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Posts posted by luluponyazn

  1. 8 hours ago, phuong1317 said:

    I’m rooting for SWL after all the backlash it’s good to see him do so well in this episode

    why do I feel even though everyone hates CT they may still try to reconcile everything it’s going to make me so mad but a lot of Chinese dramas do that So it won’t surprise me I just want her gone

    I’m really liking XCZ she’s a little bratty but who wouldn’t be with that kind of mom I love her scene with ZQ when she was telling him that LX did want to go back to China but she asked him to stay because she was scared to be the only one with her crazy mom I want to see her be free and grow to be independent she’s already on the path to freedom since she’s working at ZQ cafe and in the preview she’s fighting back about ZQ family not being as bad as her mom is making them out to be


    Yea, I've grown to quite love XCZ as well. She's probably the one kid with the saddest life among all of the young ones, so it's amazing that she's still turned out okay.


    The scene in Singapore where she saved his shoes just broke my heart. These two poor kids. 

    • Like 2
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  2. 1 hour ago, cheekychipmunk_stv said:



    Me me me 


    I love how HM just say matter of fact that she likes to be JJ stepmother now. :joy: Rendering  Li papa to speechless and happiness at the same time. He is always such a gentleman and he already won her over long time ago when she saw how he loves children and how he treats ZQ on first meeting.  After all these years, he is still the same heartwarming man who loves children. 


    Li papa hurry up and marry HM so that she can put CT in her place if she ever step on any of the kids.


    Hahaha. They were a much needed dose of happiness and cuteness in today's episodes. 


    But my goodness, SWL's acting today for LX's scenes were just superb. This boy has a bright future ahead of him.

    • Like 5
  3. 5 hours ago, Mercipourleslivres said:

    I noticed that too! She uses little orange as an excuse for everything...idk if she thinks that way LX won’t argue back ? But orange is clearly not having it. The scene where the mom yells at her and says she doesn’t want to go back to Singapore because orange just yells at her all the time is really telling. The mom wants/needs LX to be her punching bag. She’s an emotional vampire and he is her supply. She wants someone who will sit and continue to take her abuse but I think she’s going to find out that LX has his limits and she’s meeting them. 

    This show hits a little close to home sometimes as growing up I was the child who refused to put up with my mother’s bs, constantly yelling and arguing with her about the manipulative ways she treated us. In the end she focused on my younger brother who learned to take care of her moods keep the boat rocking. So now she doesn’t talk to me anymore and my poor brother is still emotionally chained to her like a dog..


    Hugs from afar~ =)

    I'm sorry about your mom. 


    That's why I love this show. There is at least one character or one scenario where we can relate to, but we have angelic characters like Li Ba and JJ, who bring light to all the harsh realities of life. The show doesn't hide the darkness, but choose to address it with hope, tenderness, love, and empathy. 

    • Like 7
  4. 18 minutes ago, rocky689 said:

    Why am I seeing people commenting under video clips that ZQ and that rotten orange are endgame??? She's not even out of high school yet. I can't even bare the thought of her crushing on him. Writers, please stop adding scenes with them together. She needs to stop going to his cafe every single day and go out and make some friends her own age.

    It's only speculation for now. I think XCZ may develop some type of feelings towards ZQ, though not necessarily romantic. She's been unloved for pretty much her whole life under such a suffocating family, so it makes sense that ZQ feels like a breath of fresh air and may feel like a true older brother. 

    • Like 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, luvhollandlop said:

    @Mercipourleslivres I reactivated my account just to air my thoughts about this show too. 
    Anyway, I hope the mum lying in hospital bed scene is in the context that she is receiving help in the mental hospital voluntarily. That will be most ideal. 
    Apparently, LX’s mum is such a hated character that in one of the clips from the production team showed that the crew refused to feed the actress proper meals and passed her uncooked instant noodles. 

    The following discussion contains spoilers.

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    I was so heart broken to see LX looking so insecure when JJ looked surprised at his sudden proposal. He had to cover up and say not now but after he had earned enough to buy her an apartment... And the scene where he kissed her in front of his mum, he had tears in his eyes when she ran off...


    Not sure how to interpret his actions for these 2 scenes. Perhaps with context, it will not look so bad. As of now, I felt, LX gave the impression that he is acting out of desperation in the 2 scenes. He is reaching out to her to be saved from his mum’s clutches... JJ’s reactions made him feel insecure... I don’t like this. He needs to resolve this feeling like he owes his mum a debt that cannot be paid.

    Another scene also showed LX’s younger sister appearing in ZQ’s cafe again... Netizens were livid with anger because they r worried that the 2 will become a couple...



    Yea, I try not to over-interpret a scene though for this drama. This scriptwriter always seem to have a surprise waiting for the viewers. It's apparent though that the LX is walking towards the edge of a mental breakdown, so I don't think he's in full control of his own actions. 


    I'm not aware of that BTS video. Was it a joke?


    This comment contains spoilers. 


    There is a video clip showing CT cutting up LX's pictures of the 3 kids together while he was in Singapore, like how she tore up his sole picture of his little sister. The show hasn't shown us the full extent of what LX has gone through.


    • Like 2
  6. 15 minutes ago, Mercipourleslivres said:

    Hi everyone! I made a soompi account just so I could talk about this show! (I’m obsessed.) I’ve been pouring over all the clips that have come out but I noticed two scenes that I don’t think have happened yet....


    During the opening credits, at 1:07 and 1:37 there are two scenes I’m wondering about. The first one shows LX smacking a table and literally standing up to his mom. The second scene shows him holding someone’s hand who is in a hospital bed while smiling. I’m worried LJJ could be the one in the hospital! Pretty sure he never smiled and held his mom or little sisters hands, or ZQ either. (Wow everybody in this show has to visit the hospital lol.)


    What do you all think?? Are these new/upcoming scenes or did I miss them somewhere?? 

    Love reading all your posts! May we unite in hatred of LX’s evil mom!


    Haha, I reactivated my Soompi account of many years just so I can talk about this show too. 


    As for your question, I believe the table smacking one will occur in the subsequent episodes during his confrontation with his mom. As for the hospital scene, I believe that's also his mom on the hospital bed. You can examine the close ups. 

    • Like 4
  7. Just want to pop in to say that I am SO GLAD that Ara is seriously considering the LSG drama instead of the previous SSH drama that just sounded like a messy melodrama that will go down in flames. 
    I'm quite excited to see her future performances. You have quite a bright future and a beautiful heart to stabilize your walk in that path, Ara. 

  8. My answer to Activity 7
    A combination of A and D. I thought he was cute and polite, and he was taking Appa's fanboying over him extremely well. But I was more excited in episode 2 about Trash's official introduction as potential husband candidate. 
    Well, who knew that 5 episodes later, my heart was going to be stolen by him in that can throwing scene with NJ. 
    Lulu, USA

  9. Thank you guys for all your hard work in putting this together. Sorry I took so long in deciding a lady for our man, as I didn't just want to pair him with anybody. I like Jung Yumi, but she was made out to be too much like NJ#2 in the scene, and Miso didn't seem to have any romantic vibe with CB, so I choose....
    Zheng Wei (郑微) from the movie and novel, So Young, or To Our Forgone Youth (致我们终将逝去的青春)bc305bae34001273201d08.jpg
    She's spunky. She's fierce. She never hides what is in her heart, and she never gives up.  Once she loves, she gives her all even if it means getting her heart brutalized in the end.  For someone as headstrong and passionate as Najung, if not more so, she has shown that her love can change with time, upon the realization that the other person is just not the right one. That's why I think Chilbong and her will be a great match personality and experience-wise (ignoring the language barrier) because she also knows the pains of a failed first love, and once they do fall in love, I know that she will give him her all and stick by him through the thick and think, like he deserves. What's more, she also knows the pains of a broken family, but loves and hopes regardless, she's not school-savvy but smart as a whip when needed with super high EQ to boot, and they should be around the same age, since she went to college in the 90's too. As a bonus, they both tried to give the person they loved a cake on their own birthdays, and she will be a force to be reckoned with against Najung, so I know that she will not relent in giving Najung a discount for their apartment in 2014. :D
    Here is the YT link to the english-subbed movie for reference
    Lulu, USA





    Especially when everything is an allegory to Italian culture, going through the back for the endnotes after every line was the most obnoxious thing in the world. It sounds pretty in Italian though.

    Catch-22 was difficult especially in the beginning and I had to drag myself to the end of the book. Toooo many characters to keep up with. Good novel though.




    I'm waiting for someone to say Twilight or any of her cringe-inducing books... :)







    Here I am to say Twilight!! ^_^




    My friend kept recommending it to me for over a year, saying that it is even better than Harry Potter.




    I finally gave in and read it in senior year. Biggest Mistake. I kept finding myself waking up with the book next to me and no pages flipped. When Bella was locked in the dance room, I kept anticipating some action (very necessary at this point to keep me interested), and then poof, the chapter ended with her lying in bed in the next second. I wanted to slap myself at the time.




    Even though I found a lot of classic books difficult to read at the time (Scarlet Letter...-_-), it felt worthwhile afterwards because the book meant something. With Twilight, I felt it was a horrible waste of whatever hours I kept reading and falling asleep through it, and I will never get those hours back... ToT




    One of my favorite books is Crime and Punishment. I even had a small crush on Raskolnikov at the time. hahaha




























    wow, you have quite a list.








    I've recently just watched Farewell, My Concubine, have been meaning to for a long time and finally did it.








    so glad that i did, b/t it was a PHENOMENAL movie.








    it was so rich with all sorts of emotions.








    people compare the King and the Clown with Farewell, My Concubine. I don't think the two really compares.








    King and Clown trailer really shocked me in a good way and made me crave to watch the movie,








    but the actual movie was disappointing.








    Concubine on the other hand was fulfilling in so many ways.








    Leslie Cheung is just simply amazing. He's easily one of my most favorite Chinese actors.








    and now i really want to watch Happy Together.
















    my story of watching the Wedding Banquet was quite funny.








    i think my family was just bored one day and went to blockbusters.








    my mom was desperate for Chinese films, and so she saw this, and grabbed it w/o knowing what it's about.








    i think they were quite shocked to see the actual content. my family is a little on the traditional side.








    though i enjoyed it a lot.








    I love the dad. he's just so cool in so many ways.








    btw, i don't appreciate the turn to melodrama, sappy, idealized turn for gay films/dramas as much. It just doesn't have the same affect on me as an audience.








    I did enjoy Love of Siam, but more b/c of the music, the cute people, and the trials of the family. The relationship b/t the 2 boys was sweet, but it doesn't have the same effect on me. It was more of like an "awwww..." than an "omg! i'm sensing this profound change in myself"








    but i do wanna watch Bangkok Love Story. It looks really good.











    Hi everyone. I'm here to let more people know about BOBO. They're not exactly Net Idols, but they're still cute!

    These boys are from mainland.

    Fu Xin Bo




    Jing Bo Ran




    For more pictures, video, and info, please visit their thread. BOBO

    If this is considered spam, please ignore me and forgive me on the account that I brought you good looking guys. *gah~~ escapes~~*

























    yay. fell in love w/ him in the Illusionist. Can't wait till The Painted Veil comes out. He, Russel Crowe, and Ewan McGreggor are my fav western actors.












    takuya and wonbin look somewhat similar but not chen....


    chen is pretty ugly actually and not that attractive.........



    "pretty ugly"


    are you saying that Chen Kun got famous b/c the sense of beauty in Chinese people is skewed, and therefore he got famous and popular b/c of his "ugliness"? Or how do you define ugliness, b/c one of the "hottest" Korean starts is thought to be very "ugly" in China, it's a wonder how he's so very popular, they say.





    Seriously? I think Takuya's skills are really good, but it kind of varies and I wasn't as impressed with his work as with Chen Kun's. But I think that's because the stuff that Chen Kun's been in has more depth. I was really impressed by his balance of comedy and seriousness in Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress.


    Yes. I watched a LOT of Takuya dramas years back b/c my mom kept borrowing them, so i think i watched like 8 to 10 of his dramas, maybe even more. My first was Long Vacation, though his acting skills were still a bit raw in it. 空から降る一億の星was one of the best series he was in, although i didn't like the very constraining atmosphere. I only watched 2 to 3 of Chen Kun's works, so i'm not as familiar w/ Chen Kun as i'm with Takuya. But since Chinese dramas go to like 40 episodes, and Japanese ones are like 10 episodes, I guess it's kinda even....lol....





    this is a korean celebrity site so people are going to go for wonbin, but i think takuya kimura is the best actor among the three, i've never been a big fan of wonbin's acting for some reason. as for looks, i'd say that they're all obviously very attractive people. i think wonbin and chen kun both look handsome...but in a generic way, especially wonbin.


    i agree. my rank of acting skills would be


    1. takuya kimura


    2. chen kun


    3. won bin


    i was really amazed at one drama takuya was in, it was a classic.



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