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  • Posts

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Posts posted by blinkiz

  1. I have a question (ok, maybe two and more...) and wondering if anyone can help ...


    In Ep 15, Sigma said he engineered all the events leading to the couple falling in love. One of the scenes showed the fan mails Tae Sul received after he got out of the hospital and how a little girl's letter (not Seol Hae though) was eventually chosen. Of cos that led to his famous response about how he would be so old by the time the girl grew up. Was there a letter from Seol Hae in the pile? Can't figure out why they would zoom in on the envelopes.


    I can't also figure out the significance of the Forbes Magazines covers with Tae Sul. There were quite a few but I think the ones in Ep1 and Ep 16 of him in the glasses were the same issue while Seol Hae came across another issue of him in a suit when she was ripping out BTS' pictures. Just wondering if the words on the cover bear any important meaning to the story.


  2. On 3/14/2021 at 8:42 PM, lduc said:


    Sisyphus The Myth Timeline


    1997, sometime: birth of Sun

    2001 August, 6: Tae San saw a man in the railway holding a picture of Tae Sul.


    2010 August, 11: Tae Sul's big day also the day he and Tae San had an argument, the last time he saw his brother.

    2010 August, 12: A dead body he thought was his brother.


    2012 September 30: birth of Seo Hae


    2020 August, 12: Seo Hae managed to escape from group of men hunting her
    2020 August 19: Rescue of cop-turned-bureau time traveler who would eventually torture Seo Hae

    2020 September, 30: Tae Sul cure Seo Hae's wounded hand after they looked for Sigma

    2020 October, 31: The day the war will happen that Seo Hae's been warning Tae Sul about


    2021: The Uploader

    2035: Seo Hae found her diary next to two corpse grave




    Thanks for the timeline and I thought I would add to it - the careless hopping around in terms of timing in the drama is what makes this such a difficult drama to follow.


    So can someone confirm the age of the Seo Hae who returned to 2020? 23 ... 24? Tae Sul in 2020 was 30?
    Just trying to figure out if even everyone survived or there's no war, there is still a 22 year gap between Tae Sul and Seo Hae so he would be in his fifties when she reaches adulthood. 

    • Like 4
  3. 22 minutes ago, Winny said:


    It's this pic... SR will not die, so we can still hope for happy ending :relaxed: (cross fingers)






    Thank you!!! The setting and clothing do match and anyway, he is someone who is always crossing the line/border for her!


    Now I am curious as to whether the scene of them meeting the corrupt NK officer (who's trying to bring his family down) came before or after this scene. It could well be that they met for the last time, declared their love and promised to wait for each other before the men return to NK to confront the big bad and right all wrongs before they can be together.

    • Like 7
  4. so, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Essentially, Cha Ok did misreport the bus company case but her mistake lies in not checking the death certificate and believing in the lies of the deceased's vengeful family members. She is, in this case, more of a victim though of course, the mistake lies in not being thorough in her investigation. 

    This mistake is thus similar to that of Dalpo/Hamyung's first case, where they misreported because they did not verify all the details carefully.

    I'm not trying to stick up for her as she made these similar mistakes repeatedly in order to drive up ratings and that has become her habitual habit, and she deserves punishment for being such a "quick, jump to negative conclusions" reporter.

    But I guess, In Ha is then hiccupping in the preview because Dalpo/Hamyung in his haste to bring down Cha Ok, may not be reporting the full facts of the story, then committing the same mistakes as Cha Ok. This show seems to be such a continuous learning loop but I hope it will be In Ha to the rescue!!! Hopefully, In Ha will be the balancing factor in love and revenge. 

  5. *Mega Sighs*
    I was expecting that they will probably have to part but I'm hoping that it won't come to this stage. Now, they have really done it and ruin Christmas!!! That poor button is being tossed aside now!
    While I haven't watched or understood what's really going on, I'm thinking the brothers may have jumped the gun in their revenge scheme. Their aim is probably to discredit Cha Ok and reveal her as an unreliable reporter who works the news angle as she wishes. But I was hoping that Cha Ok, in planning this interview with JM, is actually intending to apologise to him onscreen, acknowledging her role in their family breakup, especially after what In Ha said. I guess that will go to *poof* now.
    Oh wells, can I just forego all the christmas pressies and hibernate till the happy ending appears...

    *Whoops, in my sadness I forgot to thank all the live recappers and translators for tonight! Thank you all!!!

  6. TheFoodMonster said: @MayS The site is showing the preview of episode 11. It was already translated by Hitoritabi already.

    Midsummer Night’s Dream

    Dalpo tells Jaemyung that he is his brother Ki Hamyoung; Jaemyung is shocked to the core. He confesses to Hamyoung that he is a murderer and asks Dalpo to give up the name ‘Ki Hamyoung’ and live on happily as ‘Choi Dalpo’. On the other hand, Beomjo senses that Hamyoung is dangerous and decides to dig up his past, but Inha warns him against it.

    Tumblr Hitoritabi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Woahhhh...I too want to shout out my joy at having two more episodes to watch (though they really messed with us by cutting down existing episodes to 45 minutes). The actors and actresses, despite most being fairly new and unknown, did really well in my opinion and had excellent chemistry with each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The title with its Vol 1 tag also gives me hope that there could be a Vol 2 (with better editing hopefully) but I really want Im Ju Hwan back. He has chosen mostly very low key (ratings) projects to lead thus far and only those few who watched him realised how expressive he is. Can't wait to see his works post-army!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    PS: the pink tracksuit guy/ghost is actually a really cute character
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love you for providing the links!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh is there a site where I can get c-subbed episodes for other dramas? Have been looking frantically since co2r closed down ):































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You're welcome - sorry this has nothing to do with I am Legend but just to answer the question quickly. You can go to the respective drama pages in soompi (either the first if someone's updating or the last few pages). I believe Shirley has been helping to post megaupload links for a few of the recent dramas.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's the megaupload link for Chinese subbed Episode 12
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    While I am at it, consolidating the other Chinese subbed download links (Ep 1-11) kindly provided by Shirley too:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 1 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P8WJZ1US
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XNDZ4677
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RUBPR8RM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 4 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7L0549TX
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 5 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SV2BQ3IA
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 6 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YF0MIIRH
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 7 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L0Z1ONJ0
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 8 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PSXM6LF0
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 9 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LND9EJ5I
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 9 (Version 2) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0MBOWGMT
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 10 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U4Z7E607
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 11 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9GR786YS






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Not sure if this has been posted, but here's the link for Chinese Subbed Episode 11.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    While I am at it, consolidating the other Chinese subbed download links kindly provided by Shirley too:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 1 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P8WJZ1US
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XNDZ4677
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RUBPR8RM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 4 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7L0549TX
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 5 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SV2BQ3IA
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 6 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YF0MIIRH
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 7 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L0Z1ONJ0
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 8 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PSXM6LF0
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 9 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LND9EJ5I
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 9 (Version 2) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0MBOWGMT
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 10 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U4Z7E607

































































































































  11. Its not from the Smile,You OST, and im not sure whats the title but here's the link to the Mp3 version:


    Its on the 7th link..


    The name of the song in Chinese is 告白.

    I don't know how to speak in English, might be: Confession?

    It's said a woman wants to confess her love to the man with whom she has been keeping friends for a long time.

    ooohhh...thank you both! I really like her version at the awards but it is unfortunately tooooo short =(

































































































































    ohhhh ye the preview..thanks!! ..nod* it was sad to hear how mr han didnt recognise his daughter voice .and that make ji wan so sorrow ..because it has been years that she hear her father voice .and he didnt recogn her voice( which is normal ..mr han will not expect to know the other side of the phone .is the daughter he had been longing to see . but strange didnt they look for her .when she disappeared ? or maybe efforts showed it was hopeless?? i am curious to know)
































































































































    wahahha... he couldn't recognise her voice because they are COMPLETELY different (the young versus adult actresses')!
































































































































    HYS' breathy, want to die voice is another thing that irked me when she first appeared.
































































































































    I wanted to pump some oxygen into her so that she can sound more 'solid' rather than breathless!
































































































































    *runs away and hide before people kill me*

































































































































































































    On another note, I don't know who is more annoyed with HaJoon's exaggerated behavior, me or poor Agent Im. I felt like slapping him so many times while watching the last two episodes. Good thing, he kinda made it up with what he said to JiSung about not-letting-go-of-DoKyung. I do hope that somehow HaJoon and Agent Im would end up together, because they would make a really cute couple, amidst all these chaos.

    Oh, and I understand (REALLY, I do!) how sophisticated CJW/HDK is, but does she really have to chew twenty-times before she swallowed her food? I found it very visually-irritating <_<































































































































    I actually like HaJoon in the beginning but I think he has gotten totally bonkers in the head due to L.O.V.E. In fact, after he spilled out the secret that the cute-cute agent told him when drunk, I thought he deserved to be whack and kicked in the richard simmons. I also loved the scene in Ep 7 when the cute agent told him off about how he kept "using" her for information and how she will not tell him despite how much she liked him.
































































    YOU GO GAL!!! This is to me is believable - love doesnt necessary make people lose all their senses and rationality.
































































    I also believe that if Hajoon hook up with her, he will become a lot smarter and less irritating. :rolleyes:

    And Ay_Link, that's just it. The problem is that this series isn't horrible. In some ways, I wish it were because then I'd just give it up and be done with it and move onto another series without a thought, but this series is just so mediocre and yet so full of potential that it just kills me that the writers are doing such a hatchet job with this storyline. But the fact that the staff and crew of the show are trying to get their acts together so I'll wait until next weekend to see if they can pull it off. Just my 1.3 cents worth.
































































    woooh... soonjap, I have to applaud your posts and for putting many of my feelings into words! And it's so true, at this moment, AirCity is not rock bottom yet - just that we are keeping our fingers crossed that the next episode will not deteriorate to that state.
































































    Lulu was a real riot, I actually gave it a chance right up till Ep 8 or 10 [i was even the joke among friends for having watched it up till then]. But, I simply had to throw my hands up in the air and told myself that I really cannot afford to waste time on such a HUH show as much as I like the male lead.
































































































































    Anyways, having read through the past few pages, I came to realise that there are around 4 type of viewers in this thread
































































    (1) Storyline doesnt matter so long as he's hot, looks hot and stays hot
































































    (2) Storyline doesnt matter so long as there's plenty of love and kisses
































































    (3) Storyline does matter a bit but I should lower my expectations to match what the writers give me
































































    (4) Everything matters because I refuse to be taken on a ride by writers who think I am dumb
































































    This is not meant to be offending to anyone and I think the diversity in opinion is great since everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just wanted to stress that I am not trying to impose my thoughts on anyone but thank you for giving me an outlet to express my thoughts 0=)

































































































































    hohoho....blinkiz, cool down :D Me from NUS, but I not worked up at all. Afterall, this is k drama. LOL.

    I simply love this show. Nevermind abt the story plot etc etc and whatever that didnt guite gel tog. I watch it for the hotties and the awesome acting from the cast!!! Haaaa....































































































































    wahaha... I AM calm! I don't really care about the website, I just can't stand sloppy work!
































































    I like the hotties too, but sometimes, there's a limit to the amount of drama illogic that they throw at us that we simply need to rant. :rolleyes:
































































    ... but of course, we'll keep watching until we cannot take it anymore!!!

































































































































    hey! blinkiz i totally argree with you! are you from singapore then? NUS? i am and i totally feel they should give some credit and not jus RIP it OFF and replace it! its SOOO obvious! look at the screen again! below the heading it says

    welcome to NUS yah, right SIngapore university crap.































































































































    hahahah... then again, I dun think NUS will appreciate being known as the institution that churned out drug traffickers and not too bright airport staff!!!
































































































































































    My apologies for this since I am here to rant as I NEED to rant ...
































    I have been watching this drama on the quiet (means not coming in to soompi to read the reviews/rantings/etc) and was really looking forward to each new episode. But that was then ... I mean I really started off loving this drama but the recent episodes have been really irritating. I truly hope that it doesn't continue on its current downward spiral and want to shout out loud to the PDs and writers to do something ... anything ... to move it back up again!!!
































    Ok, first, reasons as to why I love(d) this drama ...
































    - the initial episodes actually looked so real. I love it that they are filming it within the REAL airport setting, with believable concerns and plots (starting). What's more I do love Seoul International airport and the PDs are allowing me a real insider's glimpse into all its workings, right down to changing lightbulbs on the runway.
































    - the casts!!! All the yummy male and female eye-candies and great initial chemistry to boot!
































    - that CJW is for once, a capable and successful career woman who is confident, assured and determined. I even forgave her mangled Mandarin as I do feel sorry for the breakneck speed she had to translate for LJJ when he was interrogating the prisoner. I would probably trip all over my tongue if I have to suddenly switch to a different language and speak so quickly. Her only weakness is probably her guilt at abandoning her sister when young, and i guess I can understand that from this deep seated guilt, she then becomes weak and may subsequently lapse into times where her mind will not work properly thus causing her to on occasion, allow single teardrops to start spilling down her cheek blah blah blah.
































    BUT ....
































    like someone in the thread had implied earlier, I am not too sure if it was the PD's fault, the writer's fault or the actress' fault for the recent mindboggling turns.
































    I guess the most pressing question on my mind is how can the lead actress, one minute being such a confident and cocky no-nonsense head becomes such a helpless damsel in distress the very next second, looking as though she has just lost her first love all over again (just because she thought he might be her half-brother) or that she's gonna die of a terminal disease the next day.
































    I mean come on, even if you are shocked at being betrayed by an old friend, my sense is that you will start feeling truly indignant and fight back. You will be protesting, holding your head up high and perhaps even issue commands and reasons as to why they should not detain you. Her attempts at being "spunky" and trying to protest that she does not do drugs are all very half hearted to me - there's unfortunately no look of strength blazing from those dead looking eyes. All those scenes at the prison cell, the curling up in fear and helplessness, the dead eyes, the HUH look when you see someone else u care about beating up the investigator ... Oh my, I can go on and on.
































    I mean the character is just so inconsistent - starting off so well and then I don't know what to say .... Her stylist has also let her hair down in Episode 8. This to me is an attempt to portray the image of her as a damsel in distress needing help and rescue from her two testorone-charged love interests.
































    I suppose the utter impossibility of it is that she, being an experienced airport staff should know NEVER to carry anything for someone else without thoroughly checking through the goods. Afterwards, she would have known straight away that something was up the minute that dog started sniffing through her paperbag and should have become suspicious or offer the bag for checking rather than "HEY, you can't do this" or "stop it". Those actions really show her as an involved guilty party.
































    I don't want to go into the storyline since I am honestly a bit lost when the story goes all over the world to catch that ONE guy. My guess is that based on what I have watched thus far, K-drama is not all that good on this sort of intrigue, plotting, mystery, crime kinda stories.
































    Oh and finally, I think NUS (National University of Singapore) should totally sue MBC - that was truly sloppy on whoever's part to come up with the screen. The webpage that Ha Joon was surfing in Ep 7 to try to find Jung Min's address - OMG! How can they just rip away the top part and replace the header with something like Singapore University, then paste a picture of some random building (which I am sure is again ripped from another university's site) from elsewhere to make it look the part of a university's webpage. AND then ... rip the the rest of the page totally from NUS' webpage, even with the name etc still on it.
































    *shakes head in disbelief*

































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