Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by t_love































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this is a lil late... im not good in photoshop so i couldn't make it anything but i still wanted to say happy birthday to our awesome maknae! it seems like his last birthday was only yesterday. time is definitely flying by ^^ i hope he has/had a wonderful birthday~
































































































































































































































































    i am so excited and happy that they won! they definitely deserve it! i wasn't able to see it >.< so i was wondering, does anyone have a link (preferably hd) to their performance/win?














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i haven't been able to watch Immortal Song 2 yet but i heard Yoseob was amazing in it~
































































































































































































































































    thanks so much @candy_01 for the links! i definitely will go dl those :D
































































































































































































































































    im so happy Hyunseung has a twitter now!!!
































































































































































































































































    i was a lil late in finding out about it but now im following him and im so happy they're all together on twitter lol. perfect OT6~
































































































































































































































































    and i agree Thuy, he is addicted already XD














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here is the site where you can find the Idol Maid Episodes with English Subs:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sorry for the late reply
































































































































































































































































    thank you so much~
































































































































































































































































    i really should just watch them now instead of putting it off like i did before XD
































































































































































































































































    thanks again!















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    im pretty sure i asked this before, but its been so long and i can't find it, anyways, i was wondering if anyone had a link to where i can watch Idol Maid with English subs?
































































































































































































































































    i had to do a system recovery on my computer and i lost all my sites >.<
































































































































































































































































    anways, just to make this post a lil less spamish, lol, i'll just post a gif :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credit: doobutt@tumblr































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BEAST's first official album, it's simple but a teaser has been released..! I can now finally experience our comeback! Feeling very nervous!^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CREDITS: Hyunseung's YOZM (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)
































































































































































































































































    @myboyRobin i will definitely try to tweet that thread everyday if or when i think about it ^-^















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BEAST's comeback, about the release of new album

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello. This is Cube Entertainment.

    The morning of the 9th that many people have been waiting for is here. Also, I think that you will be waiting for the mornings to come with the brightest sun shining each day.
































































































































































































































































    Now, with BEAST’s comeback in our eye sight, Cube is busy like ever since morning without nights, and full of anticipation and nervousness.
































































































































































































































































    First, BEAST’s first official album, ‘BEAST’s First Official Album’ will be released on May 17th (Tuesday).
































































































































































































































































    With the release date coming up, there are a lot of assumptions being made about the album, but the most important thing to know is that this high album, made with the grown member’s passion and effort, is waiting for you guys.
































































































































































































































































    This album has a dramatic arrangement that almost makes it seem like a story telling album and will feel as if you are reading through many different novels. Also, with the type of sound that wouldn’t be expected with BEAST’s past strong background, they had gotten a new type of sound with a modern feel.
































































































































































































































































    Secondly, for our BEAST fans waiting for the comeback, the BEAST teaser website will be open on the morning of May 9th after the notice about the comeback album.
































































































































































































































































    The teaser of the first story of the new BEAST album will be available on the BEASTs official website; www.playb2st.com
































































































































































































































































    Thank you.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg! im totally dying right now!! SO EXCITED!!














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    110508 Kikwang,IU,Sulli,Jokwon MC Cuts
































































































































































































































































    C: CrazyCarrot370 @ YT
































































































































































































































































    Kikwang looks so cute with this new hair cut :wub::wub: COMEBACK COMEBACK COMEBACK!!!! :w00t:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i watched this and i didn't even realize kikwang had a new haircut OTL i feel so bad now ;_;
































































































































































































































































    i've been out of the Beast loop lately, and i've been having Beast withdrawl, but i've been backtracking and trying to get all caught up.
































































































































































































































































    i can't wait until their comeback! im so excited!!! i can't wait to find out what their concept is and all that~
































































































































































































































































    i dont have anything new to share, but here are some gifs i made from an old radio show
































































































































































































































































    i'll put them in a spoiler thing, just to avoid making the page go slower or whatever ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BEAST will be back with a full-length album which will go on sale on 17 May. (Source; http://bit.ly/kMxg3R)

    After this announcement, please also look forward to BEAST's teaser site which will be revealed here: www.playb2st.com































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credit: DUYONG2ST@twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credit: http://playb2st.com/
















































































































































































































































































































    [TRANS] @helloimys Why I am not sleeping right now.. It's because of you b2uties..keke Filming the Bad Girl Japanese Ver MV! http://j.mp/jZIEDQ
















































































































































































































































































    credit: B2STLYTWEETS@twitter
































































































































































































































































    i wonder how this is gonna be? how its gonna sound... Bad Girl is still to this day one of my favorite songs. i can't wait to hear what the Japanese version sounds like!
















































































































































































































































































































    am i the only one who dislikes pairing Junhyung and Dambi up???? i mean, idolizing is okay, but no no to flirting.
































































































































































































































































    TRUST ME, you're not the only one ^-^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    O.O *O* i am in love with his thighs XD
































































































































































































































































    sorry this post is pretty pointless, lol. i have nothing to share =///= mian
















































































































































































































































































































    ^^ ah! sorry Neo unnie i didn't even see yours blush.gif i'll answer now :)
































































































































































































































































    Which member do you think would be most suitable for cross-dressing?
































































































































































































































































    hmm, judging from those pictures i would say Hyunseung (of course! he's the beautiful goddess) and maybe Yoseob.
































































































































































































































































    i would pick Junhyung too, but i really dont want to picture him crossdressing XD
































































































































































































































































    sorry to say... but DooJoon was just ugly in the picture as a girl XDDD he's definitely too manly gorgeous to be a girl :lol:
































































































































































































































































    sorry this post isn't as colorful, lol. it is now my bedtime but i hope to be back soon~ ^-^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol yes please find it XD im curious now!
































































































































































































































































    aw unnie~ i miss you too *hugs* i'll try to be on twitter 2morrow <3
































































































































































































































































    night all~
















































































































































































































































































































    i actually with you~ i dont like the sub forum thing~its not the messy or anything but the reason i am here at soompi and not at b2strising or any other forums alike,is that we hav ALMOST everything in one thread and i just hav to start to backtrack at the last page i read~ 
































































































































































































































































    sorry to cut your post ^^
































































































































































































































































    thats the exact thought i had, i just didn't know how to express it XD.
















































































































































































































































    Which BEAST days do you like the most? And give the reason!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    can i join in this?
































































































































































































































































    well i gotta say... i really liked all of the different times, but i think i might like the Bad Girl days and the Special days just a little more than all the others
































































































































































































































































    i like the Bad Girl days... maybe because since thats the first time i saw them. i guess i just love the memories and feelings i get from them. the feeling i felt when i first saw little Seobie with that blond hair. seeing DooJoon and thinking who is that gorgeous guy, lol. when i first saw my love Junhyung :wub: rediscovering Hyunseung and learning to love him seeing our lovely Kikwang with his nice little muscles XD, and fawning over the beautiful maknae Dongwoon. discovering this new group and seeing all the cuties in it... ah~ nostalgia XD
































































































































































































































































    i like the Special days because... i really liked the suits, lol. i know they had suits for Mystery too, but i preferred the suits for Special. oh and i really liked Junhyung's & DooJoon's hair at that time
































































































































































































































































    sorry that my post is more colorful than normal lol. i just thought it needed a lil spicing up XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg this picture *O*!!! XD
































































































































































































































































    aish! i can't fix those last two colors >.< i'll just leave it as it is...















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i forgot to mention this on my other post so posting about it now
































































































































































































































































    i really dont know what others think about the sub-forum thing, but i for one... i really dont want one... for one i dont think theres really enough people here who help post. including me. i post a little, but not enough to help out that much. also i like having everything all in one forum rather than different places
































































































































































































































































    i didn't like it when Big Bang got a sub-forum either. i didn't really like having to try and catch up with so many different topics when i barely could catch up with the one
































































































































































































































































    i guess im just someone who doesn't really like change.
































































































































































































































































    what do you guys think?
































































































































































































































































    sorry if i dont make sense














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wow, i haven't posted on here in awhile ^^ i've just been silently lurking trying to catch up with backtracking, keke~. you guys are so fast i can hardly keep up
















































































































































































































































    :sweatingbullets: thanks for all the updates, pictures, caps, etc. thanks to you guys who are always posting and keeping this thread alive, you are the best!
















































































































































































































































    sorry i dont have anything new to share :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































    just to make this post less spammish i'll just post these cute gifs i saw on tumblr
































































































































































































































































    sorry if they were already shared... i dont remember seeing them...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credit: sohyun@tumblr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    he is so cute in those glasses. ide... XD














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi unnie~ <3 i miss you too! ^^
































































































































































































































































    anyways, goodbye for today, unless i find something else to post :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    credit: ohboy.kr














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i can't wait to see the performance!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i love these lol. sadly the girl who made them didn't make a Dongwoon one or as far as i know she hasn't >.<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The Perfect Guy (Junhyung Version)

    When you ask him to wash the dishes after dinner

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you yell at him to do the laundry
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you tell him you love him for the first time
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you leave and he watches the children
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When it’s time to cuddle






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The Perfect Guy (Gikwang Version)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you ask him to wash the dishes after dinner
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you yell at him to do the laundry
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you tell him you love him for the first time
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you leave and he watches the children
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When it’s time to cuddle































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credit: jjanghyunseung-@tumblr



















































































    The Perfect Guy (Yoseob Version)

    When you ask him to wash the dishes after dinner

































    When you yell at him to do the laundry
































































    When you tell him you love him for the first time
































































    When you leave and he watches the children
































































    When it’s time to cuddle






























































































































    The Perfect Guy (DooJoon Version)

    When you ask him to wash the dishes after dinner

































    When you yell at him to do the laundry
































































    When you tell him you love him for the first time
































































    When you leave and he watches the children
































































    When it’s time to cuddle































































































    credit: jjanghyunseung-@tumblr






































    ^^ that cake is so cool!



























































































    he looks so good in glasses ^^ love them on him
































    i was so happy seeing Kikwang on Inki~ i've missed seeing Beast on tv, im so glad that i'll be able to see at least him every week now ^^
































    i dont remember where i read it but is it true that Junhyung will be performing with Wheesung this week on music shows?




























































    Singer Wheesung will finally be joined by his original guest-rapper, B2ST’s Junhyung, for his ‘Words that Freeze My Heart’ performances on music programs.
































    Last week, Wheesung had stood on stage with INFINITE’s Hoya because Junhyung’s group activities made it difficult for him to coordinate with Wheesung’s schedules. As such, Hoya had filled in for Junhyung on all three major broadcast programs.
































    However, Junhyung had strongly expressed his desire to stand on stage with his sunbae Wheesung, even if it meant changing up his group’s schedule. Reportedly, Junhyung said, “It was hard to stand on Wheesung’s comeback stage as I was chased by B2ST’s group activities, but I want to reschedule so I can make the respected sunbae’s stage shine more.”
































    The rapper’s ardent wish was finally granted, and now he’ll be performing alongside Wheesung for this week’s episodes of ‘M!Countdown’, ‘Music Bank’, ‘Show! Music Core’, and ‘Inkigayo’.
































    Wheesung has expressed his anticipation for the collaborative stage, and complimented Junhyung with, “A rapper who can control the tempo of emotion and logic with both skill and appeal”.
































    Their first stage of ‘Words that Freeze My Heart’ will be performed on March 24th’s episode of ‘M!Countdown’.
































    Source: Seoul News via Naver






























































































    credit: allkpop
































    anyways so sorry i dont have anything to share :sweatingbullets: but thank you guys for all the updates!





































































    has this been shared yet?
































    its from Doojoon's twitter :)

































    Source; Doo Joon’s yfrog

































    I translate it as,
































    Happy Birthday God Yong Bok!!^^
































    (EDITED) Translated by @B2STLYTWEETS,
































    Happy birthday Yong Bokshin!!^^
































    Hmmm. The manager’s name is Park Yong Bok. ‘Shin’ actually means God. I don’t know ^^;;;;






























































































    credit: beastout@tumblr





































































    HAPPY 1501 PAGES EVERYONE! wow time flies fast
































    i like what the boys wore to the airport. My favorite outfit was Hyunseung and Dongwoon looks very good in his signature airport shades. I just like them in casual clothes.
































    i have been loving 100/100, it is so funny. i have only watched the Yoseob cuts though and without subs so it looks like its funny. Does anyone have the full episode with Kikwang and Yoseob?































































    i found two different places :) the first one is if you want to download it
































    100 Out of 100
































    credit: kpopella
































    and here is a youtube link
































    Oh My School 100 points out of 100 Episode 16 Part 1/5
































    credit: Mblaqkor@youtube
































    the rest of the parts are there too :)
































    i hope that helps ^^





































































    wow, so many awesome updates! you guys are amazing, keeping this thread alive <3
































    sorry i haven't helped much >.< i feel like i've been slacking as a b2uty T.T
































    anyways, anyone want BEAST cursors?
































    saw these on tumblr and thought they were awesome. im using one right now :D
































































    credit: korean-fashion@tumblr
































































































































































































































































    credit: yanusb2st




































































































    are these unseen? i can never remember anymore OTL
































































    credit: meihwang@tumblr








































































    no worries. I bookmarked the site. hehe.
















    Here's the link [sPAZZ] 2JUN Photoshoot
















    credit: myBEASTyboysX@youtube



















































































































































































    love seeing his tattoo :wub: makes me blush lol
































































    i was wanting to watch idol maid and i remember there was a link posted before with a site that had eps 1-9 (i think) that were subbed. i can't find it, could someone give me the link? :)

















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