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    so rainme4ever wants to see just how smexy Brian's lips are (coz she's obsessed with Hwany's at the moment and has been spamming the Hwany thread with his lips :lol: ) so to persuade her, I'm posting these up. I'm not doing the extreme close-ups though....coz I believe Brian's lips are smexy without having to enlarge them. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    now tell me just how beautiful his lips are....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ROFL i just came here from Hwanhee's thread and had a good time reading all the comments and spazzin going on over there. you girls keep getting more and more creative with your caps. lips now, what next? butt???? :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yup, totally agree, brian's lips are smexy at any angle...no close-ups necessary. he just happens to have a face made up of perfect everything: eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, cheekbones, blah, blah and blah if you ask me. and his eyelashes...oooh his long, straight, thick eyelashes...i seriously have this thing about his eyelashes...i can stare at them all day. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've just watched the SBS Power Time with FTTS and Kim Dong Wan. It's absolute madness! Everyone must watch it. Well, anything with Hwany in it is a must-watch! hehehe































































































































































































































































































































































































    The programme hostess put "My Angel" on and our BOYS started lip-synching to their own song in the studio. I like the part towards the end where Brian pushed Hwany down and went over him to get closer to the camera, then Hwany came from behind and pushed Brian out of the way ............ Hwany's really playful and it's great to see the 2 of them mucking around. Omo! And Hwany in a baby-pink T-shirt is absolute LOVE! Never thought a guy in baby-pink gear would strike me as hot but here is one guy who could carry off literally anything!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The general consensus for the album in this thread is definitely pure love!!! I'm now loving "My Angel" so much that it's ringing in my ears all day long. It's one great album, a track for each mood for everyday of the week!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg i just watched this. absolute madness is the right description for it! hwanhee and brian kept dunking each other's head to get into focus ROFL! i've never seen hwanhee being such a camwhore (or being so playful!). i mean it's a given that brian is the bigger camwhore and madcap of the two. no surprise there. but when hwanhee couldn't outwhore him (though he tried hard), and he turned to the other camera behind brian to record himself, i couldn't stop myself laughing silly. i think he already decided to let loose and have fun when he chose to wear pink for the day! :P and that's a MAJOR decision coming from someone as uptight and self-conscious as hwanhee hahaha! the wings part was a scream, with the DJ joining in. and dongwan throwing the toilet roll at brian. and brian and hwanhee's sexy pout at the end. crazy fun. must watch. i half wish this was the official MV for My Angel! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    No Limitations? my verdict is, it's the best FTTS album so far. it's totally rocking my world now. i repeat every song at least twice while in my car. and i'm having a problem deciding which song is better than which. it's that good. My Angel is not one of my top favorites but the chorus is just so sticky! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2:42 - Hwany's cute little chuckle! roll1ir4.gif































































































































































































    2:55 - Brian's knuckle cracking. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    kekeke...oh, but you gotta watch it with sound though! else you won't hear Hwany's chuckle and Brian's knuckles going off! :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    EDIT: random, but I just realised that 'chuckle' and 'knuckle' rhyme. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































    maybe they did it on purpose??? :lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg WanMinBin, you must have dissected that video and memorized it frame by frame LOLz! i watched it once through and didn't catch the chuckle-knuckle thing until you brought it up! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    anyway, this is a very nice interview. i think that part where hwanhee mentioned he's such a lonely guy and how sad he feels when he goes home to his empty house and no one answers his "i'm home" greeting will send many fans' hearts melting for sure.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    kAYLA or any hwanhee's lovers.. can u all help me? i am dying to download all those variety shows that's feat their comeback. can u guys recommend any clubbox that i can download from that not require me to log in? thanks alot!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    chaupavonly carries a lot of FTTS stuff; some are RMVB files and Chinese-subbed, but you might have to wait a couple of days for the subbed files.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey! yah. That would be great. Clips where I'm most looking forward to and want to download are HQ videos of their Gravity Jib.































































































































































































    I've been trying to download and reinstalling the program so many times but still it's the same everytime. But please upload if you find something. It'll be great!































































































































































































































































    edit;; actually, if you don't mind. If you can download from there could you try to see if you can download these?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - 041107_人气歌谣_Old School Love + Gravity.avi






























































































































































































































































































































































































    - 041111.Mnet.Countdown.Old Skool Love.Gravity.ComeBack.SP.avi





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - 050202.M.NET Super Vibe Party_Goodbye.avi





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - 041217.Ment.Gravity.Sea Of Love.avi





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - 041223_Mnet_Silent Night Holy Night.avi





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - 041203_KBS_EndlessLove.avi






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've been trying to look for these in HQ and finally I found them. Thank You <333































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Brian must've given him the A&F shirt to him. HAHAH. There has been numerous pictures of Brian in A&F shirts. anyways....































































































































































































































































    yah sure. Just send me pictures and i'll see what I can do. ^^































































































































































































































































    Mai: I can't read Chinese too. It's similiar to clubbox and I just guessed my way around here and there.































































































































































































































































    I set up an account but the downloads won't start. errrrrrrrrrrrrr..... it's okay. frenetic will be providing us some videos when, right?



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hey kayla, lolz actually i have everything that you mentioned above, MVs and Perfs, in HQ. i uploaded them before in the old HS clubbox. aww, you should have downloaded them from there at that time. anyway, i'll upload them and pm you the links. if there are any other HQ perfs you want, PM me, i might have them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    by the way, i found some LQ gems (mostly old FTTS stuff) that i've never seen before in the gogobox. one of them is a report/interview on the Unforgettable concert. you know how difficult it is to find anything on that concert, right? i'll upload and post the links on HS when i have time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    talking about the A&F shirt, weren't there fan sightings of brian and hwanhee and eru in the A&F shop before HB? they must have bought loads! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    can't wait to d/l ydh love letter...





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OKAY LADIES! Some time ago I found a box, well it's GOGOBOX of Hwanhee videos. All the videos are HIGH QUALITY and the box is gold. Which is amazing. I've been trying to download from it many times but I keep getting an error and when downloading it just won't work. Or actually the program (just like clubbox) won't open for me. Not really sure why. Just wondering if you gals can open it and download. I know Shelly could do it, but not sure why it's not working for me.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's the link:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gogobox is the chinese version of clubbox... (i think)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credits: Naver Blog / Heavenly Sent / Kayla @ Soompi






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi Kayla, I managed to join the gogobox and had a peak at the contents. it's very comprehensive - a lot of hwanhee cuts - and great for new fans, but i don't think there's much that HS staffers and old-time fans don't already have. if i find some that are new to me, i'll upload them on HS for sure.









































































































































































































































































    Exactly, the "R U Ready" was side-splitting hilarious. The way HwanHee tried to hold Brian to prevent him from toppling over, they way they cheered each other with the hand signs (can someone make a gif of that, please!) in the candle blowing game, and the 'yobo' is so cute!!!
















    also, did you catch brian's hand helping hwanhee to rearrange his hair when khd forced him to remove his hoodie? ahhhh those to boys are so sweet to each other!


























    AH! mai can i PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have it??






    aw thanks so much for the link!! do you have that vid for dl too?







    and if i dont find the jan06 perf, ill pm you for SURE thanks so much.














    yeah i just didn't read the "fanvid" part haha. HAHA aw i wish i saw him grind on the floor!! and sky blue underwear LOL HAHA!! so cute!!







    aww, im glad you had fun



















    got your pm...here you go:
















    Superstar - SBS 1010 Radio 041108 [LQ]
















    Superstar - Yoon Love Letter KBS 060106 [HQ]...there's a slight lag at the start of my cut, maybe rainme4ever can share hers.
































    edit: i thought we're allowed post d/l links in the drama threads and it's just the music threads that don't allow links? someone correct me if i'm wrong and i'll remove these. tks.

























    anyway heres my question:





    does anyone know where i can dl/watch the superstar performance AND the recording?? i absolutely LOVE that song and i couldnt belive my ears when i heard hwanhee start singing it. the vid frenetic posted for dl waaas a fan vid but also showed him recording the song and performing it, but just little clips.
















    i even cried... :tears:
















    edit-- HAHA!








    i started singing it outloud and instead of saying








    "dont you remember you told me you loved me ba-by"








    i said








    "dont you remember you told me you loved me hwan-hee"








    HAHA!! i found it funny and cute.



















    hey ayadaokin, hwanhee's superstar performance in the old radio program is available on youtube:
























    the other superstar perf he did was on yoon do hyun's love letter in Jan 06. if you can't find it anywhere, PM me. I'll be happy to upload it for you.
















    also, in case you misunderstood my earlier post, all the bits and pieces in the fanvid are real; the person who made it just did a magnificent job of piecing everything together. the perf where hwanhee sang live to brian's giant pictures in the background was from one of their Twice Concerts in Korea last year. right at the end of the fanvid you can actually hear hwanhee telling the concert audience about brian. i went to the final Twice Concert in Seoul last May but unfortunately, he didn't perform this song. he did do the mike stand thing though, and the grinding on the floor. I vaguely remember the way exposed his abs and touched himself, and his sky blue underwear LOLz! i say "vaguely" because i was too busy ogling at brian at the concert.

























    Aigoo!!! Don't think they would do that! Kekeke! They have already said so that they refused to face each other when singing on stage. Even when the producer arranged their positions, they would still not face each other, that's why you see them facing the audiences or away from each other. Since they are singing love songs, they don't want to give the impression that they are singing to each other, hence coming up with the wrong assumption. It would be quite funny if they do so and I could imagine them like in the recording room where they burst out laughing at each other's expressions!!! LOL
















    oh cheka, when i read your post i couldn't resist uploading this fanvid i have in my ftts treasure trove. you fanned the need in me to spread some yun-min love hehe! anyways, it's one of the most beautifully made fanvids i've come across of ftts...hwanhee's "superstar" dedication to brian. some of you might have seen this before. if i'm not wrong, hwanhee dedicated this song at least twice to brian, once in the twice concert (it's in the middle of the fanvid, with pictures of brian on the large screen while hwanhee does his solo. watching it almost gives me the biggest goose bumps! :)), and another time on YDH's love letter last year. hwanhee mentioned that brian is his superstar. here's the link:
































    LQ unfortunately, and i'm sorry i've forgotten the source. anyways, creds to the amazing fan who made this. enjoy.

























    Thank you. I really was beginning to think I was the only one who felt this way. As I posted on my earlier rant about the inconsistent storyline between HDK and her sister, that was just ONE symptom of what was going to happen. I watched episode 7 and I laughed. No seriously...I laughed. I couldn't believe half of what I was seeing. No wonder the Korean viewers are not tuning in. They're generally highly sophisticated and intelligent, and even though it IS a television show, it has to have SOME KIND OF realism in it in order for us to believe it. I still can't believe that this is the same series that started off so well in episodes 1 through 4! What happened? And Ha Joon goes to Hong Kong just like that? He can leave his job unannounced and expect to get it back once he returns to Korea? I laughed. If he was an NIS agent, I would understand. But he works for an AIRPORT security department. Hello! Writer(s)? Are you there?!? We're laughing here and I don't quite think we're supposed to do that. What could he possibly think he could do? He's supposed to be doing his job but instead he's surfing the web on information he has no right to and dashing off to Hong Kong? We're supposed to believe that he'd actually be able to accomplish something? Because he has this kind of experience? Yeah...right.













    And like many of you, I was finally glad to see a tough and independent woman giving all she's got and not taking crap from anyone in CJW's character. But her actions and her character seem to be incredibly mismatched. I mean, this is the woman who tried to justify her abandonment of her younger sister! But I'm supposed to believe that although she KNOWS she's innocent in this particular case, she just sits there and takes it from these people? She had no problems firing back when she was NOT the one under investigation but now that she's the focal point, she just folds? No wonder that reporter was comparing her to her "Winter Sonata" days. CJW's character should have been kicking and screaming, furious, outraged and making all kinds of noise all over the place! Instead, she behaves as if she's some kind of ice princess, demure and quiet. I just don't get this.
















    And I don't mind her not getting due process. Not everyone charged does. Guantanamo Bay, anyone? However, seeing that she's a high ranking official at the airport, it would stand to reason that someone would get her an attorney or that something would happen. But no...all we do is see her languishing in a jail somewhere where she cries. Yick...
















    When I saw the quick resolution of the sisters' reunion, I was hoping that the writer(s) were one-off and that things were going to get back in place. But I had no idea it was going to get this ridiculous. The only bright spot in this is LJJ's acting. He has stayed true to form and remained consistent throughout the episodes and it's a pleasure just to see him in action. He's able to change with the situations and the people he meets (his boss, ex-girlfriend, other agents) BUT stays true to his character and now he's become the ONLY reason why I'm watching. Sure he's good looking but if his acting wasn't credible, I would never waste my time. I know this is Kdrama-land. But that doesn't mean that the writers can just brew up a haphazard storyline in a quick minute and expect me to swallow it. I'm too savvy for that.
















    Like hanihash stated, the storylines don't seem to matter anymore to the writers either so I'll skip all the parts that LJJ ISN'T in them and just watch him. Hey, at least then I can go through each episode in about 20 or 30 minutes tops.



















    LOLz i totally second, third and fourth that. save KJS's suitably distressed/pained look, the last two episodes have been dismal. HDK was reduced to a weak damsel-in-distress whose only contribution to the storyline were her appropriately teary eyes. KHJ's cuteness really started to grate in episode 8, especially when he developed illusions of grandeur about being a secret agent. it was so unnecessary to make him chief comic relief. above all, i was totally cringeing at how poorly put together the whole hong kong episode was. considering they flew a whole lot of people over there for the shooting, they should have invested slightly more in writing a tighter storyline, researching the local HK culture and social norms, and paying greater attention to the finer details. some things i found laughable:
















    i) KHJ meets up with HDK's female classmate and gets told that Kim Jung Min hang outs at Lan Kwai Fong (which in itself is weird cuz LKF is frequented mostly by yuppies, tourists and expats, not small-time drug smugglers). And what does he do? Instead of rushing there in a cab like any rational person would, he takes an open-air double-decker tourist bus, replete with a tourist map in hand.
















    ii) KHJ gets escorted to the airport by the lady agent and manages to make a u-turn just like that? hello??? if the NIS are really so bent on sending him home, shouldn't the HK counterparts be roped in to escort him all the way to the plane? how inept can the NIS be? moving forward, we see the lady agent complaining to HDK about KHJ running wild all over HK and ruining their ops (which didn't look so brilliantly coordinated anyways). honestly, how difficult would it have been to locate a Korean civilian in HK by the name of Kang Ha Joon with the help of the HK police? the storyline really makes a mockery out of the law-enforcing agencies.
















    iii) top marks to the NIS for their neat espionage work, tailing suspects in a huge black people-mover with tinted windows. totally the vehicle of choice when you want to be inconspicuous, i'm sure. the people being tailed must have been driving with their eyes closed not to notice...hmmm.
















    iv) mafia boss Wang Ee was switching between horribly accented Putonghua and horribly accented Cantonese. viewers aren't all that dumb these days. we would have been saved from undeserved earache if they just dubbed his speech in native Cantonese, since he IS supposed to be from Hong Kong. ditto that Awie guy (who looked so out of place as a Hong Kong mobster with his perfectly coiffed permed hair.)
















    v) ever wondered how easy it was for HDK to leave Korea while she was on bail for a drug offense? i know she asked KJS's boss for a favor, but whoever okayed it must seriously have his head examined for thinking that having HDK in hk would have helped things.
















    i can go on, but oh well, i consoled myself with the fact that KJS's acting did not disappoint and that he took off his shirt in ep 8. that makes up for a lot of things :P! however, even the fangirl in me found the end of ep. 8 a bit too much to stomach. really, what was the scriptwriter trying to achieve in having our hardy, long-suffering, self-sacrificing hero watch HDK surreptitiously from afar while wincing in pain from his wound, apart from overblown melodrama?

























    Hwanhee difinately has his own humorous sides we dont usually sees....He may not talk a whole lot in show...as in YSMM....but when he "breaks" a joke, he can make you burst out laughing. And he seems to be the more mature one as well.













    I think Hwan hee is just a bit reserve and perhaps with his friends or people he knows, he is more relax and open.....and may crack more jokes....



















    oh yeah, hwanhee has quite a dry sense of humor, and when he shows it, it sometimes surprises people! it was good to see him in his element in the latest YSMM show. two scenes stood out for me:
















    1) when brian was being grilled about his apgujong lifestyle, he tried to defend himself by saying when he goes to his favorite club he likes to dance with girls, and that might cause a misunderstanding to onlookers who could be thinking he's dancing with his girlfriend. kang ho dong asked him why he had to dance with girls, and brian (being brian haha!) retorted, "then should i dance with guys?!" :D. hwanhee leapt to brian's defense but didn't pass up the opportunity to take a dig at him, "yeah, at clubs he likes to dance with this girl and that, mingling here and there...he thinks he's ALL THAT to the girls cuz he lived abroad a long time." (he coolly adjusts his shirt collar while the crowd laughs.)
















    2) when hyun young was telling her story about feeling depressed and suicidal: how she took a shower and then looked at herself in the mirror and started thinking, "with that kind of body, it would be an injustice to all men to kill myself!" (honestly, she's the most lovable un-blonde blonde i know LOLz!). to which hwanhee casually asked, "and what about your body?" OUCH, hwanhee!! :D

























    So JS has already told DG about his relationship with MW huh? Well I guess like what everyone's mentioned, DG will definitely step back and not interfere as yet, even if she's falling hard for him. We know she still has issues with her sister YG, and that'll take some time for her to heal. I'm just glad Ha Joon's by her side all the while. BUT I'm still a JS-DG shipper..hehe...^_^
















    hi ripgal, fellow KJS-HDG shipper, i'm sure you'll be all wound up like me watching ep 5 & 6! the thing i really like about this drama is that the main characters act like responsible, honest adults and not play hide-and-seek with each other's feelings, creating misunderstandings and unnecessary drama along the way (which is common in k-drama, no?): KJS reveals to HDG he is still attracted to SMW after 3 years of trying to forget her; then HDG tells KJS she put SMW up in her house for the night and encourages him to see her; HDG also tells LJW that KJS still has feelings for SMW, and that she is embarrassed to have to listen to the love story of a man who has nothing to do with her (i think she's more embarrassed to have developed "something" for KJS hehe!). and the next morning, after a tiring night of bird-art on the runway, HDK asks LJW out for breakfast to delay getting home (in case KJS is still in her house with SMW); however, LJW sees right through her and tells her that KJS was staking out poachers the whole night, i.e. he didn't go to meet SMW at all. i thought that was really nice of LJW. i mean, any other man would have just played along with HDK's assumption and jumped at the chance of breakfast with her.
















    my favorite scene was the canteen lunch scene (refer to caps in kyotoji's post on this page). i thought it was so cute that KJS avoided sitting at the same table as HDG and yet chose to sit in full direct view of her haha! KJS seemed such a babo stuffing his face with rice, and his self-conscious look when he realized he was being watched by HDG was priceless LOLz!
















    i also love the verbal sparring between the two shorties, HDG's useless, self-muttering boss and KJS's even shorter head of department. i think it's sweet how KJS's boss always gives him an earful but secretly lets him get away with murder haha! i decided i'd like the guy when he told HDG very early on that KJS may seem like an ill-mannered person but is a good man at heart...if his accompanying "knowing look" to HDG isn't foreshadowing of the KJS-HDG pairing, i don't know what is! :) i remember in one of the earlier episodes, shorty boss told KJS off by saying that he'd been increasingly losing hair since KJS's arrival at the airport and KJS retorted by saying, "I'll buy you a wig if you lose all your hair!" :D
















    what else, oh yeah, like some other people have mentioned, KJS's furtive glances at HDG. they just make my heart flutter so, especially the mini double-take of his when he saw HDG hugging her ex-classmate from Singapore. sigh, his killer gaze at work again! another seven long days to eps 7 & 8, which seem mighty exciting judging from all that bloody bashing of KJS and LJW (ouch!) and LJW's out-of-the-blue ultimatum!








































    kyah! i just replayed ep 6 again and i think i found the ultimate eye-exchange between KJS and HDG circa 52 sec, at the hospital room where the drug trafficker who ingested some dope packages is being questioned. KJS is at once "aware" of HDG's arrival (they shoot each other glances). KJS asks SMW if the guy can be saved. HDG leaves the room, possibly feeling suffocated by the way KJS is looking at SMW (talk about jealousy in a woman LOLz!). KJS is again "aware" of her exit (his eyes follow her). He also leaves the room to receive a phone call. HDG, too, gets a phone call outside the room, informing her that someone is looking for her at the departure hall (the ex-classmate). KJS saunters over and asks HDG if someone is looking for her and HDG confirms it, telling KJS it's an old friend before walking away. at this juncture, check out KJS's l-i-n-g-e-r-i-n-g gaze at HDG... :phew: i keep getting this feeling that he wants to corner HDG to talk, or is it just me??? :crazy:

























    I'm actually rewatching EP 4 at this very moment. :rolleyes: (who knows how many times I'm gona rewatch this drama in future.. I'm so getting the Original when it comes out..:lol:)





    I can't help but stop by to rant about Ji Sung again.








    I noticed something about him. He has this very special and unique trait of apologising to a person whenever the person he's arguing with retaliates back at him. And I really like this trait of him. It's quite rare to actually see hot headed ppl apologise or say sorry; because they're too engrossed in their fury and problems, they tend to forego other ppl's feelings. But so far Ji Sung has apologised to DG whenever he think he's irked her by commanding or scolding her. And I totally dig this..:wub: HAHAHA...I'm being fan-girly again..XD



















    hi ripgal, it's my first post here...i stalk this thread, mainly because of LJJ but I almost never post in drama threads. i couldn't resist this time cuz i'm spazzing over him so much and i can't help but agree with what you just said. i've also watched ep 4 countless times, mainly just replaying the sexy KJS scenes LOLz. to your observations i'd just like to add two other of my own: one, that scene where Charlie had rammed the getaway car (digressing...sorry, i know Charlie has fans here but i find him disgusting, especially the hairy chest) with a shaken HDK inside. KJS's first instinct, even in his dogged determination to catch Charlie, was to rush over to check if HDK was OK. that, to me is the mark of a true gentleman, and so made me gush! :blush:
















    two, i love the way KJS's hangdog expression (oh! those moist puppydog eyes!) suddenly transforms into a full grin that lights up his whole face, i.e. when HDK tried to act cool after agreeing to lunch with him but walked the wrong way, and when the cart ahjusshi started hitting his niece in front of him "the morning after". i've loved LJJ since Il Mare and An Affair and i swear, he's one of the most effortless actors around with the innate ability to speak volumes with his eyes. and don't even get me started on that deep sexy voice....
















    oh yeah, i also hope we'll get to see KJS riding that hot (or is it "cool"?) bike of his, preferably in a worn leather jacket! ;)
















    sigh, it's sheer torture to have to wait till next week for the new episodes....

























    i have a quick question....





    does anyone know which episode brian made a cameo in for hwanhee's drama








    over the rainbow? i had no idea tha he was in it until i saw a prank show~
















    & would like to say that he is the nicest guy ever!!!!!!!!! x 100








    and very very very handsome~ i thought that since he always appears as a cute boy he would look cute








    but~ whew~ lol



















    he appeared in eps 6 & 12 of OTR
























    i just got this link for the MBC Hollywood Bowl broadcast of Kaseum Apado perf off the ftts thread (credz MissMonika). LOLz i watched it three times and i'm glad i abstained from posting my thoughts here until now. the truth is, it was easy to get carried away by all the positive and not-so-positive comments on soompi about hwanhee and ftts during HB, so i decided to wait until i could see for myself a clear video of their performance. suffice to say i thought it was solid and hwanhee was hardly disappointing. if at all he looked standoffish it was because he was wearing shades. incidentally, if brian was the one in shades or if both were in shades, i wonder what sort of comments would have emerged? my conclusion is: those people who commented they couldn't see ftts connecting probably haven't watched enough of their perfs to realize that they perform like that almost all of the time - they're always some distance away from each other and they never maintain any eye contact. all diehard fans will know why so :)! if people expect to see hwanhee and brian in "gameshow mode" then of course they'd be disappointed. ftts are singers first and foremost and it's the quality of their singing they should be judged for. to me, hwanhee and brian are two people with amazing voices who create great harmony together. that they happen to look good is just peripheral. (by the way, i think hwanhee's short crop and stubbles are so ghetto sexy, and really, it's great to see brian's face again minus all those bangs). i know i should probably be posting this in the ftts thread but i just wanted to leave some love in hwanhee's thread!

























    Anyhu, I don't know why I've never watch "Missing You" mv but I didn't till after watching Brian's MTV-ask specially and they had it as one of the background videos. Well the thing is I'm sort of confuse with storyline/concept of it...it seems like Brian and HH are lovers? :vicx: in the mv. Can somebody explain this to me coz I'm sure they're not. :huh:
















    LOLz no they are not lovers. fans had the same assumption when the MV first came out. in the mv both brian and hh are pining for their lost loves. brian's lover died - you can see him cycling to the graveyard and leaving flowers. i dunno what happened to hh's lover. anyways, the story is, brian chooses to face it with optimism whilst hh is still brooding over it. brian explained the storyline before in some old programme...the details are now fuzzy to me but i'm pretty sure this is the general concept of the mv.

























    -Album Thank yous













    Has anyone translated the Thank You's on 'The Brian'
















    i can do it roughly if anyone wants it...He says some stuff which later on relates to Unee death actually.








    The fact that it's tough making it big in the Entertainment industry in Korea. I think it is actually a lot tougher than some of us thought. Brian says wise words for everyone...








    And he says some sweet stuff about Fly to the Sky at the end ^^








    (it also looks like he's being pressured to get married by some of his friends)
















    it's good to know they are alive and fighting..no matter what i've heard in the past that they were still together...i've had my doubts.








    <<<<~If anyone wants it i'll write it up quick~>>>>>x



















    if you can that'd be awesome. tks so much! i've always wondered what he said to hwanhee in the thank you's.









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