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Posts posted by Jywoi

  1. 7 minutes ago, vieryo said:


     As far as i could remember, when Triplets still on TROS there are many fancams and fantaken pics uploaded closer than these and no one complain. 

    If Song Triplets no longer welcome here, should they have their own thread? 

    It's not about them not being welcome, I love seeing them growing up but we should respect their privacy too and their parents' wishes. Growing up in the spotlight is tough on any child. The fancams uploaded when they were still on the show were more understandable (though sometimes way too close), they are off the show now. 

    The most important thing is their wellbeing, can you imagine being a four-year-old and having people constantly take pictures of you, following you around, etc? They are children, not grown ups. They should get the right to enjoy an almost normal childhood. Nothing illegal about it (I think) so keep uploading them but I just wanted to speak up. 

    Seeing pictures of them always make me smile (the famous noona smile !) but I can't help being concerned too. They gave us so much love and happiness, I feel we should just respect the decision their parents made. 

    You don't have to agree with me and I understand your position but please don't be so offended, I was merely asking a question. 

    • Like 4
  2. Should we really post those pictures of the triplets in real life on this forum? 

    It makes a bit unconfortable to see them honestly. They have the right to privacy too, their parents chose to remove them from the show and the spotlight. 

    I understand why we would want to coo over them for years to come but still...Some pictures were taken from up close ! It makes me feel sorry for them, constantly being watched and photographed by strangers. 

    Sorry for bringing the mood down, I don't mean to hurt feelings :(

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  3. He admitted to hitting her.
    You don't even believe your oppa's words anymore? 
    It takes two to tango? Lord, what is wrong with you? You are blaming the victim ! Have you read the texts exchanged between the two, he himself recognized he was wrong. It doesn't matter what it was for or what happened before, he used his strength against someone much weaker and defenseless. Of course, she seeks justice and compensation. He doesn't know his own strength? Of course, he does, his image is built around his strong body.
    The case has been out for a while now and yet his lawyers or company have not fired back at her with a lawsuit. How come? The investigations will clarify the number of times he assaulted her, whether she exaggerated or not, etc. But do not forget he admitted to hitting her once, he already admitted his guilt for one assault. 
    You clearly want to believe in his innocence so much you are willing to shame a victim and to call her a richard simmons/a liar, etc. What if she was your sister? your neighbor? your mother? 
    I feel sorry for you. 

  4. Lord, I'm so disappointed when I'm reading all those comments pretending to be "neutral" when all they say is how khj is a victim. The police investigation will tell us what happened but the evidence is compelling. Do I need to paste a link to the messages they exchanged where he admitted to beating her up? Or to his company's statement where they clearly say he was indeed responsible for her injuries? With no mention made of him defending himself, those messages and statement clearly prove he beat her up. He is also accused of abusing her repeatedly, that is up to the police to prove. He has already admitted guilt, the police will figure out the details. 
    But anyway, let's wait until the investigation is done as you all say. 
    One thing none of you delusional fans can deny however is that there is a serious problem with the way the investigation has been handled. 
    To those of you lamenting his lawyers, saying he should hire LBH's lawyers, KHJ's lawyers were able to delay the investigation long enough for him to finish his world tour. He should have cancelled his concerts and made himself available if he truly wished to prove any kind of innocence. 
    That is a shame to the Korean justice system, he should not be treated differently because he is a celebrity or because he has money. It's obviously the case right now. I'm guessing they are hoping netizens will forget the scandal, he will go the army and as always, all will be forgiven. 
    The evidence is appalling but more than anything, the behaviour of khj and his lawyers is disgusting. They seem to consider that accusations of repeated violence is nothing compared to a few dates abroad. 
    I'm ready to be bashed. But as a grown up woman and long time fan of kpop, I do think nothing is more important that justice and if one my bias/favorite groups were to commit such crime, I would be shocked and saddened but mostly I would wish for justice to be done. Victims deserve justice even if the perpetrator is a celebrity with thousands of fangirls ready to take her place.  

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