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Posts posted by shipperr

































































































































    @shipperr, umm... no, definitely it isn't part of the coding that there should be profanities in your fanfic. That would be really weird. Can you send me the link to your fanfic? Let's see if someone was messing around.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you, it's fine again, but it was like a bunch of random stuff like 'like a lion;nyancat; rupaul4president;' and why i would say profanities because it was the soompi filtered profanities such as "mini cooper" etc. instead of the real profanity written out. And there was only changes to my title, but now it's fine again. that's kind of weird. but here's the link should you just want to check or anything!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thank you! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my fanfic thread title was edited with profanities and random things between my title! :( Is it a hacker into my account or is it the forum's coding?

































































































































  3. You have to learn how to support your voice first. Focus on keeping your air in. The higher you go, the more you have to focus on keeping the air in, hence more "support." The more you sing, the more you'll begin to feel the shapes of air resonating in your body, mouth, and nasal cavity. At no point should you be whispering nor shouting, it's somewhere in between. Your chords are quite resilient, you'd have to be screaming like a crazy person day in and out without rest to really permanently damage it. However, ample rest in between sessions of no more than 30 minutes is recommended.

    Thank you! But is there anyway to tell if i'm doing it right? Like how do I know that i am keeping my air in?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i kind of feel bad for this park taeyang guy. it is his real name after all.if they stay loyal to big bang, there's no way this guy can leech of taeyang's fame having the same name. they are giving him the fame now by making a commotion.kim heechul superjunior, heechul zeajunsu dbsk, junsu 2pmchangin dbsk, changmin 2amthere's so many out there!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so if you audition via youtube, it is like auditioning online instead of participating in the global auditions?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    is it possible for people like us from asia to participate in global auditions held near our countries (e.g. the one in seoul etc.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also, if you send your video via youtube, do they post your video on the youtube channel? or not?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sorry for the many questions!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    when i look awful in some clothing that looked absolutely gorgeous when on the racks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    that makes me sad :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i want to receive training from one of the big three companies and debut as a popular kpop idol and show people that it is possible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I guess we are all in the same boat huh?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i can understand where our parents are coming from, that as our parents they hope that we will live well when we grow up and be able to support ourselves.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and to their generation, something such as the entertainment business is something shady in their times, where kids get cheated into selling themselves when they sign on to a company etc. I guess that is one of the main thing. So remember guys, don't hate your parents no matter what they say.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What they really want is just for us to be safe and living a good life with sufficient money to support ourselves in the future.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Because in their thinking, it is such that you are only to be able to lead a good life with a profession such as lawyer, doctor, businessmen etc that you will be able to get a stable income.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sometimes i do get frustrated too, cause my mom says she will support me if i do make it. but somehow recently, i realised she probably wishes with all her heart that i won't make it so she won't have to be the bad person and go against what i want. But i still love her cause i know she merely wants me to live well, just that perhaps her thinking may be slightly narrow, and i'm sure that's the case for most of us here. Right now, i'm thinking that my barrier probably does not just end at how hard it is to get in a company with my average talent. if by any chance i'm lucky and any company sees me potential, i doubt my mother would actually really let me go, let alone my father. I try really hard to please them with my grades, but to be honest, i think i'm completely blocked from my dream. not just talent-wise but my parents as well. I don't know how to get it through to them that i would rather be not earning so much, but doing something i really enjoy (ie singing and dancing, performing on stage) rather than be some rich businesswoman who earns heaps of millions but frown as soon as i think of going to work.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i really want to be able to go over to korea, but it really seems impossible... if only i was from a native korean family, perhaps my chances would be much higher. But my 'if only's wouldn't be coming true in the near future. it makes me really at a loss as to what to do. i want to forget about this dream of mine, but it is hard to do so when my desire is so strong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    let's all join hands and pray together that our dreams may miraculously come true.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    there are so many barriers to my dreams. i thought they weren't a barrier, but it seems like they are,
































































































































































































































































































































    i don't know how am i going to deal with it.
































































































































    is it possible for me? sometimes i think yes, and sometimes no.
































































































































    or maybe it is just me deluding myself when i think yes
































































































































    but i hate to give up a possible opportunity just because i thought i couldn't. what if i could?
































































































































    to hell with 'what if's






































































    for some, life is all about passion, it doesn't matter how it will turn out, as long as it was their dream. that kind of people will do it and found happiness from just doing what they like even though they not became successful on doing it





    so the main question is, what is Jang Hajin TRUE passion?





    was it to becoming a singer and perform or just becoming rich and got as many dimes as she can?





    sure she gets into KAIST and got almost a free card pass toward wealthiness, but does money will be enough to satisfy her passion?





    sure singer, athletes or any other profession that give someone a celebrity status usually have a short terms of career, but aren't they happy doing it?





    there is things in this world that can't be get with money only and one of it was personal satisfaction





    she might became richer than any of SNSD member, but if her true passion is to became a singer, then no matter how much money she get. there will always be a hole in her heart that will be left with dissatisfaction for the rest of her life





    we all gonna die someday, the only difference is how we gonna live our life and how we gonna reflect back at old age, will we be satisfied on what we accomplish or will we regret it cause we think we can do something better.





    so is it the right choice Jang hajin did? we will never know, cause the only that can answer that was Jang Hajin herself, will she truly be happy doing what she does right now or does she regretted it? only heaven knows :D














    well said, that's how i felt exactly.





    i mean, my passion is in singing and dancing, and i would kill at all chances to get that opportunity to be able to perform despite the harsh conditions.





    i may not earn as much money, but what counts is that you are doing something you like





    what's the point of earning so much if you are doing something you dread everyday. sure you get material satisfaction, but you do not get non-material satisfaction i.e. happiness with what you are doing.





    quoting from Confucius, "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day of your life."





    from what jang ha jin said, i'm guessing her passion for performing probably isn't all that strong, and she probably aspires to be someone that is excels more academically, THAT is probably her passion, if she really meant what she said.





    can we register online for an audition near our country even though we are not actually there?


    like if i live in asia, but can i register for the seoul one?


    because the registering part includes sending a video too right? so they will give you a time slot if they like you?





    i'm really new in using a smartphone, and my phone is a galaxy s2!


    i have been researching about using smartphones and would like to ask what would rooting a phone do, and are there any risks involved in doing that?


    I have researched but i could not really understand what they have said xD


    so do please help! Thank you!


  14. So we shouldn't even try if we are not fluent in korean?

    What if we are willing to learn? and we can roughly understand? or perhaps we have good pronunciation?

    and what do you guys put in under 'Name in hangul'?




    asian region email auditions and local auditions are also over already aren't they?




    Anyone who went for the asia region auditions? share their experience? There doesn't seem to be much coverage on the beijing auditions.


    I'm starting to doubt that they even received my email application :(





    oh no.... i think i didn't get in. :(


    i sent last thursday and there's not even a confirmation mail.


    anybody from asia who sent to asia@sbs.co.kr?


    whhen's the china auditions for those in asia? :(


    i'm not even sure if they received my application. will they disqualify me because they could not open my application form or something?


    should i send another application just in case?


    but then they will mark me as spam. :( or maybe this is just not meant to be. :(



    is it better to dance to korean songs or not to dance to a korean song? I'm really frustrated because I am spending time learning korean dances when I'd rather use an English song...Honestly, i prefer dancing to American songs and my own choreography and not Korean dances but if it helps then I will continue to learn it but cmon' which is it??? Anybody know why korean songs/dance covers would be better than dancing to an English song? or if sbs really said it's better to dance to a korean song? (i been reading those comments on their facebook...)


    i saw it too! they said on fb that it's better to dance to a korean song.


    but of course, if you prefer to dance to a english song and feel more confident then i think you should just go ahead with it.


    after all as long as you are talented, they will be able to see it whether you dance to a korean song or english song!


    :D right? i mean, kpop stars do dance to english songs too! haha





    Any body from asia got a rply? And how long would it take to get a reply? Do you get confirmation emails to say that they received your application?


    I'm worried they didn't receive my application or something? I sent my email on thursday, the 8th and had no reply yet... :(


    could it be due to chuseok? Sigh don't think I could even make it pass the first round... :(



    i don't know which days they call you and what would happen if your parent is not home, but they call your parent's number not yours anyway. And they only call your parent about the parent consent form if you've already passed the 1st round, not to inform you whether you passed or not...they were supposed to have e-mailed you back the 2nd round notice and papers/attachments after you passed THEN you e-mail them back your info, THEN they call your parent to confirm (if you are 16-17) that you can come or not. They do this so 16-17 year olds can go to the auditions without their parents. however, anyone 15 and under MUST go with a parent.


    ah i see! thank you so much for answering me! ^^ ah i hope i pass! or is it over already?


    i sent to the asia email address on thursday and haven't got a reply yet! :(


    i'm worried that they disqualified me or something and didn't tell me then i would be waiting here like an idiot.


    on average how long does it take for them to reply you?


    anybody from asia?




    just don't show up to the LA one, and resend an application to the china audition e-mail.


    yeah sometimes. If you are closer to the audition area you usually get a reply quicker. And in Korea, people can use ARS/phonecalls to audition their singing. Other phonec calls from them would be concerning the minor consent form (they need to talk to your guardian if you are 16-17 years old on the phone)


    no, international age is the age used majorly around the world, so you would still be 19. Korea follows age by the moon and everybody else does by sun so...




    you are only disqualified for spamming them, which means sending two or more e-mails around the same time, after another. You won't get disqualified for attaching a video to your e-mail or applying to the youtube one. But make sure not to send it twice in a row...or more in a row. 


    i recommend just doing the live auditions. If you don't believe you've got the idol image and the amazingly awesome skill in either dancing or singing or both, then going to the live auditions would be easier. On video, everything sounds and looks worse than it is in person. 



    ah... i see! thank you for informing me! :D do they call during weekends? So it's a higher possibility that they may call me IF i manage to pass through the first rounds since i'm still 16? and what would happen should you be unable to answer a call or if your guardian isn't around at that point of time?


    Damnnnnn now i'm worried because what if they just reject me immediately because they can't open my application doc :(


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