'....




    It becomes hard for us to trust not only ourselves, but everyone around us.




    The word 'faith' scares us now.




    Watching you, who for six years told us you believed in us, loved us and would wait for us, walk away...




    We begin to question all our actions and thoughts.




    Would it have been better for us to pick the safe side?




    So that you would not be hurt because of us







    So that you would not be scarred because of us




    Should we have stayed just the way we were before?







    Because of you







    I am afraid




    Because we think like this because of you




    We are afraid








    I lose my way







    And it's not too long before you point it out







    I cannot cry







    Because I know that's weakness in your eyes







    I'm forced to fake







    A mile, a laugh every day of my life







    My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with




    We have temporarily lost our way.




    And you, who would always stay by our side, pointed that out not longer after we began wandering.




    Even though we had temporarily gone off the road because we were so tired,







    we could not cry because of your criticism.




    Because we knew our tears would make you sad







    We could not shed our tears so easily







    We could not show a weak side.




    Because we didn't want to see you sad







    Because we didn't want to see you shed tears




    We faked our smiles, and learned to live life, laughing every day.




    Our hearts weren't even whole to start with




    Maybe that was why we never learned to lean on you before they broke.







    Because of you







    I never stray too far from the sidewalk







    Because of you







    I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt







    Because of you







    I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me




    Because of the scars we received from you




    I can't believe in you anymore.




    Because I feel like you betrayed me, I can't take your side.




    When other people say that you've 'basically disbanded',




    I neither deny nor agree to what they say.




    So that if you do disband, my heart won't hurt as much.




    Because of you




    I find it hard to trust you.










    Because of you







    I am afraid




    Because we think like this because of you




    We are afraid










    I watched you die




    We watched you fall further away from the top.








    I heard you cry every night in your sleep




    We think we can hear you crying because of us.







    I was so young




    Maybe we were too young to like you.








    You should have known better than to lean on me




    Should we have taken another road







    instead of holding onto our faith that you would always believe in us no matter what...?







    You never thought of anyone else







    You just saw your pain







    And now I cry in the middle of the night







    For the same damn thing




    Maybe we....




    see only our own pains?




    Without thinking of each other's pains and scars




    Maybe we were suffering from only our own pains







    without trying to understand each other...?




    Because we ignore the pain of the people we love




    Maybe that's why we're so sad right now?








    Because of you







    I never stray too far from the sidewalk




    Should we have chosen stability and safety for the people we love...?







    Because of you







    I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt




    Should we keep believing in you forever for the people we love...?










    Because of you







    I try my hardest just to forget everything







    Because of you




    For you




    I wish I could forget all these hard times




    The memories of hurting each other




    and getting hurt




    I want to forget all that




    Because I want you to be happy










    Because of you







    I don't know how to let anyone else in




    No matter how much I try to hate you




    No matter how much I try to despise you




    I can't




    It must be because I love you too much already...










    Because of you







    I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty




    Without you












    is empty































    Because of you I am afraid











    Because of you




    The reason we are afraid











    is because we can't imagine a life without











    by. 은령




    Source: [Naver Blog]




    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    T/N: Hopefully you guys can see that the right side is Cassiopeia and the left side is TVXQ talking while the middle is both.











    To TVXQ From Cassiopeia




    Find over 170 translated letters written by kCassiopeia to TVXQ




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    Hey everyone :D I haven't been here for a couple of days (APs are killer T_T) so I thought I'd drop by with another letter.




    Oh and if you've sent me a PM and I haven't replied, I really do apologize for that :( A lot has been going these days what with APs, and random and increasing encounters with kCassies on our forum, and whatnot that I've been running around like a headless chicken :P I'll reply to your PMs tomorrow when I have some room to breathe, so I really, really am sorry about that :(







    Letter #169 An Unusually long Winter has Frozen Me




    'Will this heart ever be melted back soon...'











    I suffer from cold hands and feet. So I really hate it when winter comes along because I constantly feel cold.




    When a cold wind blows, I shiver so much that I have to hunch my shoulders.




    But this winter was unusually long.




    In March, when spring-my favorite season-is supposed to come, it snowed.




    In April, when I usually went out for picnics amidst the flowers,




    the seasons seemed to be undecided on whether to be spring or winter so I didn't go out at all.




    I, who survived the worst spring I had ever encountered, had a strange thought.




    Maybe...the reason why spring wasn't coming, was because TVXQ wasn't able to greet it.










    This winter of ours feels so unusually long.




    The winter that started last summer is still here.




    There are times when news of spring comes and my expectations rise.




    But my heart is still in the dead of winter where the skies are filled with snow.




    The cold wind blows, holds on to you and doesn't seem to want to let go.




    This frozen heart of mine feebly calls out for you.








    I, who waits for you not knowing when this winter will end, wonder till when I will have to be cold




    I miss the now empty warmth that came from you.




    If only you, who would bring spring with you, would come quickly..




    No.. I won't ask for much.




    Just tell me when spring will come.




    Tell me that this isn't the end. Tell me that my heart will not be frozen forever.




    I sometimes wish you knew the pains.. the yearnings of my heart...







    My foolish heart stopped in July of 2009 and has been waiting for you ever since.




    This frozen heart will not beat.




    Time is now running into May of 2010.




    This heart of mine needs your warmth to beat.




    I wish you knew how desperately I need spring to come.





    I wish you knew that only you can melt my frozen heart.




    I wish you knew that each and every thing about you,







    from your warm gestures to your voices, is like sunshine to me.




    I wish you knew that my heart needs that warmth so badly.





    From a fan of TVXQ who has gotten more childish




    whining a little about the difficulties of surviving this cold and harsh winter..







    by. 캉개




    Source: [Naver Blog]




    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    To TVXQ From Cassiopeia




    Find over 160 translated letters written by kCassiopeia to TVXQ




    Translated and updated daily











    NOTICE: Hey guys, please know that TVXQ's lawyer has not reverted back to the Courts yet regarding the three members' reaction to SM's willingness to come to a settlement. All the news that has been coming out since the hearing on the 7th are just summaries of what happened + phonecalls to random people who are 'friends' or 'representatives' of the three members (You know how it gets sometimes). Please remember to take everything with a pinch of salt and we promise to bring you all accurate news when it comes :) (accurate as in up on DNBN or Yuaerubi and with sources checked. I looked through five pages of news to check one source today ^^;;)







    [TRANS] 100509 U-Know Yunho's Surprise Outing For A Close Friend







    TVXQ's U-Know Yunho recently displayed his loyalty for a close friend.




    U-Know Yunho visited the SBS Open Hall on the 9th. He, who did not venture out often since the suspension of TVXQ's activities, was there to support rookie group J.Rich's <Inkigayo> performance and entered a broadcasting company's waiting room for the first time in a while. A rumor did circulate that U-Know Yunho would be featuring in the song but all he did was drop by the waiting room.




    One representative said, "U-Know Yunho visited the waiting room of J.Rich because he wanted to see the debut stage of his close friend Woojoo, who he first met in high school and who will be debuted after six years of training. He told Woojoo not to be worried and to show off his talents."




    U-Know Yunho appeared in the music video for J.Rich's debut song <Goodbye My Love>. Park Soo Jin, who costarred in the music video, was also there to support the group.







    Source: [






    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net







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    Letter #166 When You Come back with your 5th Album, Let's all just Cry together
















    At the showcase for your fifth album,
















    let's start off with 30 minutes of just crying as much as we want.
































    And at the awards for the fifth album,
















    let's all cry with joy from winning another grand slam. Not just Changmin oppa,
















    but our leader Yunho oppa, oldest hyung Jaejoong oppa, sexy but still childish Junsu oppa, always crying Yoochun oppa, and our sturdy maknae oppa.
















    And, us, who have always been waiting. Let's all cry together with joy.
































    And at the fourth Asia tour,
















    you'll smile and greet us again,
















    but you'll cry watching the event we plan for you.
































    And seeing you cry,
















    we'll tell you not to cry and then cry with you, right?
































    We'll thank the heavens that our promise to be eternal wasn't a lie.
















    We'll be so grateful.. so grateful that we cry.
















    But, what's so bad about crying?
















    When we're crying because
















    we are together, and because our oppas are singing.
















    I want to cry.
















    So please, come back soon.































    by. 이히힛갯힝
















    Source: [Naver Blog]
















    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net































    Shared by: tohosomnia.net
















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    *Added bonus:
















    just a little pick me up :)
































    CM: "So I'm gonna come in from there, do a back flip, some sexy hip stuff and then move over there...."
















    JJ: '.......... *stares with his mouth open*..... *looks at Changmin*.....'
















    Note: Ahaha, I'm a YunJae Yoosu person all the way (six years and running) but this was just too cute XD






























































    To TVXQ From Cassiopeia
















    Find over 160 translated letters written by kCassiopeia to TVXQ
















    Translated and updated daily















































































































    Oh no, I checked my PMs a little late;; I'm sorry about that.

    This trial was a public trial; ordinary citizens were allowed to watch so that's why I went.
















    I was... quite surprised to find out that there is interest for this trial overseas.
















    And if I could say one more thing, there are no lies in this account.































    Why would I ever want to trick other fans? I am a fan who loves TVXQ, and a person who is very interested in law, so that was why I went. I hope you can tell them that...
















    Anyway, if you have any thing else you would like to ask, please send me a message ^^







































    T/N: This is the reply I received from the Cassiopeia who wrote this account when I sent her a message asking her whether the trial was an open public trial or not as some international fans were questioning why she was there in the first place.
















    Source: [My Daum Account]
















    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net































    Shared by: tohosomnia.net
















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    [FAN] 100507 Account Of The Hearing
















    T/N: This is NOT me. I found this on Yuaerubi (in a section only open to upgraded members) and thought that you all should read it. Recently, my rights and duties as a translator were questioned for deciding not the translate something so here I am granting your wish and leveling out the playing field. You know as much about this as kCassies do now. Things have been bolded for your convenience. DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER. kthnxbai






























































    oh P.S. I thought I should just say this, I'm not an international fan. I am Korean. I speak, breathe and eat Korean. So that is why I was able to gain access to... certain things that were only available on Korean portal sites and that is why, with full understanding of the content, I made the decision not the translate certain things. None of the work I do is for my own benefit in any way whatsoever, so please keep this in mind when you read my posts. I'm just a 17 year old kid, who should be studying for her APs but is translating instead. Okay enough ranting *slaps self*.
















    Today was the hearing between sm and the three members...
















    First of all, my personal thoughts have been put into this so please take that into consideration as you read it. I should have written stuff down while I was there T_T...
















    I don't remember everything... but I will write everything I remember here.
















    When I went, there were a couple of reporters and... President Kim Young Min as well as some woman, and that woman kept sighing... like someone who was innocent and being unfairly treated... throughout the whole trial, especially when the three members' lawyer was talking...
















    (I know now that, that woman is the President of SM Japan)
















    I'll talk about what is being talked about between our stars (Cassiopeia) first. You have to know this.
















    I see a lot of our stars saying that the three members should agree to the conditions laid out today, but remember that SM was not the ones to put forth those conditions!!!
















    If you look through the articles about the conditions...
















    The idea came from the judge near the end of the hearing,
















    The judge gave SM's representative a very extreme example and asked him if SM would be willing to change the three members' contract if the terms of contract were a year long and if the contract was entirely different from the current one.
















    SM's representative told the judge to ask that to Kim Young Min,
















    Kim Young Min stood up (to me, he looked kind of hesitant) and said, "We would be willing to come to a settlement."































    It felt like he was saying that they would be willing to consider but not that they would agree on a settlement for sure.
















    To this, the judge asked the three members' side the same question, and the lawyer talked as if he had no inclination to come to a settlement.
















    It did seem as though he was watching what he said as the three members weren't there, but he said that the three members didn't really want to come to a settlement..
















    So the judge asked if a settlement was impossible and the three members' lawyer said something about personal trust and that the relationship between the three members and SM had become too tight.
















    And overall... this was a bit.. iffy.. but personally, I thought SM's lawyer spoke very well. I almost felt as though I was being persuaded?
















    What he said sounded so credible... but he was a bit arrogant? He sat crooked in his chair, and I felt that the way he spoke was a little arrogant too.
















    Compared to him, the three members' lawyer was... so lacking that I wanted to speak instead of him.
















    The judge was kind of throwing questions at them in a kind of attacking way and was able to pick out all the flaws in the arguments.
















    And he said that two out of the three members had credit lines (*please see below) and asked SM how they were going to explain that.
















    +)The judge said to SM's side, "You said that two of the three members have credit lines, right?" SM tried to say, "No, one..." but the three members' lawyer cut in and said, "It's two."
















    And Crebeau wasn't brought up that much.
















    SM's side stated that SM balances accounts biannually. The three members' side stated that this all happened partially due to the fact that the members' wages for the first half of 2009 weren't right, so SM had told them to come check for themselves.
















    The information for concerts and activities aren't sorted into TVXQ, Super Junior, SNSD, etc, but it comes all together in the groups of 200X, month X, day X so SM said all the information they had could store a container truck.































    They said that was why they did not submit the documents to the Courts, and they told the three members to come check for themselves, but a representative of the three members came instead. So the judge asked SM why the three members had to come, and why the representative simply couldn't have been given the files to give to the three members. SM's representative stated that the members themselves would know best of what they performed in so they should personally come...
















    Anyway, they still haven't been able to properly check this as there wasn't an answer.
















    (Sorry... I don't remember a lot of this part...)
















    Also, the three members' lawyer said that he received a copy of the accounts but the specifics of what came from where were not written on them.































    For example, it said that TVXQ earned 3.4 billion Won from their first Asia tour concerts that had a total of 14 performances but in their second Asia tour, that had a similar number of audience members and a couple of extra performances, they earned 1.5 billion Won less (I don't remember if he said that it was 1.5 billion Won less, or that it was only 1.5 billion total).
















    Therefore, he said that he couldn't trust SM,
















    and for the Japanese activities, TVXQ earned over 99 billion Won but no money ever gets to them, and that their Japanese earning are split between AVEX and SM Japan, and then to SM and then to the members.
















    He was questioning where all that money went... (sorry;; my memory is....) and the judge asked him what his point was, and also asked if his point was that he can't trust in AVEX, and if the members can't trust in AVEX, why they renewed their contract with the agency.































    The lawyer said that it wasn't that the three members didn't trust AVEX, it was that they couldn't trust what came after AVEX... something like that.
















    In conclusion, the judge said that neither side seemed to want to back down from their stance and that it would be hard to reach a settlement.
















    +)But the three members' side did say they would talk to the three members about it again.
















    If I could say one more thing, I think SM has a lot of evidence prepared for this lawsuit. Every time the representative opened his mouth, he would say that he would submit it all later........
















    When people were leaving after the hearing... I went out when Kim Young Min was leaving.... and I almost swore.... he was smiling as he was walking out and he had such a... confident expression on his face.... I personally thought the judge was leaning towards SM's side.. (that's a personal thought)
















    Anyway, the lawyer was very convincing... I would get so angry, I wanted to get up and speak for the three members instead.. they would say ridiculous things..... as I said, I'll add more when I remember it.
































    (Sorry for the continuous adding of new things... I keep remembering things..)
















    Near the end, when they were talking about a settlement, the judge asked for the three members to say something about it themselves,
















    but the three members' lawyer said that it hadn't been long since the three members were no longer minors and they might not be able to speak well in such a situation.
















    The SM lawyer sneered and said, "They aren't kids anymore, are they?".... His voice was dripping with mockery.. (from a personal standpoint)
















    Honestly, the three have never been to such an environment so it is true that they might not be able to speak well,
















    I think that was why the lawyer said such things.... um....
































    And what the three members' side was emphasizing was performing activities as five.































    That the three members really wanted to perform as five..
































    They were told to submit all documents by late-May... that will probably be when the verdict is made..?
















    And what I've written here contain no lies, they're all things I saw and heard.
















    I hope that our stars believe in them and wait for them till the end.
















    T/N: Line of Credit - A line of credit is any credit source extended to a business by a bank or financial institution. A line of credit may take several forms such as cash credit, overdraft, demand loan, export packing credit, term loan, discounting or purchase of commercial bills etc. It is like an account that can readily be tapped into if the need arises or not touched at all and saved for emergencies. Interest is only paid on the money actually taken out. The concept has been introduced recently after the East Asian Crisis. The government can borrow money from international monetary institutions without having to handle the problem of an increasing foreign exchange reserves.






























































    Lines of credit are often extended by banks and financial institutions to credit worthy customers to overcome liquidity problems. (source: Wikipedia)































    Source: [Yuaerubi]
















    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net































    Shared by: tohosomnia.net
















    Do not remove/add on any credits































    P.P.S. Comments directed at this translation should be posted on the thread. Comments directed at me at are unrelated to this translation or are personal should be sent to me through PMs as that is the rule here. Thank you.
































































    second post of the day I think?
















    [TRANS] 100507 TVXQ 3 Members Vs SM Hearing 'On Parallel Sides'
















    TVXQ 3 Members "The unfairness of the contract is grave" vs SM "The way we treat TVXQ is not bad compared to other agencies"
















    Three members of TVXQ (Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun) and SM Entertainment had their first hearing today regarding an objection to the verdict on a contract suspension injunction that was made last year, and were unsuccessful in closing the gap between their conflicting stances.
















    The legal representatives of the three members of TVXQ and SM met at the Seoul District Courts at 5 p.m. on the 7th to state their stances on the lawsuit made by SM Entertainment regarding an objection to the contract suspension injunction verdict.
















    This hearing was held after SM filed for the lawsuit on April 12th as an objection to the partial acceptance verdict made by the Courts last year.
















    At the hearing, SM's representative stated, "Compared to other agencies in Korea, TVXQ's income division is not unfair," and emphasized that TVXQ's income division was not a pressing issue in the exclusive contract.
















    The representative also strongly questioned the three members' action of signing a separate contract with their Japanese agency AVEX although only the contract suspension injunction, not the actual lawsuit, had been partially accepted by the Courts.
















    On the other hand, the three members' representative stated, "The length and the income division section of the exclusive contract between SM and TVXQ is so unfair that the situation is very grave."
















    The judge in charge of the hearing (Judge Choi Sung Joon) questioned both sides of the possibility of a settlement, but no groundbreaking outcome came of it.
















    The Courts asked both sides whether a settlement could be made if the contract was fixed but received different answers.
















    When the Courts asked both sides if a settlement would be possible if the Courts shortened the length of the exclusive contract and if the income division was made more equal SM's representative said "Yes, a settlement would be possible," but the three members' side gave a skeptical answer and said, "The three members have lost their faith in SM and they think negatively of the prospect of working with the agency again."
















    However, the three members' side stated near the end of the hearing that, "If SM's desires for a settlement are sincere, then I will talk to the three members and will report back to the Courts."
















    On the other hand, Kim Young Min and Nam So Young attended the hearing as SM and SM Japan's representatives respectively but none of the members of TVXQ attended. The Courts will examine all files submitted by both sides till the end of this month and reach a verdict regarding SM's objection to the contract suspension injunction verdict.































    Source: [








    spn edaily]








    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net































    Shared by: tohosomnia.net
















    Do not remove/add on any credits















































































    [TRANS] 100507 Choi Hyun Woo Reveals Picture Taken With YoungWoong Jaejoong































    Magician Choi Hyun Woo recently garnered great attention for posting a photo of himself with YoungWoong Jaejoong, who he met at Japan's Fuji TV station, on his minihompy on the 30th of April.
















    Choi Hyun Woo wrote under the photo that, "I was there for Fuji TV's 'Unbelievable' and I was able to meet him when the drama team were taking a break in the studio next to ours," and "It's hard to see someone like him (YoungWoong Jaejoong) outside of Korea, especially at a TV station, so I was very happy to see him."
















    He also showed his appreciation for YoungWoong Jaejoong as he said, "He brought Ueno Juri over and introduced me as a famous magician in Korea," and "He greeted me with a 90 degree bow and treated me so well as a hyung that Fuji TV representatives walking by were surprised. I was so thankful."
















    He also said, "He said the poster behind us was the poster for the drama he was in, so we had to take a picture in front of it for advertisement.. Everyone laughed."
















    Netizens commented on the photo that, "It's an unexpected connection," "YoungWoong Jaejoong is very polite," and "Of course, he's public relations worker Kim Jaejoong."
















    Choi Hyun Woo's agency stated, "Choi Hyun Woo is friends with celebrities like YoungWoong Jaejoong and Super Junior's Shindong," and "He had been hoping to meet YoungWoong Jaejoong often as both had numerous Japanese activities, but was unable to do so. So we was very happy to see YoungWoong Jaejoong at FujiTV."































    Source: [
















    Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net































    Shared by: tohosomnia.net
















    Do not remove/add on any credits
































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