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angeli_kpop
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^AHHHHH!~ So happy they enjoyed their concert in the Philippines! We Filipinos sure had an epic night with them <3 KYYAAHHHHH!~ Sooooooo beautiful in person *O* I'm soooo watching this drama when it airs :) 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  2. oh woah! Loving this drama already! :) The kids are doing an awesome job! <3I'm excited for them to grow up :D Missed JaeHee and JaeWon soooo much! lol~ It's also been a long time since I last saw JiHye in a drama...This drama gives off a Can You Hear my Heart drama vibe, at least to me :P Which is not a bad thing since I loved that one :) 
    Can't wait for the 3rd ep! :o 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh, I really love this kind of plot! Older woman & younger man! ahaha :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Plus, I adore both leads! Can't wait to watch this laterrr!~ wweehh!~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    will be watching even without the subs! lol!~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh wow, what a pleasant surprise! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Been a while since I last logged in here, hehe!~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It looks great to me! Will take a while to get used to, but it's ok~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Will be browsing the forum now get myself familiar with it :D
















































































































































    I've been stalking this thread and looking around for torrent links of ep7 for already an hour! *___*








    So helplessly addicted to this drama! It's refreshing, realistic and fast-paced! <3








    The cast are all doing an amazing job :)








    Sooooo happy that subs are coming out fast^^








    so itching to watch ep7, even w/out subs! haha XD




































































































































































































































































    OMYYGGAHHH!!!~ *_____* the ending and preview for ep13!
































































































































    Great chemistry among the leads! wwoohh!~
































































































































    What a cliffhanger! >_< Saturday, please come sooner! kkyyaaahh XD
































































































































    This drama is soooo awesome! love it so much! :D
































































































































    Ah Jae Won, you're such a cutie! <3 I soooo envied Woori when he leaned over her and taught her in playing the piano
































































































































    I was like "kyyaaaahhhh"! <3 what a sweet scene!^^~
































































































































    I watched eps11-12 even w/out subs! Can't wait for the subs XD was too excited^^ will just watch it again once subs are out!~ in the meantime, I'll be replaying my fave scenes! :P
































































































































































































































































































































    2 more days! 2 more days! *murmuring to self*
































































































































    kkyyaaahhh!~ Must keep my patience! lol xD
































































































































    This drama is so addictive! Makes you cry, laugh and melt inside *__* <3
































































































































    After watching so many Asian dramas, I must say that Dong Joo's character here is one of my faves^^
































































































































    How can you not fall for him? So kind-hearted, sweet and childish at times too *sighs*
































































































































    Jae Won's doing such a great job in portraying his character like woah! Ah, he's sooooo smexy <3
































































































































    Great cast overall! Definitely on my all-time faves list :)
































































































































































































































































































































    Just watched ep 8, and woahhhhh!~ the ending! *_____*
































































































































    I need ep 9 NAOOOOOO! T__T xD
































































































































    But I have a feeling that that's part of his treatment? *sighs*
































































































































    Kim Jaewon's skin is so white and smooth, I wanna reach out and touch it! >_< <3 haha :)
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm currently watching 49 Days and Manny :D
































































































































    49 Days, such an awesome drama yo! <3 Recommended~
































































































































































































































































































































    Danggggg!~ the ending for ep6 was so *____* exciting!
































































































































    The way they look at each other!
































































































































    I giggle everytime the guys are on the screen, they're all oh sooooo fine! wooottt <3
































































































































    Jung-eum, her acting is awesome! very impressive <3
































































































































    Now, we have to wait another week! Agonizing T_T
































































































































































































































































































































    OMYYGGAAHHH!~ Just a few more hours 'til ep 5!!!
































































































































    Been waiting for daysssss! lol~
































































































































    Soooo freakin' excited O_O haha :3
































































































































    Why is Woori surrounded by hawtttt guys?! So jealous! xD
































































































































    Come on people, show more love for this drama!~ it's really good! *___* <3
































































































































































































































































































































    Loved their first ep :)
































































































































    They both look young for their age! woah <3
































































































































    I find it funny when WonJoon said that he didn't know SoHyun had a nice body, roflmaoo XD
































































































































    And he was shy about it, roflmao :3
































































































































    And their impromptu wedding!~
































































































































    Soooo looking forward to their next eps <3
































































































































































































































































































































    wwaahhh!~ thanks a lot for the preview translations! :)
































































































































    Made me more excited^^
































































































































    Sooooo looking forward to Sat & Sun *____* kkyyaaaahhh~
































































































































































































































































































































    oh, this looks good :D
































































































































    I like the idea of a man nanny = Manny :P
































































































































    Yayyy!~ It'll air later, will surely watch this!~
































































































































































































































































































































    Why so little love for this drama?! :(
































































































































    makes me sad because this is such a nice drama *__* <3
































































































































    The whole cast are soooo awesome! The young actress/actors play their characters sooo well, I'm amazed by them~
































































































































    Such a pity that we won't see them in the upcoming episodes, but it'll be exciting too because the grown-up cast will make their appearance very soon! wwaaaahhh *___*
































































































































    ah Saturday, come soonerrrr! haha XD
































































































































































































































































































































    Just finished watching ep2 :) This is getting interesting :)
































































































































    I wonder why this thread doesn't have many comments >.< It's really good~
































































































































    So excited to watch ep3!!! Looking forward to the episodes when they have grown up already :3
































































































































    AAhhh...I've developed a crush on the mini-Dongjoo :X mwahahaha! he's just soooo cuteee! *___*
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm watching ep1 right now, so far so good :)
































































































































    Mini-Dongjoo looks soooooo cute *____* hahaha <3
































































































































    He'll be a hottie when he grows up! kkyyaaahh!~
































































































































    Love their first meeting, Dongjoo & Woori^^
































































































































    Really liking this drama!
































































































































































































































































































































    Oh, first ep was good :) Enjoyed watching it even w/out the subs :3
































































































































    Really like the chemistry between the leads^^
































































































































    Their first meeting was funny! lol xD
































































































































    The male lead is soooo hawt *_____* mwahaha ;)
































































































































































































































































































































    Oh, a new drama :)
































































































































    Haven't watched any dramas of the leads yet :X
































































































































    So I guess I'll be watching this^^
































































































































    It's airing later! wooohh!~
































































































































































































































































































































    Ah, I have a feeling I'll love this drama :) Oh yeah^^
































































































































    Thanks for the presscon pics! Casts look great! <3
































































































































    Jung Eum looks like she gained some weight, still pretty nevertheless!
































































































































    Hope some team will sub this soon because I'm dying to watch it XD :D
































































































































































































































































































































    4 yrs old! Pentium D! But still working fine^^
































































































































    I love my XP! hahaha~

































































  • Create New...

Important Information

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