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  4. i have not a single doubt that Hyesung will win in Immortal Song 2. what i'm really hoping [-O< is that he can beat the number of votes that Jung Dong Ha got when Kim Tae Won appeared as his special guest. if i'm not mistaken it's 438. if he can beat it, that's another honor for Shinhwa :D

  5. wow, it was really like a true acting workshop. they were all embarrassed looking at each other's acting. i don't why but i'm embarrassed too =)) . HS is really not meant to be an actor. he's so awkward :)) . i was surprised with Eric. he is the actor in the group (aside from DW of course) and yet he looks awkward especially w/ the members watching him. Eric is my bias but seriously, i think he needs to undergo more acting workshop to hone his acting skills :)>-. DW  is in his usual dorky self, but i see the potential. but we all know he is really good, don't we? MW is impressive. he can be a good actor if he's just given the right project.

  6. i thought as a fan i was ready if they got girlfriends & go public about it since they're all in the marrying age already but it seems i'm not. even though JJ is not my bias but i still felt a little pang of sadness. idk, maybe because she's a rookie & i feel JJ might be used for spica's publicity although watching their videos, i can say that she's talented. her group is good actually, when it comes to singing, but i still don't like it one bit. >:P

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  8. Seriously, if the plan for Eric to join Law of the Jungle pushes through, i'm really worried for Eric's health. I was able to watch some eps from Season1 before & i really pity them coz they were somewhere in Africa & the mosquitoes are so big! The cast, esp Kwanghee, had mosquito bites the size of a button. And they sometimes got starved & had to eat insects that they caught, etc. Kim Byung Man is a hardcore jungle man, he's so tough he can survive anywhere. & he's got some temper too. Ricky Kim is so competitive, he can be just as tough as KBM. I just can't imagine Eric fitting in between these 2 guys :(. He looks so pampered, he's got assistants, he's the boss. Then here in this show he'll look like a little kid, i mean, we know sometimes he easily gets scared. Well, maybe i'm wrong since he's already had training when he enlisted in the military.

    On the other hand, it will be a good experience for Eric. He'll get to know what it's like to live in the wild.  Maybe he'll cry too like how other casts cried when they missed their family & friends back home. He will be tougher, more manly, etc. He can teach Shinhwa members how to survive in a jungle. Well, on second thought, i must say it will be exciting to see Eric on that show. I hope it pushes through.. [-O<

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    Andy is really one of the strongest among the group but i'm kinda worried for Andy since we all know that he's got problem with his back right now. In this cap of beatle's code, after dancing his heart out his eyes looked so tired.. 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    Anyway, i'm praying for his & Hyesung's full recovery so that they can do more shows, more albums, more concerts for their fans. About the SB concept, i wish they would do the 1N2D concept wherein they will do group race & whoever loses will sleep in a tent in the middle of the city, or they can do hiking & sleep all together in a tent. That would be so funny i think :rolleyes:

































































































































































































































































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